After All, Harry

By pottyweepotter

154K 2.4K 4.3K

**THIRD BOOK IN FOREVER, GINNY SERIES** 1. Forever, Ginny 2. Through the War 3. After All, Harry ... More

keys and coffee
that's rather sweet
tryouts and tribulations
newspapers and quidditch
if i lost you
los magos borrachos
no, absolutely not
its the 90s
an unexpected visit
the hog's head
arrogant twat for once
recovery and cameras
ought to be more specific
young, wild and free
help you find out
wish i was
head of this organization
dark rooms and discussions
out of the question
not feeling too well
do what i want
say it more often
put your shirt back on
bound to be short lived
nott's and tangles
vernon's visit
the quiet before the storm
with horrible gesture
do you want an honest answer?
little black dress
still want you to come
a walk in the garden
your size?
the pot-weasle-pin cottage
a note from your favorite author ;)
"ginny and harry smooching time"
the prep
the cracked quaffle

new flat and new promises

6.5K 75 190
By pottyweepotter

Harry stepped in his new home, flapping his jacket to let the warm air in and stowing the keys back into his pockets. He took in the sight, the modest apartment around him empty and simple. It wasn't too glamorous, but it wasn't cramped. It was perfect. He loved it.

Apparently, so did Ginny. She practically rammed into him from behind, slamming the door behind them and fawning over the flat immediately, leaving Harry to observe by the door quietly. Currently, she was figuring out how to use the microwave, which was keeping her quite entertained.

"I know that Dad took one of these home once, I never got to use it, since Mum made him throw it out." She mused, pressing multiple buttons and putting various objects inside.

Harry smiled at his energetic girlfriend, hauling in the suitcases from the hallway and taking them into the living room. Soon, he and Ginny would have to unpack everything into their separate rooms. Ginny had been very adamant when saying she wanted to stay in the same room, but that was where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley drew the line.

"It doesn't matter anyway - I'll sleep in your room either way, they don't have to know." Ginny had winked at him after her parents had left the room and Harry laughed loudly.

Back to the present, he stared fondly at Ginny, who was now in the living room examining the television. She was just so perfect for him, he realized, and he was so, so lucky.

Walking over, he crouched down to where Ginny was and smiled. "What are you doing to that television?" He teased, for Ginny was fiddling with the knobs. She glared at him.

"I'm only curious!" She said, putting her hands up defensively. "We've definitely got to start unpacking soon, I don't want Hermione to come back and see the place a mess." Ginny reasoned, standing up and taking a good look at the place.

"She'd throw a fit, probably."

"Ron would be right at home." Ginny quipped. Harry snorted.

Ginny took her suitcase and started unpacking her belongings in her room, which was smaller than Harry's, but she said it didn't really matter, since she'd be spending ninety percent of the time in his room. She only brought half of her things from the Burrow, since she still had to live there somewhat. Ginny reckoned she'd probably sneak over in the night.

After he was done unpacking some boxes, and bringing in groceries ( Ginny was fascinated by the muggle grocery store, picking out every muggle snack and sweet she thought looked enticing ), he pulled some ingredients out and unpacked kitchen stools, setting down bowls and putting away cups and plates. It was already starting to look like a decent home, and Harry felt a tinge of pride looking at it. The living space was cluttered with boxes, paint buckets and brushes littered all over the tarp covered floor. Harry began painting the other day when he came alone, doing it the muggle way - he finished, just hadn't gotten around to putting it all away. The only real piece of furniture was the coffee table sitting in the corner.

Harry took to cooking, since, no offense to Ginny, she was an awful cook. He'd always remember the time she blew up the stove in the Burrow during the summer before his fifth year. Ginny was so embarrassed, but Sirius thought it was rather hilarious, stating he always hated the ugly kitchen at Grimmauld Place. Harry smiled at the memory.

He was in the middle of making Scotch Eggs, something that the Dursleys enjoyed and made him make often, when a barn owl flew through the fireplace, dropping the letter down on the counter. Harry immediately recognized it as a Ministry owl, for it had a MM charm around it's leg. He supposed he should've expected a letter from them at some point, since the war only ended two months ago.

Opening it, he set down the plates he was getting out and unraveled the scroll.

Dear Mr.Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Auror Training Program, and encourage you to join us 3rd of August 1998. Please owl us by July the 20th.

The Auror Department
Ministry for Magic

Harry set down the letter, baffled. He felt conflicted - two years ago he would've jumped at the chance to become an Auror right away, but now with the Ministry being so fucked at the moment, he didn't know. It felt wrong to practically go against everything he stood for and work for the Ministry when the Ministry worked against him all of his life.

He didn't even realize he spent almost fifteen minutes just staring at the letter when Ginny walked in, sniffing the air, already changed. Earlier, wearing Harry's jeans and muggle band t-shirt, she changed into Harry's sweatpants and a sports bra.

"It smells nice in here - is that eggs?" She asked, sitting down at a stool at the counter, taking a plate.

He didn't respond, too engrossed in his own thoughts.

"Harry?" Ginny was concerned. For the past few weeks he'd have panic or anxiety attacks and they'd always start like this - him zoning out. It seemed like neither of them could be left alone with their thoughts for too long - it was painful. It happened to her too.

Harry looked up, distracted. "Hmm?"

"You just zoned out, I thought you were..." Ginny trailed off and he nodded. Setting the letter down, he set his elbows down on the counter and burying his face in his arms. His hands were in his hair, like always.

"I got accepted and invited into the Auror Program." He mumbled and Ginny looked up, her face radiant but confused.

"What?" She smiled. "That's great!" She examined his facial expression and stature.

She sighed, not annoyed but in concern. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's wrong, actually. Hard to tell, these days." He laughed sarcastically, his head still hidden away. "It just seems hypocritical to work for the Ministry when I've bashed it and spoken against it almost all my life."

Ginny furrowed her brows, staring at her boyfriend incredulously. "Harry." She folded her arms. "If that's what this is about then-''

Harry finally looked up. "No, no, it's not just that, it's also the fact that the Ministry's ridiculed and targeted me since I was fourteen, and to work for them now..." He shook his head, both bitterly and angry. "I hate it... to work for them is too go against everything I stand for." He frowned. "The Ministry is fucked. Right now, it's still infiltrated with ex-Death Eaters and supporters... it'll be hard to round them all up within Ministry guidelines, and with the people we're rounding up working there as well."

Ginny's eyes widened.

"We're not going to kill them, if that's what you think!" Harry held his hands up, shaking his head furiously. "I'd never kill anyone on purpose or without self defense reasoning... I could never."

Ginny nodded, her shoulders visibly relaxing.

"The Auror Department also has to file so many warrants and rules that it'll be practically impossible to find them without taking literal decades. We have to do it ourselves. Of course," He added, "You don't have to, or your family."

Ginny laughed, shaking her head. "Harry, you are part of the family, you know. We're doing this together." She reassured him, taking his hand from his hair and taking ahold of it gently.

Harry smiled half heartedly, stealing one last glance at the Ministry letter. Looking up again, he squeezed Ginny's hand.


"Are you angry with me?" He asked gingerly. "For not taking the job?"

Ginny stared at him as though he were the dumbest boy on the planet - sometimes, he could be. Harry grinned self consciously, his usually brown skin bright pink on the cheeks. "What?"

"What, what?" His eyebrows stitched together, and Ginny shook her head.

"I'm not angry with you! Of course not!" She laughed, pulling Harry up from the barstool and to the half empty living room.

Harry smiled sheepishly. "Well, I just thought you'd think my reasoning was... I dunno - stupid?" He laughed, and Ginny smiled at her clueless boyfriend. "I'm sorry, again. I'm dramatic." Ginny smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, planting hot kisses on his skin.

Harry grinned, laying an arm around her lower back and another in her hair. "Do you think that-''

"Oh my god, when are you going to shut up and let me kiss you?" Ginny interrupted. Harry blinked.

"So?" She giggled.

Harry crashed his lips onto hers without a second thought.


Hermione laughed, pulling back an arm from around her boyfriend, who was currently struggling to carry his suitcase up the steep staircase of Ginny and Harry's shared flat. They'd already been up three flights of stairs and she was sweating - screw Harry and Ginny for being the most athletically fit couple there is. I've seen both of them run around the quidditch pitch many times in a row and barely break a sweat.

Ron almost toppled down the stairs more than a couple times, and Hermione was beginning to regret not dropping off their luggage at the Burrow like Ron had originally suggested.

"Here, Ron, let me." She shook her head at the dramatic and panting Ronald Weasley on the stairs.

"Get up, you wanker." She teased, taking up both suitcases and nudging his with her foot. He shoved her foot away.

"Wanker?" Ron surfaced from his dramatic facade and frowned. "I think I much prefer Ronald."

Hermione laughed, handing back Ron's suitcase roughly and laughing even more as he stumbled. "It's not a question of what you prefer, it's a matter of whether or not we're going to make it to the fifth floor of this apartment complex without you crying, or worse, passing out and falling all the way down the stairs. You'd have to start all over." She said simply, and stepped onto the last step of the third floor steps. "After you, Wanker."

Ron scowled.

"Finally!" Ron exclaimed with great gusto, stepping in front of Hermione and throwing himself dramatically into the floor of the fourth landing. Hermione winced.


"Yes?" He panted, laying on the cold, concrete ground.

"There's another floor to climb."

He didn't respond. For one mad second, Hermione thought he really was going to cry, and she felt like crying as well, in exhaustion, sadness or glee - she didn't know. She hadn't cried since she saw her parents for the first time in two years - and when they said her name! She couldn't hold in the tears. Ron had even shed a few.

In two quick flicks of the wrist, both of the luggage bags were gone with a sharp pop. Hermione blinked. Why hadn't she thought of that?

"Nice Vanishing spell." She commented, and Ron grinned. It was rare when Hermione complimented anyone on their skill - except for Harry, who was notorious for being obnoxiously modest sometimes. Her and Harry had a very simple but complicated relationship. When Hermione tried to explain it to Ron, he simply looked at her and asked her what the hell she was talking about. Harry felt like a brother to her, but more casual and easier than a brother. Plus, Ron would eventually come to understand that, and thankfully Ginny already did - she has for a while.

Walking up the remainder of the steps with ease, they knocked on the door of flat 107. They could just get in with a simple and silent alohomora - but Hermione reckoned it was more polite this way. Ron knocked again.

No response.

Ron knocked again. Harder this time.

Once again, no response.

Both Ron and Hermione knocked anxiously against the metal door. They could hear complaints from other flats but they paid it no mind. Worry was plain and clear on their faces. What if they'd been attacked? Hunted down by vengeful Death Eaters? Hermione was coming to each possible worst outcome and it seemed Ron was doing the same thing.

"Harry?" Hermione called. "Ginny?" Her eyebrows stitched together.

"Ginny!" Ron pounded.

"Oi!" An old man creeped out of his room in nothing but boxers. Hermione just blushed and looked away, too embarrassed for the old man. Ron snickered. "I think everyone here would like for you lot to stop banging on those walls. It's causing me a racket." He scowled, and marched back into his room haughtily, but not before Ron shot back.

"Oh, bloody hell! Get in your flat you wrinkly old bugger! And wash your drawers while you're at it!"

Hermione flushed and smacked Ron on the arm, clearly embarrassed for herself now. Ron smirked, embarrassing Hermione was his favorite pastime.

Enough was enough, and Ron had it, performing the unlocking spell and barging into the flat without another thought.

Hermione gasped. Ron yelled. Ginny shrieked and Harry almost toppled off the table. Everyone froze. It seemed that everyone was afraid of anyone's next move, whether it be Harry or Ron. Or the most feared, Ginny.

They'd barged in on Harry and Ginny erm - making love, so to speak. Harry was on top of Ginny, with her on the table, causing both of them to fall when Ron and Hermione barged in.

Currently, Harry was scrambling to zip up his pants and find his shirt because it was evidently missing. Ginny was falling over herself to pull on Harry's sweats ( they practically shared a closet ), her hair wild and tangled.

Hermione froze like a deer in headlights. It was one of her worst nightmares, walking in on her best friend and other best friend that was like her brother shagging. Hermione's face was as red as a tomato. Nervously, she turned to look at Ron. His expressions were unreadable, as it seemed to change every passing second. It was quite a funny scene to walk into, a frozen Hermione, confused Ron and terrified Harry and Ginny, who were half-clothed.

Harry seemed to be waiting for Ron's reaction, expecting an angry outburst or curse, maybe a couple punches or a casual Avada Kedavra. What Harry wasn't expecting was for Ron to laugh.

Ron just burst out laughing, full on bellows as he slapped his knees at the predicament they were entangled in.

"You-the looks on your faces!" He cackled, tears of mirth leaking out of the corners of his eyes. "I ought to kill you for that, but at this point, I couldn't care less!"

Harry blinked. Ginny's mouth was still open in shock.

"Well, excuse me while I go throw up." Ron continued, and walked out of the room without missing a beat.

Soon, all of them were laughing, laughing harder than they had in weeks, Ginny still in a bra and pants, Harry still shirtless. His glasses were missing too.


"God, Ron, when have you become so laid back to our relationship?" Ginny laughed, rolling over so she was on top of Harry. They decided to have a muggle movie night, and were currently watching the end credits to a new film, The Truman Show. Hermione was tears eyed as she sipped her tea, Ron smiling at her.

Ron glanced back to the entangled couple on the couch, and smirked. "Got used to it - hard not to with you lot cuddling every second of every day."

Ginny flushed, and Harry grinned at her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Ron continued, "Plus, I reckon Harry's good enough, since he did die for us and all." He joked, rolling his eyes. Hermione smacked Ron on the shoulder.

"Fair enough." Ginny replied, blushing furiously when Harry whispered something into her ear. Ron rolled his eyes again.

"Don't get too comfortable, though. I have leverage on you now." Ron smirked evilly. "You best hope mum, dad or Bill never hear of this."

Ginny threw a pillow at her brother harshly, still a big pink in the face from Harry's words. Ron wondered what it was he said, since it took a lot to embarrass Ginny. He reckoned he had an idea, though.

Eventually, Ron and Hermione left for the Burrow, stating that Mrs. Weasley would have their heads if they didn't go and visit after not seeing her for two weeks.

Ginny turned to Harry once they shut the door. "Did you mean that?"

Harry actually didn't say anything dirty or sexual to Ginny - he promised her. And Ginny thought it was the most beautiful thing ever, even if it was a just whisper in her ear.

Harry knew they were going to be together for the rest of their lives, and marriage seemed to traditional and too early at the moment - so he wanted to show her how much he adored her, just in a more Harry type manner. He pulled the ring out of his pocket, and looked her directly in the eyes. Ginny couldn't look away even if she wanted to.

"Ginny, I know, it's early for marriage, and I do want to marry you, just not now, we're both not ready. But will you erm-promise me?"

Ginny was practically crying already, she never got emotional, except for her sappy moments. "Promise?" She asked tearfully.

"Promise to love, yourself and us together."

"For how long?" Ginny smiled, reaching Harry and taking his hand. Harry shook her head, smiling, and took her fingers gently, and clasped them within his own. She grinned, waiting for him to say it.

"Forever, Ginny." He laughed, and slipped the ring onto her finger as she reached up and kissed him. Pulling away, she pressed her forehead to his, making him bend down slightly to match her height completely. She looked him right in his bright emerald eyes, smiling so wide she thought her lips would split.

"I'll never get tired of you saying that."


A/N: yay!!! i actually updated! how surprising amirite?

tell me what you think of this chapter and thank you so so so so much for all the support! ily all,

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