its the 90s

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"You'll be alright." Ginny reassured her boyfriend as she buttoned up his shirt. She had put on a satin blue slip dress, and a small black bag to match her black stiletto heels. Sure, they were going to a formal dinner, but Ginny was seventeen, young and hot. (call her a narcissist, she dares you). It felt good to just act like a teenager for once.

"It might not even go awkwardly, maybe you and Dudley can become friends?" Ginny tried, her voice not even convincing herself. God, she hoped not. From what she'd heard of him, Dudley was awful.

He looked at her quizzically, his eyes widening a bit as she pulled his tie too tightly, and she apologized under her breath quickly. "Me? Friends with Dudley?" He laughed bitterly, and Ginny planted a kiss on his cheek, trying to give support in some way. To be honest, she was nervous too, but let her be damned if she was telling him that.

They were both getting ready to meet up with Cho Chang (supposedly soon to be Dursley) and Dudley Dursley. They'd been invited to a dinner to catch up, and Harry was practically shaking at the thought of seeing his cousin again. Sure, they'd spoken civilly the last time they saw each other, but that was because Dudley thought Harry was going to die, and they were in the beginning of a war, Dudley at least understood that. Their awkwardly civil exchange didn't really erase the fifteen years of bullying and punches and kicks—even if Dudley was kinder to him after Harry saved him from the dementors. Ginny was thinking along the same lines, already running through the number of curses and hexes she'd throw at Dudley if he even said one snide remark about Harry. She knew how badly the physical abuse from Vernon Dursley effected him, and the verbal abuse from Petunia and Dudley was not something Ginny was going to forget any time soon. Hell, she was only going because Harry had insisted for whatever reason. Ginny tucked her wand away in a pocket she'd sewn into her dress.

"If Cho's gone and agreed to marry him, he has to be at least tolerable."

Harry nodded, gulping back his nerves. "Yeah." He shook his head like a wet dog. "Cho would never marry a jerk, right?"

"She dated you." Ginny quipped, lightening the mood.


"I'm not wrong," Ginny teased, and Harry rolled his eyes. "Only joking, you're a great gentleman, you'll be fine..."

"I never let that tosser bother me before, why should I now?" Harry reassured himself.

"Because you're more mature now, and you'd rather have a civil conversation than let a overgrown man child get to you?" Ginny replied, taking a step back and examining Harry's outfit. She frowned at the jeans he had on with the buttoned up white shirt and a red tie. "Ah, lose the tie, let's not have you looking like a wanker." She undid the tie around his neck and threw it on the bed. "It's a formal dinner and technically, we're still teenagers since you're only eighteen, we don't want you too look like a business man either."

Her eyes lit up. "I have an idea."

"Uh, Gin, let's not do anything rash..." Harry warned, recognizing the twinkling look in her eyes and knowing she was going to do something.

"Oh, c'mon, live a little."

Harry glared at her.

"You know I didn't mean it like that!"

"I know..." Harry drawled, grinning as Ginny laid her face on his chest, playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"I meant live a bit more like a hot, young eighteen year old boy, not a Wizarding World Hero." She said, repeating what she'd thought about herself earlier. They definitely acted way too old for their age.

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