that's rather sweet

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Ginny looked up at her sister-in-law, confused at the shocked look on her face. She checked her shirt for stains.

"What is on your hand? Your finger?" Fleur exclaimed, pointing to Ginny's hand. The Weasley's were doing a weekly Sunday dinner, exactly two days after Harry gave the ring to her. It was nice, having the whole family together, and even Charlie joined this week.

Ginny's ring glinted in the light of the dining room.

Ginny froze, pausing in raising a fork to her mouth. The table went silent, except for the noise of baby Teddy's cooing in Harry's arms. The couple locked eyes, and neither said anything.

The silence drew on for minutes until Mrs. Weasley burst into tears, her face angry and sad all at once. "They've eloped!" She shrieked tearfully, clutching onto Mr. Weasley's arm for dear life. Harry froze awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do.

"You sneaky little-!"

Harry's mouth dropped open, as did Ginny's, but neither could seem to make any noise, rather speak at all.

All six-five Weasley brothers stood up in unison, glaring at Harry as though they'd like nothing more than to blast him into the wall. Harry winced, and Hermione tried at tugging Ron down, smacking his as well, but failing. Hermione's face looked worried, happy, and shocked all at once.

"Does that mean—?'' Charlie started, his face disbelieving

"Oh my god." Hermione whispered, her face dawning on no fact at all, really.

"Ginny's pregnant!" Ron yelled, spilling his drink in the process.

At once, the table erupted into yells, shouts, tears ( from Mrs. Weasley and Teddy ), and slammed utensils and plates, many things sounding like "that bastard!", "she's only eighteen!" or even "they've had sex?!" Mrs. Weasley didn't know whether to congratulate them or yell, and Mr.Weasley sat at the table, looking relatively calm except for his clenched fists on the table cloth. Bill and Charlie were yelling at Harry with various obscenities while Ron stayed quiet, glaring at the floor. He went through some character development, and decided to not get in the middle of their relationship anymore. Harry and Hermione were desperately trying to calm down Teddy while he cried and shrieked at all the chaos and noise, all while Harry was being yelled and cursed (non magical way) at, and Ginny just stayed frozen in shock. The only one who stayed pretty calm and reserved was George, who still had the forever lost look on his face. His eyes were grey, but he took Ginny's hand silently. Fleur took the other, shaking her head disapprovingly at her husband.

Finally, enough was enough, and Ginny slammed her fist on the table, finding her voice.

"Shut it!" She shouted. Firmly, she spoke, "Listen to me, all of you! You're acting like children!"

Harry paused in his action to duck Bills punch, distracted by Ginny's outburst, and Bill didn't really register what he was doing as the punch delivered right in between his eyes, cracking his glasses with a loud crunch. Harry fell to the ground and Bill's face showed shock, like he didn't really realize what he was doing.

"Harry!" Ginny ran over to her boyfriend, helping him up from the ground. There was already a bruise forming on one of his eyes and his glasses were hanging crookedly on his face, the lenses cracked and the bridge as well. Harry looked disoriented, but still rolled his eyes at the family. He wasn't angry, just surprised at how quickly things went haywire.

"We didn't elope, and Ginny's not pregnant." Harry said exasperatedly, grabbing a tissue quickly to stop his nose bleed. "It's a promise ring."

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