vernon's visit

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Ginny's eyes widened. Of course she thought that Harry seeing his aunt and uncle was a possibility but she never thought that it would actually happen. Even Harry thought that he wouldn't have to see his uncle again for years—it'd been barely two.

Ginny grimaced, "Do you want to talk about it?" She knew it was a stupid question—of course Harry didn't want to talk about it. He'd want to bottle it all up and never let it out until he was forced to explode and all of his emotions be splat onto the wall. It's just how he was—but Ginny knew that by asking this question, Harry would sigh and let Ginny poke and prod until he'd talk about it.

"No." Harry sighed.

Ginny smiled slightly, shaking her head as she brushed her fingers through his hair, brushing the hairs away from his eyes, "Are you going to talk about it?"

"Well, you'll force me either way, won't you?" Harry grinned slightly, his mood lightening a bit just at the sound of her voice.

"You're so annoying," Ginny snorted, and she rolled over so she was sitting on him, holding both of his hands as she looked down at him, "But I don't want you to bottle it all up."

"I know."

"So?" Ginny rose an eyebrow, and Harry sighed, smiling slightly, his eyes sad.

"I'll talk about my ruddy feelings."

"There you go," Ginny smiled, rubbing his hands with her thumbs, and his eyes were tired as he looked up at her. Even though he looked sad, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was.

What had happened was pretty was spur of the moment. Dudley and Harry had been chatting at the kitchen counter over drinks (the drinks to make it less awkward—they were both better friends drunk) while they planned the things involving Harry and the wedding. It wasn't awful, and Harry found himself to be slightly relaxing in Dudley's home—when he got there he was on edge pretty much the entire time.

He was even laughing, laughing at one of Dudley's jokes and Cho was bristling around the kitchen, in her own little world.

Just as they were getting to the whole tuxedo and suit stuff, a small knock came on the door and Cho had hopped up to get it, expecting a delivery man or some solicitor. What none of them were expecting was for Vernon Dursley to be standing at the door, a great big grin on his face.

The moment Harry saw who it was, he paled, feeling his blood run cold. What was he doing here? He didn't think he'd ever have to see the man again. Harry choked on his previous words and immediately stood up, looking for an excuse to leave.

The moment Vernon saw who was in the house, his smile turned into a scowl, and he shook his head disapprovingly. Dudley seemed caught between the two, his eyes darting between the men in his house. Luckily Cho sensed the awkward atmosphere and hurried up to grab Harry's jacket, fake looking at her wrist watch.

"Looks like it's pretty late, Ginny's probably expecting you soon, you should probably get going," She said, and Harry silently thanked her for the quick excuse.

"Oh, yeah, I've got to get home," Harry said quietly, not looking at Vernon purposefully, and shook Dudley's hand and let Cho give him a small hug before he shrugged on his jacket and made his way for the door. "See you, Dudley, Cho."Just as he grabbed his wand from the table, Vernon scoffed, loudly and obviously.

Harry looked up, his entire body on edge. The room was full of tension—and Vernon was staring straight at him. Harry ignored it, his mind reeling with awful memories and flashbacks—he didn't want to deal with that.

"You all right, dad?" Dudley asked, shifting in his seat. Cho sat down primly.

"Yes, I'm fine," Vernon said, now actually glaring at Harry, who was frozen in place, biting his lip, "It's just that Harry here is acting pretty rude—doesn't know how to announce himself and excuse himself from a gathering."

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