little black dress

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"Hermione, this dress is riding up my arse." Ginny turned away from the mirror to face Hermione, her expression pulled back in hesitation.

"Isn't that the point?" Hermione said, waving her wand up to quickly zip up the back of Ginnys dress, tightening up the sides and making Ginny gasp a bit in shock. She smiled, proud of the dress she picked out from Ginnys closet.

"Maybe it's too much?" Ginny said, her eyes squinting at herself in the mirror. Hermione sighed.

"We're going out to a fancy muggle restaurant and then to a club afterwards," Hermione sighed, "You're definitely dressed for the occasion."

Ginny bit her lip, "I don't know...I don't really even want to go out today," She flattened the dress down once again, and sighed, throwing herself onto the bed.

"C'mon, Ginny! Where's that confidence you always wear?" Hermione exclaimed, grabbing Ginny's arm and trying to pull her off of the bed, slipping on the floor in the process in her sleek and evidently slippery kitten strap heels. "You're supposed to be the one dragging me out to party!"

Ginny looked at Hermione with bleary eyes—it'd been two days since they'd ended and Ginny felt awful. In the back of her mind, there was this little voice trying to convince her into going all the way to Ron's flat and then begging Harry to take her back.

She had more dignity than that, don't worry—but still, she felt like shit.

The news was out, multiple people had sent more hate mail, howlers and weird love letters that really just sounded like invitations for hookups. Even Gwenog Jones said that she might have Ginny sit for the next public practice they had as a team next week, Gwenog didn't want any of Harry's deranged fans showing up. She had practice again tomorrow, and then a match on Tuesday—she didn't know how she'd play, she hadn't touch a broom in a week.

Some part of Ginny was angry at Harry for ending this the way he did. He always made quick decisions like that—without any thought...he was so impulsive!

But Ginny also was angry at herself. If only she's come to him—if only she'd told him how she felt and set boundaries in their relationship, maybe they'd still have one. Maybe if she hadn't jumped to conclusions, this wouldn't have all happened. She also felt sort of embarrassed for acting all crazy at Cho's, even though Hermione already said she didn't even act like a madwoman—she was actually surprised that Ginny composed herself.

Even if Ginny realized everything she did wrong, everything that they did wrong the past few weeks—it didn't change the fact that they weren't together anymore. That Ginny and Harry were no longer dating. It was still set in stone, and Ginny didn't have the lack of pride to go to Harry and apologize and fix it. Not yet.

"Ginny! I asked you a question!" Hermione laughed, shaking Ginny on the shoulder to catch her attention. She jumped startled, Hermione cutting off the string of thought she'd been hanging onto, "I asked if you think you'll be ready by eight?"

Ginnys eyes nearly bulged out of her head, "What?!" She cried, leaping out of her lazy state and looking at Hermione in an incredulous state.

"What?" Hermione looked back, her eyes slightly amused as she watched Ginny freak out.

"I just got done telling you how I don't want to go out and now I have to get ready by eight?" Ginny demanded, looking at her ratty and tangled hair in the mirror. She picked up a particularly tangled knot and tried not to scream.

"Yes, so?" Hermione's eyes were clueless, something unfamiliar to see on her face.

"Are you mental?" Ginny whisper-yelled, clinging onto the platform pumps she's snatched out of the closet by the straps, "It's seven fifteen!"

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