the prep

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Ginny was wheeling across on a shopping cart in a Wizarding grocery store, somewhere her mum went to a lot, Cauldron's. She was humming along to a song she'd heard on the radio earlier, using her wand to float or drop things into her basket.

Hermione was walking quietly next to her, unusually quiet as they shopped together. Ginny kept glancing at her, and every time that they'd look at each other Hermione would bite back a smile and blushed.

It was getting to a point that Ginny kept track of how many times she caught Hermione blushing and staring at her, coming in at a nice number of nineteen.

By the time they were at checkout, Ginny's had enough of Hermione's eery behavior. "Hermione, I love you and all," Ginny started, just as she was handing the cashier her galleons, "But you're acting a bit weird today."

The cashier bit back a smile and Hermione looked a bit miffed. She rolled her eyes, "How am I being weird?"

Ginny picked up her grocery bags and thanked the cashier, looking at Hermione with a smirk, "Well, when I asked if I should get some ready made onion rings, you started to giggle uncontrollably and fell into some chocolate frogs."

As they were walking out of the store, Hermione was about to protest when a loud crack in the form of George appeared in front of them.

"Alright, ladies?"

Ginny smacked her brother in the chest, putting away the wand she'd immediately drawn, as well as Hermione. Ginny calmed her breathing—being sneaked up on like that was more common than you'd imagine in the Wizard World.

"You're going to give me a heart attack one day, I swear it!" Ginny exclaimed, picking up a banana she'd dropped and glaring at George.

"It's my job as an older brother." George grinned, proud of himself. Ginny scoffed.

"You also have an actual job, Georgie." Ginny said straightly, "And a girlfriend. I thought Angie would stop you from making these sort of annoying decisions." Ginny smiled at her words of Angelina, she was so good to George. Ginny had no doubt that they would get married.

"Never mind that," Hermione said, helping Ginny with the fallen goods and effectively stopping a fight between the siblings before it even started, "What'd you need, George?"

"Wow, just crush my heart instead, Hermione!" He said dramatically, "Can't I just pop in to say hello?"

Ginny frowned, "Why would you want to say hello if we're grocery shopping?"

"You're not anymore!"

Ginny sighed, before vanishing the groceries to her home with a flick of the wrist, "George. What. Do. You. Want?"

"Oh, nothing, just wanted to see how you were doing. If you were feeling...lovey today."

"Huh?" Ginny said, and she chose to not notice the pink flush of Hermione's cheeks, "Lovey?"

"Oh nothing, I was just talking to Harry today, and I dunno..." George's eyes were lit with amusement, and Hermione sighed, annoyed. "He seems different, lately."

Ginny groaned, "Have you two been fighting again?" She looked upset, "It's been years since you two have fought!"

"Nothing for you to worry about, Ginny," George said, "But Harry did say he wanted to see you tonight."

"What? Is he alright?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry too much, it'll cause you wrinkles," George said, smoothing a line of worry that he liked to tease Ginny about, "And you won't want wrinkles today, especially."

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