a note from your favorite author ;)

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hey all,

first off, i just want to give a huge apology for not updating for so long. it's something you're all used to, and shouldn't be used to at all. i want to be consistent, and the way my mental health is doing right now, it's sort of difficult. but i am trying, and i hope you all don't give up on me.

another issue i'm having is writers block.

i think it's mostly because i've been writing this story for so long and it's the third book in the series, that i just don't know where to go from here. i know WHAT i want to write, i just don't know how and where i want to place certain events and how to make a timeline that we can all follow.

i look back at my chapters from the beginning of this book, and i feel that they are much better in writing and emotion and structure than my later work. it's not fair to you all for me to just be spewing out shitty work just so i can finish this book. this fic means a lot to me and i've been doing it for so long, that when it does end, i want it to end right and in a good way.

so after a lot of thinking and a lot, and i mean a lot of drafts and deleted works and tens of chapters i've written and deleted, i've decided to leave it up to you, my beautiful readers to where i'm going to next with this story. my two questions are:

1. should i do a time skip (not to far into the future don't worry) just so i can get a fresh start and start writing better and more consistently

2. start wrapping up this story with a nice little ending right now, and then just finish my forever ginny series. i don't really want to do this one, but if it's what you guys think is better, i'll do this and then focus on my other works.

- your favorite inconsistent author 🫶

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