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Harry jumped, looking up from the letter he was looking at and met Ginny's concerned eyes. After he got the letter around the fire, he assured Ron and everyone else that it was alright and nothing was wrong, quickly leaving 'nonchalantly' to the kitchen. Of course, Ginny nor Hermione bought it (Ron was far too drunk to pay attention, otherwise, he would have too), but Ginny made Hermione stay with the group while she checked on Harry.

"So what?" Harry asked weakly, rubbing the back of his neck and messing up his hair. He never realized he did it, it was just a nervous habit of his he adopted, though he subconsciously did it because of his father.

Ginny sighed, sitting next to him on the kitchen bench he was sitting on, "The letter. I saw who it was signed from."

Harry laughed softly, of course she was going to notice. "Malfoy."

"What does he want now?" Ginny asked, leaning over to read it, but Harry was already folding it and stowing it away in his pocket.

She frowned, "What does it say?"

"Nothing." Harry said shortly. Ginny bit her lip, shaking her head.


"Hmm." Harry flushed, not meeting her eyes - he could never lie to her.

"So Malfoy just wrote to you to see if you wanted to have a spot of tea?" Ginny rose an eyebrow, crossing her arms and looking at Harry skeptically, "Or he wanted to ask how your wand work was going?"


"Harry." Ginny cut him off, giving him a look. He sighed in defeat.

Harry's ears were red, "I just don't want to worry you."

"Worry me?" Ginny scoffed, her expression incredulous, "Harry, we've been through a war together, I'm sure I can take it."

"I just don't—?"

"What is it?" Ginny interrupted, looking him in the eyes seriously, and he quieted down quickly. He knew already he wasn't getting away without telling her, and he knew that he should've told her already anyways.

"They're still watching you."

It was all he could say without panicking himself.

She stilled, her hand tightening on the grip she had on the table. "What?" She laughed slightly in disbelief. Harry bit his lip.

"They're keeping tabs on you," Harry looked distraught, "They want to..."

"What? They want to what?" Ginny looked at Harry, her eyes wide. She wasn't going to lie and say this didn't bother her at all, she'd look a fool.

"Take you. Away, use you as bait so I go to look for you." His face was guilt ridden, and Ginny felt her heart beat thumping against her chest, "They want me, so they're going to hurt you, and then they can have me."

"Harry..." Ginny started, putting an arm on his shoulder. She could already feel his rising panic, and she wanted to make sure he didn't freak out.

"I think we need to set more enchantments on the flat." Harry was beginning to stand up, a plan already formulating in his mind quickly.

"Harry." Ginny repeated, more firmly this time, she reached for his hand.

"Maybe tell your mum and dad."

"Harry." Ginny finally stood up as well, in front of him and forced him to look at her. She drew herself to her full height which still had her about three or four inches shorter.

After All, HarryWhere stories live. Discover now