young, wild and free

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February 28th - 1999

Ginny laid on the bed in hers and Harry's flat in London, quite breathless from what they'd just done, and she grinned, looking over at Harry, who was grinning and looked quite exhausted as well. It was quite a parallel, looking over at him as they both lay on their backs in bed, nude. It slightly reminded her of the first time, except now they were seventeen and eighteen instead of sixteen and seventeen - and now, they had their own place instead of Ginny's room at the Burrow. For a second, Ginny imagined the reaction of her mother finding out that she and Harry have erm - done the deed, and at that, multiple times. She was a very traditional woman, she'd probably have a heart attack. Ginny brushed the thought from her mind.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something, the buzzer beeped (they had just installed it yesterday, and Ginny was already regretting it) and both of them rolled their eyes simultaneously. Ginny pulled the sheets up to her chin and sank back farther into the bed, closer to Harry.

"I'll get it," Harry offered, as if it wasn't already obvious who was going to get up right then. Pulling on some drawers and sweatpants, not bothering to put on a shirt, he pulled himself out of the covers and stretched. Ginny smirked, her eyes twinkling.

He walked up to the door and yawned, his hair still messy and voice still sleepy, opening it half-way.

"Hermione!" He exclaimed, shocked, "Gin didn't tell me you were coming over," He looked back, and sure enough, Ginny was out of bed, her messy hair and head peaking out of their bedroom doorway, her expression confused.

"She didn't know either," Hermione replied nonchalantly, stepping into the flat. Being about eight in the morning, it was odd, but not surprising that Hermione was already fully dressed and ready to go for the day in a light green button up turtleneck, darker green jacket and pleated grey skirt. Harry woke up earlier than both Ron and Ginny, but Hermione was on a whole other level of on top of it. He barely woke up at eight, and here she was, dressed and ready to go. "But I wanted to come over, and especially because of tomorrow, so I did."

"Cool," Harry responded, stretching his arms, and Hermione rose an eyebrow, "What?"

Hermione smirked, tapping her foot, pretending to be impatient, "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

"I just woke up!" Harry defended himself, crossing his arms across the tattoo on his ribcage.


"Er - well, about an hour ago," Harry grinned sheepishly, rubbing his arm. Ginny snorted from the doorway, he woke up in a good mood, she supposed.

"Well, yes," Hermione smirked, rolling her eyes, "That part is evident, I mean, why aren't you wearing a shirt and why is Ginny in only a bra and in your room?"

Harry stared at her.

"Isn't she supposed to sleep in that room?" Hermione nodded her head over to the door on the left, crossing her arms and smirking.

Harry looked back, and sure enough, only Ginny's top half of her body was visible by the way the she was behind the door, but it was evident she was practically nude. Harry looked back to Hermione and flushed.

"You two go at it like rabbits, honestly," Hermione sighed, throwing her book bag to the ground and walking in as if she hadn't just discovered what she did, "I'm used to it by now, you're just lucky Mr. and Mrs. Weasley haven't found you two out yet."

"I'm sort of surprised, to be quite honest," Harry commented, smirking, "Especially after that whole Weasley brothers chasing me through the woods and trying to kill me thing - I was sure they were going to tell them."

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