not feeling too well

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Ronald Weasley set down a cobblestone path to a small cottage in the outskirts of a small town, flicking the hood of his robe over his head, Hermione Granger by his side. She took his hand as they reached the door and used her free one to knock lightly. Ron gulped. They had a huge favor to ask, and Hermione had made Ron promise he'd be the one to do it. She was tired of being the bad guy.

There was no response, so Hermione knocked a little harder.

Less than five seconds later, it swung open to reveal a weary looking Andromeda Tonks. Ron's eyes widened slightly at the sight of her, and Hermione kicked him in the shin for being so obvious. Andromeda looked much different than when they'd seen her last—she had dark circles under her eyes and more worry lines than before, her hair was wilder—even her facial expressions were very different. She looked distraught. It reminded Ron a bit of Bellatrix Lestrange, unnerving him. He shook away the memories.

Andromeda was similar to Mrs. Weasley at the moment, who's eyes were almost always red from tears—it seemed no one could take her mind off of her daughter. Ron couldn't either, it's practically all he thought about.

Andromeda put a hand on her chest and clutched at her heart as she laid eyes on the two before her, "You've found them? Harry? Ginny?" She asked, her eyes desperate.

Ron felt his heart ache at her words—he felt selfish. He'd forgotten how much Harry meant to Andromeda, he didn't realize how much closer they'd gotten—Harry and Teddy were all she had left, and Harry obviously saw her as some sort of motherly figure. Of course she'd be like this, they were family.

That's why it made it all the harder to tell her the truth.

"I'm sorry, Andromeda," Ron grimaced, fidgeting with his hands, "We're doing all we can."

"Oh," Andromeda said, and Ron swore he could see the small light of hope in her eyes crumble. Andromeda forced a shaky smile and she took a deep breath, "Of course, you're doing the best you can."

Ron wanted nothing more than to just crawl into the bushes and cry. Glancing at Hermione, she looked the same way. "Thank you." Hermione replied politely, and an awkward silence slid over the three of them. Andromeda smiled warmly, breaking the silence.

"Why don't you two come in?" Andromeda said, waving them in with her hand, "I can't believe I forgot my manners!"

Hermione chuckled nervously, and pushed Ron slightly in, for he'd been standing still nervously.

Both Hermione and Ron stepped in quietly, Hermione giving Andromeda a quick hug and swiftly locking the door with her wand right behind her. As Ron and Hermione stepped in, Andromeda went quickly to the kitchen to prepare some tea, leaving them both awkwardly sitting in her living room. They hadn't been over at her house enough to feel at home, so they both sat on the edge of their seats.

Minutes later, Andromeda came bustling in the room with a tray of tea and miniature scones, setting them lightly onto the coffee table, "Here, help yourselves to whatever you'd like," She said kindly, and Ron didn't hesitate in grabbing a scone, biting into it hungrily, "I've got to go and wake up Teddy."

Hermiones face lit up at this and immediately sat up straighter, she hadn't seen Teddy since before Harry and Ginny's flat was attacked. She missed him, and she only wondered how he was feeling. Teddy never went more than about two or three days without seeing Harry, and it'd been almost two weeks. He was probably confused.

About thirty seconds later, Teddy burst out of the kitchen door, his hair bright turquoise and messy as he waddled over to Hermione and Ron. Hermione still found it a bit shocking at how much quicker magical babies developed than muggle ones. Teddy had already learned many words and could identify all of the Weasley's, herself, Luna and of course Harry and Andromeda. He was even walking now.

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