Black Bulls Hope (Black Clove...

By Gale4Lifes

326K 7.1K 3.8K

(Y/N). The most feared name among Magic Knight. The member of Black Bulls. Yami Sukehiro's apperantice. Come... More

Blindfold Guy
The Meeting
Eye of the Midnight Sun
Sealed Magic
Try Again
High Priest Game
Game Over
Another Demon
Old Friend
Captain vs Vice Captain
The Truth
The Truth II
Thank You
Under Control
Dark Elf
Glory Night
New Base
New Mission
Heart Kingdom
Half a year later Information
Black Bulls
True Potential
Demon Union
Let's Go
You did well, dumbass...!
First Meeting
Surpass Your Limit
A Real Magic Knight and A Kind Royalty
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
The Battle Almost End
Thank you...!!
Peace Treaty
29th Magic Emperor

Struggle for Victory

11.7K 259 271
By Gale4Lifes


Me: Asta, Leopold, you'll come with me. We'll take down the leader and save our kingdom

I said and start to walk away from the live map.

Fuegoleon: (Y/N), wait.

I turn my head facing him.

Me: What?

Nozel: Soul Corpse Magic is a strong magic. No ordinary person can control it. We should plan our strategy first and divide the team.

Me: I already have my team here. Leo and Asta will come with me. We'll take down the leader.

Asta&Leo: That's right!

Noelle: I'm coming with you guys!

Nozel: No, you'll not. (Y/N) and his team will go after the leader. You can't control your magic, so if you go with them, you will only make their work harder.

Me: I hate to admit it, but he's right. We'll fight with a pro. You go with the others to protect civilians. I can't waste any more moments, so I'll go now.

I said and start to run out from the banquet room together with my team. I heard Fuegoleon call for me.

Fuegoleon: That is not a strategy!! Come back here!!!

Me: If I wait any longer, all the people will die!

Asta&Leo: Agree!


Me: Hey weird eyepatch guy!

The guy look at me, Leo and Asta.

Eyepatch Guy: Who the hell are you and what do you mean weird eyepatch?!

Me: Why? Prefer me to call you corpse bastard?

Eyepatch Guy: I have name, idiot!

Me: Okay, your name is Idiot. Got it.

Me&Asta&Leo: Hey Idiot! Let that little girl go!

Idiot: You dumbass!!!

He then summon lot of zombies.

Idiot: Attack them!!

All the zombies start to rush at us. We just smile and get ready to fight. Me and Asta take out our sword.

Me: Sending corpse at us? What do you think corpses will do at us?

I said and skillfully cut lot of zombies head.

Me: Control Magic: Flow.

I start to flow most of my mana energy at my sword. My sword start to shine.

Leo: What did you do to your sword?

Me: I flow my mana energy into my sword. In other words...

Asta: Your sword now have magic?! Cool!!

He said and kill the last zombie. Little girl that Idiot captured earlier, run at us.

Little Girl: Thank you very much!

Me: No problem.

Idiot: Tch.

He then summon more zombies. All the zombies start to rush at us.

Me:*smirk* I'll handle this.

I throw my sword at all the zombies. Suddenly from one sword, it turns into hundreds of sword. All the sword pierce through all the zombies and explode.

Idiot:*Wide eye* What the hell?!


eo&Asta:*excited* COOL!!

I take out my sword again from grimoire book. When the sword touch my hand, it start to shine again without I flow my mana energy.

Me: Looks like the effect is permanent.

Idiot: Looks like you guys are stronger than I thought. That means, I need to use stronger soldier.

Suddenly a large zombie appear.

Idiot: Jimmy, your target this time is those bastards!!

Asta: Hey!! You keep sending that creepy things to fight us!!! That's not fair dammit!!!!

Me: He doesn't have balls.

Leo: Agree.

Idiot: Watch your mouth kid!! Jimmy, attack them!!!

Jimmy start to throw lot of poison ball at us.

Me: Disable Magic: Absolute Cancel.

Suddenly the poison ball dissapear together with Jimmy. Idiot look around and realized that lot of his soldier also dissapear.

Me: Maybe you have more mana power than me, but your corpses is not. You give just give them some mana power. It's clearly that they can't run from my Disable Magic.

Asta: Come right here and fight us like real man.

Leo: Prove us that you have balls, coward.

Suddenly the ground around me, Asta and Leo turns black. I quickly grab them including the little girl and jump out of the black area. The black area then suddenly dissapear.

Idiot: You can dodge that, huh?

Asta: What the hell is that black thing?!

Me: That is Teleportation Magic. If we didn't jump out from that black area earlier, we'll got sent to another place. I feel another person with strong mana power. Is that your friend, Idiot?

Idiot: That is not my name, dumbass!!

He said and summon another large zombie. I'm about to go fight him but someone tap my shoulder from behind. I look at my back and see Fuegoleon.

Fuegoleon: You guys already did a excellent job. Let me to fight for you this time.

Me:*smirk* Be my guest.

Fuegoleon and walk in front of us. Suddenly I heard someone scream my name. I look behind and see Noelle.

Noelle: (Y/N)! We have problem! The other Magic Knights is dissapear!

Me: Looks like the Teleport Magic caught most of us. How about Yuno?

Noelle: I see him fighting with a woman who looks like a witch.

Leo: Help him?

Me: Nah, he'll be alright. He have Belle with him. He will defeat the witch in no time.

Right after I said that, suddenly something crash a castle room. We look at the direction and see Yuno is flying towards the same room.

Me: Look. He's fine. But Idiot is still want to fight with us.

Idiot: That is not my name dumbass!!!

He then summon a zombie that can control muds.

Leo: I have disadvantaged here.

Noelle: And I still can't control my magic.

Me: Don't worry, me and Asta is here.

I said with a smirk. I put my sword in my grimoire book back while Asta take out his anti magic sword. I then rush at the zombie while dodging all the incoming attack. When I close enough, I put my legs up and ready to kick. The zombie ready to dodge but...

Me: Control Magic: Switch.

I switch place with Asta. Asta quickly swing his blade at the zombie.

Me: Switch.

We switch again. I kick the zombie multiple time in the face. He about to attack me but..

Me: Switch.

We switch and Asta attack the zombie before the zombie can attack.

Fuegoleon: (Y/N)! Do you need any help?

Me: Help?

I switch place with Asta and ripped the zombie's hands apart.

Me: Did you think this..

I ripped the zombie's legs apart and switch place with Asta.

Me: is the meaning I need help?

Asta: Die!!

Asta stab his sword at zombie's head.

Idiot: What the hell?! They defeat one of my best soldier less than fuve minutes!!

Me: Shut up, Raddes.

Fuegoleon: You know him?

Me: I remember Yami told me the story of the member of Purple Orca who got racist. That member then got thrown away from the kingdom. The name of that member is Raddes. Soul Corpse Magic user. When I heard about this story, I learn something about this world.

Raddes: What?

Me: This world is full with bastard that prioritize rank, money and treasure. All of this person is the reason this world got corrupted.

Raddes: Then you'll know how it feel to get racist by your own king.

I take off my blindfold.

Me: Last year the king launch large scale attack on me. What did I do? I fought! I didn't gave up! Because that is why we were born to this world! If we don't fight, we'll never win! But why did you stop fighting and become like this? It's because you give up too fast! Adversity is always come in our lives! If we never go through adversity, we'll never grow! You need to realize something, Raddes. There is no people in this world that never go through adversity.

Raddes: I've had enough adversity!

Me: That is your first mistake, Raddes. There is no meaning of you have had enough adversity in this world. We human never had enough adversity in this world. Adversity will always come without stopping.

Raddes: And now you guys will face another adversity.


Leo: We have been pushed till the end!

Me: Fuegoleon is fainted and he already lost one of his arm.

Asta: And we have a guy that use Teleport Magic fighting alongside with Idiot.

Raddes: What did you said to me earlier? "If we never go through adversity, we'll never grow". How about now? You still lose.

Me: Tch. Leo, bring Noelle and Asta to safe place. I'll take care of them alone.

I said and take off my blindfold. Leo nod and start to run away with Asta.

Teleport Guy: You think you can take us down all alone? No human can do it.

Me: Oh, but you're wrong about one thing....

My eyes start to turns completely red. Black aura start to surround half of my body. Little horns grow on my head. They look at me with confuse face.

Me: I am half human.

I said with a smirk. In blink of eyes, I appear behind them. Before they can turn their head behind, their hand is gone.


Teleport Guy: What the hell?! No one ever told us that we need to face someone like this!!

I pick up their body and throw them to the castle wall. I activate pair of black wings and fly to them.

Raddes: What the- This guy have wings!!

I tackle their body and sent them flying into the castle. I waste no time and fly towards them again.


I said and throw their body out from the castle.

Noelle POV

Me: What the hell?! Why we leave (Y/N) with those guy?!

Leo: We need to get away as soon as possible. Once (Y/N) activate that power he-

Suddenly we see something crash castle wall. A second later, something fly towards the castle.

Asta: What the hell is that thing?! It have wings!!

Leo: That thing is (Y/N). He have use his Demon Form.

Asta&Me: Demon Form?

Leo: (Y/N) is not ordinary person. I think you guys already see how strong he is.

Asta: Yeah, he's so strong. During dungeon raid a week ago, he block a giant sword with just one hand and didn't move even an inch.

Leo: That is because his demon blood.

Me: Demon blood?!

Leo: He is half demon. There is no one know about this. All of the captain for each squad is the only one know about this together with Wizard King.

Me: Then how do you know about this?

Leo: (Y/N) was not born as half demon. It's happened a year ago. That day when Black Bulls and Crimson Lion work together to raid a dungeon. Everything is going smoothly until we realized that (Y/N) is gone. We start to find him. When we found him, he is not himself anymore. Someone is controlling his body. His eyes is completely red. Black aura surround half of his body and there is small horns on his head. Captain Yami talk with the thing that controlling (Y/N)'s body. That thing said that he is actually the son of Demon King. He said that he didn't want to hurt anybody but in order to stay alive, he need someone's body to live in. But since he is too powerful, he need someone that is strong enough to be his host. (Y/N)'s body is the only one that can hold his power. He said once he and (Y/N) become one, half of (Y/N)'s blood will turn into demon blood. Captain Yami and my brother ask the prince of demon to speak with (Y/N). He allowed them. When (Y/N) got his body back, he doesn't remember what happened. He said that when he is walking with us, suddenly his vision go dark and he didn't remember anything after that. My brother explain to him the whole thing. (Y/N) agree to become the host for the prince. Captain Yami try to stop him but he said, "I have chance to save someone life. Although that person is not a human, he still deserved to live in this world. I'm not doing this because I want his strength. I do this because it's my job as Magic Knight. We'll protect all the people in Clover Kingdom. It's not important whether we are from different race not. The only thing that important is, we need to understand each other". Start that moment, he and the prince of demon become one. The prince didn't try to control (Y/N)'s body even a little. Because of they are sharing the same body, (Y/N) become stronger than before. He is actually already powerful before the prince enter his body. Although the prince lend his strenght at (Y/N), (Y/N) still can't defeat five people. I think you guys already know who is those five.

Me: Yeah, Klaus already told us.

Leo: Right after that mission, Captain Yami and my brother told about what happened to (Y/N) to all of captain of squad and Wizard King. They agree to keep it as secret. (Y/N) can use his demon form whenever he want. And this is the second time he activate it himself. The first time is when the king launch large scale attack at (Y/N).

Asta: So the king of kingdom is also didn't know about it?

Leo: Yeah, he didn't know about it.

Suddenly all the Magic Knight that got teleported away earlier land in front of us.

Nozel: Where is Fuegoleon and (Y/N)?

Leo: My brother is fainted and (Y/N) is...

He go closer to Nozel and whisper at him something.

Nozel: Charlotte, come with me. The others, help Fuegoleon.


Nozel: (Y/N), are you there? Or did the prince controlled you?

Me: No, it's me.

I said and deactivate my demon form.

Charlotte: Where is the leader of this attack?

Me: He and his friend is at brink of death. I'm about to kill them but another person with Teleport Magic teleport them away. Where is all my friend?

Nozel: I'm sure they go to hospital to treat Fuegoleon injury.

Me: Lets get out from this castle basement.

Nozel: You make a large hole at every floor in this castle.

Me: Don't worry, Julius will fix it with his power. Lets go to hospital now.

Nozel: Right.

We start to walk out from the castle basement.

Me*thought*: Prince of demon... He actually control my body for earlier. It's not too long for me to take over my body back.

"More like I'm the one that allow you to take over your body back and stop calling me prince of demon. I have name."

Me*thought*: You never told us your name when you first control my body. What is your name?

"Still, I can't believe that you are very kind. Well, my name is Daku."

Me*thought*: So, Daku. Why did you control my body for just five minutes? You can control for little longer, right?

"I just want to know how does it feel to beat someone badly."

Me*thought*: Fun, isn't it?

"*chuckle* You're right. Another reason is, I'm afraid if I control your body for little longer, you will never get your body back."

Me*thought*: Isn't it good for you? You can take my body and do whatever you like.

"I just like you, (Y/N). I'm happy if someone else happy. If you make someone happy by using my strength, I also happy. I'm a demon, I don't know how to help people like you did."

Me*thought*: I'm not sure whether you're demon or not. You are too kind to be demon.

"You are the one that show me the right way, (Y/N). Go meet your friend already. They're worry about you.

Me: You're right.

Nozel: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Me: No, I just talking to myself.

Charlotte: Weird.


Me: How can you got kidnapped, Asta?

Asta: I don't know. Suddenly that black thing appear at the ground I'm standing on and teleport me away.

Noelle: You're lucky Wizard King save you earlier.

Julius: It's my job to keep everyone safe.

Noelle: (Y/N), don't do that again.

He said and suddenly hug me.

Me: Ok, I completly confuse. Or did I am dreaming?

Asta: Want me to hit you with my blade to see whether you're dreaming or not?

Me: Good idea.

Asta ready to hit me but everyone stop him.

Klaus: Don't do that!

Mimossa: (Y/N) will get hurt!

Noelle: You dumb!

Noelle said to Asta and let me go.

Me: So you captured one of them, Julius?

I ask while looking a big floating ball beside Julius. There is man wearing robe inside the floating ball.

Julius: Of course.

Nozel: I'll leave now.

He said and start to walk to the door. Before he reach the door, he whisper something in my ear.

Nozel*whisper*: Take care of my little sister.

He said and continue to walk out from the room while Solid and Nebra following him.

Noelle: What did he say to you?

Me: He ask me to take care of you.

Suddenly Noelle face turns red.

Me: Now I'm really confuse.

Leo: You're not dumb, (Y/N). I'm sure you know what is he talking about.

Klaus: The only one that dumb enough to not understand what Sir Nozel talking about is Asta.

I just chuckle.

Me*thought*: Of course I know. I'm not so dumb to not realized it. Noelle like me. And of course....

"You like her too, right?"

Me*thought*: You're right, Daku.

To be continue...

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