Black Bulls Hope (Black Clove...

By Gale4Lifes

313K 6.9K 3.8K

(Y/N). The most feared name among Magic Knight. The member of Black Bulls. Yami Sukehiro's apperantice. Come... More

Blindfold Guy
The Meeting
Struggle for Victory
Eye of the Midnight Sun
Sealed Magic
Try Again
High Priest Game
Game Over
Another Demon
Old Friend
Captain vs Vice Captain
The Truth
The Truth II
Thank You
Under Control
Dark Elf
Glory Night
New Base
New Mission
Heart Kingdom
Half a year later Information
Black Bulls
True Potential
Demon Union
Let's Go
You did well, dumbass...!
First Meeting
Surpass Your Limit
A Real Magic Knight and A Kind Royalty
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
The Battle Almost End
Thank you...!!
Peace Treaty
29th Magic Emperor


15.5K 311 246
By Gale4Lifes


Yami: Listen up. A report just came saying that a new dungeon was discovered.

Magna: A DUNGEON?!!! FOR REAL?!!!

Asta: WHOAAAA!!!

Me:*sigh* Another dungeon? Not interested.

Asta: So, what's a dungeon?

I punch his head.

Asta: Ouch! It's hurt!

Magna: Why did you acting all suprise earlier?!

Asta: I was just playing along!

Noelle: (Y/N), want to explain the dungeon is to Asta?

Me: Dungeon is a structure where ancient people left artifacts. That place have lot of instruction on how to use ancient magic and all magic item lying around.


Luck then continue my explanation with excited tone.

Luck: However, those same people will put lot of traps in the dungeon. But that is the reason dungeon is the most fun place in the world!

Vanessa: Because of the many dangerous traps and threat, Magic Knights are the one that given the task to investigate the dungeon.

Yami: And this time, the dungeon is in an area that very close to an enemy kingdom. So to make sure they don't get it, we need to get this mission done quickly and properly.

I start to stand and walk away from them.

Me: Don't searching for me.

Yami: Oi, wait.

I turn around to face him. I see that he is holding two paper.

Yami: Wizard King picked you and Asta for this mission. You don't have any choice.

Me: What did Julius want from me actually?


Me: He strike a conversation with me few weeks ago.

Yami: So you should know that Julius like to see other people's magic.

Asta: But why did he picked me too? I don't think he ever met with me.

Me: No, you have met him few weeks ago.

Asta: Huh? I don't remember I make an appointment with him.

Me: Remember the old lady that we helped at the black market?

Asta: The one that win lot of money from the gamble?

Me: Yeah, that one. That appearance just a disguise. That old woman is actually Wizard King. I need to admit that your friend is very good at gamble, Yami.

Suddenly Asta's body fall to the ground and there is smoke coming from his head.

Me: Unconsious again?

Vanessa: That's right.

Magna: He is really shocked until fainted.

Me: Yami, if you want this mission fast, wake Asta up.

Yami unsheath his blade and ready to attack Asta. When he's about to use his magic move, Asta wake up.

Asta: Don't kill me!!!

Yami:*smirk* The old way is the most effective way. Noelle, Luck, you guys will join this mission too.

Luck: Yeayyy!! Dungeon equals to death traps!!

Me: And death traps equals to...

Luck: Lot of fun!!

Me: At least there is someone happy with this mission.

Noelle: You don't like dungeon?

Vanessa: More like he really hate dungeon. He only join the dungeon mission if Yami force him.

Noelle: Don't tell me that strong person like you afraid of insect.

Me: I can just kill them if I want. I can't tell why, but everytime I enter dungeon, I feel my mana energy drain faster than usual.

Yami: Your strength is just not on your magic, (Y/N). Your physical strength is also very strong. You didn't need mana energy to use your physical strength, so there is no reason for you to not enter dungeon.

Vanessa: Your mana energy is also lot of me. I am from witch family, that means my mana energy is usually more than any average person.

Yami: You heard her, (Y/N). Now go to the dungeon now before I kill you, Asta, Noelle and Luck.

Me: Fine... You three, lets go.

Yami: You disable their magic, remember?

Me: Asta have no magic. I'll give their magic back when we arrive at the dungeon. Lets go now. I want to end this mission fast.


Luck: Hey Asta, look this.

Asta come closer to Luck. When Asta is close enough, Luck push him and Asta accidentally step on the trigger of a trap.

Asta&Noelle: What the hell?!

Me: I forgot to warn you guys that Luck always do all this thing.

I said while blocking lot of fireball that coming on my way.

Noelle: This is magic trap!! Can't you just disable it?!

Me: If I disable it, Luck will not having fun.

Luck: Thanks, (Y/N)!

He said and start to step on more trap's trigger. Asta take out his sword and start to cut all the attack that coming on our way.

Luck: Yeayyy! I already step on all the trigger in this room!

He said while giving us very happy smile.

Noelle: Having this guy when you enter dungeon will short your lifespan.

Asta: Need to agree with her this time.

They said while panting heavily.

Me: You guys just need to get used of it.

Asta: Hey! Where is Luck?!

We look around and see that Luck is gone.

Me: This is the other thing you guys need to get used of when raiding dungeon with Luck. He will leave us if he sense there is another stronger people or creature in the dungeon. He will come back to us after he done fighting with that person or creature.

I said while walking around the room. I then stop at one spot. I get down on my knees and start to rub the floor.

Noelle: What are you doing?

Me: I'm trying to sense is there any trap that Luck forget to turn on earlier.

Asta: You found anything?

Me: Disable Magic: Disable Touch.

The floor start to turn blue and go back to normal after five second.

Me: I don't just disable the trap...

Noelle&Asta: You disable something else?

I smirk and start to stand.

Me: I disable their magic too.

I said while facing at the door that we came in earlier. Noelle and Asta look at the door too. Asta start to smile.

Asta: Yuno.

He said while looking at a member of Golden Dawn. Yuno also smile while looking at Asta.

Yuno: Asta.

Me: I don't know who you are, Yuno. But what I know, your four eyed senior is idiot and weak.

I said with a smile while looking at another member of Golden Dawn that wearing glasses.

Me: What is his name again?

Yuno: I think his name is Klaus Lunette.

Klaus: How dare you forget my name!

Me: Why should I know someone's name that weaker than me?

Klaus: I'm still your senior!

Me: Our age gap is just one year, idiot. Plus, you are Golden Dawn while I am Black Bulls. Even you enter the Magic Knight earlier than me, your rank is lower than me. Noelle, go meet Mimossa.

I said the last part while looking at a girl also from Golden Dawn.

Noelle: You know her?

Me: I know most of noble family. Mimossa is your cousin, right?

Noelle: How can you know that?!

Me: I already said that I know most of noble family. So, Klaus. Having fun with my Disable Magic?

Klaus: You bastard! Give our magic back!

He said and start to rush at me.

Me:*smirk* Control Magic: Switch.

I switch place with Asta. Now I'm standing in front of Yuno.

Me: So you're Yuno, right?

Yuno: Yeah... What happened to Asta?

I point at the place that I'm standing earlier. He look and see that Klaus is beating Asta.

Yuno: Klaus, why are you beating Asta?

Klaus look back at who he is punching and realize that he's punching the wrong person.

Klaus: What the?!

He let go of Asta and rush at me back.

Me: Control Magic: Switch.

I switch place with Noelle. Now I'm standing in front of Mimossa.

Me: How is your cousin?

Mimossa: Can't believe that she join black bulls.

Suddenly Noelle scream.

Noelle: PERVERT!!!

Noelle scream before punch Klaus's face.

Me: Control Magic: Bring.

Noelle suddenly appear in front of me. Suddenly she hug me with red face.

Me: Hey Klaus, what did you do to her?

Klaus: Give our magic back and I'll answer.

Me: Looks like I'll never know the answer. Asta, lets go. Yami said that we need to complete this mission fast.

Asta: Right!

Me: And for your magic... Disable Magic: Return.

Klaus: Don't ever think I will say thank you.

All: But (Y/N) didn't ask you to say thank you to him. He is also didn't care about it. He already go.

Me: Hey Asta, Noelle. I'll not wait for anyone.

I said to them from dark corridor. I then heard like someone is fighting. I walk back to the same room and see Asta is fighting with Klaus.

Me: Who want to explain?

Yuno: They're fighting about their Magic Knight team.

Me: Mimossa, use your power to grab them using vines.

Mimossa: Why should I follow your order?

Me: Because my rank is higher than you and your four eyes senior. That shitty glasses is 3rd Class Intermediate Magic Knight. I'm Senior Magic Knight.

Noelle: I thought Klaus join Magic Knight one year in advance than you?

Me: His rank is lower than me because he is just like other Magic Knight. They just help people when they were ordered to do so.

Mimossa: How about you?

Me: I will help anyone that need help although it is not part of my mission. Wizard King doesn't look at how well you complete you mission to rank you up. He will look at your attitude. If you complete your mission well without destroying anything but you have bad attitude, you'll never rank up.

I said to them while watching Klaus and Asta arguing.

Me: Hey Klaus. You're eighteen this year. Don't acting like five years old kid and lead your team to clear this dungeon. Asta, before Yami kill you, better you follow me now.

Klaus: Who did you called five years old kid?!

All: You.

Klaus: I will show you the power of Golden Dawn member! Mimossa!

Mimossa: Roger!

She start to make map of the whole dungeon with her magic.

Mimossa: Plant Creation Magic: Magic's Flower Guidepost.

Klaus adjust his glasses and smirk.

Klaus: Can you do that?

Me:*Yawn* Booooring.

I said while walking closer to one of the wall. I put my hand on the wall and activate my magic.

Me: Control Magic: Area Scan.

Asta: What are you doing?

I take my hand back and start to walk away before answering his question.

Me: I already scan the whole dungeon. I have map of this dungeon inside my head.

Asta: Woahh! Cool!

Me: Tell me, Klaus. Can you do the same thing?

I ask while walking away together with Asta and Noelle.

Klaus POV

Me: Ignore them! We'll clear this dungeon first!

Yuno: Me and Mimossa have better idea.

Me: What?

Yuno&Mimossa: We'll follow (Y/N) and his team.

Me: What?! Why?!

Mimossa: It's clear that he is stronger than any of us.

Yuno: He have leader characteristic.

Mimossa: He is more mature than you.

Yuno: He didn't waste his time on stupid fight.

Mimossa: He can just memorize the whole dungeon in an instant.

Yuno: He possesses two magic.

Mimossa: His rank is higher than you.

Yuno: Asta is with him.

Mimossa: And he's sooooo handsome.

They give me the whole reason before start to walk away from me and start to follow (Y/N)'s group.

Me: What the hell? He can just take away my teammate just like that?


Me: I never ask you guys to follow me.

Klaus: You take away my teammate just like that. I'll not leave them alone with you.

Yuno&Mimossa: You're not our babysitter. Plus, (Y/N)'s team is with him. So we're not alone with (Y/N).

Asta: Woah, (Y/N). Did you use any magic to make them follow you?

Me: I don't have any magic like that, Asta. That is their choice. I can't control their choice. No one can.

Noelle: If you ask me, I will not allowed Mimossa to follow us.

Me: Don't bring family matter to our mission. It will affect our mission somehow.

We continue to walk and enter a room.

Me: Asta, don't do stupid thing like activate the trap.

Asta: I will be carefu-

He step on the trap's trigger.


Suddenly everything in the room start to float.

Klaus: Gravity start to gone wrong!

Asta: Hey! What is that thing?

He ask while pointing at a chest that is running with legs. Asta start to chase for it.

Yuno: Asta, that is obviously another trap.

Asta: What if it's not?

He said while trying to open the chest.

Noelle: Asta! You're very stupid!

Me: Disable Magic: Absolute Cancel.

The gravity go to normal and all of us fall to the ground.

Mimossa: Owww! It's hurt.

Noelle: (Y/N), you said that your mana energy drain fast in dungeon?

Me: But not this dungeon. This dungeon full of mana energy.

Klaus: Since all the trap in this place is magic trap, I will not be so suprised if this place is full with mana energy.


We look at the chest that Asta already open and see lot of human's internal organs.

Noelle: What the hell did you just show us?!

Asta: It's your fault who looking this way!

Yuno: We look at you because of your screaming.

I suddenly feel a lot of mana energy coming from the right.

Me: Klaus, you bring them to the relics. You already know the way, right?

Klaus: Yeah, I know the way. But why did I need to bring your team too?

Me: Because we're Magic Knight. Don't do this for me. But do this for our kingdom.

I said and start to run towards towards the resource of the mana energy that I feel earlier. When I arrive, I see that Luck got captured by magic. There is mustache man standing in front of him. I take off my blindfold. I don't want to disable his magic because I know that I can't. It's just the meaning that I'm serious.

Me: So this is the wizard from Diamon Kingdom? Interesting...

The mustache man look at me with a smirk.

Mustache Man: Another powerful one appears. Who are you to this boy?

Me: We're teammate. Control Magic: Switch.

The mustache man switch place with Luck. Now, the mustache man got trapped by his own magic. The mustache man undo his magic and start to chuckle while looking at Luck.

Mustache Man: This isn't good... Your teammate are here too.

I get down on my knees and put my hand on the floor.

Me: Control Magic: Flow.

They just look at me with confuse face. After I done, I start to get up and take out my sword from grimoire book.

Mustache Man: Hmm? What is this? I think it was just a moment ago you have lot of mana energy in your body, but now it's completely gone.

Me: I flow all of my mana power to this dungeon. Your sensory skill is beyond Luck, I need to fight you with without my magic.

I said while looking at my blade without my blindfold on. After a few second, the blade start to glowing.

Mustache Man: Hmm? You said you flow all of your mana to this dungeon?

Me: My eyes is not a magic, but a curse. Now, my sword can disable your magic once it touch you. Luck, you ready?

Luck: Lets beat this old man together!

He said and we start to dash towards the old man. The old man cast a spell that summon lot of smoke around us. We stop running and start to look around. The smoke is getting thicker.

Me: My sword can disable magic, but I can't cut through magic like Asta does.

Luck: (Y/N), I have idea.

He come close at me and start to whisper me his plan. I smirk and nod. Luck smile and activate his electric arms.

Luck: I start when you're ready.

I take some distance from him and nod. Luck smile again and start to shoot lot of electric ball at a direction.

Luck: Now!!

I dash forward and swing my blade hard. I managed to hit the mustache man and cut through his left arm. He got sent flying. The smoke around us start to gone.

Me: Nice plan, Luck.

Luck: Thank you!

He said and suddenly dissapear. I look at where the mustache man land and see Luck is picking up the old man.

Me: Kill him fast.

I said and start get down on my knees. I put my hand on the floor again and close me eyes. I start to feel my mana energy slowly come back to me. After I done take my mana back, I wear my blindfold again and start to stand. My blade stop glowing. I look at Luck and see that he already done.

Luck: I'm done! Lets go to the treasure room now!

In front of tresure room

Me: Another wizard from Diamond Kingdom, huh?

I said while dodging lot of crystal that suddenly come out from the ground.

Klaus: We can't beat him alone!

Me: Asta, you with me. The other back up us.

All: Got it!

Asta walk to me with his giant blade.

Asta: This crystal guy really annonying.

Me:*chuckle* I know.

I dash at him without any weapon. Asta follow me right after.

Wizard: Jewel Form: Army of Taros Dolls.

Suddenly lot of his crystal clone appear in front of him.

Me: Control Magic: Material Changer.

I activate my magic and start to touch all of the crystal clone. Right after I touch them, their body start to change into cookies.

Wizard: What?!

Me:*smirk* Destroy them, Asta.

Asta: Hell, yeahh!!

Asta start to swing his balde at all of the cookies clone. The wizard start to make more crystal clone and I start to change more clone into cookies.

Klaus: That is really amazing combo. (Y/N) change the crystal clone into whatever material he wants and Asta destroy all of the clone.

Noelle: (Y/N)'s plan is always unimaginable.

Mimossa: No wonder he can rank up quicker than you, Klaus.

Klaus: I need to agree with you about that.

Yuno: Looks like Black Bulls is not as weak as you told us.

Klaus: I really understimate them.

Me: Hey crystal guy. Don't tell me that you will use all of your mana energy just to make a clone. You know it's completely useless, right?

Suddenly a giant blade appear beside the wizard. Me and Asta just look at the giant blade with bored look. He then start to swing the giant blade at us. I just block it with my barehand without move even an inch.

All: What?!

Me:*Yawn* Asta, just cut through this giant blade.

Asta: Okay!

Asta swing his big blade at the giant blade and managed to cut through the giant blade.

Me: You're weaker than that smoke guy.

Wizard: I'm not done yet!!

He said and start to make a giant armor using crystal.

Me: Asta, you want to settle this alone or we will do it together?

Asta: You want to let me to settle it alone?!

He ask with excited tone. I smile and nod at him.

Asta: Woohoo!! I'll never dissapoint you!!

He said and dash at the giant crystal armor that the wizard is wearing.

Asta: The one's who get the treasure is us, the Kingdom of Clover!!!

He scream and cut through the crystal armor.

Little Timsekip

Me: Okay, there is no more obstacles. Lets go get the tresure.

I then start to walk to the giant door together with my team and Golden Dawn team.

Klaus: How we supposed to open this giant door?

Luck touch the door.

Luck: This door is make from magic. We can just ask (Y/N) or Asta to open this door.

Me: Since Asta already defeat that crystal guy, I'll handle this door.

I walk closer to the door and touch it.

Me: Disable Magic: Absolute Cancel.

The giant door then suddenly dissapear. We look inside the room and see lot of treasure.


Me: You are too loud, Asta.

I said while walking into the room with no intention to take any of the treasure. My group and Klaus's start to rush into the room and look at all of the treasure.

Noelle POV

Mimossa: Noelle, why (Y/N) is not excited like us? Although we're from noble family, we still get excited when we see all of this treasure. (Y/N) is just a commoner but he didn't care about all the treasure.

She ask while looking at (Y/N) who is just yawning while looking at all the treasure with his blindfold on.

Me: Honestly, I still can't understand him little bit. When he get his payment for this month, he just give it away to another people. He said, "I'm happy if the person that I help is happy".

Klaus: That is (Y/N). If you guys want to know, Captain Vangeance tried to recruit him once, but (Y/N) easily decline it.

Me: Are you serious?!

Klaus: I'm not kidding. He is the first person that I've ever seen in my whole life that easily decline Golden Dawn offer.

Me: What is his problem?! Everyone want to join Golden Dawn!

Klaus: But not (Y/N). He is different. Captain Vangeance offer lot of things at him, but he still decline the offer. He said, "You can't bring treasure together with you when you die. But you can bring your good deed together with you when you die. Tresure is the reason why we always fighting. We can live peacefully in this world if we don't care about treasure".

Me*thought*: (Y/N) is just seventeen but he is so mature!!

Mimosa*thought*: I think I already fell in love with (Y/N)!!! He is so cool!!

(Y/N): Yuno, what was that light just now?

Yuno: No idea...


Luck: Everbody run!!!

Suddenly a crystal guy from before land in front of us and start to summon lot of crystal to attack all of us. He trapped Yuno, Luck and Klaus in the crystal.


Me: We gave you chance to die earlier, why don't just you accept it?

Wizard: I'll not lose to weakling like you!!

He said and swing his giant crystal hand at Noelle. Noelle's body got sent flying and severely injured.


Mimossa: (Y/N)! Me and Asta will protect Noelle! You handle that crystal guy!

I take off my blindfold and slowly walk to that crystal guy. I feel lot of mana energy start to enter my body.

Me: You'll regret it.

My body start to got surrounded with blue aura.

Wizard: This mana power... It's too much! No normal human can handle that much mana power!

Me: I don't care. You hurt my friend and now you'll regret it. Disable Magic: Absolute Cancel.

The giant crystal armor dissapear.

Wizard: Wh-What is happening?!

Me: Control Magic: Bring.

The wizard appear in front of me and I kick his body flying. I appear beside his flying body and kick his body up. His body stuck in the roof.

Me: Disable Magic: Revenge.

Lot of crystal shards appear beside me. All of the crystal shards then start to make their way to the wizard. The wizard try to dodge but I stop him with my magic.

Me: Control Magic: Freeze.

His body stop moving. He have suprised face as he struggle to move his body. All the shards hit his body. His body fall to the ground. I appear beside him.

Me: This is the end for you. Control Magic: Instant Death.

His eyes gone wide after heard the spell that I want to use. I put my hand on his chest and in an instant his breathing stop.

Me: This is what you got when you hurt my friend.

The crystal that trapped Yuno, Luck and Klaus start to break. I walk to Noelle. She is consious now.

Me: Asta, I feel a strong power that same as your sword behind that wall. Try to break the wall and you maybe got something.

Asta: Are you serious?!

He ask me with excited tone.

Me: Why should I lie?

Asta then rush to the wall that I mention about and swing his giant blade at the wall. I then look back at Noelle and Mimossa.

Me: How are you doing, Noelle?

Noelle: I'm fine. By the way, where did you get all of that mana power?

Me: You can said that I borrowed it from this dungeon.

Mimossa: You can do that?

Me: I can flow all of my mana energy to this dungeon, that means I can borrow mana power from this dungeon too.

Asta: Woahhh!! (Y/N), you right!! Right after I break that wall, there is secret room and there is sword at the middle of the room! I pick it up and suddenly the sword enter my grimoire book!

Me: How can there is another anti magic sword in here?

Asta: I don't know.

Suddenly the dungeon start to shaking.

Klaus: (Y/N)!! We need to go now!

Yuno: The dungeon is collapsing!!

Suddenly a little thing appear on Yuno shoulder.

Me: Yuno! What is that little thing flying beside you?

Yuno look at his shoulder and see the same thing.

Yuno: No idea! We need to get out from this place first!

Outside the ruin dungeon

Me: We're lucky that Yuno can use his magic to get us out from there. Now, what is that little thing?

Yuno look back at his shoulder.

Yuno: Like I said before, I don't have any idea. Ask it yourself.

Me: Hey flying thing, what are you?

Little thing: I'm not flying thing!! I am Wind Spirit!

Me: Okay, no more question.

The Wind Spirit start to scold me.

Me: Yuno, ask that Wind Spirit thing to shut up. She is making loud noise.

Yuno: You heard him, right?

Wind Spirit: I'll shut up if Yuno ask me to.

Yuno: So shut up already.

The wind spirit have shocked face and sigh. Suddenly Klaus come and hug me, Asta and Yuno.

Noelle: Mimossa, what is he doing?

Mimossa: No idea.

Me: Hey, what the hell?! Get off from me!

Asta: What do you want, four eyes?!

Yuno: Cap, this isn't kind of weather for this.

Klaus: I want to say sorry.

Me: Hey, Luck. Punch me with your electro punch. I'm sure I'm dreaming.

Luck: Okay!

Luck come close at me and punch me with his electro punch.

Me: Yep, I'm not dreaming.

Klaus: I want to apologise to you and Asta. I understimate you guys. Yuno, I'm sorry.

Yuno: I don't see any reason for you to apologise to me.

Klaus: Back there when we fighting with crystal guy, you try to help me but I stop you. And now, you are the one that save my life.

Me: Mimossa, you have healing magic, right? Heal my ears. I'm sure I misheard something.

Asta: Me too.

Yuno: I think the world almost end.

Klaus: You little punk!! You guys really have some nerve!!!

Luck: Yuno, lets fight with me sometimes.

Yuno: How about no.

Me: Hmm? Noelle, you are barely wearing anything right now.

Noelle look at his body before screaming and punch Asta.

Asta: What the hell?! Why you punch me?! (Y/N) is the only one who see your body!!

We just laugh as Asta and Noelle start to argue. This mission finally end. Time to go home.

To be continue....

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