Black Bulls Hope (Black Clove...

Autorstwa Gale4Lifes

315K 6.9K 3.8K

(Y/N). The most feared name among Magic Knight. The member of Black Bulls. Yami Sukehiro's apperantice. Come... Więcej

The Meeting
Struggle for Victory
Eye of the Midnight Sun
Sealed Magic
Try Again
High Priest Game
Game Over
Another Demon
Old Friend
Captain vs Vice Captain
The Truth
The Truth II
Thank You
Under Control
Dark Elf
Glory Night
New Base
New Mission
Heart Kingdom
Half a year later Information
Black Bulls
True Potential
Demon Union
Let's Go
You did well, dumbass...!
First Meeting
Surpass Your Limit
A Real Magic Knight and A Kind Royalty
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
The Battle Almost End
Thank you...!!
Peace Treaty
29th Magic Emperor

Blindfold Guy

54.1K 639 953
Autorstwa Gale4Lifes

Black Bulls House

Yami: Oi (Y/N), get out from that room before I ask Magna and Luck to open the door for you.

I heard Yami scream from downstair. I just ignore him and continue my training. Suddenly someone kick my door open.

Me: What do you want from me, Magna, Luck?

I ask before turn my body to face them while wearing my blindfold.

Magna: I still can't understand how can you see with that blindfold on.

Luck: Hey! Want to fight with me?!

I take off my blindfold and look them in the eyes. Luck try to activate his magic but failed.

Me: You know that I can delete your magic if I look you in the eyes, right?

Yami: But you can't delete my magic because my mana energy is more than you. So come down before I kill you right here. We have new member.

Me: You don't want me to return their magic back?

Yami look at Luck and Magna before smirk.

Yami: Don't return their magic back until I tell you to do so.

Me: Got it.

Magna: Captain!

Yami: Just shut up and go downstair. You too, (Y/N).

Magna and Luck then start to walk downstair. Me and Yami follow them after.

Vanessa: Oh, Magna, Luck! Why I don't feel your mana precense?

Luck point at me while smiling. Vanessa look me and I look at her back in the eyes.

Me: You really want me to delete everyone's magic or what?

Yami: It'll be fun to look at them without their magic power.

???: Huh? Delete magic?

I look at the door and see a boy with spiky white hair.

Me: Hmm? New member?

Suddenly I appear beside him.

???: Hahhhhh!!

I start to sniff his body.

Me: Hmm.... Interesting..... No magic... What's your name, kid?

???: I-I'm Asta! I'll be the next-

Me: I just ask your name, brat.

I said and throw him to Luck. Luck catch him and start to hug him tightly.

Me: I'll give your magic back, Luck. Have fun with Asta.

I said and put on my blindfold back. I then hear someone scream in pain.

Me: Looks like you are really having fun with him, Luck.

Luck: Mm-hmm!

Yami: Hey, don't bully new member.

He said while punching Asta.

Me: Although I'm wearing this blindfold, I can see that you're punching Asta, Yami.

Yami stop punching Asta and start to walk at me. He try to grab my head but I dodge.

Asta: How the hell you see with that blindfold on?

Me: You can call it sixth sense. I can see although you close my eyes.

Asta: But why did you wear that blindfold.

Vanessa: His power. He can delete anyone's magic that have lower mana power than him with just look at the target in their eyes.

Me: And since you don't have any mana power or magic, you're suitable opponent for me.

Luck: You guys want to fight?!

He ask with excited tone. I smirk and look at Yami.

Yami: Do whatever you guys want. I want to go out.

He said to us before get out from house. I take off my blindfold and look at Asta.

Asta: What?

Luck: Yeayyy! (Y/N) will fight with Asta!

Asta: W-Wait! What?!

Suddenly I appear beside him and kick his body. He got sent flying to the wall. There is lot of dust covering my view. When the dust dissapear, I see that Asta managed to blocked my kick with a giant blade.

Me: Nice reflex. But you should look at your blade...

Asta: Huh?

Suddenly the blade broke into lot of pieces.

Asta: Hehhhhh?! That blade is my only weapon!

Me: That blade is your grimoire, right?

Asta: Y-Yeah...

Me: Try to take it out from that damn floating book again.

Asta: Huh? Okay, I'll try...

He try to take out the giant blade from the grimoire book again and it's worked.

Me: See? So you don't need to worry if I break your sword again.

I said and wear my blindfold again.

Me: Well, I will go to capital now. Did you guys want everything from capital?

Magna: Just don't kill anyone in the capital.

Luck: You want to fight with someone in the capital?!

Me: Absolutely, no. Vanessa, before you ask me to buy you some liquor, I want to say that our liquor is still a lot just for you.

Vanessa: You read my mind.

Me: Finral! Where the hell are you?!

Suddenly a portal appear in front of me and Finral get out from the portal.

Finral: You are really lazy to walk, aren't you?

Me: Just shut up and open the portal to capital.

Finral sigh and open the portal for me. I walk into the portal and arrived at market area in the capital. I put my hands in my pocket and start to walk around with my blindfold on.

Me: It's pretty busy today.

As I walking, suddenly I grab a man's hand.

Me: The wallet that you're holding is not yours, idiot.

I said while crushing his hand. The man let the wallet go and I catch the wallet. Suddenly a woman that walking in front of me stop and turn her head facing me. She then rub in her pocket and realize that something is gone.

Woman: Th-That's my wallet!

She then rush at me. I give her the wallet that I'm holding and let go of the pickpoket's hand.

Woman: Thank you so much, sir!

Me: Not a problem, miss.

I said and walk away from them. I then feel like someone is watching me. I take off my blindfold and look around the market.

Me: Weird. I'm really sure that there is someone watching me.

I put my blindfold back and start to walk again. I walk into an alley after I heard something strange. I then see that there is three kids is bullying a little kid. I see the little kid give money to the bully. The bully then walk away and leave the little kid alone. I sigh and walk to the little kid.

Me: Hey, kid.

He look at me while crying.

Me: Those three bully you?

He just nod at me.

Me: They took all of your money?

He nod again. I smile and take off my blindfold revealing my blue eyes.

Me: Here, take this.

I said and throw my wallet that full of money at him. He look me in my eyes with suprised face.

Kid: Wow. Your eyes is beautiful.

Me: I know...

I said and put my blindfold back. I then walk away from him.

Kid: Sir! Thank you for the money! I'll pay you back someday!

I turn my head facing him.

Me: No need to pay me back. I just do my job as Magic Knight.

The kid nod at me and start to walk away from me. I just smile and continue to walk out from the alley.

Me: Like always. I will sacrifice all of my money for someone when I go to capital. Well, at least I help someone.

I said to myself while walking at the market area although I don't have any money left. Suddenly I see there is old man fall to the ground and there is no one to help him. I start to walk to him.

Me: Here, let me help you.

I said and offer my hand to him with smile on my face. He take my hand and I start to help him to get up. But there is something strange when his hand touch me. I can feel his mana power is really outstanding.

Me*thought*: What the? How can this old man have so much mana power?

Old Man: Thank you very much, young man.

Me: No problem. Lets go, I'll take you to your home.

Old Man: You're very kind, young man.

Me: Don't mention it.

Little Timeskip

Me: This is your house?

Old Man:*chuckle* No, it's not. (Y/N), I want to show you something.

Me: How can you know my name?

The old man did not answer my question as he appearance start to change. From an old man that wearing dirty clothes, he become a middle aged man wearing fancy clothes and robe.

Me: Who are you?

The man: I'm Julius Novachrono. The Wizard King.

Me: That will explain why you have so much mana power.

I said while taking off my blindfold.

Me: Since my power will not affect you, I can take off this blindfold.

Julius: I was suprised that you didn't recognized me although it's been two years since you become Magic Knight.

Me: I didn't take part in any event that you guys make. No wonder that I didn't not know your face.

Julius: Although you didn't know my face, I've heard a lot about you from Yami.

Me: What did he said about me?

Julius: A blindfold guy that always help other people. You always locked yourself in your room for training. Not to mention, one of the most strongest Magic Knight.

Me: I'm not that strong, you know? I can only delete someone magic if their mana power is lower than me. My grimoire also usual grimoire. It's just give me my one handed blade. And since I always confront my opponent barehanded, I didn't use my grimoire often.

Julius: That what make you unique, (Y/N). All Magic Knight including Yami, use their magic and grimoire to defend themselves. But you're different! You can just defeat your opponent although you didn't use your power.

Me: Yeah, whatever. Before I go, I want to ask you something.

Julius: What?

Me: You're the person that watch me help the woman earlier, right?

Julius:*chuckle* I thought you'll never find it out.

Me: Why did you watched me?

Julius: You maybe not realized it, but each time you come to capital, I'll always watching you help all the people that seek for help. You're the most kindest Magic Knight I ever met. You always sacrifice all of your money to help people. The other Magic Knight just care about their status and themselves. I hope all Magic Knight is just like you.

Me: If all the Magic Knight is just like me, there will be no poor people in this kingdom.

I said and put back my blindfold. I start to walk away from him to go back to Black Bulls house.

Me: Hope to not see you again, Julius.


Me: I'm home.

Yami: Where did you go?

Me: Capital.

I answer him and start to enter the living room.

Me: Vanessa, I'm not blind and I can see although I wear this blindfold, so tell me why did you just wearing your underwear? Go wear some clothes.

Vanessa: Shut up and just enjoy the view.

Me: Then I will just enter my room.

I then start to walk upstair.

Magna: Hey! (Y/N)! Don't enter your room!

But it's too late. I already open the door of my room. I see there is girl who is changing clothes. I quickly close the door.

Me: Why the hell there is a girl inside my room?! Magna! You better answer the damn question!

Magna: A-Asta! You explain it to him!

Asta: What?! Why me?!

Suddenly I appear in front of them without wearing my blindfold. They look at my serious face and start to scream.

Magna&Asta: AAAHHHHH!!

Vanessa: You guys better answer the question before he kill you guys.

Magna: Th-That girl inside your room is our new member. That girl already took your room when you're not home earlier.

Me: Who the hell give permission to her?!

Magna&Asta: C-Captain Yami!

Me: Great, now I don't have room.

I said and take out my one handed sword from my grimoire book. I start to walk out from the house.


A/N) Your blade.

Luck: Where are you going?

Me: Since I don't have place to sleep tonight, I'll go train my sword skill.

Asta: Training?! It's already late night!

Me: Then what do you want me to do? Sleep in the same room with that girl? Hell, no.

I said to them before get out from the house and start to walk into the forest.

Asta POV

Me: What is his problem?

Finral: (Y/N) is the person that doesn't like other person touch his belongings.

Vanessa: Once someone touch his belongings, he will go really mad.

Magna: Since Noelle took (Y/N)'s room, there is no doubt that he will sleep in the forest starting from tonight.

Noelle: Will he be fine?

Finral: No need to worry about him.

Luck: If he can take down fifty bandits that can use magic alone, sleep in the forest will not be a problem for him.

Me&Noelle: Fifty bandits alone?!

Noelle: But I thought he is blind?

Vanessa:*chuckle* No, he is not.

Noelle: Then why did he wear that blindfold?

Magna: We didn't really understand, but what he told us, he have sixth sense. He can see although he close his eyes. He wear that blindfold because of his power.

Noelle: What's his power?

Finral: He can delete someone magic that have lower mana power than him. What he need to do is look at his target in the eyes. That's why he wear that blindfold. If he accidentally look us in the eyes, we'll lost our magic.

Noelle: Wait! You said that he can see through the blindfold, right?!

All: Yeah, why?

Noelle: N-Nothing!

I look at Noelle's face. Her face is redder than tomato. What actually happened earlier?


Me: That is the first time and last time I see woman's naked body!

I said as I swing my blade at the tree in front of me. My blade managed to cut through the tree and the tree start to fall.

Me: They should tell me sooner about that new member. Now I can't get the image of that girl's body out from my head. Dammit!

I said and start to kick another tree rapidly. The tree that I kick start to fall to the ground. I walk to another tree and start to punch it rapidly.

Me: And why the hell that Yami allowed her to take my room?!

The tree that I punch start to fall too. I walk to one of the stump and sit on it. Suddenly I heard a footsteps. I take off my blindfold and quickly look at the footstep direction. When I look at the direction, I see the same girl that took my room. I already look her in the eyes, so she can't use her magic now.

Me: What do you want?

Girl: Don't be so cold. You already delete my magic, I can't attack you now.

Me: Just tell me what do you want.

Girl: I want to apologize to you.

Me: For what? I'm the one that apologize to you. I suddenly enter the room while you are changing clothes.

Girl: D-Don't mention about that incident! It's not your fault. I'm the one that took your room without your permission.

Me: Whatever. You can take that room. You should go back now. They will be worry about you.

Girl: What about you?

Me: I'll be fine sleep in the forest. Just go already.

Girl: Fine...

She start to walk away. I stand and about to slice another tree but I remember something.

Me: Hey, wait!

The girl turn her head facing me.

Girl: What?

Me: I never get your name.

She smile at me before answer the question.

Girl: My name is Noelle Silva. Call me Noelle.

To be continue.....

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