The Four

By mounkeychunkey

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-This is all a draft for something I hope to create one day.- Daphne Stephen went missing in 1981, the whole... More

Chapter 1-Summer
Chapter 2-Disaster
Chapter 3-Change
Chapter 5- Case 49
Chapter 6- Taken
Chapter 7- Home
Chapter 8- Mr. Alister
Chapter 9- Officer Hicks
Chapter 10- Not a game anymore
Chapter 11-Free
Chapter 12- Past
Chapter 13- Authority
Chapter 14- Entitled
Chapter 15- On the run... Again

Chapter 4-Team

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By mounkeychunkey

"How has everyone been?" Ella asked, her voice slightly shaky, as she tried to focus on one noise.
   Antony nodded slightly smiling, "Great actually." He said confidently.
Freddy and Venus both stood there staring at the ground with their heads down.
   Antony was in a chipper mood,
He was also in shock. Excited shock.
When he found out he had super abilities, it took him by surprise greatly. So much so, that he almost set his whole room on fire with excitement. Don't worry though, the only casualty was a few comics that just happen to be right next to him when it all happened.
   "What's wrong guys?" Antony asked them.
Everyone's sad and scared moods where throwing him off his own.
   Venus felt anger building up, "Nothing Antony. Nothing." Venus snapped at him. Antony slightly frowned stepping back for a moment. Someone had a bad day, he assumed.
    Freddy put his hand to his temple, "I can't do this right now." Freddy sighed also stepping back, "Meet tomorrow." He mumbled walking away from the group.
  Antony watched as Freddy walked away, and when he looked back, the whole group had also walked away, leaving just him standing alone in the middle of the park.
   Antony rolled his eyes,
mumbling to himself,  "Oh and by the way, I have super powers now. But don't tell anyone.... Thank you guys so much for being supportive " Antony sarcastically said, before walking away from the place they had all previously been standing.

  Venus walked past the stores on the side of the street, staring at her hands. Many questions were running through her head.  Mostly about her newfound abilities.
She must be dreaming. She must! Theirs no way that she has some sort of magic power.
No no no, that's stupid, and childish.
    As she was walking she had forgotten to look up. This would result into her tripping, but sadly there was no hot attractive Prince Charming to catch her. Instead she fell face forward.
Venus closed her eyes and braced for impact. After a few moments she realized the impact didn't come, making her open her eyes.
Venus was inches from the ground, floating there. As people past her they frowned, but of course they didn't have time to question why she was floating, or how.
Venus quickly put her hands on the ground and the invisible force that was holding her up let go. She gently caught herself, and then quickly stood up.
Venus brushed herself off, with a shocked face.
"God" She sighed beginning to walk again. She was almost shocked, but at the same time she had known all along. The feeling was natural yet different.

The whole group kept walking, all of them not knowing where they would go, or what they would do.
They each walked for what felt like an hour. None of them knew where they were going, yet somehow they all ended up back at that same building.
   The same building that the incident had happened.
The brush still covered the building and the trees made it hard to see. It was the same as last time, almost like it happened that very day.
Stopping, Venus noticed that everyone was also here. Antony was still hiking for a moment before he too stopped, and looked at them. They all had a hint of fear in their eyes.
At first Antony wasn't afraid, He thought it was a miracle, but As he walked and thought about it, he realized it was far from one. It was a nightmare. How was he even supposed to tell his friends? Would they believe him? Or did they already know that he's a crazy mutant, and maybe that's why they've all been acting very weird today.
Slowly the group all came closer to each other, every one of them had a confused look.
Freddy took a deep breathe, "listen guys-
He was about to say something before Ella interrupted him,
-"I have something to tell you" she said sighing.
Antony straightened up his back and nodded his head, "Yeah me too" he said confidently.
Ella looked to the ground, taking a deep breathe. She didn't know how they would react, or if she would even be able to do this.
"I think something is wrong, I-I feel different." she blurted out suddenly. To her surprise none of the team laughed, or made fun of her. They all just slightly nodded with a frown.
"I can hear stuff, like a mile away. It's crazy, I could hear conversations when I'm far away from them, everything's enhanced." Ella said in a confused tone.
Antony knitted his brows together as he thought.
Freddy sighed, "your not alone." He said, "I can feel the electricity in the air. It's like I can control things, like lights." He explained.
   "I can move stuff with my mind." Venus scoffed, "I mean just a second ago I caught myself from falling on my face. I just hovered there." She said with a shocked expression.
       Antony suddenly gasped raising his finger in the air, catching everyone's attention, "The blast, ever since the blast happened, I've felt something different. Something changed inside of me." He explained, as the rest of the team remembered.
"I mean look at us" he ushered, "We all came here. Why?! Because this is where it happened." Antony said walking closer to the building.
"God. This is like our origin story." He whispered to himself. "Wait! This is our origin stories!" He blurted out.
Everyone else frowned at him, awaiting an explanation.
  "Comic books! We need comics books!" He said walking closer to the group in a hurry.
  Freddy sighed, "Antony this is not the time." He said sternly. Freddy was scared and confused, but he wasn't surprised that Antony was joking about it.
   "No you don't get it" Antony said crossing his arms, "Everything that's happened to us, has been written before. In comic books." He laughed, "I mean we're practically superhero's"
    Freddy frowned slightly, opening his mouth to protest, but nothing came out.
Venus nodded slightly, while Ella sighed.
   "What is happening to us?" Ella said, her voice sounding slightly weak.
They all went silent for a moment Thinking about everything that had happened. It was way to crazy to comprehend.
  "I don't know" Antony admitted, "But I'm gonna go find out" he said walking past the group.
  Venus looked over at Freddy and Ella. They both shrugged at her, then followed after Antony.
Trudging back through the brush of the trees, they finally made it back to the road. Antony didn't stop walking the entire time. He was destined to get somewhere, So he didn't stop.
The rest of the group took small breaks before running to catch up again. They were all too confused to ask Antony questions.

Finally they had made it to Antonys house. Antony opened the door, and without closing it he stomped up the stairs.
   Freddy closed the door behind them and hesitantly followed up the stairs with Venus and Ella behind them.
When They got to Antonys room and he was shuffling through a stack of comics.
"A-Ha!" Antony said pulling one of them to the side. He grabbed a small stack that he had made and laid the comics out on the table, so you could see all five of them.
   "What's this Ant?" Ella asked peeking over his shoulder.
Antonys face had a wide grin as he put his hands on his hips proudly.
"This, is everything we need." He said as he stepped back for all of them to see.
"Daredevil: super hearing" he explained, "The human torch: Pyrokenesis. Black lightning: Electricity manipulation. And Scarlet witch: Telekenisis." He took a deep breathe, "This is everything."
Venus frowned at the last comic that was sitting at the furthest part of the table.
"You missed one." Venus pointed.
Antony smirked slightly, "This is the best one" he said picking it up, "This, is the Fantastic Four. One of the greatest mutant superhero teams out there." He looked at the comic with pure passion. Venus could tell, that was one of his favorites, out of the millions of comics he had.
   "What's this gonna do for us?" Freddy said, obviously not convinced.
  "Here Freddy boy" Antony said handing him a stack of comics, "Read up. This is everything on pretty much any superhero with Electricity abilities. And trust me, I have them all." He said as Freddy took the whole stack of comics.
Freddy sighed as he set it on Antonys bed, and sat down to read.
"Venus" Antony gave her a stack as well.
"And Ella" he said passing another stack.
"Last but not least" he paused, "Me" he said sitting down by the desk.
     To say Antony was proud of himself was an understatement. He was overly joyed. Finally his nerdy comic book obsession had come to use. He had always told his dad that one day they would be useful. Now they were. Only if he could rub it in his dads face. 

Silently the group read through the comics.
    At first Freddy was stubborn, and he had an annoyed expression on. Slowly but surely he realized that the comics where quiet entertaining. He actually got immersed into the stories, reading through them quickly, and laughing sometimes at the jokes that were made.
Each one of them also felt the same, the comics where quiet entertaining.
Sadly they weren't reading them just for fun. Maybe if it had been different circumstances they would have been able to enjoy it a lot more.
"Okay" Venus sighed slamming down the last comic. "Done" she said.
   Freddy also placed down his comics, "Me too." He replied.
Ella nodded closing the last one.
Antony stood up from the desk, "Okay now that we're all done. What have you learned?" He said, standing like a proud father.
   Freddy sighed, "Super powers suck." He said blatantly. Venus nodded in agreement, while Ella sighed.
   "Nono." Antony snapped, "anything important you learned?" He repeated.
   "I for one" Venus continued, "Learned that a lot of villains attack you, if you have superpowers." She said.
    Antony sighed, "Okay how about my turn...
I learned that in order to control my abilities, I have to focus on emotions." He explained proudly.
   "I'm tired" Ella put her head in her hands. Antony face palmed.
   "Come on guys, this is the most coolest thing that's ever happened to us!" He said, "Now we can fight crime"
   Freddy spoke up, "What if we get hurt Antony. We're not like those guys in the comics. I know how to fight, but you guys don't." He said seriously.
Antony took a deep breathe and sat down.
Ella then realized something, "What if the government takes us in for experimenting or something." She said panicked.
   "We won't let that happen El" Venus promised.


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