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A COLD WINTER NIGHT A Dark Erotic Romance Novel "When we say winter's here are brutal, we mean it. Cold, unbe... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 - You Saved Me
Chapter 2 - Dead And Frozen
Chapter 3 - I Believe Her
Chapter 4 - My Angel
Chapter 5 - Royally Fucked
Chapter 6 - It Will Get Better
Chapter 7 - Wait For Me
Chapter 8 - I'm Falling For You
Chapter 9 - Yours
Chapter 10 - Searching For You
Chapter 11 - You're Getting Closer
Chapter 12 - Something's Come Up
Chapter 13 - What Do You Love?
Chapter 14 - I Give You Control
Chapter 15 - I Believe You, Edvin
Chapter 16 - What Are Draugr's?
Chapter 17 - You Are In Control
Chapter 18 - What's Next, Doctor?
Chapter 19 - Family Is Everything
Chapter 20 - Darkness
Chapter 21 - What Do You Want?
Chapter 22 - Run, Angel
Chapter 23 - It Should Have Been Me
Chapter 24 - Welcome To Sweden
Chapter 25 - Are You Ready?
Chapter 26 - I Have A Confession
Chapter 27 - This Isn't Our End
Chapter 28 - You Will Live
Chapter 29 - You're Both Alive
Chapter 30 - It Was Real To Me
Chapter 31 - That Deeply Broken Thing
Chapter 32 - Here To Destroy You
Chapter 33 - Come Into The Light
Chapter 34 - Met You Before
Chapter 35 - Never Forgotten You
Chapter 36 - Time To Remember


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My husband rushes past me as I stand in the doorway to our walk-in closet. My arms are crossed while I stare him down, waiting for him to acknowledge how upset I am. I watch him pull a thick sweater over his head. It's the dark olive-green wool sweater I bought him two winter's ago. It's his favorite sweater and one of the warmest one's he currently owns. He pulls the material over his face and his eyes instantly find mine after they peek out from being hidden behind the material. A charming smile begins to widen across that handsome face, and I can feel myself surrendering to the magnetic pull he has on me. He lowers his sweater, covering the white shirt he was just lying in bed with me in. I watch him as he moves slowly towards me. I try to fight back the urge to smile by biting my bottom lip, but he has me. He has me by that one, dashingly handsome smile and he knows it.

"Adam," I shyly say, when he grips my hips and lifts me, holding me back against the closet wall. His fingers run through my hair, lightly pulling at the back of my head.

"You can stay mad at me all you want, but you know you can't stay mad at me forever. You love me too much," he mentions, and it's true. I love this man more than anything.

"I just don't understand why you and Danny can't wait until tomorrow to go. It's snowing like Hell outside and the roads are dark. Just wait until tomorrow when it's at least light outside," I try to persuade him.

"You know we can't wait. The company needs us. Your father needs us. He's at the office right now, going through everything that was ransacked. The whole place is a mess and if whoever broke into our offices got a hold of all our private files, then— We just need to go through everything and make sure it's all there, if not then it's fucking war on those bastards," he vows.

"You don't know for sure if it was them. It could have just been some burglars looking for anything to make a quick buck off of," I say. Adam gazes deeply into my eyes, smiling in awe.

"Your optimism is one of the many reasons why I love you so much," he tells me.

"In that case, then I'm choosing to be optimistic about you not leaving and getting back in that bed with me so we can continue doing what we were just doing," I say. Adam stares me down and then sighs heavily.

"You think you're clever, don't you?" he asks just as he begins tickling my sides, making me giggle and squirm against him.

"Oh, I'm the cleverest because I know just how to distract you!" I tell him while laughing. I then go on to grip the back of his neck and pull him close so that I may kiss him. His tickling stops and he cups my face, pressing his lips against mine. After a long, passionate minute, we pull apart, just enough to breathe.

"Please be safe," I whisper softly against his lips. He pulls back a little to stare into my eyes.

"Always," he vows. He leans in again to give me one long, deep kiss and I cherish every blissful second of it.

"I love you, Adam," I tell him after our heated kiss. He gazes into my eyes, just staring deeply as if he is somehow falling in love with me all over again.

"I love you Clara," he speaks after a moment. A warm smile then begins to rise at the corner of his lips before he speaks again. "When I get back, I'm waking your ass up and we're making that damn baby," he tells me, and I chuckle.

"You better wake me. I'm ovulating and wetter than Niagara Falls right now," I state. Adam's eyes close just as he bites his bottom lip and drops his head back.

"Mmmh. Don't tell me that," he moans. His head then drops forward just as those blue eyes of his look up at me under a heated gaze. "Now I'm tempted to stay and fuck you right here, right now."

"Then allow me to tempt you even further. I am. Wetter. Than. Niagara. Falls," I slowly repeat, and I know by the sudden throbbing and hardened appendage pressed against my pussy, that I got him right where I want him.

"Fuuuck. Me. Woman," he painfully mutters.

"Adam!" my brother hollers from downstairs.

"Stay here with me and I will," I taunt him, now smirking naughtily. Adam bites his bottom lip and sighs.

"Maybe I can just slip it in for a moment," he says. I jump and squeal in excitement.

"Man come on! We got to go!" Danny impatiently yells. Adam and I both share and annoyed frown.

"Tell me again why we agreed on allowing your brother to move into the basement?" he asks.

"You know why," I say. "Sarah took everything from him after the divorce. Something she wouldn't have been able to do if he would have listened and had a pre-nuptial agreement contracted, but nooo. He refused to listen to his sister and then got screwed when she filed for a divorce, but it's just temporary. Until he gets back on his feet and then he's out. I promise," I tell my husband.

"Hey, you have no room to talk. We didn't sign a pre-nup either," he teasingly reminds.

"That's because I trust you. You'd never screw me over and I know, you know that I would never screw you over," I honestly state.

"I know. You're the sweetest and most loyal person I know. I trust you more than I trust anyone and that's saying a lot because your brother has been my best friend for far longer than I ever known you," he admits.

"Don't I feel lucky then."

"It's me who's the lucky one. I got a good one and when I found you, I knew I had to lock you down, because what right-minded man wouldn't want you? You're everything," he sincerely states. I blink, causing a few tears to drip from my blurry eyes.

"You're my everything," I brokenly whisper.

"Awe sweetheart. Don't cry," he tells me but it's pointless. All this progesterone medication I'm taking to help me get pregnant really turns me into quite the cry baby nowadays.

"It's not me. It's the medication," I tell him while crying. He smiles behind closed lips, not believing a word I say.

"Mmmh hmm. The medication. Right," he teases. I lightly chuckle and smack his chest.

"Shut up," I pout.

"You're so adorable. I honestly can't wait for your brother to move out of here so that I can start fucking you around the house again. I don't get it. The guy makes a killing. He is more than capable of recuperating his losses and getting back on his feet," he mentions, and I sigh.

"That may be, but he's still pretty fucked up after what Sarah did to him. He needs time to cope. He needs family. He needs his sister," I say with a smile.

"You are the sweetest, most caring and selfless person I have ever known. How you chose to be with someone like me, I will never understand."

"It was your smile. When Danny introduced you to me that first day we met in his office, you smiled at me and I just knew from that very moment that I wanted to see that smile every day for the rest of my life," I say. Adam then beams, behind closed lips.

"Well lucky you, you get to see this smile of mine every day for the rest of our lives."

"Sounds like a dream come true," I reply.

"ADAM!" Danny loudly yells.

"Oh my God, I'm coming!" Adam turns his head and yells back at him.

"I wish you were coming," I tease. Adam's head swings back to face me. His jaw drops just as his eyes widen and he gasps.

"You— Mmmh woman. You are just pulling out all the stops to tempt me to stay, aren't you?"

"Are they working?" I seductively ask.

"ADAM!" Danny yells again. My husband then sighs in frustration.

"If he weren't my best friend and your brother, I'd punch him in the dick for cock blocking me from fucking my wife."

"By all means. I'm not stopping you," I say. Adam gazes at me for a solid minute before gripping the back of my neck and pulling my face close. His lips meet mine with a hard greeting before pulling back just enough so that he can speak.

"Fuck him. He can wait a few minutes," my husband breathlessly speaks.

"Is that all it's going to take to get you to impregnate me? Just a few minutes?" I ask, looking at him like the naughty girl I am.

"Shhh. No time for talking. I'm fucking you right here, right now," he says, while he quickly undoes his pants and then lowers them. He goes on to lift my night dress and pulls my panties to the side. He divides my folds and in one sudden move, he thrusts his cock within, filling me to the hilt.

"Huhh," I gasp.

"I'm going to make this quick and then I have to leave," he tells me. I nod, knowing that he's leaving tonight no matter what. Adam then begins thrusting up into me fast. I grip his shoulders, bouncing against him as he pumps into me quickly.

"Ohh Adam," I moan.

"You're so wet," he speaks. "I'm definitely knocking you up this time around."

"You've said that so many times already," I state.

"I mean it this time. We're having a baby," he confidently states.

"Yesss. We're having a baby," I repeat under a heated whisper.

"Say it again," Adam stares into my eyes and orders.

"We are having a baby," I repeat. He goes on to fuck me, making my body bounce violently against his chest.

"Mmmh. Yes, Adam. Yesss!" I shout in pleasure.

"Are you close?" he asks me.

"Getting there," I tell him. Adam then begins pounding into me, hitting me deeply with each hard thrust.

"Ahhhh!" I scream.

"Come for me because I'm about to— I'm about to— Ahhh. Shiiit," he groans behind tightly closed eyes. His cock tenses within, piercing me deeply, all while he releases his load, filling me with what I wish more than anything, will be our soon to be child. I can feel his cock pulsating, throbbing while it remains inside me. Adam's head then falls on to my shoulder, resting while he catches his breath.

"You're pregnant. I know you are," he tirelessly whispers, and I smile.

"I really hope I am this time. I really hope I am," I repeat with an optimistic smile on my face. Adam then leans back, staring into my eyes.

"I have to go now, Clara," he says, and for some strange reason after hearing those words, I am instantly hit with a nauseous, dizzying feeling. I grimace, and swallow back a big lump in my throat.

"Are you okay?" my husband asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I just don't want you to go," I tell him.

"I know you don't sweetheart, but I have to."

"I know," I say, almost crying yet again.

"I'll be back sooner than you know. I promise," he vows, and I nod my head. Adam then pulls out of me and sets me on my feet. I watch him pull his pants up, zip and button them. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and then moves passed me, heading for the bedroom door, but before he makes it, he turns and extends his arm out to me.

"Walk me out, sweetheart," he says, and I go to him. His palm finds my back and caresses it before wrapping around my waist and pulling me into his side. He kisses the top of my head then caresses my belly.

"You're going to get pregnant Clara. If not today, then one day. I promise you," he tells me. I turn my head to look up at him with a soft smile.

"Your optimism is one of the many reasons why I love you so much," I mock him from before.

"Oh whatever," he rolls his eyes and teases. He begins tickling me again and I burst into laughter.

"No more tickles!" I shout behind a fit of laughter. "You've reached your max for tickles tonight," I tell him.

"I'm your husband. I get unlimited tickle sessions to spend on you whenever I want," he says.

"Adam!" we hear Danny shout again. Adam stops tickling me and we both groan in frustration.

"He's so annoying," I complain.

"Yet you still love him enough to take him in," my husband reminds.

"I suppose I have a thing for homing those in need," I add.

"You will always be a better person than I," he says, while giving me a warm smile. We then make our way down the stairs, meeting my anxious brother, who stands right in front of the door. Adam walks away to grab his coat and winter accessories. I go to help him button his long thick coat while he puts on his beanie, scarf and gloves.

"What the Hell man? I've been waiting," Danny states.

"Relax Danny," Adam tells him. "Our office isn't going anywhere and will still be there when we get there."

"Are you seriously not worried about what was all stolen? Dad said those bitches took everything, including whatever was hidden inside that locked drawer of yours at your desk," my brother mentions and now I'm intrigued.

"Ooh what was in the locked drawer?" I look up at my husband and tease. He smiles down at me before speaking.

"Porn. Lots and lots of porn," he jokes. I giggle.

"Right, because you totally don't get enough pussy to sate your needs when you're at home."

"Ugh gross," Danny complains from beside us, but I don't look his way. Not when I've got one handsome husband to gaze upon. "Too much information, Clara." Adam then looks at his friend.

"Hey, I warned you when you moved in, what to expect," he tells him.

"Yeah, that you two perverts fuck like rabbits. Now you know why I chose the basement instead of sleeping on the same floor as you two. I don't want to hear that shit," Danny complains. I turn to him.

"Oh, grow up Danny. We're trying to make a baby. You know that," I remind him. Danny smiles and shakes his head.

"Me grow up? You grow up," he pops back. "You're the one who still gets scared every time you watch a damn horror film and then cries at night when you have a nightmare," he says, and I play gasp in offense.

"Oh, don't even go there," I start to say. "I had to teach you how to make a damn grilled cheese sandwich just the other day. Children know how to make that!" I insult.

"Okay, okay. Both of you stop," Adam jumps in and orders. "You're both acting like children right now," he teases. Danny and I then share a deviant smile.

"Not uh," both my brother and I say at the same time.

"Annnd I rest my case," Adam mentions. "Now the both of you. Say you're sorry so we can go," he tells us. I eye my husband and then sigh heavily.

"Fine," I pout. I turn to my brother.

"I'm sorry Danny," I apologize.

"Me too. Sorry sis and sorry for waking you guys up in the middle of the night to give you the bad news. I just— I just really don't want to wait until tomorrow to go through everything at the office. I'm just really worried Clara. We have so many important files that could have been compromised," he tells me.

"I know. You guys will get this figured out," I assure them.

"I hope so. I'm going to go start the Rover and get it heated up," Danny mentions. He then steps towards me, grabs my shoulder, leans in and lays a quick kiss against my forehead. He pulls back, backing away quickly towards the front door.

"We'll call you from the office Clara!" he shouts as he turns, opens the door and runs out of it, slamming it closed behind him.

"Call me as soon as you guys get to the office!" I shout back, hoping he heard me.

"We will," Adam moves in front of me and says. He wraps his arms around me just as I wrap mine around him and his thick coat.

"Please be careful out there. It's snowing so hard," I tell him.

"I'll be the one driving, so you don't need to worry. I'm not going to risk our lives just because your bother in in a hurry to get to the city."

"You better not rush in this weather," I warn him. A small smirk then peeks from the corner of his lips.

"You know me, sweetheart," he says. "I'll try not to be at the office for too long, but if the weather gets too bad, we'll just stay at our penthouse in the city and then come home in the morning. Okay?" I nod.

"Just do what you got to do and come home safely to me."

"You know I will. I love you Clara."

"I love you Adam." I watch his eyes close, just as he leans in and kisses me. He pulls me against him, holding me as near to him as he can. Our lips press against each other's with a burning and passionate need and for the life of me, I can't seem to pull away. I can't seem to let him go. Adam then pulls away when we hear the loud continuous car horn blaring from outside.

"That's it. I really am punching him in the dick," he jokes, and I giggle. "Got to go, sweetheart," he says. He then backs away, moving towards the front door, all while smiling at me the whole way.

"No watching scary movies without me," he orders.

"I wouldn't dare, without my protector being there to hold and assure me that all will be alright," I say, making him smile at my comment.

"I'll be home soon," he tells me. He then flashes me one last handsome smile, before he turns, opening the door and once again, just like my brother, allowing the frigid winter air to hit me like tiny, prickling needles to the skin. He shuts the door behind him and then I hear his boots stomp down the wooden staircase until they crunch in the thick snow.

"Miss you already," I say after he is gone. I move towards the window, pull the curtain aside and peek through, watching him force Danny to step out of the vehicle so that he can sit in the driver seat. I chuckle when I see my brother throw a fit while running around the vehicle to sit in the passenger seat. Adam then looks up from where he sits inside the vehicle. He gives me a wave and I wave back, smiling happily. I watch them drive off, circling our driveway until they reach our long, private road. I watch them drive off until the glow of the red taillights, fade away, into the dark snowy night, disappearing until they are gone. Forever.


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Copyright © 2021 Tristin Clark

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