The Mitchell Boys

Por FightingAndSurviving

445K 16.5K 4.6K

๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐. ๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ ... Mรกs

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 56

5.8K 272 60
Por FightingAndSurviving

Cameron was passed out in the passenger seat next to me. The smell of alcohol was pungent from the little canister he had in the cup holders. I wasn't sure if Cameron passed out from drinking or just tiredness. I'm guessing both.

My heart was still racing, unable to calm down from the actions that I took tonight. While driving in silence my mind continued to run through all the events that occurred tonight. Almost in slow motion, from riding in the car with the guys to the party. Dancing with Addy and drinking with Ash to talking with Austin and watching Jordan perform.

It was like a slideshow in my head, broken images, and new details now that I was somewhat calmer. Who am I kidding, I wasn't the least bit calm. For some odd reason, I keep pondering over and over what the Mitchells are going to think and say. This is extremely odd for me because I usually do whatever the fuck I want when I want.

It's not my first rodeo when it comes to makeout sessions, especially with guys close to each other. When my ex would cheat or go on breaks to cheat I would hook up with his friends. Or when we were in an open relationship I would hook up with him and some of his friends at the same time. Even in a relationship, the whole thing is kind of blurry from being high or drunk most of the time.

I slowed down at a red light and took deep breaths. Not like they would care, I'm my own woman and can do what I want. But for some reason I was anxious and I couldn't put my finger on why. At most I can assume that it's because they'll start acting like complete assholes again instead of one ass cheek.

I turned to look at Cameron's sleeping face. His eyebrows were scrunched and his nose would sometimes twitch. His dark eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks and his dark hair falling onto his forehead. I could see the hole in his nose from his nose piercing and one on his lips.

Now looking at his lips I remember the feel of them on mine. The soft plush feel switches from soft light touches to deep and forceful kisses. At the memory, I wanted to hit my head against the wheel. The thought flustered me more than I would like to admit.

The light turned green and I started driving again, peeking at Cameron's phone in the cup holder. Before he fell asleep he pulled it out of his pocket complaining about his asscheek going numb from the vibrations.

Some part of me wanted to grab it and tell the guys texting to shut the fuck up. That I didn't kill their brother and hid his body in a trench somewhere. I thought Cameron was joking when he said that but nope, just Brian being Brian.

We started getting closer and closer to the neighborhood. I put the code into the gate driving into their fancy-ass block. There was enough light for me to see while driving on the large road to their house because some of the residents' drive-throughs were parking lots.

Finally getting to their house I searched the car for the garage opener. Not knowing where the fuck it could possibly be. I finally found it in the holder above the rearview mirror.

I clicked it quickly and drove into the space that was open. Not knowing if there were specific spots each car went, and not really caring. Releasing a deep breath I shook off all my anxieties and bad thoughts. Even if they were there I just ignored them.

I turned to face Cam not sure if I should slap, shake, or scream to wake him up. I really wanted to pour some water but there didn't seem to be any in the car. Even though I wanted to do those things I didn't, I was too nice for my own good.

I gently rested my hand against his shoulder and started to shake him. Not crazy aggressive, just enough that would wake a normal person up. Alternating between light taps and shakes, "Cam, Cam, wake up, we're at your house."

Losing patience I was about to just scream and shake the crap out of him but he woke. His face scrunched and his eyes started to open and close a few times, trying to wake himself up.

'We're here, let's get out so your brothers can rip us a new one fast. Then go to bed." He nodded his head not saying anything before starting to get out of the car. Seeming somewhat out of it he started looking for his phone in his clothing. "It's in the cupholder." He looked up at me and gave me a quick smile before grabbing it.

"Not really a morning person are you?" He ran a hand through his hair and nodded his head once. I quickly shut off his car and met him in front of it. He still seemed to be half asleep so I kept the keys on me. I grabbed his arm walking him the rest of the way.

Wanting to get water in his system to try to help and prevent his hangover tomorrow. I also wanted to stay as quiet as possible just in case the guys happened to be asleep.

"Come on." I earned him quietly. Cameron stared at my hand on his arm but didn't push me away. I opened the door as quietly as possible and shuffled in. I sat Cameron down on a stool in the kitchen and attempted to set my stuff down as quietly as possible.

Hurrying I scrambled around the kitchen trying to get Cameron as much water as possible and make him a quick sandwich. He watched me moving back and forth with hushed curses as I tried to get things.

"What are you doing?" He finally asked me while I was filling a glass with water. Thankfully he whispered, realizing that I wanted to be quiet. I set the glass quietly in front of him before answering. "Drink, it's to help you sober up and just in case you have a hangover tomorrow. What do you like on your sandwiches?"

Cameron took the glass hesitantly as if it could be poisoned. But the look on his face wasn't skepticism but confusion. "Why?" he whispered, seeming honestly confused.

I gave him an exasperated look, "Did you not see how much you drank? You barely had anything other than slushie in-between. So I'm making your food and water to try to counteract it a bit. You know, basic drinking edict." I glanced back up at him holding two types of sandwich meat, turkey and ham. Cameron gestured to the turkey so I set it down while continuing.

"Don't overanalyze the whole thing. I'm just doing what I would want to be done for me if I was in your position. And I can promise you I've been there." I finished with a bitter laugh.

I continued making his sandwich in the dark silence while he watched me. I came to the conclusion while watching him throughout the night is that the more he drinks the more serious and melancholy he becomes. I wasn't sure why that happened and if it was him shedding the persona he seemed to put on the happy fool.

I wasn't going to ask though, no matter how curious I was. It wasn't my business nor did I have the right to pry into his. We just became friends, for the most part. Overall, we just happen to live in the same house together at the moment.

He stared at the sandwich for a few moments. "Do you want anything else...?" I asked, confused why he was just staring at it. Shrugging it off I started to put away the ingredients we used until the lights in the kitchen turned on. Blinding me and scaring the ever-loving shit out of me.

Both my instinct to run and fight went off at the same time. Confused from having to deal with going back and forth with the two. Unable to pick one I kind of just collapsed. Wanting to make myself as small as possible, forgetting where I was for a second. Just taken over by pure survival instinct.

I was so surprised I wasn't even able to make a noise before I hit the deck. My head hit the cabinet beneath the counter as I went down. My wrist and butt stung from hitting the tile hard but my first thought was to protect my head.

I put my hands up in a fighting position to not only block but attack as I blinked over and over again, Trying to clear my head and take in my surroundings again. I was breathing fast as my body tensed.

My vision finally cleared and I was looking up at the four other Mitchell boys with Cameron leaning over the counter. All starting at me with different emotions, ranging from concern, confusion, and pissed off.

Feeling the weight on my chest release I relaxed. Realizing they all were looking at me and saw me make a fool of myself I got flustered. My cheeks started to burn but I needed to play it off. Knowing that I looked weird and very much suspicious at the moment.

"Well fun meeting you guys here." I pushed myself off the floor and dusted myself off choosing to pretend it never happened and play it cool. "You know you guys could give people warnings." I drew dryly.

"So, who do I have to thank for this late-night greeting?" I ran my hand through my hair before crossing my arms and leaned against the counter. They all still looked at me weirdly but decided to drop it. "What the fuck were you guys doing?" Brian, of course, was the first to politely start off the interrogation.

"When would this be? Right now? Because I was making a sandwich before I was rudely interrupted. If you mean earlier than we went to a gas station. The quick warning does not mix every slushie, smoothie, shake mix together. They taste awful. Skipping that all we did is hang out."

Cameron snorted, running his hand through his hair. Seeming to shake himself out of whatever was dragging him down. Or putting back on his class clown exterior. "That's an under exaggeration." He walked over to me and leaned against the counter, "Just like Chris said, we were just hanging out."

He seemed to be relaxed but by the tightening in his jaw and his veins popping out on his arm he wasn't. He is definitely going to owe me for all the hurdles I've been jumping over for him tonight. "Yep, my partner in crime. Minus the crime." then I remembered that he was underage drinking.

"Scratch that, there was a minimal crime but you all already knew that was happening." Brian ran his hand down his face and gave me a look that said he wasn't sure whether to strangle me or scream at me.

Austin pushed himself forward, "okay, so you guys just hung out. Are you guys okay? You didn't drive drunk right?" Austin being the responsible sweetheart stared at Cameron in concern. But of course, the mood had to be ruined by not only Brian but Jordan surprisingly.

"Is that really all you guys did? Hung out?" He snapped, seeming to be exceptionally irritated tonight. Brain jumped in right after him to continue his inquisition, "And why did you even leave the party without telling us, Cameron? Then came back this fucking late? Why did you even leave?" Brian shot out.

"It's too fucking early for this," Ash growled in a low husky voice. He sounded like he just woke up with a gravel-like tone in his voice that made my stomach flutter. Now looking at them they all seem to be in some form of sleep or comfort wear.

Muscle tees to sweatpants or basketball shorts were on the three. With more of their skin showing than I've seen in the few weeks I've been here, I noticed that some of them had tattoos. Ash had one on his left shoulder seeming to go to his back and front chest. Brian had one on his left biceps and one on his right shoulder, while Jordan had some on his left forearm.

Ash pushed forward going behind us and occupying one of the stools on the other side of the island we were leaning on. Ignoring Ash's outburst Brian glared at me before repeating his questions just as fast as before.

Cameron's eyes were still glassy and he still seemed to be buzzed no matter how much he tried to hide it. He blinked a few times while his forehead creased, showing his irritation to the noise and light. I guess I wasn't the only one to notice it because Austin now cut through his other brothers.

He went to the cabinet with cups and started to make a glass of water while talking, "Drink water, Cameron." He demanded quietly. He wasn't yelling or anything but still had the same feel as someone yelling somehow. "Fuck off." Knowing he has been caught he let himself lean further into the counter.

"Cameron you know you're going to hurt like a bitch and complain the whole day tomorrow. So just suck it up and drink some water before we force it down your throat." Snapped Brian at Cameron which kind of surprised me.

"Suck my dick Brian, I'm not that damn drunk." He snapped at Brian before flipping him off. Sensing that a fight was about to break out I turned and reached back for the glass of water I already made him.

Used to being in situations where I had to de-escalate situations between people I tried to make a compromise with. "Cameron really didn't drink that much, he's just tired since I just woke him up in the car." Before Brian or anyone else could snap at me I continued, "But you haven't drunk that much either tonight." I slid the glass towards him letting him know that it was his choice to drink it or not before going on again.

"Please at least finish this glass of water or finish the sandwich over there. You don't have to if you don't want to but it should make you feel better. You at least owe me and yourself that." He looked down at the glass and I saw the tension leave his shoulders.

"Whatever." He grumbled before picking up the glass and chugging it. I quickly turned around again and grabbed the plate with his sandwich and moved it closer. "Do you want me to bag this up for you or..."

Cameron stared at me for a second as I held his gaze. Not in a challenging or forceful way but showing that I truly meant no harm. That I would listen to whatever he chose to do.

He bit his cheek and grabbed the sandwich before jumping onto the counter to eat it. Once again all the guys were staring at me. I wanted to become an ostrich and dunk my head into a thing of sand but I wasn't.

"What do you mean he owes you that much?" Jordan bit out clear suspicion in his gaze. "Well to kill two birds with one stone it was because of why we left." I had an annoyed look at Brian, "I was heading to the bathroom after talking to Austin and saw Cameron in the hallway. Two or three girls were forcing themselves on to Cameron. They wouldn't take no as an answer and it annoyed me. So I saved the damsel in distress like a true superhero and pretended to be his girlfriend."

At the word girlfriend, all the guys tensed and I felt all their eyes on me again. Ignoring it, I continued telling what happened. Leaving out a few minor details. "Then we ditched, went to a gas station, and just chilled. I guess we forgot to contact you guys, but in my defense, I didn't know he didn't. Happy?"

Jordan was the first one to speak, "So you pretend to be his 'girlfriend', to keep some bitches away from him." He spoke slowly as if trying to solve and analyze the information for himself.

"Yep," I answered, popping the p. "The term girlfriend very loosely. I pretty much made it look like I was hooked at the moment." They all were quiet for once. "Who were the girls." Brian bit out looking at Cameron.

Cameron rubbed his face with his hand, "Jillian, Marie, and Emma. Specifically, Emma Johnson got a nose job freshman year." He answered, shocking me. I raised my eyebrow at him but Austin answered my internal questions. "Cam has an incredible memory, pretty much remembers every name and face he meets."

My mouth opened a little, and by the smirks, it seemed like I did a terrible job hiding my thoughts. "Shouldn't you see someone for that?" I asked, not sure whether to contact a doctor or a gifted kids program.

Brian seemed to still be mad, his chest puffed as he kept dragging his hand through his hair. "You know you're going to go bald if you keep doing that right? I mean if you want a shiny bald spot where your hairline is, go ahead. I mean I hear some girls find that hot." I said without thinking. A bark of laughter came from behind me.

I turned to see Ash resting on his arms with his eyes closed and a smile tugging on his lips. Brain turned to glare at me before huffing. "Thanks," He ground out, almost knocking me on my ass.

I furrowed my eyebrows and puckered my lips in confusion. "For helping Cam, thanks." He bit out before exiting the kitchen. I looked back and forth between the guys pointing at the now empty spot Brian was.

"Am i dead?" I asked nonchalantly, touching my arms and stomach. Cameron snorted next to me, "I think I'm having a psychotic episode." I muttered to myself. Once again too loudly because the rest of the guys in the kitchen smirked.

Jordan stared at me skeptically, "So you pretend to be Cam's whatever, left, then just chilled?" I bit the inside of my cheek and shrugged. Of course, I wasn't going to tell them that I made out with him so I didn't know what else to tell him.

"Pretty much, the mood was ruined and they were still watching. So I offered to get us slushies." Jordan still stared at me but seemed to drop it for now. He started to play with one of his rings standing there awkwardly. "Since we're all up you guys want me to make you something to eat?" I offered.

Jordan looked up and gave a small smirk before walking over to the counter by the stove and jumped up onto it. "Sure." He replied, still playing with his ring, "I'll help you." Austin offered, opening the fridge as Ash raised his hand in the air. Still, stone still with his eyes closed. Guess food beats sleep when it comes to him. I snorted grabbing what Austin passed to me. "I'll take another," Cameron answered walking over to one of the stools.

Jordan, Cameron, and Austin talked back and forth quietly while Ash grumbled here and there. I bit my lip trying to keep myself from smiling at the odd situation. 

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