Buying, Stealing, Flirting An...

By Booksneedmorebooks

1.4K 103 261

A small group of Adventures take on a mission that is much more than they bargained for, when they learn of a... More

And so It Begins; Isabelle
They came and Went; Isabelle
Hurried Help; Henry
The Blossom of love; Isabelle
The Ring; Henry
Money and Lovemaking; Isabelle
The Proposal; Henry
The Date; Harrison
Festival; Isabelle
Shopping Spree!
Brothers; Isabelle
The Day Before; Henry
My one Good thing this month (sort of)
Suits; Henry
The Bachelorette Party; Isabelle
The Big Day; Henry
The Big Day (Again); Isabelle
The Nigh of; Henry
Scars; Isabelle
The aftermath; Henry
Bahalla; Henry
Shopping Spree (Again)
Merry and Music
Love Lost
Princess Willow
Oh the feels.
Pan's Big Rescue
Pan's rescue Reginald POV
Fighting Among Friends.
New Powers Rise
An Unexpected Surprise
Another Surprise.
Clerik, Shut Up!
Snuggle Time
Rescue or not?
Hunting Day
Date Night!
A Big Secret
Grumpy Sheep
A Daring Rescue
The Begging of The End
New Families Arise
Random (out of context) Stuff the Group said as we Played


11 1 3
By Booksneedmorebooks

It had been a week and the threat of the cult still loomed over us. Everyday Wallace sent his owl which he had found a way to make him invisible, and Alec sent Vippy. Today it was eerie. It was quiet. Almost as if in anticipation for something terrible.

That's when Alec shot up. "There's screaming. We need to go," We all followed. Wallace made his quick steed appear and he attached the thing he pulled and took us to the place Alec had said.

When we got there this Wrymling snapped and bit someone on the ground. The poor thing looked scared and confused. As we grew closer I learned it was speaking things in Draconic quietly. "I can't do it, that's mean, I didn't want to hurt that man he just had a pokey thing," the poor thing seemed so sad. And based on the way it spoke I assumed it was a girl.

We grew close as more screams came from around the city, so this was their plan: send babies into the city? How terrible. Alec walked up to the Wyrmling, his arms up as to show he wasn't going to harm them. They way the Wrymling looked at Alec they must have been speaking to Alec telepathically like he liked to do.

I heard more screams and we looked a couple blocks down and there were some people fighting with another Wrymling who was more aggressive, had it's head sliced off by some angry townspeople. I screamed in terror, the poor baby.

Wallace grabbed his staff and quickly shot the person who sliced it's head off and shot them with a bolt of lighting. They went down, good they killed a poor innocent baby who was told to ramage and did so, so that they didn't get hurt.

Wallace created an Illusion of a large black dragon similar to spike. Then told the wrmlyings to come to it; there were 5 remaining wyrmlings that remained and we led them to the castle. I noticed that they didn't fly, their wings had all been torn. It was probably something the cult did so that they didn't fly away.

Inside we lined them up, there were two red and three black, all babies, they must have been from Spike and a red dragon. I asked them all their names the one we spoke with outside her name was Lila Belle. Her sister, another black Wrymling, was Elanore. She also had another black Dragon brother Caspin. Lila Belle also had two red dragon siblings, well she called them that I wasn't sure if they were. One, a girl was named Arrow and the boy named Blaze.

I went over to Alec. "I think we get some buildings built for them in the back," I told him.

"Yes that sounds amazing!" He said. Austerius came running over.

"We're keeping them!" She yelled and wrapped her arms around me. I just stood there, I didn't hug her back. I kind of pushed her off. Both of them looked a little confused. Austerius left and I stood there with Alec.

"Can we talk later?" I asked him.

"Of course," he said and I went back to Lila Belle, I sat on the ground near where she was laying. She ate the food that Austerius had gotten for them and then laid her head in my lap. I spoke with her quietly.

Wallace came down. "I'd like the bodies of the other five brought to my lab," he said. Alec and I both turned to him in surprise.

"Wallace, can we please have at least one proper burial, the poor creatures didn't deserve this," Alec said.

"Please Wallace, they need to just be buried," I said trying to help Alec. I looked up at him through my lashes as I pleaded. I hoped he would they needed to be buried properly, they deserved it.

"You can have 4," he said.

"Alright, that's better than I thought," Alec said leaving it alone. I wouldn't give up though.

"Please Wallace? Please? Don't use the poor creature as part of your experiments, and you own gian. Please Wallace? Please let us bury them?" I begged him again.

"Alright," he said. I hugged him and I went back to Lila Belle and he returned to his lab. We spent most of the day in the throne room tending to the poor babies. Their wings were all now mended.

Later that day I went to the library and I waited for Alec. I held my stuffed Dragon, I no longer had Katie and Kathy and Vippy was with Alec somewhere and I had to leave Lila Belle outside, she didn't fit in here. The tiny red Dragon Wallace had bought for me would have to do.

"What's up?" Alec said, startling me a little as he entered the library and sat down next to me.

"How did you know?" I asked him. I'd been wondering since the day he said something.

"I've been around enough pregnant people to know when something is up. You've been sick a lot and acting a little strange. And I was raised to know this kind of stuff so I could tell if I was ever pregnant." He told me. "I don't think most others would know. I promise I won't tell them."

"Thank you for not telling them, but Alec, when you told me you knew I had found out the day before. Don't get me wrong I knew something was off. But. I didn't think it was this." I told him and sighed.

"Well there's also the fact that you were having a lot of sex. I wasn't completely sure at first, but when I tried talking to you about it, I knew by the way you reacted it would be something big like this." He said. I put my face into the Dragon that I held.

"I didn't mean to, I wasn't trying to, I..." I mumbled into the Dragon. I felt Alec put his arms around me.

"It's okay sweetie. You're gonna be okay. You'll be great at this." He said.

"You won't let me come now will you?" I asked him. I looked at him and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I had to go, I had to destroy the people that ruined my life, I wanted to help get rid of them.

"I think it would be okay if you came. You aren't very far along and we let the others be with us for a while. And they've hurt you just as much if not more than the rest of us. It wouldn't be fair to make you stay. I just want you to be really careful okay? If there's any danger I want you to stay away until we take care of it. Is that okay with you?" He asked.

"Can I help? When we get to them? I'll stay out of the way, just, can I have the final blow?" I asked him.

"Of course you can," He paused thinking, "Can we do it together?" I nodded.

"Uh, Alec, I learned something you might like to know," I told him.

"Is it good or bad?" He asked me.


"Interesting, okay tell me," He said urging me to go on.

"I learned that the cult leaders have a second daughter, she must be still a baby. I thought that, well maybe when we defeat the others, we could rescue the baby, you and daniel could raise her right. I don't think there is any saving Drusilla, they've raised her to stand and die for her parents. But there's hope for the other baby, do you think we well you could do that?" I asked him.

"I would love that," he said and hugged me "Thank you,"

"You'll get some practice in and then teach me how to raise a baby?" I asked.

"Absolutely!" He replied.

"Promise?" I asked again. I was nervous. And I feel like I could ask Alec for help more than I could Moira.

"Of course, I'm here for you every step of the way," he told me.

"Thank you," I replied.

"No problem. I'd love to help," he said. I got up and walked away. I said something quietly hoping he wouldn't hear.

'I couldn't quite hear you, would you please repeat that?' I heard Alec say in my head. I thought about what I said about how he would make a better father, maybe even better than Wallace and I hoped he could hear it. 'Thank you, I greatly appreciate it. You'll make a great mother, and I am sure Wallace will learn to be a great father,' I heard him reply telepathically.

I didn't reply, I just left. He was wrong, not about Wallace, but about me. I couldn't be a mother. I shouldn't be a mother. I should have stayed away from Wallace in the beginning. 

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