The Player Fell In Love With...

By softlalisas

87K 2.3K 230

Lalisa Manoban, a Senior at Busan High, is the girls basketball teams captain, but she's not that great of a... More

11 Part 12
26 pt.2
New Book
New book


3K 103 5
By softlalisas

Tuesday August 28

Jennie's P.O.V.

Today is the day Lisa takes her math test that we have been studying so hard for. Yesterday we studied for an extra hour and even though she won't admit it, I can tell she's pretty nervous. I have confidence in her that she'll pass it, Lisa is smart once she applies herself and gets out of her own head.

"Jen you there?" Lisa asks breaking me out of my thoughts. We are currently in the schools library going over last minute questions.

"Yeah sorry I zoned out." I shake my head looking back down at her paper.

"I think I understand this, but some of the others don't make any sense. Who the fuck decided to put letters in a math problem?" She huffs typing in her calculator.

"Just settle down and don't over think these problems. You know everything so no need to panic." I tell her and just then the bell rang. We packed our things up and exited the library, but before we went our separate ways I grabbed her wrist making her turn around. I stood on my tippy toes placing a kiss on her cheek.

"What was that for?" Lisa asks resting her hand on the small of my back.

I don't know where that boost of confidence came from but I'm not complaining by seeing Lisa's beautiful smile. "Think of it as good luck for your test."

Lisa nods her head. "I'll see you at lunch yeah?"

"For sure." I answer turning away and walking to my next class.

****Skip to lunch****

I sit at my table and I have yet to see Lisa but she's probably waiting on Jisoo since they always walk in together.

"Hey Jen, who you looking for?" Nayeon asks nudging my shoulder.

"Lisa." I answer simply, and I don't even have to look at her to know she's rolling her eyes at me.

"You're wasting your time tutoring her, it's just going in one ear and out the other." Nayeon chuckles, which starts to piss me off, considering how self conscious Lisa is about her grades at times.

"We've talked about this Nayeon knock it off. Also has Lisa bothered you any since I've been helping her?" I ask and Nayeon just puts her head down.

"Exactly and she's not that bad once you get to know her."

Nayeon was about to say something but a familiar voice that I have grown to love interrupted. "Jen you got a minute?" Lisa asks holding a folded up piece of paper in her hands.

"Yeah, Nayeon I'll be back." I say before getting up and following Lisa to the hallway. "So what's that?" I ask pointing to the paper in her hands.

"Why don't you just look for yourself." Lisa tells me, handing over the folded paper.

I open it and from the corner of my eye I see Lisa bouncing on her feet impatiently. Once I have it opened all the way up I see that it her math test. My eyes widen and I look up to see a smiley Lisa.

I jump up wrapping my arms around her neck holding her tightly. "I knew you could do it! You had nothing to worry about!"

Lisa wraps her strong arms around my waist pulling me closer to her. "Thank you Jen, for everything."

I pull back slightly but we're still holding each other. "I'm proud of you." I tell her sincerely playing with the baby hairs on the back of her neck.

Lisa kisses my cheek and whispers a small thank you before letting me go. "If you don't mind, I'm going to show this to coach."

I wave her off. "Go ahead."

She starts to run off but quickly turns around running back to me. She kisses me on my cheek once more before whispering, "Thank you again." Then takes off towards the gym.

I turn to walk back into the cafeteria when someone calls my name. "Jennie right?"

I look in the direction of the voice and see Nancy, the head cheerleader in all her glory. "Uh yeah what's up?"

"So are you and Lisa a thing?" Nancy asks backing me up into the lockers.

"No I'm just her tutor, nothing more or less." I answer panicking a little bit.

She smiles sensing my nervousness. "Good because you know she doesn't do relationships, I mean if she didn't want to date me what makes you think that you have a shot?" She laughs along with her friends. "And honey all she wants is sex, she's just going to end up using you."  

I feel my face start to heat up knowing I'm turning red for embarrassment, but this doesn't stop her verbal assault. "Awe is the poor nerd going to cry? I'm just telling you the truth, this little act Lisa is putting on is just so she can use you."

I don't listen to what else she has to say, I just turn the other way and run the other way. What she said can't be true? I mean Lisa has been being really nice but is it just so she can get in my pants, is that why she agreed to my deal?

I'm not paying attention to where I'm going and run into someone, but I don't stop I just keep going until I'm hidden in the library away from everyone else.

Lisa's P.O.V.

Jennie runs into me but doesn't even stop, I noticed that she had tears in her eyes. I hear laughter and I instantly spot Nancy with her group of followers. I clench my jaw knowing she had something to do with Jennie running off.

"What did you say to her?" I ask with a clenched jaw.

"Only the truth." Nancy chuckles out starting to walk away but I grip her arm holding her back.

"I'm going to ask one more time, what did you do?"

"That you're using her to eventually get into her pants, and that you don't do relationships. I mean that's why she's tutoring you right?" Nancy asks knitting her eyebrows together.

I feel the anger building up knowing she did this on purpose to mess with me. "No I'm not fucking using her, she's actually helping me with school. Talk to her again and you'll regret it." I hiss letting go of her arm. No I won't actually do anything to harm her, just trying to scare her a bit.

"Oh so you like her, the schools nerd?" She yanks on my shirt but I just shrug her off knowing I should find Jennie.

"That's none of your fucking business, I'm done with you and your drama. Delete my number and stay away from Jennie." With that I rush to the library knowing that's the only place that's open during lunch period.

I look around the library and no one is in sight, not even a sound. I'm about to give up until I hear a small sniffle from the corner behind a book shelf. I ease my way around, low and behold Jennie is huddled up in the corner with her knees to her chest and hiding her face her hands.

I sit beside her and rest my hand on her back, startling her a little. "Are you okay?"

"Shouldn't you be with Nancy." Jennie spits out and ouch that hurt.

"No because I'm here with you, making sure you're okay." I tell her truthfully hoping she'll stop crying.

I hear her sniffle and she turns her head to me, that's when I see how swollen and red her eyes are. "Is it true?"

"No, I confronted Nancy in the hall after I caught a glimpse at how upset you were. I'm not using you, not for sex or in any other way. Nancy is just jealous if you want me to be honest."

"How, she's the most perfect girl in the school?" Jennie asks rolling her eyes.

"She's not even close to being perfect, trust me. Please believe me when I tell you that I'm not using you, I respect you so much more than that." I grab her hand interlacing our fingers, memorizing how perfectly they fit together.

Jennie blushes standing up pulling me up with her, bringing me into our second hug of the day. "You okay now?" I ask against the top of her head.

"Yeah thank you." Jennie pulls back from the hug the dismissal bell interrupting our moment.

***Skip to Kim's***

"Did you know it was suppose to storm tonight?" Jennie asks looking out of her bedroom window. It's almost 10 and we just finished my biology lesson since that's where my next test is.

"Do you want me to stay here with you and Yeji until your parents get here?" I suggest but she shakes her head.

"It's fine, I'm sure they won't be too late. I appreciate that though." She assures me walking me to the front door. I kiss her cheek telling her good night and run to my car getting drenched in the process due to heavy rain.

I make it to my house and my parents are still gone, but they'll be back sometime next week. I take a shower changing into comfortable pajamas and cuddle into my warm bed sheets.

I get woken up by my phone going off. I look at the clock and see it's 1 in the morning....who the hell is texting me at 1 a.m.

Jen❤️: I"m scared...

Me: Are your parents home?

Jen❤️: Not yet..Yeji and I are cuddled under the blankets, the power cut off.

I sigh getting up and pack everything I need for school tomorrow and load up in my car again. It takes me all but 10 minutes to drive back to her house and once again I knock on her door.

It takes a minute but Jennie cracks it open and once she sees it's me, she takes my hand and drags me inside. "Lisa what are you doing here?"

"Well you said you and Yej were scared so here I am." I shrug off my raincoat and take off my boots following her to the bedroom. "LISA!" Yeji screams jumping on me from the bed wrapping her arms and legs around me.

I take a seat on the bed and Jennie does the same. "I'll sleep on the floor and you girls can have the bed."

I get up but Jennie rests her hand on my shoulder. "Can you um please sleep up here?"

I nod my head, handing Jennie her sister and I lay down waiting for them to get comfortable. Jennie places Yeji in front of her spooning her, then she lays down with her back facing me. As soon as they get settled, there's a loud clap of thunder and lightening causing them both to scream.

I chuckle and wrap my arm around both of them spooning Jennie. "Calm down, it's just a small storm. Now go to sleep." I kiss and exposed part of Jennie's neck, but not in a sexual way.

"Good night." They both mumble while Jennie grabs my hand interlacing our fingers like earlier. We all three go to sleep with a smile on our faces.

End of Chapter

Word count (1888)

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