Stay with me

By iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 69 - The Gift

1.8K 65 26
By iliqblack

The balloons flew into the sky. Defne mentally whispered prayers to them. She asked heaven to be merciful to her family. Do not punish them with troubles and losses. Don't ruin their happiness. She asked for a bright fate for Emine Diana, endless love for herself and Omer, long life for grandmother and grandfather. She asked that friends be calm and happy, and their children were born healthy. She asked that the disease should not return to the cute birds Nisa, Kumru, and Dila, and the rebel Jansu Baisal would find peace of mind. She asked that the first feelings of Esra and Mert not break against the wall of lies and cruelty.

Defne watched until the last balloon became a dot high in the sky. Having disappeared without a trace, they left a huge trace in her soul, like the universe. Smiling, she turned away from the window and almost fainted from fear. Koray was holding baby Emine Diana in his arms. She fully fit into his huge palm, and her doll face looked very pleased.

- Koray, - Defne croaked and rushed to him, instinctively holding out her hands and securing the head. - You will drop her!

- Never! - He confidently answered and shouted at the scared mom: - Get out of here! You are preventing Diana and me from getting to know each other. Yes, my sweet girl? - He cooed to the baby, who drove her eyes-olives and folded her lips like a bow. - Ay, what a beauty you are! All in mom! Or dad? - He turned his eyes thoughtfully and immediately exclaimed: - Ay, what's the difference! Both are beautiful! And you will be beautiful, my princess Diana! Korish will teach you to be capricious, and you will harass mom and dad.

- What a wonderful prospect, - Defne muttered and demanded: - Koray, return the child to mom! It's time for Emine to feed. And you will not be present! She said decisively, jabbing her finger into his powerful chest. "You'll go home and show up here only tomorrow."

- Ay, wait! - putting Emine in the crib, Koray waved her aside. He took out his phone and began to photograph the girl from all sides.

- Koray! - Defne said with all the severity she was capable of. - God forbid, photos of Emine appear in newspapers! I'll strangle you! I swear I'll strangle!

Koray looked at her as if she were crazy and, tapping his forehead with his finger, asked:

- Skinny, are you crazy? Where does Diana go to the newspapers?! So many people with unkind eyes and watch! Will curse the child! Not! Not! And no! These photos are just for me! Well, maybe I'll show them to Nero. The Black Mamba forbade her to visit you. He said not to disturb you, otherwise, he will take the mansion. She's nervous all over, so much wants to see Diana, - he rumbled. The baby curled up and her lower lip quivered. Koray widened his eyes in fear and raised his hands. - I'm leaving, leaving, my life! Tomorrow I will come and bring you a present, - he pushed Defne to the bed and angrily ordered: - Feed the baby! What kind of mother is this?! Muddle! Bye Bye! - He waved his hand on the move and swam out of the room.

Defne breathed a sigh of relief and, taking her whimpering daughter in her arms, spoke:

- Praise be to Allah! Gone! My soul, Koray is a wonderful friend, but I feel he will drive us crazy, - she sat down in a chair and gave the baby a breast. Examining the tiny face, and gently stroking the red fluff on the round head, she said: - And where did our dad get lost? The balloons flew into the sky long ago, but he still does not come.

Omer, who had been quietly standing in the doorway for a couple of minutes, smiled a satisfied smile. Defne missed him. Wants to see him. How good! He pushed off the doorframe, silently closed the door, and went into the room. Defne noticed her husband and her face lit up.

- Are you here! How good. Where have you been? And why is it taking so long? We missed you!

He kissed her lips first, then the top of Emine's head, and only then replied:

- Today is my girl's birthday. And the fact that you are in the hospital does not mean that we will not celebrate it. I made some preparations for the evening.

- Will we have a real feast? - Defne was delighted.

- The most real! - promised Omer.

Since the morning, Kartal could not find a place for himself. He worried about Mirai. Yesterday evening was a huge shock for her, and the man was worried about her state of mind. He called a couple of times, but the telephone conversations did not calm him down. Kartal knew firsthand how skillfully Mirai was able to hide the pain. But, even hidden, it burned and tormented him. He loved this woman so much and wanted her to be calm and happy. So that suffering never again tormented her soul. Hiding his phone in the pocket, he got into the car and drove to the house, which for some time now became his family.

He saw Mirai from afar. She, as always, refined and impeccably elegant in a beige dress and open shoes walked along the sidewalk to the taxi stop. He was glad that he was in time and hurried to her.

He immediately recognized the man who called out to her. Kartal saw him yesterday in the house of Engin Astarkhan and knew that he was none other than Mehmet Astarkhan, Mirai's ex-husband. A man who abandoned his wife after being raped and abandoned his children. Who drove the family out of the house without a penny! Never remembered her for seven years. And what does he want now?

He came closer and stopped, ready to help at any second.

- Mehmet? What are you doing here? - Mirai asked in a strange, cold voice.

"I came to talk," the man replied. - To apologize. I am guilty before you. And in front of the children, I am to blame. Forgive me if you can.

Mirai was silent. Kartal felt her anger with his skin, and it was transmitted to him. As if they had one soul for two and her pain was his pain.

- Forgive you? Mirai asked hoarsely. - Do you think that this can be forgiven? The girls were only a year old! Year! Quite small and I left them to ten-year-old Mert and went to work. Because otherwise, we would starve to death. They sat in a damp basement, and their cough did not stop in winter or summer. They didn't have toys, they didn't have enough food. They dressed in rags given by compassionate neighbors. They didn't see their mother, because I took on any job, just to rent a normal apartment and pull the children out of the dampness and mold. Are you talking about forgiveness now? To hell with you!!! Go away and don't dare come close to us ever! Mirai's voice vibrated. There was a steely determination and barely contained rage in it.

Mehmet lowered his head and muttered dully:

- I then went crazy. Didn't think about anything, except that you cheated on me. I was jealous...

"I was raped," Mirai hissed through clenched teeth, interrupting him.

"But Hazal and... he... said something else," the man stammered.

Kartal approached Mirai, stood beside her and, taking her hand, spoke with contempt:

- And you believed everyone except your wife.

Mirai raised her surprised eyes at him, and in the next moment gratitude and unconditional love sparked in them.

"You're here," she whispered, and he nodded silently.

Mehmet's eyes lit up with an unkind fire.

- Who is he? - he asked.

"The man Mirai is marrying," Kartal answered firmly, and Mirai felt herself the happiest of women.

- Marry? Mehmet asked, stunned. His face turned pale and then reddened. He snapped and muttered through clenched jaws: - I want to see the children!

"If they want to see you," Mirai objected boldly. - And it will be decisive. I will talk to them, but it will be as they decide.

- You will turn them against me, - Mehmet threw the accusation, but Mirai only laughed and rightly told him:"Believe me, I don't even have to make an effort. Life and your behavior turned the children against you. And to gain their trust, you need to turn back the clock. And this is impossible, - concluded Mirai. Turning away, she raised her face to Kartal, smiled warmly, and said: - I am going to buy a present for little Eminе Diana. Come with me?

"I'd love to," he said and nodded to the side of the road where his car was parked. - I'm driving. Say what mall you want.

- Zorlu, - answered Mirai. Not honoring her ex-husband with a single glance, she walked by the hand with Kartal to his car.

Mehmet looked after them and felt complete devastation. His life no longer mattered in the least to him. For seven years he held on to anger and hatred. Now they are gone, and a ringing void remains inside. Mehmet repented, but his repentance was years late and no one else needed it. He understood this with utmost clarity, and the cruel truth made him sick.

He came home. Hunched over and bowing his head, he entered the huge mansion, which he once shared with his wife and children. Then the house was noisy, warm, and cheerful. Now - spotlessly clean, empty, and quiet. The housekeeper came out to meet and informed the owner:

"Your sister, Mrs. Hazal, is waiting for you in the living room."

Mehmet nodded restrained and went into the room. Hazal, wringing her hands hysterically, rushed from window to window. Seeing her brother, she jumped up to him and, clinging to the lapels of his jacket, shouted:

- Where have you been? I have a disaster !!!

He unhooked her hands, pushed her away from him, and walked over to the bar. He poured a generous shot of whiskey into a glass, drank it in one gulp, and pressed the glass to his forehead.

- Can you hear me?!!! Hazal screamed. - I have huge problems! Hussein is in jail, the firm's assets and all accounts are under arrest! Father flatly refused to help! The lawyers say that they can only achieve mitigation of punishment, but not an excuse, and demand fabulous money! And I don't have them!!! Moreover, Hussein threatens that if we do not pull him out of prison, he will not cover me. Will tell the police everything! - Hazal burst into tears and whined pitifully: - Mehmet, I will go to jail! They'll jail me! You see, they'll put me in jail! Help me!

Mehmet stood motionless. And then he turned sharply and threw the glass into the wall. It shattered into small pieces and Hazal, stopping howling, stared at her brother in horror.

- Help? - He asked in a tone that made her chill down her spine. - Are you asking ME for help?! After you destroyed my family and my life, you lied, slandered an innocent person, shielded the rapist, and made me doubt the paternity of my children with your lies?! After all this, do you ask for help?!!

Hazal backed away and spoke quickly:

- She's to blame! She seduced him for many years, and he could not stand it. He was lost. He was a man...

- Shut up !!! - shouted Mehmet, and in two steps caught up with her, grabbed her throat. - Shut up or, I swear to God, I will kill you!

Blue, Hazal wheezed and desperately tried to rip her brother's hands from her neck.

- Meh ... met!! You ... will strangle me!

He unclenched his fingers and pushed her away from him.

- Get out! - ordered. "I won't lift a finger to help you."

Swaying, Hazal left the room. The police drove up to the house. The howl of sirens made Mehmet approach the window. Тhe housekeeper went to the police car. She answered the officer's questions and looked anxiously at the front door. Mehmet saw her confusion and guessed that it was for Hazal. He left the room. His sister stood in the lobby, staring in horror at the police cars outside the window. Hearing the footsteps, she turned, rushed to her brother, and begged:

"Please help me!"

He looked her up and down and nodded at the door.

Slowly, like a sleepwalker, she turned and walked outside. Mehmet followed. He watched as Hazal was handcuffed, her head bowed, and put in a police car.

- Mister Astarkhan, - the officer addressed to him. He felt ill at ease. The arrest of the daughter of the chief of the Istanbul police broke the patterns of his thoughts, and he did not understand how he should behave. - We are taking Mrs. Hazal to the seventeenth police station. If you want to notify the lawyers, let them go there immediately.

Mehmet looked at him with an icy, unreadable gaze and said:

- There will be no lawyers. Let Mrs. Hazal and her husband be defended by a public defender.


The jewelry exhibition in Ankara opened at the announced time and was a huge success. Visitors wandered around the hall, and in the street, despite the stifling heat, a line of people wishing to look at the jewelry lined up. The Starry Night necklace became the center of attention. The crowd around it did not thin out, and those who wanted to buy the amazing piece of jewelry numbered dozens. But Ahtem Minibaev's answer was unequivocal. The necklace is not for sale. But Sapphire accepts custom orders. Those who wish can contact the design department of the company and order an exclusive piece of jewelry from Defne Iplikci. Yes, it will be expensive. Very expensive. But the author's unique work will be worth every lira of money spent. Interested clients took business cards and again hung out in front of the jewelry collection for a long time.

- Defne has a lot of work to do, - Laura said quietly in her husband's ear. - How will she cope with it and the small child?

He nodded his head in agreement and replied:

- We need to expand the design department. Take some promising designers. Defne will draw the basic sketches and they will do the rest of the detailing.

"You're right," Laura agreed with him. - When we return to Istanbul, I will talk to her about this, - she fell silent and, listening, put her hand on the barely noticeable bulge of her belly.

- Kicking? - Ahtem breathed out, and touching amazement appeared on his face. For two weeks their baby had been persistently reminding mom and dad that he was a no longer little bean, but a real child, but Ahtem still perceived his moves as a miracle. Laura smiled and nodded affirmatively.

- He is kicking. Will be as nimble and athletic as you.

Ahtem sighed and with reverent tenderness, gently touched her belly.

Visitors, having examined the jewelry, left, and new ones came in their place. The huge hall was never empty for a minute. The guards closely watched the guests and vigilantly watched their behavior. Although the expensively dressed men and women, they were all distinguished by exquisite manners and dignified behavior. The man who entered the gallery in the late afternoon was no exception. The beige suit was perfect for him. The brown shoes shone with a mirror-like sheen. There was not a single wrinkle or fold on the blue shirt. A silk tie spoke eloquently about the fact that its owner spared no expense for his appearance. And the view itself was impressive. Impeccably cut black and gray hair, a dandy mustache, and a clean-shaven chin. But there was something unpleasant and repulsive in that handsome face. It lurked in the squint of brown eyes and in a smirk that curled its lips.

The man, casting lazy glances at the exposition, walked casually across the hall and stopped near the Sapphire collection. Taking a closer look at the gorgeous jewelry, he looked up at a promotional photo of a lovely red-haired girl wearing a sapphire necklace. Looking into huge amber eyes, he said:

- Well, hello, Defne.


Omer again disappeared in an unknown direction. But Defne only smiled and patiently waited for the evening. After five Iso and Aysegul visited her. The friend, just entering the room, opened his arms and loudly declared:

- Come to hug you, my hooligan! Do you think that now, you have become a mother, and I forgot that you are Defo, not Defne?

- Ay, forget it! - Defne cheerfully answered and threw herself into a bear hug.

Iso patted her on the back and said gently:

- Congratulations, my Defo! May Emine Diana grow up healthy and bring you a lot of happiness! And where is my niece? - releasing mom from the embrace and looking around, he asked.

Defne happily greeted Ayshegul and led both to the bed in which the baby was peacefully snoring. The man and the girl broke into sweet smiles.

"Red-haired," Iso said, gently touching the small head. - Another hooligan was born.

- What are you talking about! - Ayshegul was indignant in a whisper. - Look, she's a princess. So delicate and fragile.

"Yeah," the man said mockingly. - Defo also looks tender and fragile. But the guys in the neighborhood were beaten so that they were afraid to approach her.

Aysegul looked at Defne in surprise.

- It was long ago and not true! - She embarrassedly began to make excuses. - I've changed.

- Because Omer struck you in the very heart, and you do not want to show him your fighting character, - Iso jocked.

- Not! - Defne objected and smiled a piercingly beautiful smile. "I just have no reason to fight anymore. I am infinitely happy!"

- I see, Defo, - leaving the joking tone, Iso said seriously and his eyes flashed with a warm light.

After her friend and his fiancée left, a nurse looked into Defne's room. She put two boxes on the bed and said:

- Madam Defne, Mr. Omer asked you to wear this. In the meantime, I'll take the baby, bathe her and change her clothes. And then I'll bring her to you.

She took Emine Diana and left. Defne opened the top box. It contained silver, crystal-beaded sandals with thin heels. Omer's creation. Defne did not doubt it. He simply could not help giving her hand-made shoes for her birthday. It was already like a tradition. A beautiful, touching tradition.

The second box contained a dress. Deep green in color, with a tight bodice and a flying skirt, it was tailored so that a woman could easily release her breasts and feed her baby. Here, in the box, was her cosmetic bag. Admiring her husband's foresight, Defne grabbed both boxes and went to the bathroom to get ready for a romantic evening. She showered, dried, and styled her hair, and tinted her eyelashes and lips. Dressed in the dress and shoes, she turned in front of the mirror and applied the final touch - a drop of perfume behind her ears. Deciding that she looked very good for a woman who had given birth yesterday, Defne left the bathroom.

Candles were burning in the room. Their soft light flooded the room. In the middle was a table set for dinner, and around were vases of flowers. Roses gracefully held their delicate heads on long stems and exuded a delicate aroma. Omer stood by the crib. He wore a black tuxedo with a bow tie and a dazzling white shirt. His handsome face was tense with the excitement and solemnity of the moment. Emine Diana lay in her crib and drowned in white foam of lace. The pink suit was gone, and instead, she was wearing a lace beaded dress. The baby was awake. She rоlled her olive-shaped eyes and kicked her legs dressed in white socks.

Delighted with everything that her eyes see, Defne approached her husband. He gently touched her cheek and whispered:

- Happy birthday, darling! Long years and endless happiness! Thank you for everything! You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

Moved by his words, Defne recalled in a voice hoarse with excitement:

- It's not just my birthday.

- You're right, - Omer smiled and asked: - Let's give our princess her first gift?

- A present? - Defne was surprised and stared at the pendant that magically appeared in Omer's hand. The light of the candles was reflected in the diamonds and shone softly in the pearls. Black and gold, and white under their protection. And a golden curl sprinkled with miniature diamonds inside, connecting all three pearls into one. Everything was just as she and Omer once painted.

- Did Ahtem do it? - Defne whispered admiringly.

"Before a long time," Omer admitted. - But I wanted you to see it on Emine's birthday. - He looked into shining amber eyes and asked: - Let's put it on! - Defne nodded. She lifted her daughter's head, and Omer put the chain on the tiny neck and beautifully laid the pendant over the white lace. "Let her stay with it for a little while, and then we'll take it off," he said, admiring his daughter.

Defne looked at the most beautiful picture in the world, and her breath caught in excitement. All her desires, all hopes, and dreams were embodied in this minute. It was the pinnacle of life. Absolute, pure, unclouded happiness.

"I have a present for you, too," Omer said hoarsely.

He opened a photo on his phone and handed it to Defne. On the screen, under crystal-clear glass on cream satin, the Starry Night necklace was lying, and bright stars shone on the surface of dark blue sapphires.

- Omer? - Not believing her guess, she whispered.

"It's yours," he confirmed in a deep voice. "It can't be anyone else's. I realized that when I saw the necklace around your neck. And I could not allow someone else to wear it.

- You're crazy! - Defne whispered with admiration and stretched her lips to him.

Omer fell on them with his hot mouth, buried his hands in her silk hair, and groaned from the fullness of happiness that now overwhelmed his soul.

The small family celebrated the birthday of Defne and the just-born baby Emine Diana. The newborn wandered from father's hands to mother's and back until she fell asleep. Omer removed the pendant from her and carefully put his daughter in the crib. And he hung the jewel next to the fire opals.

- The medical staff will decide that we are obsessed with jewelry of the nouveau riche since we even decorate the crib with them, - Defne, who approached her husband, joked.

- Well, let it be, - smiled Omer and stroked the pearls with his finger. - You and I know the real value of these stones. And it's not in the money.

Defne's eyes clouded with memories. She again saw the bungalows above the water, the waves rising in the lagoon and the eerie, black clouds in the sky. Fire opals on the floor of the boarding corridor at Bora Bora airport and the plane that departed without her. And pearls in the boxes, which she did not hide in her luggage, but put in her backpack. They were not lost on the seabed but remained with them. Because they were destined to become a pendant-amulet for a little girl who, having been born, became the center of the universe for her parents.

- What are you thinking about? - Soft voice as velvet, asked Omer.

Defne raised her eyes to him and smiled a radiant smile.

- About the fact that there are no coincidences in life. Everything that happens is on time and makes sense.

Omer kissed her temple and said:

- My dear philosopher.

Defne pressed her head against his shoulder and hugged his waist. Omer hid her in his hands and rested his chin on the top of her head. They stood over the crib and, with a strange, tickling feeling in their chest, examined every feature of their daughter's face.

"She's perfect," Defne whispered.

"So are you," Omer said at the same second. - I'm really lucky. And you know, - Defne threw back her face to him, and he looked into her shining eyes, - I am not afraid of any problems and trials. I know there will be many of them, but they will not affect my life in any way as long as you are with me and love me.

- We are with you, - Defne stroked his cheek and promised: - We will always be there. We will always love.

Later, Omer, at the request of his wife, told her in detail everything that had happened in Ankara the day before. They sat opposite each other at the table. The candles were burning out and in their ghostly light emotions on faces were more expressive. Defne listened to her husband attentively and silently. Only a vertical wrinkle appeared more and more clearly between her eyebrows.

"Our lawyer spoke to the police today," he said. - Hussein Chatay will not be able to get out on bail. His accounts and those of the firm have been seized, and none of his relatives are going to lose money to help him. His wife is also detained, and her influential father refused the slightest help to her and her husband. It turns out that Mirai was married to the brother of Hazal Chatay. And it was Hazal's husband who raped Mirai. And she convinced everyone that there was no rape. She said that Mirai seduced her husband and cheated on hers. They believed her. You know the further history.

Defne covered her mouth with her hand in horror and tears glistened in her eyes.

"What a horror," she whispered dully. - How is this possible?

"Unfortunately," said Omer. - The father and the husband of Mirai abandoned her and threw her together with the children out of the house and without money. Now, having learned the truth about the lies and intrigues of Hazal, they repent and will not interfere with justice. Like Engin Astarkhan. He even refused to pay a lawyer, and Chatay will be presented by a public defender.

- Serves them right! - Defne said angrily and asked: - But how do you know all this?

"Kartal told me," Omer replied. - He called me today. At first, he tried to call you, but your phone was silent and he called me.

- Of course, it is silent, - Defne smiled. - I forgot my phone at home and I am not available for communication for a whole day. So what did Kartal told you?

- He told why Mirai ended up in the office of the Turkish Gold, and what happened yesterday after the report.

- And why was she there? I also asked myself this question yesterday during the reportage, - Defne admitted.

"Hazal lured Mirai into her office with a letter from her mother, which she wrote before her death," Omer said in a low voice.

"Wicked woman," Defne whispered hoarsely. - Nothing sacred for her.

- And yesterday, after the reportage, Mirai rushed to the house of Hazal. More precisely to her father's house. It was his birthday, and everyone close, including Mirai's father and her ex-husband, gathered for the celebration. Kartal and Mert went with Mirai. And they witnessed a very difficult and dramatic scene, in which the whole truth about the old tragedy and the role of Hazal in it was revealed.

"Everything secret sooner or later becomes clear," Defne said quietly. - Now the father and ex-husband of Mirai know the truth. They are probably dying of remorse and guilt.

- Let them die! Omer snapped hard. - They deserve it. When I think about what Mirai and the children had to endure through their fault, I want to tear them to pieces. Narrow-minded, cruel freaks! To throw a broken, defenseless woman and three children into the street! Without any money. Without things. In essence, sending them to starvation. There is no excuse or forgiveness for such an act!

"You're right," Defne agreed with her husband. - Neither their repentance nor requests for forgiveness can destroy the hell that Mirai and the children went through. But Mirai now knows how strong she is. And she knows the value of Kartal and his love. How strange. "Defne smiled a wistful smile." - Troubles and tragedies, in the end, lead to happiness. What a complex intent fate has and how confused it weaves its patterns.

"The more interesting life is," Omer smiled and took Defne's hand. She entwined her fingers trustingly with his and asked:

- And Laila? She was not detained?

- She is detained. In Istambul. Laila tried to escape with the money she received for the sketch but was arrested. Imagine, she has a twin sister, and during the arrest, she passed her off as herself, - Omer shook his head indignantly. - She sent her sister to prison for her crimes. This scum has not a soul, she is a demon from hell.

- How did they find out about the deceit? - Defne asked.

- Their father came home when the girl was taken away by the police, and the criminal was about to escape. And of course, he realized that in front of him was Laila and not the other daughter. He detained her and called the police.

"An honest man," Defne said respectfully, looking anxiously at her husband. "Omer, what are we going to do with Zubeyir?"

"We'll kick him out," he said firmly. - And let the further punishment be determined by the court. He came to the police with a guilty plea and told everything. In addition to the charge of theft, Laila was charged with attempting to injure you. She will go to prison for a long time. I'll take care of it.

"Zubeyir did not act with malice," Defne interceded for the boy. "He's just naive and gullible." He fell in love with a cute girl and put her on a pedestal. He believed unconditionally...

- Defne, he committed malfeasance! Omer objected firmly. - I am silent about betrayal. Although this aspect is also important.

- He honestly confessed ... - Defne tried to justify the guy, but her husband sternly interrupted her:

- Don't protect him! Let him be responsible for his actions! He is a man, not a foolish child.

"You're right," Defne agreed and grimaced. - But I still feel sorry for him. So, foolishly, he ruined his life. At least don't put his name on the blacklist of workers," she asked pleadingly at her husband. - Let the guy find a job after the punishment.

"Holy Defne," Omer said with condemnation and sighed. - Okay. Let it be as you want. I can't deny you anything.

She smiled a little guiltily and wrinkled her nose cutely.

- I can't help myself. Yesterday I was so angry with Zubeyir! So angry that I wanted to strangle him. But today I calmed down, and I felt sorry for him. And I am sorry for his mom. She is sick, and she has no one except her son. Let's listen to him, at least.

"We'll listen," Omer promised. - I rescheduled a meeting with him for Tuesday. Sinan will return from Ankara on Monday evening. And you and the Bead will be allowed home. Let's get together and listen to his explanations. And then let's say goodbye.

- Wait! Defne widened her eyes. - Will Emine and I be discharged on Monday? Really?

- Yes! - confirmed Omer. - I spoke to the doctor. She said that the birth went well, you are both healthy, and there is no reason to keep you in the hospital. We will go home on Monday. Zehra and grandmother with Nihan today cleaned the house to shine and prepare everything to the smallest detail. Our home is waiting for you.

- Hurrah!!! - Defne painted an element of oriental dance with her hands. - We are going home! I miss it so much!

"You haven't been there only one day," Omer said good-naturedly.

"It seems like a year," she admitted. - There are so many events that in my mind, - Defne pointed to her forehead with a finger, - I cannot fit them all in one day.

- I understand you, - smiled Omer. - I also think that in the past two days there were at least seven hundred hours.

"You hardly slept last night," Defne carefully stroked the dark shadows under her husband's eyes, clearly visible in the candlelight. - And the sofa here is short and narrow. You will be uncomfortable. Maybe you can go home.

Omer shook his head and firmly stated:

- Not! I will never leave you here alone. "He caught the hand tenderly stroking the stubble on his cheek and kissed her palm. - Do not worry about me. I will sleep well.

- Then we will lie down together on my bed, - offered Defne. - Of course, it is not as wide as at our house, but we will fit.

- And what if I accidentally hurt you? - Omer frowned apprehensively and closely examined her bed.

- Why would that be? - Defne laughed. - You voiced the words of the doctor - I am perfectly healthy. I gave birth easily, relatively quickly, and without complications.

- What happiness! - Omer took a deep breath and smiled with obvious joy and relief. - I almost went crazy when I heard Koray scream from the phone that you were giving birth. At the same time, I was hundreds of kilometers away from you and until the morning there was not a single flight to Istanbul.

- But everything ended well! - Defne threw back her head and, closing her eyes, said: - We have a wonderful, healthy daughter. You managed to get to Istanbul by the time she was born. Chatay and Laila are arrested. Sapphire is no longer in danger. - Defne opened her eyes and looked at her husband with eyes sparkling with joy. - Darling, all the problems are over! We can live peacefully and happily.


A man in a beige suit approached an old hotel in one of the quiet streets in a remote area of Ankara. He rented a room here this morning. Arrived on a night flight from Konya. He used to stay in the finest hotels in the city center, but today he's changed his rule. The reason was simple - the sleek dandy didn't want to draw attention to himself. A couple of weeks ago, in Mersin, he lost а lot on a game at cards. There was nothing to repay the debt, and he just fled to the conservative and religious Konya. The gambler hoped to quickly get hold of money there, outplaying provincials at cards and engaging in other petty fraud. But his hopes turned out to be wrong. The provincials had their own opinion and considered cards to be the devil. But those to whom the man owed, easily figured out his phone number and, having called, warned that since the debtor had fled, his debt had tripled. And they advised him to find and return the money within a month. And then he got scared. The jokes with these people were a bad choice. And the increased debt amounted to almost half a million dollars.

But on the same day in the evening, he got lucky. He turned on the TV in a rented apartment and saw a reportage from a jewelry exhibition. And at the end - an incredibly expensive sapphire necklace and a photo of a girl with red hair and white skin. He recognized her immediately, although she had changed a lot. From a street hooligan, she turned into an exquisite lady. But it was she, Defne, and he felt in his gut that this was his lucky ticket.

He was soon at the Konya airport. He bought a ticket for the next flight to Ankara and boarded the plane. Upon arrival, he settled in a hotel on the outskirts and went to the exhibition pavilion in which the Diamond Stars jewelry display was held. In the spacious hall, he saw with his own eyes the necklace shown in yesterday's reportage and found out that the girl in the photo is its creator. After leaving the exhibition, he went to a cafe, ordered coffee for himself, and opened Google on his phone. It helpfully told him that yesterday's beggar had married the most enviable groom in Turkey and became a co-owner of a jewelry company. It was not just luck, but a jackpot. Rejoicing and mentally dancing halai, he went to the hotel.

Opening the room with a magnetic key, the man went inside. A strange smell hit his nose. A massive figure emerged from the darkness. He jerked towards the door but did not have time to come out. A moment later he found himself lying with his arms twisted and his cheek pressed to the floor.

- Decided to run? A hoarse, rough voice asked. - Yes you are а fool! You can't run away from us.

A hefty knee pressed down on his back and his breath was knocked out.

- Not! Not! The man howled. - I found a way to get money! I swear I'll give it all back in a couple of months! But not before. I won't make it in a month.

- Of course, you will, - the big man agreed almost cheerfully. - Or you will go to the bottom to feed the fish.

He released his victim and stood up. Dusting off his trousers, he looked at the face contorted with fear and warned:

- Look, Kadir! Don't try to trick us and run away. It's useless. Look for money! You have exactly sixty days.

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