the best decision I've ever m...

By ststoriess2

249K 4.8K 4.1K

Who knew that moving would've been the best decision we've ever made? in which y/n and Billy Hargrove are for... More

✰introduction ✰
✰here come the Hargroves ✰
✰turns out i was wrong ✰
✰chocolate pudding ✰
✰STEPsister ✰
✰damnit Will ✰
✰hot ✰
✰happy screams ✰
✰i like Will Byers ✰
✰your not coming ✰
✰annoying STEPsister ✰
✰always and forever ✰
✰i love you too, sis. ✰
✰my ship has sailed ✰
✰cool beans ✰
✰what a gentlemen ✰
✰okay DAD ✰
✰someones jelly ✰
✰i'm ready to tell you ✰
✰it's okay love ✰
✰i'm at loss for words ✰
✰damn i look good today ✰
✰let's go shopping ✰
✰i don't have time to look hot later ✰
✰i dump your ass ✰
✰weird sounds, get out of there ✰
✰it's true ✰
✰please don't let it be you ✰
✰i make my own rules ✰
✰Byer's you're too cute ✰
✰billy's car ✰
✰i'm the dumb person ✰
✰enough Mike ✰
✰it's not my fault ✰
✰something bad is about to happen ✰
✰only Will ✰
✰anything for a friend ✰
✰not now mom ✰
✰extended ✰
✰he's here ✰
✰Billy's little sister ✰
✰the source ✰
✰he knows we're here ✰
✰end all of this ✰
✰bitchin ✰
✰sweeter. bolder. better. ✰
✰hurt like hell ✰
✰you're my sister ✰
✰let's hit the road ✰
✰please confirm your safety ✰
✰this isn't going to be a fun trip ✰
✰Suzy, do you copy? ✰
✰seven feet ✰
✰my brothers gone ✰
✰how is that even a question ✰
✰i want you to stay ✰
✰all great things must come to an end ✰
✰the best decision i've ever made ✰
✰ a/n: THANK YOU!!! ✰

✰Max needs you ✰

2.2K 44 24
By ststoriess2

July 25th, 1985.


Susan and dad start to make dinner. We're having spaghetti tonight, requested by yours truly.

Susan and dad came home a week ago, finally back from their vacation to Florida. We broke the news to them that Billy passed away... and they didn't take it lightly, as expected.

Our story was we where all coming back from McDonald's, then Billy was crossing the street not looking, and he got hit. The story behind my leg is that I tried to save Billy, but my leg got ran over.

Their still not over it, and neither are me and Max. Our family's never, EVER going to be the same without Billy.

Me and Max are currently in my bedroom, jamming out to some of our favorite songs. We've both been doing better lately. We have each other to lean on.

Suddenly, over our loud music "Material Girl" blasting, we hear the doorbell ring. Seconds later I hear my dad call to me. "Y/N, ITS FOR YOU!!" He yells up to me.

"For me?" I ask Max, her just shrugging at me. I hurry downstairs, not wanting whoever waiting for me to wait any longer.

I approach downstairs, only to see my boyfriend, Will Byers standing outside the door, but he doesn't have his usual smile on his face.. he's frowning. I can swear he has tear stains.

My dad gives me that glare, the glare that means "no funny business." I roll my eyes and step aside him, now infront of Will.

"Hey, uh.. sorry I came so late but I Uh... I need to talk to you." Will trembles, rubbing his neck in awkwardness.

Oh shit, I've already been down this path.

He wants to break up with me, doesn't he?

He'll be all like "oh, I'm so sorry I just don't feel like this is working." Yeah, heard it before.

"Uh.. oh okay, what's up?" I question, stepping all the way outside and closing the front door behind me. "I think it's better if we sit down." Will states and walks over to my porch swing.

Okay, so what he's about to tell me is super serious. It's either we're breaking up or... I DON'T SEE A SECOND OPTION HERE.

Will takes a deep breath and just looks ahead of him, preparing for what he's about to say.

He then turns to me, making direct eye contact. "Before I start, there's good news and bad news." Will assures, making me less panicky.

I mean okay, maybe he's not breaking up with me!! But what could be so important he came at this time...

"Y/n... my mom informed me, Jonathan and El today that.. in a month, August 22nd, we're... moving." Will hesitates, tears forming in his eyes.

"WHAT?!" I shout, standing up from the swing. "YOU'RE MOVING, WHAT WHY?!" I ask, clearly frustrated and upset at the same time.

"Because this THING, every year it comes back. It doesn't stop y/n..." Will trembles, him looking down at the ground. "Trust me, I don't want to leave. I have all my friends here, the friends that I've had since kindergarten." He explains, the tears that where once in his eyes now rolling down his face.

"Will, this isn't your fault." I softly say, sitting back on the porch swing and Will leaning his head on my shoulder. "We're going to make this work, okay? How bad could it be?" I question.

"Well, that's the thing y/n. That's where the good news comes in." Will states as he takes his head off my shoulder.

"Y/n, i was so upset that I have to leave you, that my mom told me... if you want.. that you can come with us!" Will exclaims, slightly smiling.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I shout once again, jumping off the porch swing. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOUR TOTALLY PLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW!!" I accuse him, so many emotions taking place.

"IM NOT!!" Will assures, him standing up and moving closer to me. "So... is that.. a maybe?" Will asks, now standing inches away from me.

"It's a maybe." I agree, now looking into his eyes. Us having the same exact thought.

Will slowly but surely connects his lips with mine. I don't hesitate to kiss my boyfriend back. He moves closer to me and puts his hands around my waist, as I put mine around his neck.

His lips are warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. We continue to make out on the front porch for a solid five minutes, enjoying each other's company.

"Y/N DINNERS READY-" I hear my sister, Max call out as me and Will continue to make out. "EW EW EW EWWWWW!" She exclaims as she covers her eyes, traumatized.

Me and Will finally part lips, looking at Max and starting to laugh. "ITS SAFE NOW!!" Will exclaims as she hesitantly uncovers her eyes, giving us, you guessed it.. her famous death glare.

"SERIOUSLY YOU TWO?! You're in PUBLIC!!" She states, crossing her arms like she's our parent or something. "We're not in public we're on a porch." I argue, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Whatever losers, goodbye Will, get inside y/n." She snarks back, but slightly laughs.

That's when it hit me...


I cant leave Max. After everything she's been through, after everything we've been through. I cant leave her. She's my sister, she needs me.. and I need her.

I have absolutely no problem leaving dad and Susan. I mean I love them, don't get me wrong but.. I'd choose Will over them any day.

Now Max... Max is a different story. She's my sister for godsake... I can't.

I cant move with Will and his family.

"Well.. I'll see youuuu...." Will continues. "I'll see you tomorrow, when Ive made my decision." I state, giving him one last peck on the lips before I head inside.

I turn back and smile at Will, then close the front door.

How am I suppose to tell Will I cant move with him?

July 26th, 1985.

Max and I head to the Byers house. I still haven't told Max that they're moving, I wanted Will to be the one to break the news.

Which means I also haven't told her that he offered me to move with him... but I cant. The only thing holding me back?

Max, my sister.

How could I even think for a second I could leave her?! After everything we've been through.. I just cant. She's family... family comes first.

But only her, the rest of the people in my family I can barley tolerate.

We finally arrive, putting our skateboards against the house wall. We head inside the house, not even knocking, only to see everyone sitting on the couch, Will and El standing up Infront of them.

"Ughh HURRY MAX AND Y/N!! Will has some news and he can't share it without you both!!" Lucas exclaims, signaling us to come sit down.

Obviously I already know the news, but they don't know that yet. So I play along and sit down on the couch, Will waving at me as I wave back.

"Okay... so we have some news." El starts. "Your all probably not going to like it.." Will adds. "Guys, it's okay, whatever it is we can get through it... together." Dustin assures as he looks at all of us as we nod back at him.

"Yeah, how bad can it be?" Mike questioned. "Well... August 22nd.. the day school starts back.. Will and I are moving.." El trembles, tears starting to fall down her face.

"MOVING?! WHAT THE HELL?!" Lucas says as he jumps off the couch. "You're... you're kidding me right?" Mike asks in shock, trying to wrap his head around this.

"NO! NO YOU CANT MOVE!!" Max exclaims as she runs up to El and hugs her tightly, not wanting to loose her bestfriend.

"BITCH THERES NO WAY YOUR LEAVING US!!" Dustin argues, runs up to Will and hugs him like there's no tomorrow.

"Y/n.. what are you like ok with this?!" Lucas asks me, getting really suspicious. "Actually, that's the other news we wanted to share with you all." Eleven declares as Max and Dustin sit back down.

Oh SHIT, I never told Will and El not to tell anyone. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!

"So, you all know that we're moving.. but Y/n also might be moving with us aswell!!" Will exclaims, a big smile on his face.

"YOU CANT LEAVE US TOO!!" Mike calls out as he runs to me, jumps on me and hugs me. I cant help but to laugh at his craziness, but then remember.


She stands up, right infront of me. "So... you're just going to leave us? Leave your family? LEAVE ME?!" Max shouts as she continues to raise her voice, a mix of emotions pouring out of her right now.

"Max I-" "Y/N, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU?!" Max questions, tears now slipping out of her eyes and down her face.


Did I just FUCKING HEAR THAT RIGHT? Y/n, MY SISTER, might be moving. Oh my fucking god... I cant live without her. I won't be able to survive without her...

I need her.

"So that's it... your not going to say anything?" I sob as I stand right infront of my sister, starring her dead in the eyes.

"Max, please-" "I'm done here. Make sure to visit on Christmas." I  assure her as i wipe my tears, now running out the front door.


"MAX, WAIT!!" I holt as I accidentally push Mike off of me and onto the floor as I chase after Max, but as I step outside she's already gone.

"Y/n... what's the problem?" El asks as she furrows her eyebrows. "I need to talk to you both.. alone." I demand as I look around the room, Lucas, Mike and Dustin all in shock and confusion.

"Uh.. yeah sure ok." Will agrees as him and El step aside, following me into Will's bedroom and shutting the door.

"Look... I'm so, so so sorry... but I cant move with you guys." I say firmly, but sadly. Will's slight smile then turns right into a frown, and so does Eleven's.

"What? But.. w-why?!" Will trembles, not wanting to face the truth. "Max. Max is the only thing holding me back. She's my sister... she needs me." I explained, looking down at the floor, not daring to make eye contact with either one of them.

After a good two minutes of awkward silence, Will finally speaks up.

"We completely understand y/n." Will says softly, putting his arm around me. "What? Y-You understand?" I ask, now making eye contact with them.

"We do Y/n. You need your family, and Max. Max needs you. She can't live without you... and you cant live without her." El points out, putting her arm around my other shoulder.

"You guys actually understand?" I ask shockingly, thinking they would both be mad. "We do y/n, especially at a time like this... you need your family to lean on, just like we do." Will assures as he looks at El with a smile.

"I love you both so much." I announce, bringing them both into a group hug. "We love you too!!" They say at the same time, returning the hug.

"Well, I'll leave you both to it." El states as she unwraps her arms around us, leaving out the bedroom door and closing it afterwards.

"Well... what do we do now?" Will asks. "We make every single damn moment count until the second you move." I assure him, putting my hand ontop of his.

"I love you so much." Will whispers softly in my ear. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know." I whisper back, pulling him into a hug.

"SHIT, WAIT!!" I shout, pulling away from the hug. "MAX!!" I announce, quickly getting off the bed. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, SEE YOU TOMORROW!!" I assure Will, running out of the house and onto my skateboard, going as fast as I can.

A solid ten minutes later, I arrive at my house and run inside, busting open the front door. "MAX!! MAX?!" I yell out, but nobody answers.

I then run upstairs and right into Max's room, only to see her head in her pillow, and loud sobs filling the room.

"What the hell do you want? Shouldn't you be with your new family?!" Max questions as she raises her head from the pillow, wiping her tears.

"Max, please-" "Y/n, I don't think you understand how much I need you. You're my sister, I can't just let you go. I can't just let you leave me, I can't live without you." Max rants, trying to wipe her mascara stains under her eyes.

"Max, just let me explain-" "Y/n, I have nobody left. I have my mom, your dad, THATS IT. Billy's gone, and that's something we both have to face, but I cant do it alone. I can barley do it now, I won't be able to do it without you. Our family will never, EVER be the same without him.. but losing you too.. it's something I can't do!!" Max explains, letting all of her emotions out at once.

"MAX!! IM NOT MOVING!!" I finally spit out. Max just stares at me in shock, the frown that was once on her face slowly turning into a smile.

"YOU'RE NOT MOVING?!" Max questions, getting off her bed. "No!! Max, I could never leave you. Especially at a time like this when we need each other, but I'll always need you. Your my sister, and I love you." I assure her, letting a Max know I'll never leave her.

"I love you too Y/n." Max says softly as she pulls me into a hug, getting all of her smudged mascara onto my brand new white shirt.

Love that.

But honestly I don't care right now, all I care about in this moment is my sister, and how lucky I am to have her.

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