the best decision I've ever m...

By ststoriess2

251K 4.9K 4.1K

Who knew that moving would've been the best decision we've ever made? in which y/n and Billy Hargrove are for... More

✰introduction ✰
✰here come the Hargroves ✰
✰turns out i was wrong ✰
✰chocolate pudding ✰
✰STEPsister ✰
✰damnit Will ✰
✰hot ✰
✰happy screams ✰
✰i like Will Byers ✰
✰your not coming ✰
✰annoying STEPsister ✰
✰always and forever ✰
✰i love you too, sis. ✰
✰my ship has sailed ✰
✰cool beans ✰
✰what a gentlemen ✰
✰okay DAD ✰
✰someones jelly ✰
✰i'm ready to tell you ✰
✰it's okay love ✰
✰i'm at loss for words ✰
✰damn i look good today ✰
✰let's go shopping ✰
✰i don't have time to look hot later ✰
✰i dump your ass ✰
✰weird sounds, get out of there ✰
✰it's true ✰
✰please don't let it be you ✰
✰i make my own rules ✰
✰Byer's you're too cute ✰
✰billy's car ✰
✰i'm the dumb person ✰
✰enough Mike ✰
✰it's not my fault ✰
✰something bad is about to happen ✰
✰only Will ✰
✰anything for a friend ✰
✰not now mom ✰
✰extended ✰
✰he's here ✰
✰Billy's little sister ✰
✰the source ✰
✰he knows we're here ✰
✰end all of this ✰
✰bitchin ✰
✰sweeter. bolder. better. ✰
✰hurt like hell ✰
✰you're my sister ✰
✰let's hit the road ✰
✰please confirm your safety ✰
✰Suzy, do you copy? ✰
✰seven feet ✰
✰my brothers gone ✰
✰how is that even a question ✰
✰Max needs you ✰
✰i want you to stay ✰
✰all great things must come to an end ✰
✰the best decision i've ever made ✰
✰ a/n: THANK YOU!!! ✰

✰this isn't going to be a fun trip ✰

2.2K 53 21
By ststoriess2


"SOMEONE, PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SAFETY!! IS EVERYTHING OKAY? SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER ME!!" I scream into the walki talki, my voice echoing off the mountain.

....but no response.

I've been sitting here for the past five minutes screaming into that thing, but still no response. That can only mean one thing...

Their all in danger.. A LOT of danger.

Steve looks around curiously, then gets up and starts running to his car. "DUDE WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I shout at Steve. "To get them the hell out of there!! Stay here, contact the others!!" Steve demands as he runs speedy fast to his car.

"Shit." Robin mumbles as she quickly gets off the ground and follows Steve. "Wait, Robin!!" I call out, getting her attention. "Stay in touch!!" I conceded, throwing the extra walki talki to Robin. She successfully catches it and nods, running after Steve.


It's been fiveteen hold minutes, and the Mind Flayer continues to look for us. We all stay hidden, not daring to move an inch.

Will and I have no idea where anyone else is, or if Dustin, Erica, Robin and Steve are coming to save us.. all we know is right now, we need to keep our mouths shut and keep hiding if we want any chance at survival.

The creature continues to hiss,  snarl, and stomp around the mall, trying to find us, destroying everything in its way.

Will peeks his head over the counter, looking at the Mind Flayer. I quickly pull him back down, giving him the "what the fuck are you doing, do you want to be killed?!" look.

Will opens his mouth to speak, but before he does two shadows appear above us, then sit next to us.

Mike and Eleven.

"Jesus Christ there you guys are!!" I quietly exclaim, hugging El and Mike. "It's great to see you both too, but we need a plan.. and we need it fast." Mike demands.

"It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it." Will whispers in seriousness. "What?! No way, not with Y/n's leg!" El reminds the two boys.

Yeah, El's leg is hurt but she can still run on it. Mine is horrible, I cant even stand up for a split second without falling down. There's no way in hell I'll be able to make it.

And I'm still wondering... how did that creature get into my leg..  but not El's? Ok, I got bigger things to think about here, that's a question if we all make it out alive.

"We have to try!!" Mike argues with El. "There's another way." I announce, getting everyone's attention. "To get out. Through the gap." I whisper, pointing towards the GAP.

Will nods at me and peeks his head over the counter, looking at the distance between us and the GAP.

He then spots the Mind Flayer and immediately bends back down, not wanting to get caught. The creature still walks around, trying to find us.

"Okay, NOW." Will whisper yells as Mike, El, Will and I carefully but quickly stand up, Will carrying me in his arms as Mike hangs onto Eleven.

We all run inside the GAP, almost successfully when El accidentally runs into a piece of glass that landed on the gateway, shattering even more landing on the floor.

We all gasp, but don't turn back. We continue to run into the GAP, not wasting another second. The creature turns around and detects where the noise came from...

And trust me when I say it does.

The monster then starts screeching and growling even louder, making its way towards the GAP.. and towards us.

We all hide behind a corner, holding onto each other for relief, but we can't get any right now. If it finds us... we're dead.

Next thing we know, walls come crashing down, and glass shatters once again. The Mind Flayer has made its way into the GAP, only a couple feet away from us.

The creature then extends one of its tentacles, trying to locate us. The tentacle screeches as it looks for us. We continue to hide and not DARE to make a noise.

It then grabs a mannequin that has the same exact outfit on as El, and slings it around to face its face. The creature than roars, still thinking the mannequin is El.

Seconds later, it realizes that it's not Eleven, so the creature throws it aside, not hesitating. Now we have a little glimpse of what's going to happen to us if we're found.. except we won't get thrown...

We'll be dead...

Right now, we're all trembling in fear. The Mind Flayer could find us in seconds, and with that we'll be dead. We can't do anything.. we're helpless.

There's no way in hell I can take this thing down by myself without El, but I have to at least try. Maybe I could stall it for a good couple minutes.

But by me dying doesn't put my friends in any less danger.. sure the Mind Flayer wants me, but it also wants El. And there's no way I'm letting my twin sister die before me, not ever.

I squeeze Will's hand, trying to assure him everything's okay.. even though it's not. I'm just trying to calm him down, not wanting him to panic... even though he should be.


I stick my head over the car to see the Mind Flayer in the GAP. That must've been where one of the kids ran into. In seconds, the creature will most definitely find them. I mean, it's a small store.

We have to do something.. and we have to do it now.


"We need to get out of here." Mike whispers to us. "Yeah, obviously but how?" Will responds. Then... we hear shrieks and growling.. but it's not far away this time.

It's close.

"Shit, we need a plan, and we need one fast!!" I exclaim. "Uh.. okay just uh, move to that corner over there!!" Mike points as he signals us to get up and run before the Mind Flayer sees us.

We all successfully make it to the other corner, grasping for air because of how stressful and risky that was.

"Okay, now what?!" El asks, earning eyebrow raises from everyone. "Now, we-"


We all jump in startle, looking at the corner we just ran from... the Mind Flayer attacked it. If we where still sitting there... we would've been dead.

"Jesus holy mother of fucking wow." Mike rambles, trying to find the words to describe what just happened. "I agree." El whimpers as she hangs onto Mike even tighter.

"Okay, we need a plan. What do you all have in mind?" Will asks us all, trying to stay as calm as possible. "How about Y/n distracts it somehow with her powers and we make a run for it?!" Mike exclaims at his idea.

"No. No there's no way I can use my powers and mess with this thing without El. I'm not going to even try unless I have to." I state, my mind already made up.

"Ok yeah that makes sense." Mike says defeated, trying to think of another plan.


The creature continues to snarl and growl, but we can barley hear anymore. Currently, it's in the GAP. Either Mike and El, or Will and Y/n made a run for it in there, and we don't know if their even still alive...

"Oh, shit." Jonathan mumbles as he looks at Nancy with complete horror on his face. I decide to take a look for myself, so I peek my head over the convertible and see the Mind Flayer, looking all over for either one of them.

I hurry and sit back down, fearing that we're next. Max hangs onto me, her head on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and try not to panic as I take my slingshot out of my pocket, along with five rocks.

"What are you doing?!" Max questions as she raises her head off my shoulder and looks at me strangely. "Don't worry." I assure her, but she doesn't believe me. It's Max, obviously she's going to worry.


There's no way In HELL I'm letting this thing do anything to y/n. I'll protect her at all costs, and I mean ALL COSTS. that thing will not lay a arm, tentacle whatever the fuck it has on her,  not as long as I'm here.

The Mind Flayer hisses, reaching a tentacle right beside us. The tentacle screeches, making sure we know it's right beside us.

It's to the point where I can physically see it. I'm not sure if the thing has like... eyes in it or something but I'm pretty sure the tentacle can somehow see us.

Y/n, Mike, El and I look at each other in terror, not knowing what to do. Should we move? Should we stay? Maybe it's a false alarm, maybe it doesn't even see us.

I don't know.. all we know that what's about to happen next, probably isn't going to be good.


I get my slingshot all ready, not wasting another second. I stand up, aim and fire.


I sling a pebble at the balloon, causing it to pop. The Mind Flayer turns around, screeching. I hurry up and sit back down, not trying to get caught or anything. If so, my ass will be dead.


We all hear a popping noise, then hear the Mind Flayer screech. Soon enough, the tentacle that was about to grab one of us slings away, causing us to have a free escape.

I don't know who the hell just saved us, but I now dedicate my life to them.


Jonathan looks over the car, seeing that the Mind Flayer is going in a totally opposite direction. "GO GO GO GO GO!!" Jonathan whisper yells as he signals all of us to run, so we do.

I cant just leave my sister here... but I have no other choice. It's not like I can just run in there, get her and take her with us without the Mind Flayer noticing and killing both of us.

She'll make it out safe, I know it.

Or at least I hope...

We all make our way towards the exit, running inside the stairway. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we finally make it outside. We hurry and hop into the car, Jonathan and Nancy hooking up the new cord.


"RUN!!" Mike screams as he grabs El's hand, Will grabbing mine, helping me stand up and quickly sweeping me up into his arms.

The four of us make our way out of the GAP and into some long ass hallway. I have no idea where this takes us, but as long as it's far away from that demon flayer, I'm perfectly fine with it.


Me and Jonathan start fixing the cord, seeing that Billy is still in the same spot he was before... waiting for us.

He steps on the gas, roaring his engine. We decide to stay calm and just ignore him, it's not like he would actually drive into us... right?

"Shit." Jonathan mumbles, seeing Billy's car in the distance. "Get the car started. GO!!" I demand.

Jonathan doesn't give it a second thought. He rushes into the car, hopping into the drivers seat getting the engine started.

I step infront of the vehicle, guarding everyone else. I pull out my shotgun from my pocket, make sure I have enough bullets and I start shooting at Billy's car.

Jonathan quickly sticks the key into the car, trying to start the engine. "No no no no no no come on!!" He says in defeat as he keeps trying.

Billy then puts his car in drive, and starts speeding towards us at what seems like a hundred miles per hour.

"COME ON, WE GOTTA GO!!" Lucas screams, putting even more pressure on Jonathan. I keep shooting at the windshield, putting bullet holes in the glass.. but that doesn't stop Billy whatsoever.

"COME ON!!" Jonathan exclaims as he hits the car, still trying to turn it on. Billy starts to come closer.. and closer.. and closer to where he's only a foot infront of us.

"WE GOTTA GO!!" Max yells as headlights flash in her face. I accept defeat and put my hands infront of my face, thinking that would do anything. It was just reflex.

If these kids plus my boyfriend where dying, best bet my ass im dying with them.


Is the sound I hear, assuming the car crashed into mine. But, I look up to see the car perfectly fine, along with everyone else.

Then, I turn my head to see Steve and Robin, they collided their car with Billy's so it didn't wreck ours. I sigh in relief, thanking God and Steve.

Billy's car then catches on fire, with him in it. I was actually debating on whether to help him or not, but I decided it would be best if I didn't. On the plus side, if he wakes up in time for the fire to burn him, then the Mind Flayer should be burned right out of him.

So honestly, it's best just to leave him there.

Then, we hear footsteps.. and the ground below us starts to shake. We all look up in terror, knowing what's above us.

I hurry up and run to the passenger seat, not even bothering to buckle. Somehow Jonathan finally got the engine to work, so now we're good to go.

We pull up beside Robin and Steve's blown up car, knowing good and well that won't get them anywhere anytime soon.

"GET IN!!" I roll down the window and yell at them, Robin and Steve rushing to get inside the car. As soon as the door shuts, we hurry and drive away as fast as we can.

But just with our luck... the Mind Flayer starts to follow us, only inches away from the back of my car.

This isn't going to be a fun trip...


We finally make it to some room. Mike flips on the light switch and we all decide to hide. "Hey you guys... I haven't heard footsteps in a while, do you think it's gone?" Will questions us. "It's never gone, Will. It's playing tricks with you." El assures him.

"Either way, we need to get out of here. We don't know where anyone is, we don't know if anyone's even still alive, and we don't have transportation!!" Will whisper yells. "I need to do something, I need to ask Steve to come pick us up!!" He concludes, sitting up from his spot.

"NO!!! You're not going, not without me." I demand, but Will doesn't budge. "Y/n you can't even walk. Plus, I'm not putting you in anymore danger. If the Mind Flayer's still out there.. he wants you, and I'm not letting him near you anytime soon." Will explains, opening the door and walking right out it.

Tears start swelling in my eyes. El notices, let's go of Mike's hand and walks over to me, hugging me.

"Hey hey hey, it's all going to be okay!!" El assures me, rubbing circles on my back.

...but what if Will doesn't even make it out alive?

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