the best decision I've ever m...

By ststoriess2

251K 4.9K 4.1K

Who knew that moving would've been the best decision we've ever made? in which y/n and Billy Hargrove are for... More

✰introduction ✰
✰here come the Hargroves ✰
✰turns out i was wrong ✰
✰chocolate pudding ✰
✰STEPsister ✰
✰damnit Will ✰
✰hot ✰
✰happy screams ✰
✰i like Will Byers ✰
✰your not coming ✰
✰annoying STEPsister ✰
✰always and forever ✰
✰i love you too, sis. ✰
✰my ship has sailed ✰
✰cool beans ✰
✰what a gentlemen ✰
✰okay DAD ✰
✰someones jelly ✰
✰i'm ready to tell you ✰
✰it's okay love ✰
✰i'm at loss for words ✰
✰damn i look good today ✰
✰let's go shopping ✰
✰i don't have time to look hot later ✰
✰i dump your ass ✰
✰weird sounds, get out of there ✰
✰it's true ✰
✰please don't let it be you ✰
✰i make my own rules ✰
✰Byer's you're too cute ✰
✰billy's car ✰
✰i'm the dumb person ✰
✰enough Mike ✰
✰it's not my fault ✰
✰something bad is about to happen ✰
✰only Will ✰
✰anything for a friend ✰
✰not now mom ✰
✰extended ✰
✰he's here ✰
✰Billy's little sister ✰
✰the source ✰
✰he knows we're here ✰
✰end all of this ✰
✰bitchin ✰
✰sweeter. bolder. better. ✰
✰hurt like hell ✰
✰you're my sister ✰
✰let's hit the road ✰
✰this isn't going to be a fun trip ✰
✰Suzy, do you copy? ✰
✰seven feet ✰
✰my brothers gone ✰
✰how is that even a question ✰
✰Max needs you ✰
✰i want you to stay ✰
✰all great things must come to an end ✰
✰the best decision i've ever made ✰
✰ a/n: THANK YOU!!! ✰

✰please confirm your safety ✰

2.1K 53 9
By ststoriess2


Billy's car engine roars loudly, but the car doesn't move. He's threatening us, isn't he?

"Billy." I say clearly, aloud. Everyone looks back at me, then back at the car in fear. Everyone then starts to notice...

It's Billy. It's Billy's car. It's the Mind Flayer.

Suddenly we hear hands banging on the window. We all gasp and hold on to each other, only to see it's Nancy. "BACK IN THE MALL!!" She screams from outside the car.

She then opens the car door, letting all of us run out. Will opens the trunk quickly, hurries out, I hop on his back and we run back inside the mall.

"BE CAREFUL!!" Mike yells to his sister as Nancy nods, signaling him to hurry inside. We all make it in, trembling in fear from what just happened.

El is holding onto Mike and Max as I'm on Will's back. We don't say anything.. we just stand there in silence, trying to think of what our next move should be.


"Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Mike asks into the walki talki.

No response.

"Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Mike repeats.

No response.

"Scoops Troop I repeat, do you copy?!" Mike asks again, getting more and more worried by the second.

No response.

Instead the radio just static's.

"We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation. SCOOPS TROOP, DO YOU COPY?! Billy has found us. He has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall. I repeat, Billy has disabled our car and we are trapped inside the mall." Mike keeps repeating, still no response.

Me and Will stand infront of Nancy as she pulls out a gun, loading it with bullets.

"Your going to kill him... aren't you?" I ask in fear. "This is just a precaution, okay?" Nancy reassures me, some of my worry going away.

"And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer." Will says softly to me. I nod in agreement as he holds me tightly.

"Scoops Troop, we are in need of emergency transportation, do you copy?!" Mike speaks into the radio repeating the same sentence for about a solid ten minutes now.

No response.

Instead the radio just static's, like it's been doing every-time Mike talks into that thing.

"No chance that thing will drive, right?" Nancy jokes, looking at the car I threw into the counters. "You don't need it to drive." Jonathan states. "We just need the ignition cable." He says as his face lightens up because of his idea.

Now, we're all trying to flip over the car to get the ignition cable out of the engine. Actually, let me rephrase that, THEY are trying to flip over the car to get the ignition cable out of the engine. El and I are sitting down, watching all of this happen... resting.

We volunteered to help, but they refused. I don't know why, I mean my powers are back and better than ever, but El.. somethings going on with her and I can tell. Her powers aren't working like they use to. She's struggling to even lift things up with her mind. Somethings up...

"Let me try." El states as she gets up from the chair and limps over to the car. "El-" "I can do it." She cuts Mike off and sighs, stepping forward.

They all stand back from the car, letting El do what she does. Eleven puts out her hand, trying with everything in her to use her powers... but nothing happens.

I cant watch this anymore.

"Here, I got this." I simply say as I get up, limp over to the car, but then fall backwards because I forgot I cant put any pressure on my foot.


I'm ready to hit the floor when Will sneaks behind me and catches my fall. I look up at him and slightly smile, thanking him.

He stands me up and holds onto me, making sure I'm steady. "Y/n, are you sure-" "yes, I'm positive. It's just my foot." I assure Will, giving him a kiss on the cheek then turning back to the car.

Everyone backs up once again as I stand infront of it, with Will's assistance of course. I hold out both of my hands, seeing I'm going to need extra power from this.

I start breathing heavily and grunting, trying to use my powers. Then suddenly...


The car flips back over. Jonathan runs over and pops the hood, waving all the smoke that's in his way.

"Woah y/n, thank you so much. You just made our lives easier." Nancy confesses as she smiles at me, then runs to help Jonathan with the cord.

"Remind me to never doubt you again." Will whispers to me. "Noted." I mutter back and slightly giggle.

Max and Mike then approach me and Will. We all watch Jonathan and Nancy try to find the cord, but then realize someone's missing.


We all turn around in all different directions trying to locate her, but not even a second later, we spot her digging through... the trash?

"..what is she doing?" Max asks in complete confusion. Nobody even answers her question, we just stare at El in disgust and concern at the same time.


My powers are gone.

I tried to flip over the car, but it was no use. I looked weak, I seemed weak.. I am weak.

Without my powers, I'm a nobody. I cant fight, nor can I save anybody. Right in this moment, everyone needs me... but I cant be there to protect them when they really need it.

Good thing we have y/n fully charged, because if not.. we would all be heading towards our deaths. Now, at least we have a chance at survival.

No, I'm not calling my sister weak or anything, I mean im the same exact way. Alone, we're both strong. But together, we're unstoppable. I need to be there for her, I need to be there for everyone.. but I cant.

I start digging through the trash can, trying to find something that I could test my powers on.. something simple. After a good minute of looking, I finally find a old crushed up coke can.

I place it on-top of the trash can and begin my mission, trying to get my powers back. I stick out my hand and focus on the can, trying to get it to move, explode, SOMETHING.

But then, I start having flashbacks. Flashbacks from three years ago when I was trapped inside the lab, Papa testing on me every second he could.

It was a flashback of Papa forcing me to crush a coke bottle with my powers... but in the flashback I succeeded. Now, not so much..

"El!" I hear Mike shout, which immediately snaps me out of my mind. "...are you okay?" He asks, but all I do is just stare at him.

I cant get any words out.. I'm not okay.

I lost my powers.


Lucas, Will and I watch as Jonathan and Nancy try to locate the cord. It's been about a good five minutes now, and they have yet to find it. I mean.. we would help, but we have no idea what half of the words are that come out of their mouths.

"Do you see it?" Nancy questions for the fifty time today. "No, but it should be right here." Jonathan points somewhere in the engine. "Distributor distributor." Jonathan mumbles, still trying to locate the ignition cable.

Then... we start to feel the ground shake beneath our feet. I look at Will in confusion, only to see him holding the back of his neck, fear painted all over his face.

This can only mean one thing...

The Mind Flayer found us...

I look up to the ceiling, seeing it's all glass. I furrow my eyebrows, trying to see if my predictions are actually right.

And guess what... they where.

Footsteps start pounding loudly. "Lucas." I say, trying to get his attention. He looks at me in confusion, but then looks up at the ceiling, exactly where me and Will are looking, only to see a dark, black shadow covering the mall.

Lucas, Will and I all gasp and look at each other in complete horror. Then, we look at El, Mike and Max, who's also looking up.. noticing exactly what's going on.

"Got it!" Jonathan exclaims as he finally rips the ignition cable from the convertible. "NANCY!!" Mike yells at his sister, warning her about the Mind Flayer.

The two look up, finally noticing the dark shadow creature looking down at us. The Mind Flayer snarls and shrieks, finally finding us.

"COME ON!!" Will snaps me out of my thoughts as he scoops me off the ground and starts running in the other direction, away from the creature.

Then, we start to hear glass shattering and the creatures breathing getting louder.. and louder.. and louder..


The whole ceiling comes crashing down, glass shattering and the roof breaking into millions of pieces, but there's also something else that came down with it...

The Mind Flayer.

The monster finally regains its balance from the fall. It starts to shriek and roar, wondering where everyone is.

We all successfully ran away from the creature, thank God. I don't know what we would've done if someone... well yeah..

Me and Will are currently hiding behind a corner, bending down so the creature doesn't see us. I turn around and peek my head out, looking at it.

It's HUGE. It's bigger than what it was before, probably because it's filled with all melted people- EW that's gross to even think about. It's the size of this whole mall, it's almost taller than this whole mall.

I don't know how I'm going to take this thing down.. but I'm for sure going to need El's help..


Dustin speaks to Murray on the walki talki as me, Erica and Robin have a conversation of our own.

"If you could colored pony you wanted, which color would you pick?" I ask in total seriousness, but sounding like a straight up dingus.

"Hm.. let's see.. definitely a red and pink unicorn." Robin states. "For me, I'd say a light blue and purple horse." Erica says straight off the bat, like Shes thought about this before.

Well.. I mean shes ten.. she definitely has.

"What about you Dustin-" "SHHHHH!" Dustin spits right into my face as he puts his finger over his mouth, trying to hear Murray as clearly as he can.

"Sorry mr no fun." I say sarcastically as I wipe all the spit off my face.

But then.. I notice something. I notice lights flashing down below us. I look at the crew to see if they notice it, but they don't. Hmm.. maybe just me.

My curiosity gets the better of me.

So, I get up and start walking towards the ledge, trying to see what's going on.

"What's the My Little Pony thesis?" Robin asks in all seriousness. "DONT get him started." Erica says as she shakes her head in denial.

"Get him started? Just tell me-" "Hey guys?" I question, trying to get their attention. I look over the ledge to see not just any lights flickering...

The mall lights flickering.. which can only mean one thing.

The Mind Flayer.

Erica, Dustin and Robin come running over, seeing how serious I am. Then, we all look off the ledge.. and look at the flashing lights inside the mall.

Without even hesitating, we all run back to the walki talki. "GISWOLD FAMILY THIS IS SCOOPS TROOP DO YOU COPY?! OVER!" Dustin yells into the walki talki, praying to God for a response.


I hear a walki talki start to static like crazy, and I hear a person mumbling words. "GISWOLD FAMILY I REPEAT THIS IS SCOOPS TROOP DO YOU-"

Dustin somehow gets cut off. I peek over the side in confusion, but then realize...

The Mind Flayer got to it before we could...

The creature shrieks into the radio, confusing the hell out of Erica, Robin, Steve and Dustin. Or maybe they caught on, hopefully. I mean a huge demonic creature roaring into a walki talki.. it's kinda obvious.

"DO YOU COPY?!" Dustin yells before the Mind Flayer roars as loudly as it can into the walki talki, sending it flying into the wall. The walki talki breaks in half, sparks flying everywhere.

Well, there goes our chance at survival. Or maybe they won't be total idiots and come save us.

With Steve Harrington, honestly who knows.

"GRISWOLD FAMILY PLEASE CONFORM YOUR SAFETY!! PLEASE CONFORM YOUR SAFETY!!" Dustin exclaims into the now shattered Walki Talki, hoping for a response.. but not getting one.


Currently, Me, Jonathan, Lucas, and Max are huddled up against the car, doing everything in our power to hide from this creature.

"PLEASE CONFORM YOUR SAFETY!! GRISWOLD FAMILY PLEASE CONFORM YOUR SAFETY!!" Is all I hear from the shattered walki talki, only inches away from us.


Jesus Christ if that dumb ass monster didn't smash it against the wall, maybe, JUST MAYBE, it would work and we could find a way the fuck out of here.

The creature continues to roar, loudly might I add. We have no idea where Y/n, Will, Mike or El went, they kind of just disappeared.

Im praying to God that all four of them are safe, especially Mike. If anything where to happen to him... I don't know what id do with myself.

I cant live without him.

"SOMEBODY ANSWER!! PLEASE SOMEBODY ANSWER ANYBODY!!" Dustin yells from the walki talki, now getting even more terrified then he was.

I don't know how we're going to get out of here.. but we need to think of a way and we need to think of it fast.

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