The Ice Queen [s.b.]

By Rockets_Fan

40.4K 1K 194

cry me a river and i'll drown you in your own self-righteous tears ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, EXTENDED SUMMARY INSI... More

↠characters; act one
↠epigraph; act one
↠walk away and forget about it, 0.1
↠keep your enemies close, 1.1
↠first year, 1.2
↠third year, 1.4
↠spin me 'round and 'round, 1.5
↠the meet (not) cute, 1.6
↠the 4th sept. 1st, 1.7
↠smile like that again, 1.8
↠curse me like there's no tomorrow, 1.9
↠galaxies are temporary, too, 1.10
↠it's your choice, 1.11
↠litter your floor with my tears, 1.12
↠let's go to therapy!, 1.13
↠teen detectives, 1.14
↠we can't take it slower, 1.15
↠the wanted and the unwanted, 1.16
↠the (wo)man in the mirror, 1.17
↠welcome to the family, luv, 1.18
↠the (not) first date, 1.19
↠quidditch is, like, fun, 1.20
↠in a different time, 1.21
↠would you care for me if i were sick?, 1.22
↠debate that!, 1.23
↠winter break, part one, 1.24
↠winter break, part two, 1.25
↠winter break, part three, 1.26
↠don't ask, i won't tell, 1.27
↠bad moon on the rise, 1.28
↠do you like seeing me weak?, 1.29
↠then i'll never let you see me weak again, 1.30
↠this is quite sirius, 1.31
↠double double, toil and trouble, 1.32
↠i'm thinkin' of you, like all of us do, 1.33
↠i'll dance in your chaos, 1.34
↠i hate the feelin', but it's all love, 1.35
↠thicker than thieves, 1.36
↠on the come up, 1.37
↠floating, 1.38
↠on the come down, 1.39
Characters; part two
Characters 2; part two
EPIGRAPH; part two
The Ball, But Much Worse This Time - 40
The Fifth September First - 41
Say Hello to Ms. Americana - 42
Sorry and I Swear It - 43
It's No Surprise It All Fell Apart - 44
The Boggart and Much Darker Magic - 45
Love Confessions and Dirty Little Secrets - 46
The Honeymoon Phase, Dreams, and Morality - 47
The Super-Not-First Date - 48
Time Traveling Princess - 49
A Wedding, a Girl, and a Fairy Godmother - 50
Food Poisoning Makes Good Stargazing Opportunities - 51
Recovery Time is Indefinite - 52
Whole Letters And Broken People - 53
To Kiss and to Make Up - 54
Meanwhile, In a Land Far, Far Away - 55
It Couldn't Have Been Helped - 56
Aftershocks of Murder - 57
Don't Let Them Break You - 58
The Process of Grieving: Predominantly Yours, R.A.B. - 59
The Seventh September First, Trains, and Recitations of Literature - 61
The Wedding Binder and Love Potions - 62
Figuring It All Out - 63
The Fight - 64
Quidditch Quitter - 65
Brighter Than the Stars - 66
Silence - 67, pt. 1
Too Much Noise - 67, pt. 2
EPIGRAPH; part three
No - 68
A Story Told in Snippets - 69
Bonnie and Her 167 Bullets - 70
Names - 71
One Wedding and Five Funerals - 72
It All Comes Down to This - 73
It Was Always Going to be This Way - 74
Characters; part four
EPIGRAPH; part four
In Azkaban and in Grief, 1981-1983 - 75
Learning to Live, 1984-1992 - 76
Freedom - 77
Misadventures in Teaching, Among Other Things - 78
The Truth Hurts and Heals - 79
My First Friend, My First Love, and the Last Face I'll Ever See - 80
New Book Alert!

↠second year, 1.3

1.5K 33 14
By Rockets_Fan


When The Queen's Court return to school, the dynamics are slightly different. This is due to Lily spending all of her time with Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, and Dorcas Meadowes. 

Dory and Anna grew up in environments where it was frowned upon to chase. While some of their parents' teachings had evaporated, this one in particular didn't.

Lily Evans is erased from their memory.

Meanwhile, the two make the quidditch team as chaser (Dory) and keeper (Anna). James Potter and Sirius Black both make the Gryffindor team as keeper and beater, respectively.


"Personally, I don't understand the draw of my cousin," Bellatrix Black gossips.

"That's because he's your cousin, Bella," Dory sends her a look.

The three dormmates are lying on their beds, gossiping.

"But that girl, Marlene. She's obsessed with him. Same with like half of the girls in our year. I just don't get it. What do you think, Anna?" Bella continues.

Anna shrugs, "I'm not sure. Any physical beauty he has is outweighed by the massively overwhelming truth that is his arrogance. No offense, Bells."

"None taken. He's a bloodtraitor at this point. I'm a bit worried about 'Dromeda as well," Bellatrix says nonchalantly.

This piques Annalee's interest.

"Why?" she and Dorothy ask in unison.

"She spent most of the Summer in muggle London. I followed her one time-"

"-As one does-" Dory interrupts.

Sending her a look, Bellatrix continues, "-And she was meeting up with a Puff named Ted Tonks."

"Ooooooh! Was he cute?" Dory asks.

"Or was he ugly? Actually, I think I might know him," Anna comments, happy for the girl she grew up admiring.

"Yeah, he was kind of fit, as much as I hate to admit it. But she still shouldn't be consorting with- with... muggle-borns!" Bellatrix says, spitting out muggles as though it physically pains her to say such a thing.

"Why do you hate them and muggles so much?" Dorothy asks thoughtfully.

"They're vile! They take up all of Earth's resources only to waste them! Not to mention, those witch trials! They're sexist, ableist, racist, ageist, and can't help but wage wars," Bella declares for the world to hear.

Dory grins, and flicks her wand. A song starts playing.

Dory starts singing along, "All of my life
I've been searching for a girl
To love me like I love you
Oh, now. 

"But every girl I've ever had
Breaks my heart and leaves me sad
What am I, what am I supposed to do?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"
Dory continues.

Annalee smirks as the part with her name comes. She joins in with Dory, "Anna, just one more thing girl,
You give back your ring to me
And I will set you free
Go with him."

They stop abruptly when Bellatrix flicks her wand and turns off the makeshift radio.

"Stop it," she protests weakly, but she has a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, please! You know you love it!" Dory smiles back as she and Annalee sit down on their respective emerald beds.

Bellatrix doesn't respond, but her smile doesn't fade either.


With November, Anna and Dory run into Regulus Black. Literally.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Dory says. 

"Hey, Reg. Been a while, huh?" Anna says calmly.

When she and Sirius had been close, she'd considered Regulus to be the little brother she never had.

"Hey, Anne!" he exclaims. In a flurry of limbs, he hugs the blonde.

She chuckles and pats his back good-heartedly, "Missed you too. I was so proud of you for getting into Slytherin!"

He pulls away, "You act like it was an accomplishment."

Dorothy gasps loudly, "Three things! First, Anne?! I'm calling you that forever, and there's nothing you can do about it. Second, introduce me to your friend! Rude. Third, Slytherin is definitively the best house, and it is, in fact, a huge accomplishment. Only the best get in."

Regulus looks shyly at Dorothy, "Regulus Black. It's nice to meet you."

"Dorothy Hawkins. I look forward to torturing Anne, over here with you."

In a stage-whisper that exemplifies just how good Dory is at making people feel comfortable, Regulus says, "She always hated it when we called her that. So we called her it every time we saw her."

"We?" Dory asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Sirius," Regulus and Anna say at the same time.

"Oh. Hey - do you want to come with us down for quidditch practice?" Dory asks.

"Yeah! I remember you used to play seeker, right? The seeker's a seventh year, so I'm sure the spot will be yours," Annalee adds confidently. "Plus, if you know the captain, it'll help with tryouts next year!"


Together, the three walk down to the quidditch pitch.

On the way, Dory whispers, "He's nice."

Anna senses a budding romance.

Sirius Black is watching from afar and regret is building up in his veins faster than you can say quidditch.

James, his best friend, sees this and shoves at his shoulder. "C'mon, mate. We'll be late for dinner."

Sirius nods and turns away. "I do like the rolls," he mumbles.


That Christmas, there are only twenty students left in the entire castle. The only notable ones of these are Dorothy Hawkins, Annalee Fawley, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

You would think that in such a big castle with such a small group you wouldn't run into one another. This, in fact, is not the case in the least

"Reggie! Anne! Kitchens!" Dory exclaims, then feigns fainting.

Regulus looks at the girl curiously, "What are you doing, Dory?"

She fake-wheezes, "I'm dying from hunger."

"But- but you just fainted?" Regulus questions, looking from the girl on the floor to the girl calmly reading a book.

"This is a regular occurrence, Reg, don't be bothered. Rather: laugh," Anna says with a coy smile.

Dory rolls her eyes and hops up with a pout, "You guys are no fun."

"Oh, but we are!" says James Potter who glides into view, Sirius in tow.

"That's a factually incorrect statement," Dory says. Anna sighs and returns to her book.

"Really?" Sirius challenges. "You and Fawley against James and I in a round of quidditch. Regulus judges."

Without looking up from her book, Anna says coldly, "It's me and James."

"Um, no?" Sirius snarks.

"You used the improper grammar function," Dory supplies. "It's a pet peeve of hers. Anne, Reggie, what do you say?"

With a faint smile, Reggie says, "I thought you were dying from hunger?"

Promptly, Dory brings her hands to her heart and crumples to the floor with a faint 'help me, Anne!'

Anna rolls her eyes and sets her book into her bag. She walks over to her best friend and pulls her up by clasping her wrist. In thanks, Dory - eyes still closed - pulls Anna down next to her. James snickers.

"I hate you," Anna mutters. She gets up on her own.

"Reggie!" Dory whines. "We can't beat your brother if you don't help me up!"

"So that's a yes?" James interjects.

Meanwhile, Regulus scoffs, "I'm not succumbing to your tricks."

Opening her eyes (finally), Dory says, "Please? I'll be your best friend!"

Regulus rolls his eyes, "Aren't I already?"

Dory considers this for a moment before jumping up and declaring, "Not anymore! Neither are you, Anne! I'm in search of better friends." As she runs away, her voice fades slightly, "Friend-safari! Friend-safari! Friend-safari!"

She scampers off and Regulus turns to Anna (who's still ignoring Sirius). "Is this a common occurrence?" Reggie asks.

Anna contemplates this, "Give her about five more seconds to realize there are no other students she can bother. Five... four... three... two... one-"

"Ugh! There's no one else here!" Dory complains, right on cue. Cheerfully, she adds, "Anyways: quidditch, anyone?"

The Quidditch Game

Bringing her wand to her throat to amplify her voice, Dory exclaims, "Welcome, everybody, to the game in which my beautiful and talented best friend, Annalee Fawley, and the beautiful and talented me, myself, and I (yay! the crowd goes wild!) completely demolish Sirius 'the terrible' Black and James 'arrogant toe-rag' Potter (booooo) in the world's greatest game! Quidditch!"

Anna and Regulus laugh and James and Sirius look mildly amused.

"I have a question!" Sirius declares.

"Yes, brother?" Regulus asks impatiently.

"Can we bribe the ref?"

Dory and James snort while Annalee says with an eyeroll, "No. Most definitely not. Plus, if we could, I would."

Regulus narrates the game, "And they're off! As there's no snitch, we're playing with the first to 100 points! Dory takes the quaffle down the field! Dory scores on Potter! Sirius takes the quaffle and, alike to a whip, cracks down the field-"

"-Oi! I thought you were on our side!-" Dory interrupts.

Ignoring her, Reggie continues, "And he's in front of Anne, the best keeper in quidditch - hope that's good enough for you, Dory - and he shoots! Anna catches it! She abandons her post because there-really-aren't-enough-players-to-have-a-game-but-my-idiot-brother-thought-there-were. She flies down the field. She's in front of Potter! She shoots- no- she passes it to Dory in the smoothest move we've seen as of yet-"

"-We haven't been playing three minutes!-" Sirius disagrees indignantly.

"-Who shoots on Potter and scores! The score is currently 20-0 but Sirius has gotten the quaffle and is shooting down the field again. He shoots on Anna, who has just returned to her position, and scores! 20-10, Slytherin!" Regulus continues.

The game continues. The girls win that round, but they wind up playing another. The boys win that time. The Sun sets.

The groups ignore each other for the rest of the break, confining themselves to the bounds of their own houses.


"Hey, Andy!" Anna says warmly to the brunette who comes up in front of her.

"Anna! It's been so long! I thought you'd forgotten about me," Andromeda teases.

Anna sighs, "I've been busy, unfortunately."

"Oh, I know. Busy making a reputation for yourself. Even the other prefects all call you the Ice Queen now, you know. When they said it for the first time I nearly spit out my pumpkin juice," Andromeda says in a way that makes it clear that she doesn't believe Anna is exactly icy.

Anna smiles, "Fault Dorothy wholly. It's all her doing!"

"Ah, yes! The Hawkins girl. Listen, I have a couple things to talk over with you when we come back from school next year. I can't explain why I have to wait so long, but please just trust me," Andromeda says, becoming more serious.

Anna nods, "Anything you need, Andy."

"Thanks, Anna. See you around?"

"Of course! You'd better actually talk to me this time," Anna says in a jeering tone.

Andromeda walks away and over to the boy Bellatrix had been talking about, Ted Tonks.


"Hello, and welcome to the biggest game of the year, Gryffindor versus Slytherin!" Andromeda announces (she's the announcer). "The Gryffindors are emerging from the locker room. First, James Potter - the keeper! He's beauty, he's grace, he's so in love with that redhead that he falls flat on his face! Literally, it happens all the time. I know Professor McGonagall, back to the game. Next up, James' best friend and my second favorite cousin - yes, Sirius, I did just say that - Sirius Black! Ladies, he's single and looking! Yes, we all just saw that wink in that blonde's direction, Sirius. You're so not slick. I know! I'm sorry, Professor. Anyways, Sirius is the first beater. Following him, Marlene McKinnon! She's beautiful, she's talented, she's a second-year chaser! The youngest one in Gryffindor for the past fifty years! Yes, you heard that right. Thank you, Professor. I always appreciate encouragement. Wha- you can't take it back! No fair!"

The crowd ripples with laughter and excitement at the oldest Black sister's entertaining quidditch commentary.

Andromeda continues, "And then, the amazing Frank Longbottom. Frank, a fourth year. Yes, ladies, I know he's handsome. Unfortunately, he's taken! Everyone say hello to the beautiful, fantastic, and kind Alice Fortescue! I'm sorry, Professor, but the people need to know! Continuing, Gideon and Fabian Prewett! Yes, the rumors are true. Gideon and I had a fling last year. It was hot, and over within a week. Anyways, they're the two chasers along with Marls the Greatest. The other beater is the lovely Christine Walker. A fifth year, and the team captain! We love her, you guys. For real. Finally, the seeker, Brad Terrence. He has a record, people! He hasn't lost any of the games this year! But Slytherin is on a whole other level. I swear, Professor, I'm only mostly biased. I mean, not biased at all! Haha, nope! Not me. Moving on! The Slytherin line-up!

"First up, the magnificent fourth year chaser, Lucius Malfoy. That blond is engaged to my little sister, so I'd better not see anybody making heart eyes. Or I'll kill you. I'm sorry, Professor. The death threats just come out, I don't actually mean them. I totally do. What do you mean, Professor? I didn't say anything. Next up, the seventh year seeker, Jeremiah Flint! Though he's amazing and we all love him, we know my favorite cousin Regulus Black is getting that position next year! Sorry, Professor. But it's true. So I'm actually not sorry at all. Next up, the best keeper Hogwarts has ever seen and the youngest one in Slytherin in a century: the beautiful, the perfect, the terrifying - Annalee Fawley! If you're not cheering right now, start. Unfortunately, she's taken. I mean, not actually, but if you look her way too long, assuming she doesn't freeze you with her ice-vision, I will kill you. I'm serious, Professor, they just spill out of my mouth! Then, Anna's best friend - don't call her that - Dorothy Hawkins! An amazing chaser, the funniest, and the sassiest person ever. I think we might be cousins or something, actually. Anyways, the beaters are fourth years Avery and Mulciber. Next up - and finally - Rodolphus Lestrange. I kind of think he's got a crush on my other little sister. So like - ladies, hands off, and such. Pretty sure that Annalee set them up, actually. I'm doing my best, Professor. My job is to inform the people. If that counts dating life, then that's just something the world will have to live with.

"And they're off! That hottie Lucius - I said I have to inform the people, calling people hotties counts - is taking off with the quaffle. He passes it to Hawkins! Hawkins shoots and scores! 10-0, Slytherin! Suck it, Gryffindor! I already said I'm mostly biased, are you even surprised at this point? Yes! Anna stops the quaffle from going into the hoop. That's the Slytherin strength I'm talking about! Cheer! Loud!" Andromeda calls.

The game continues. Eventually, Flint catches the snitch - ending the last game of the year. Slytherin wins.


Annalee spends most of the month helping Regulus study for his first year of exams.


Annalee and Dory spend the entire month either practicing for quidditch with Regulus or studying together. They eventually make the decision to drop divination the next year because there is nothing that depresses them more than Professor Trelawny.


The only notable thing in May is a conversation with Lily Evans (the first one since September) that went as follows:

"Hey," Lily says.

The Ice Queen doesn't melt at her gleaming smile, "Hello, Evans."

"Soooo, how've you been?" Lily asks in an anxious tone.

"Fine," she mentions nonchalantly, not betraying any emotion.

"Cool. See you around?" 

"Probably not," Anna says as she turns back to her work.

"Well that's pleasant," Lily mutters as she walks away.

They're probably not going to be friends again any time soon. Dory, Anne, and Reggie all pass their exams with flying colors.


Throughout the Summer, Dory and Anne visit each other every day again. They visit Reggie about every week, as well. Sirius always steers clear of the three after an altercation early in the Summer in between only Anna and him. Anna, of course, was emotionless and cold. Sirius started crying.

As per usual, the Blacks, the Fawleys, and the Hawkins (along with all of the other Sacred 28 families) attend the Malfoy Ball.

A/N Another chapter is up. I hope you enjoyed. If you have any critiques, please comment. Otherwise, please let me know if you like this story. Please vote!

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