↠let's go to therapy!, 1.13

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October 9th.

The next morning when Anna wakes up, she's in a strange, strange place. It has Gryffindor red and gold. It's horrifying.

She stirs, looking around her. Remus is sleeping on one bed, James on another, Peter on a third, and Sirius Black on the floor. Which can only mean one thing:

Annalee Fawley is sleeping in her crush's bed. To herself, she thinks wait, crush? That's not right.

But she moves on. She slides down to the floor, smoothing her blonde hair. 

"Sirius? Hey, you awake?" she says softly.

He opens his eyes, "Princess? What are you doing here?"

"I fell asleep, remember?" she says gently.

"Oh, right. I'm so sorry, Princess," he says softly. 

She lies down next to him, nestling into his chest for the second time in five hours.

"Can I go back to sleep here?" she whispers.

He nods, "Of course, Fawley."

Her breathing evens out again, and Sirius smiles at the serene expression on her face as she snuggles in closer.

He rests his chin on her head and she lets out a contented sigh in her sleep.

An hour later, she wakes back up.

"Hi," she whispers, her cheeks going pink.

"Hi," he repeats.

She stretches, "We should get up."

He nods and scoots to a sitting position, "Yeah. I'll see you later?"

She nods and departs from the dorm room, making sure to levitate down the stairs. She exits the common room and walks down to the great hall. Thankfully, Lily is sitting there.

"You're up early!" Lily exclaims.

"Do you want the bad news that's going to make you want to cry and in turn me want to cry, or do you want the really good news that's going to make you want to squeal?" Anna says tiredly.

Lily considers this, "Bad news, then tell me the good news to make me stop crying."

"My parents disowned me. I'm going to stay with Andy this Summer," she says bluntly.

"Wh-what? Is this my fault? I... I told you to be defiant. Or was it something else?" Lily says, tearing up in the most Lily-fashion there ever was.

"No, no, no, no. Lily, it was not your fault," she reassures her, patting her back kindly. "But don't you want to hear the good news?"

Lily nods somberly, wiping at her eyes. "Are you finally ready to admit your feelings?"

"Ugh. Yes. And I'm dying from it right now," Anna confesses. "Lily, help meeeeee. You're the one that got me into this particular mess, now you have to get me out. Please? Pretty please?"

Lily claps her hands excitedly, "Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Ya-"

"Yeah, no more of that. What do I do, Lily? You've been in love with Potter for like a year, so how do I hide it?"

"Hide it?!" Lily shrieks. "Hide it?!"

"That's what I said," Anna says calmly. "Let it all out. Just quieter, please."

Quieter, she whisper-shouts, "Hide it?! Hide it?! You're killing me, Lee!"

"I know, honey. You'll get through it. Just process," Anna says, patting her back softly.

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