↠welcome to the family, luv, 1.18

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October 11th.

After charms, the four Gryffindor boys and the Slytherin girl walk down to the lake.

"You know, I own this lake," Sirius declares.

James rolls his eyes, then explains to Anna, "He says this every single time we come to the lake."

"Huh," Anna says quietly. "I have a question. Do you actually own it? Or do your parents? More importantly, will you ever come to own it?"

Sirius considers this. "If I don't, I'll just steal the deed."

"Well despite that being as good a plan as any, I was planning on rearranging my sock drawer," Remus says.

Anna narrows her eyes at him.

James claps his hands. "Um, me too!"

Anna actually snorts at that. "Do you even have a sock drawer, James?"

"That doesn't mean I can't organize it!" James protests, looking like a child.

Sirius laughs, "I kind of think it does, Prongsy."

At the look James shoots him, Peter adds, "And I have some charms homework."

"We were just in charms all together, he didn't assign any!" Anna exclaims.

"Extra credit?" Peter squeaks. 

Anna rolls her eyes.

The three scamper away, leaving Anna and Sirius all alone.

"Wow. It's almost like they wanted to leave us alone," Anna comments sarcastically.

"Almost," Sirius says with fake sadness. "But let's take advantage of it, shall we?"

"That depends. What are we taking advantage of?" Anna asks suspiciously. She shifts so she's leaning against her elbows and her legs splayed in front of her. 

Sirius copies her position as he grins, "Well finding a way to prank them, of course!"

"I like the way you think, Sirius Black."

"Why, thank you. I like the way I think, too!" Sirius exclaims, looking proud of himself.

Anna smiles at the expression. "Well you're the Pranking King, you instruct me on what I'm doing."

"How do you feel about water balloons?"

"Right now? I'm a biiiig fan," Annalee smirks.

The two spend the rest of the day wreaking havoc on the other students. They quickly figure out that, despite Anna's spell-related abilities, she's absolute crap at pranking.

"You suck at this," Sirius laughs as she busts out laughing before they can water balloon someone. "You keep laughing before we can do anything!"

She snickers again, "It's not my fault I have a terrible sense of humor. Blame my screwed up childhood, Siri."

He glares at her playfully, "It's like you're begging to get a water balloon to the face."

"How's that helpful?" Anna exclaims indignantly.

Sirius shrugs. "I just feel like water ballooning you. So it's helpful to me."

"That means a lot, Sirius," Anna says, focusing on something so hard it scares Sirius. "Really. I just want you to stay there and close your eyes, alright?"

Reluctantly, he closes his yes. "I'm watching you, Fawley."

"Are you?" she retorts. With that, she flicks her wand and the bucket of water she'd been levitating over his head tips over, drenching him.

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