↠we can't take it slower, 1.15

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October 10th.

When Anna wakes up again, it's the middle of the night. Sirius is still slumped in the chair across from the bed, asleep.

Anna creeps out of the bed, glad she can fully feel her various limbs again. She walks out of the hospital wing, and into the greater part of the castle. Namely, Dumbledore's office.

"Lemon drop," she whispers to Gary.

He opens and she walks through and up the stairs. Anna lets out a breath of relief upon seeing a light on.

"Ms. Annalee, shouldn't you be in the hospital wing?" he asks as pleasantly as ever upon seeing her.

She smiles widely, "Erm, yeah, technically. Just wanted to check in."

"I suggest you sit down then. Ms. Black notified me of your present situation. May I ask where you'll be going this summer?"

"Well I was hoping I'll be able to stay with Lily, if that's all right. If not her, then could I stay at the Order Headquarters?"

He chuckles, "I'd have to figure it out with Mr. and Mrs. Evans, but I think that'd be quite alright."

"Thank you, Professor!" Anna exclaims. "But... would it be safe for them? If the events of today prove anything, I'm being targeted by Tom."

"If anything, their living situations would be safer. And you would be hidden instead of being in the wide open like you would be at the Order," Dumbledore considers. "Have you considered being an auror when you graduate?"

Anna smiles. "Yeah. And maybe, if a position is open when the Dark Lord is defeated, I could be a Professor?"

"I have no doubt you will do whatever you want, Annalee. I and all of your other Professors are here to help you along the way. You should be getting back to the hospital wing now."

"Wait, I had one last thing I wanted to ask you!"


"I want to expand the dueling alliance. I can invite people on a case-by-case basis, and I'll teach them spells. I mean, people I think could help fight in the war once we graduate."

Warmly, he says, "I think that's a fantastic idea. But I want you to start with defensive spells and counter-jinxes. And nothing should be Dark Arts-related. Totally good magic. Lastly, I want every spell you do and every person you have to be recorded. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Professor. Thank you so much. I should go get back to sleep," she beams.

"Good night, Anna."

He smiles back, and waves her off. She scampers back to the hospital wing. She taps Sirius on the shoulder.

"Hey, Sirius?" she whispers.

He jolts awake, "Hey, Princess. How are you feeling?"

"Actually, I'm feeling great. How'd you sleep?" she says softly as she sits down on the bed.

He smiles faintly. "Fine. But I'm sure I'll sleep much better knowing you're safe and happy."

"Good. Sirius?"

"Yes, Princess?"

"Do you think I could maybe hang out with you and your friends a little more?"

"I'd love that, Fawley. So much," he confesses. 

They smile a little at each other and Anna yawns.

"I should get back to sleep. See you in the morning?" she asks hopefully.

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