↠winter break, part three, 1.26

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Jeremy and Remus.

January 3rd.

"Oh, Lee-Lee! Where'd you go? I'm gonna find you!" Jeremy calls fake-scouring the Manor for a four year-old Annalee.

Annalee giggles beneath the table, making Jeremy turn around in mock-shock.

"You found me!" she exclaims, leaping up and into his arms.

He twirls her around in a circle, making her giggle again.

"I did," he agrees. "And I will never let my Queen go again!"

Annalee wakes up in a hot sweat, mind running after her dream. The same dream she'd had for the past eight nights.

Or is it a memory? she thinks to herself.

Annalee, careful not to wake up Lily, walks down the stairs of the Evans' townhouse and to the kitchen table where she begins to write out a short letter to the person she believes is best equipped to handle this issue. Well, best equipped to handle this issue and not get mad at her for having a run-in with Riddle.

Dear Remus,

Hello, I hope you're doing well. I was hoping I could drop by wherever you're staying at the moment sometime soon? I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Sirius I wrote, as I have a proposal for you that isn't quite ready for him yet. Also, this is rather urgent, so I hope to meet with you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Your friend,

Annalee H. Fawley

She ties it to her owl's leg and he flies away.

After another day of flitting around London with Lily, a response is on her bed.


I am doing well. I hope you are as well. My father, mother, and I would be delighted to have you over. How does tomorrow at around noon work for you? Though I should tell you, if there's anything that I feel is necessary to tell Sirius to keep him safe, I will. But in the meantime, this meeting will be under hush-hush status.


Remus J. Lupin

Annalee smiles.

January 4th. 

"Oh, Lee-Lee! Where'd you go? I'm gonna find you!" Jeremy calls fake-scouring the Manor for a four year-old Annalee.

Annalee giggles beneath the table, making Jeremy turn around in mock-shock.

"You found me!" she exclaims, leaping up and into his arms.

He twirls her around in a circle, making her giggle again.

"I did," he agrees. "And I will never let my Queen go again!"

Annalee wakes up again, more determined than ever to find out exactly who Jeremy is.

The hours pass by slowly until it's finally time for Anna to go to Remus'.

"Lils?" Annalee calls at 11:57.

"Yes?" Lily calls back from upstairs.

"I'm going on a shopping trip to Diagon Alley. I may be a while. I kind of feel like being alone. Sorry," Annalee responds.

"Have fun and be careful!" Lily says cheerfully.

Annalee grabs a handful of floo powder and throws it into the fire, saying clearly, "Diagon Alley."

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