Time Traveling Princess - 49

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November 5th.

"Sirius! Sirius, stop!" Annalee protests with a laugh. "We'll get in trouble."

Sirius scoffs, "We're always in trouble. You have a time-traveling device and you haven't used it. Put the two together, let's be in more trouble and time-travel to the future!"

"Sirius..." Anna says warningly. But it's too late.

The necklace she's wearing whirs and she reappears in the Slytherin dorms in the year 1994. Ideally.

"Who the hell are you?" a blond-haired boy asks from in front of her.

She glares. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm taking you to a Professor," he sneers.

She rolls her eyes, but acknowledges it's her best chance at making sure she gets back to the right time.

Until, of course, he grips her arm tightly.

"Ow!" she protests. "Get your filthy arms off of me."

He glares at her.

She goes along and he leads her out into the hall.

He guides her to the first office he sees.

"Professor Lupin?" he calls inside, making her laugh out loud.

A man comes out. His eyes widen at the grumpy blonde.

"Malfoy, you can go now. I'll deal with this myself," the man reassures him.

Malfoy grumbles, but walks away. Once safely yanked into the office, Anna lets out a breath of relief.

"I knew that stupid blonde looked like a stupid Malfoy," she hisses quietly. "Are you actually Moony?"

The man stares at her.

Then, he grins. "Yes. I take it this was when Sirius pranked you with the time-turner."

Anna laughs mischievously. "I'm going to get him back. I'm going to tell him that he's ugly when I get back to the past."

Remus gasps playfully. "I wouldn't. He was traumatized for years after you did that!"

"I can imagine," is all she says in response. "Now can I get back to my donuts in my time?"'

"One second. I need to talk to you," he says, grin disappearing.

"What's wrong, Reemes 2.0?" she asks casually.

He frowns as he says, "I need you to promise me you won't join the Death Eaters."

She laughs at that. "Why in the hell would I ever join them? They're bigger buffoons than you!"

He lets out a breath of relief. "Good. Whatever happens, remember that promise. Things in the War get a lot worse."

"What do you mean?" she hisses. "I... I join them?"

"No! You don't. I just need to make sure," he reassures her. "Now off you go. You'd better get back to your own time!"

She narrows her eyes. "Fine, I guess. I'll be sure to slap Sirius extra hard."

"And another time from me!" he says cheerily.

She grins again, "See you in twenty years."

She messes with the time-turner and she disappears. Unfortunately, not into her own time.

"Can I help you?" a handsome man with dark hair says.

She frowns. "Who are you?"

"Tom. Tom Riddle," he says in the same cold tone she's used to.

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