The Boggart and Much Darker Magic - 45

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October 1st.

On the morning of the boggart lesson, the fifth year Slytherin and Gryffindors are buzzing with excitement. They all form a line upon arriving in the DADA classroom and receiving instruction from their teacher.

Remus feigns illness as he doesn't want to be found out of his, in James's terms, furry little problem. Marlene actually is sick.

The teacher, Professor Ericson, announces, "The spell is riddikulus. Under no circumstance should anyone interfere. If you are having trouble with the spell, the only other alternative is the patronus charm, though I suspect none of you knows how to do that."

The Coven members exchange smug looks (confusing Ginger).

One by one, the students are presented with the boggart, though The Coven and the Marauders are in the back (glaring at each other or ignoring each other).

Sirius goes first.

Walburga and Orion appear. The woman-boggart cackles, "You're nothing but a disappointment, boy. We'll kill everyone you love."

"RIDDIKULUS!" Sirius yells, seemingly unfazed. The female Black turns into a butterfly with the face of Walburga. Even Bellatrix cracks a smile.

Next, James.

The boggart shifts into Sirius. Behind him, a bloody Remus and Peter. Lily and Anna appear next to Sirius.

"This is what happens in war," Boggart-Lily whispers, pulling her wand out.

The real Anna and Lily exchange looks, as if to say what are we doing in his worst nightmare?

"RIDDIKULUS!" James yells and the scene dissipates.

Next, Peter. Peter's is only a dancing spider, which is slightly less foreboding (in the eyes of only some).

Ginger, ever the fearless Slytherin, goes next.

It morphs into a brunette who looks just like Ginger, just plus a couple of years.

Next to her face is a gun. The girl stares at it unwaveringly, no fear in her brown eyes.

"Riddikulus!" Ginger spells, obviously affected by whatever it means.

The only thing that changes in the scene is the girl's face, which is now quivering.

Lily's turn.

Immediately, the boggart shifts into her parents, lying dead on the floor.

"Riddikulus!" Lily exclaims, confident. It's obvious she already knew the spell and had practiced. She gives Annalee a confident smile.

Alice's is a thunderstorm, which she makes a sunny sky.

Dorcas' is an airplane, which she spells into a stuffed toy.

Finally, rounding out the end of the lesson, Annalee walks to the front of the line. Only Sirius, Lily, and Ginger (who has a special talent of reading people) notice the fear warming in her icy blue eyes.

A Slytherin whispers to his friend, "I don't think Annalee Fawley is scared of anything."

The rest of the class simply looks scared as to what Annalee Fawley is scared of.

Only Bellatrix has a scheming look on her face.

You could hear a pin drop, the room goes so quiet as the boggart turns to Anna.

It morphs into Voldemort next to a hooded figure.

Everyone draws in a breath, as not many people have an accurate picture of what Tom Riddle looks like.

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