To Kiss and to Make Up - 54

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November 30th.

Dear Goldie,

Love, I'm feeling rather upset, in the simplest of terms. I love you dearly, I do. So much. And I can't understand why all that you said in your last letter was "I'll see you soon". I'm just so scared of losing you. I know how much you must be going through and I can't even imagine how much you must be feeling right now. But I miss you, too. I love you and I don't know if you even love me anymore. I don't know if we're still together. I just need to know, m'love.

Because I love you more than all the stars in the bloody sky.




I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.

First and foremost, I love you. I do. Impossibly. Maybe that's why I was so... wordless, I guess. I'm scared, too. I'm scared that I'm going to die and I'm scared shitless that I'm going to lose you. I miss your eyes, Pads. I miss your lips and your touch and your impossibly warm chest that I love to put my head on so much. Your jacket still smells like you, at least.

I'm sorry that that got sappy, too. But you're all I can think about anymore. I just upended my life, but you're the only think I care about. Does that make me crazy?

If that does, in fact, make me crazy, then I'll be crazy every day of my life.

I love you, Padfoot Von Snufflinson. More than I can properly express in words.

Yours forever,


When Sirius gets the response, he starts smiling like an idiot. Yes, it's beyond cheesy. Yes, it's beyond sappy. But he loves it.

"Sirius!" he hears James call from the common room. It's late and there's a party downstairs. The music is playing lightly. "Get down here, mate, we're playing firewhiskey pong."

Sirius rolls his eyes, but walks down the stairs nonetheless.

The party's way smaller than normal. A female Hufflepuff (flirting with James), two female Ravenclaws (also flirting with James), two female and two male Slytherins (with the exception of Ginger, all of them get severe side-eye from the Marauders). The Coven and the Marauders are the only Gryffindors present.

Maybe it's because it's the first party since Annalee 'died'. Or maybe it's because the circle of friends hadn't spoken to anyone outside of their friend group. Other than to prank, of course.

All eyes turn to Sirius.

The Ravenclaw not currently flirting with James saunters over, a sly smile on her face.

Sirius doesn't notice the flirtation. He walks over to James.

"Who's winning, Prongs?" he grins.

James gestures to the girl next to him, "No one yet. But Lucy and I against you and her friend."

"I hope you don't mind," Lucy, the Ravenclaw, says in a sickly sweet tone, "I just wanted a wingwoman for tonight. This is only my second Gryffindor party."

Sirius doesn't notice the push the other girl gives. After all, why would he? He has a girlfriend. Why would anyone flirt with him?

"Sure," Sirius nods, grabbing a plastic cup brimming with the bitter firewhiskey. He nods to the other Ravenclaw, "What was your name, darling?"

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