Figuring It All Out - 63

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October 10th.

"I haven't been on a date in like three years, Lee, I need help," Lily complains. "You, too, Ginge. Everyone else is either out on a date or in detention and I need fashion adv- bloody hell, Lee, what is this?"

She holds up a particularly atrocious ankle-length dress robe from first year.

Anna shrugs, "My mother and father gave it to me, but I never had the heart to throw it out."

Lily frowns.

Ginger frowns wider.

"So you... just held on to a godawful dress for seven years?" Ginger asks cautiously.

Anna gives her a lopsided grin, changing the subject, "Guess what today is?"

"What?" Lily responds automatically.

"The fourth anniversary of this first time Sirius and I kissed. Wait, actually, that's not completely true. Technically, he never rescinded our engagement-"

"-Your what?" Ginger exclaims.

Lily giggles, "Oh, I love this story."

"It's not actually that good of a story. It's simple," Anna interjects.

The redhead rolls her eyes, "You tell it, or I will."

"You tell it, then."

Ginger watches with bated breath.

"Little Lee and Little Sirius are eight years old, playing in the wide expanse of the Fawley Estate. They're running through wheat-"

"-Lavender," Anna interjects.

Lily glares, "They're running through lavender fields when Little Lee falls. Just trips over her face, splat! And Sirius laughed at her, saying, 'Princess, you've seem to have lost your grace. Not very ladylike of you.' And, as you could imagine, Little Lee glared at him with the fire of one hundred Suns. Then, she snorted."

"I did not! I do not snort!" Anna interrupts in infuriation.

Evans beams at her. "Sure you do, Goldie. Anyways, they started laughing and Little Lee pulls Little Sirius down on the ground next to her. And then, he kissed her, right on the lips."

"On the cheek."

"I thought you didn't want to tell the story!" Lily exclaims in indignation. Ginger laughs. "As I was saying, he kissed her on the cheek. Then, she kissed him smack on the lips. Apparently, Little Sirius was quite the player as an eight-year-old. And then, he proposed to her with the Black family heirloom ring. Obviously, Little Lee said yes. They've been engaged ever since."

"That's adorable," Ginge coos.

Anna rolls her eyes, "And then his mother found out and yelled at us for an hour straight. Reggie timed."

"That's less adorable," Ginger says, though in the exact same tone as before.

October 11th.

"So... a double date?"

"I guess."

October 17th.

Sirius, Anna, James, and Lily pile into the Three Broomsticks, a favorite of the boys.

"Sirius, James!" Rosie exclaims upon seeing them walk in. She gasps upon seeing Lily and Anna, "Are these the girls you've been talking about?"

Sirius grips Anna's hand, "Rosie, this is Pri-"

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