↠second year, 1.3

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When The Queen's Court return to school, the dynamics are slightly different. This is due to Lily spending all of her time with Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, and Dorcas Meadowes. 

Dory and Anna grew up in environments where it was frowned upon to chase. While some of their parents' teachings had evaporated, this one in particular didn't.

Lily Evans is erased from their memory.

Meanwhile, the two make the quidditch team as chaser (Dory) and keeper (Anna). James Potter and Sirius Black both make the Gryffindor team as keeper and beater, respectively.


"Personally, I don't understand the draw of my cousin," Bellatrix Black gossips.

"That's because he's your cousin, Bella," Dory sends her a look.

The three dormmates are lying on their beds, gossiping.

"But that girl, Marlene. She's obsessed with him. Same with like half of the girls in our year. I just don't get it. What do you think, Anna?" Bella continues.

Anna shrugs, "I'm not sure. Any physical beauty he has is outweighed by the massively overwhelming truth that is his arrogance. No offense, Bells."

"None taken. He's a bloodtraitor at this point. I'm a bit worried about 'Dromeda as well," Bellatrix says nonchalantly.

This piques Annalee's interest.

"Why?" she and Dorothy ask in unison.

"She spent most of the Summer in muggle London. I followed her one time-"

"-As one does-" Dory interrupts.

Sending her a look, Bellatrix continues, "-And she was meeting up with a Puff named Ted Tonks."

"Ooooooh! Was he cute?" Dory asks.

"Or was he ugly? Actually, I think I might know him," Anna comments, happy for the girl she grew up admiring.

"Yeah, he was kind of fit, as much as I hate to admit it. But she still shouldn't be consorting with- with... muggle-borns!" Bellatrix says, spitting out muggles as though it physically pains her to say such a thing.

"Why do you hate them and muggles so much?" Dorothy asks thoughtfully.

"They're vile! They take up all of Earth's resources only to waste them! Not to mention, those witch trials! They're sexist, ableist, racist, ageist, and can't help but wage wars," Bella declares for the world to hear.

Dory grins, and flicks her wand. A song starts playing.

Dory starts singing along, "All of my life
I've been searching for a girl
To love me like I love you
Oh, now. 

"But every girl I've ever had
Breaks my heart and leaves me sad
What am I, what am I supposed to do?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"
Dory continues.

Annalee smirks as the part with her name comes. She joins in with Dory, "Anna, just one more thing girl,
You give back your ring to me
And I will set you free
Go with him."

They stop abruptly when Bellatrix flicks her wand and turns off the makeshift radio.

"Stop it," she protests weakly, but she has a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, please! You know you love it!" Dory smiles back as she and Annalee sit down on their respective emerald beds.

Bellatrix doesn't respond, but her smile doesn't fade either.

The Ice Queen [s.b.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora