The Player Fell In Love With...

By softlalisas

87K 2.3K 230

Lalisa Manoban, a Senior at Busan High, is the girls basketball teams captain, but she's not that great of a... More

11 Part 12
26 pt.2
New Book
New book


3K 110 12
By softlalisas

Lisa's P.O.V.

Yeji picked Beauty and the Beast and we are currently laid out on the couch with Jennie on my left and Yeji in my lap. I don't mind though, she's super cute and cuddly not to mention she subconsciously played with my fingers with her small hand.

"I can move her if you would like." Yeji suggests standing up taking our plates to the kitchen.

When she gets back I shake my head waving her off.  "She's fine."

Jennie looks at the time seeing it's almost 8 p.m. "Alright Yeji time to get you ready for bed."

Yeji turns over on her stomach stuffing her face in my neck. "No."

"Yeji I'm not kidding, let go of Lisa and get ready for bed." Jennie says a little more frustrated but Yeji doesn't budge.

"What if I help you get ready for bed Yej?" I ask hoping she'll cooperate and she does, nodding her head in agreement.

I stand up with her wrapped around me like a koala and Jennie leads me to her bed room. I lay Yeji in her bed and help Jennie tuck her in. I turn on her night light and we begin to exit her room when she speaks up.

"Lili you remind me of the beast."

I turn back to her and raise my eyebrow. "How's that?"

"Well you're big and scary, but in real life you're just like a cuddly teddy bear." Yeji says looking me up and down.

"What if I'm only nice to you but mean to everyone else?"

She just shakes her head. "I saw the way you looked at jenjen when she let you in."

I widen my eyes realizing when I checked Jennie out I wasn't that slick about it. "Well you need to go to bed mini Kim, goodnight."

"Goodnight Lili." She mumbles and I turn to leave the room.

Jennie's P.O.V.

"I saw the way you looked at jenjen when she let you in." Yeji tells Lisa and there's a moment of silence. I'm guessing she caught Lisa off guard. So she was checking me out earlier?

"Well you need to go to bed mini Kim, goodnight." Lisa tells Yeji and I hear her start to make her way out of the room.

I dash towards my room since Lisa  didn't know I was listening in on their short conversation and sit on my bed wait for her to come in my room.

"Hey sorry your sister wanted to talk for a minute longer." Lisa shuts the door and jumps on my bed almost knocking me off in the process.

"Can you not?" I sass opening my binder to get Lisa's practice test out.

"Oooh sassy Kim...I like it." Lisa tells me poking my sides.

I roll my eyes ignoring her childish antics, handing her the test. "Do this and I'll grade to see what we need to work on."

"Ugh I don't wanna." Lisa pouts laying back down and digging her face into my back.

"This is the whole reason you came over now get up." I nudge her ribs earning a giggle. I've never heard her giggle but its my new favorite sound. I smile to myself and nudge her and again earn another giggle. "Wow the Lisa Manoban giggles?"

"Oh shut up wheres the test?" She breathes out sitting up and leaning back on my head bored. I give her my binder so she has something to write on and a pencil, then she gets to work.

30 minutes later she hands the test over to me and I begin grading it. I'm in my own world until Lisa's voice gets my attention. "You're still wearing that toy ring I gave you?"

I look down at my right hand and smile. "Yeah it was sweet and not too often are you sweet so I kept it."

After that she's silent, I look over to see her hanging her head down picking at my covers. "I'm sorry that came out a lot more rude than I meant for it too."

Lisa shakes her head. "No you're right, but there are reasons for that. I haven't always been this way."

That gets my attention. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Can you just grade the test so we can get this over with?" She asks laying back on the bed.

I finish grading the test and she didn't do that bad, its just the formulas that she has a hard time with. I hand her the test and upon seeing it her face drops immediately.

"God why am I so stupid." She breathes out throwing the test on the floor.

"Lisa calm down it's only the second tutoring session, you'll get better." I try to reassure her but it makes it worse.

"Easy for you to say, you have a 4.0 GPA! You don't have the stress of losing basketball or getting scouted! You're life is basically perfect!" Lisa says harshly, hurting my feelings on how she's assuming about me.

"You think my life is perfect, that I have no worries or pressure? Lisa I'm the school's nerd, I get picked on everyday! Then I have my parents that expect so much out of me, that it's exhausting. If I make at least below a 94 on my tests my parents lecture me on what I can do better, and if I make the perfect grades I get nothing. So for you to just assume I have the perfect life is rude!" I finish my rant standing right in front of her. She has a surprised look on her face I guess not expecting me to get that mad, and to be honest I didn't expect it either.

Lisa looks down at her hands for a moment before speaking up. "I'm sorry for assuming, that was wrong of me. Just from how you act at school I just never expected all that. You just have everything together at school you just seemed too...I don't know perfect I guess?" Lisa thinks I'm perfect? What the heck is going on.

I chuckle gaining Lisa's attention. "I thought the same about you."

"Why's that?" Lisa asks looking down at me.

"You're the it girl of Busan High, have all the friends you could possibly want, you're super wealthy, and you're cute." I mumble the last part looking down picking at my shirt nervously.

"Oh so you think I'm cute?" She cockily asks lowing her head to where she can see my face.

I put my hand on her jaw pushing her face away from mine gently but she catches me off guard when she grabs my wrists, wrapping my arms around her waist and hers wrapping around my neck.

She rests her head on my shoulder tightening her grip on me. "I'm sorry again for assuming and being a bitch. Lets look over the test and study for a bit?"

I pull back from the hug smiling up at her and nodding. "Want to start with formula's since that's what you struggled in the most?"

"That's fine." Lisa takes a seat on my bed grabbing her school stuff and we begin working.

*****An hour later*****

"So now do you understand how to do the Linear equation?" I ask finishing typing the problem on my calculator.

Lisa didn't answer my question so I ask again just in case she didn't hear. "Do you understand the linear equation Lisa?" Still no answer, I look up and see that shes knocked out asleep already under my comforter stretched out. I glance at the clock seeing that it's 10:30 p.m. and decide not to wake her up since she probably had a tough practice.

I clean off my bed setting our school stuff on the floor before turning off my over head light and pull my covers back getting under them. I plug my phone into the charger, set my alarm, and turn on my side facing away from Lisa.

As soon as I'm about to fall asleep, Lisa shifts and I feel her arm wrap around my waist and she buries her face into the back of my neck. "Good night Jen." She yawns out pulling me closer to her so that my back is against her front.

Oh my god, oh my god, what do I do!  I rest my right hand on hers that's on my stomach and lightly hold it. "Goodnight Lili." I whisper giving her hand a slight squeeze before letting sleep take over.

****Next Morning****

Lisa's P.O.V.

I wake up to an alarm going off and try to move but there's a weight on my chest. I rub my eyes, looking down to see Jennie cuddled into my side with her head on my chest. My eyes widen and I begin to panic. I gently move her off of me putting a pillow where I was just laying and she cuddles into it immediately. I look at the time seeing it's 5:30 in the morning so we have almost 2 hours before we have to be at school. I turn off her alarm allowing her to sleep in while I take a shower.

I make my way to the bathroom locking the door and turning the water on. I undress waiting for it to warm up and then begin my morning routine. Once I'm out I dry off, then get dressed, and brush my hair. I put on a simple outfit since today is Friday, I don't want to dress up too much. I put on black Nike joggers, white t-shirt, and plain white Nike shoes.

I walk back into Jennie's and see Yeji sitting on her back trying to wake her up but she's unsuccessful.

"Jenjen won't wake up and she helps me get dressed." The smaller cat-eyes pouts.

That's when i get an idea. "Come here." I call over the toddler and she comes happily.

I whisper in her ear what the plan is and she agrees to it. I slip my shoes off before standing up on the bed, I then take Sofia's hand in mine. "1..2..3..GO!" With that we start jumping on the bed making Jennie freak out.

"I'm up, you can stop now!" Jennie screams scrambling off the bed and she looks adorable.

"Help me get dressed jenjen please!" Yeji jumps into Jennie's arms.

"Okay but then I have to get ready for school." She tells Yeji and walks out of her room.

I take a seat on her bed and wait for her to finish getting ready.

"Hey Lisa can you text Nayeon off my phone and tell her that you're taking me to school?" Jennie asks poking her head in the door way.

"Who said I'm taking you to school?" I shoot back and her eyes widen.

"Oh um sorry I just thought since you spent the night that you uh would take me, I'm sorry." Jennie stutters out and I feel bad for making her think that I don't want to give her a ride.

"I"m kidding Jen, yeah I'll text her just finish getting ready." I tell her grabbing her phone and text Nayeon.

I look at the doorway and still see Jennie standing there smiling. "What?"


Ah she liked her nickname. "Yeah, you didn't like Kim so had to think of another name for you. If you don't like it I won't call you it."

"No I like it, no one calls me jen." She smiles leaning on the door frame.

"Then that's mine for you, no one else can use it." I wink causing her to blush and dart to the bathroom.


We make it to school and everyone is staring, I don't mind but it looks like it's bothering Jennie.

"You okay?" I ask resting my hand on her knee.

It startles her a little but she nods her head. "Yeah, just don't like people staring."

I get out of my car grabbing our things before walking over to her side opening the door for her. She steps out and stands beside me, I hand Jennie her bag and walk with her to the school.

People keep staring at Jennie, whispering to each other and some even laughing. That just makes Jennie even more self conscious and she lowers her head looking at the ground. I clench my jaw and turn my attention to the group of girls laughing. "Do ya'll fucking mind, what's so funny anyway?"

They all shut up instantly and look at each other. "We um are just wondering why you're with the ya know..." One of them trails off.

"The what? Most beautiful girl of the school, the smartest, or the hardest working? Keep talking talking and I'm not afraid shutting ya'll up." I snap glaring at all of them.

They get the message and scramble away.

"Thank you Lisa, you didn't have to do that." Jennie says looking up at me.

I smile, resting my hand on the small of her back and continue walking her inside the school. We make it to her locker and Nayeon is already there waiting for her.

"I'll see you around, have a good day." I tell her kissing her on the cheek before walking off to my locker.

End of Chapter

Total Words:2223

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