Buying, Stealing, Flirting An...

By Booksneedmorebooks

1.4K 103 261

A small group of Adventures take on a mission that is much more than they bargained for, when they learn of a... More

And so It Begins; Isabelle
They came and Went; Isabelle
Hurried Help; Henry
The Blossom of love; Isabelle
The Ring; Henry
Money and Lovemaking; Isabelle
The Proposal; Henry
The Date; Harrison
Festival; Isabelle
Shopping Spree!
Brothers; Isabelle
The Day Before; Henry
My one Good thing this month (sort of)
Suits; Henry
The Bachelorette Party; Isabelle
The Big Day; Henry
The Big Day (Again); Isabelle
The Nigh of; Henry
Scars; Isabelle
The aftermath; Henry
Bahalla; Henry
Shopping Spree (Again)
Merry and Music
Love Lost
Princess Willow
Oh the feels.
Pan's Big Rescue
Pan's rescue Reginald POV
Fighting Among Friends.
New Powers Rise
An Unexpected Surprise
Another Surprise.
Clerik, Shut Up!
Snuggle Time
Rescue or not?
Hunting Day
Date Night!
A Big Secret
Grumpy Sheep
A Daring Rescue
The Begging of The End
New Families Arise
Random (out of context) Stuff the Group said as we Played


8 1 5
By Booksneedmorebooks

It had been a week since the shower and we were all ready to go shopping for Moira's baby. She didn't know and it was going to be a surprise. What was even better is we had finally convinced Wallace to let his intern come with us. Himiko finally got out to just spend time and do stuff.

The third store we went to Alec walked up and spoke to this guy, and then Clerik joined them. I watched as this guy ran away frustrated and disappeared outside. Alec came over and said to me telepathically 'Willow I think you have a follower or stalker or something, he knew who you were even in your disguise and he thinks you're pretty, he seems to be following you,' He seemed worried about this and so did Clerik.

"We need to keep you protected Willow," Clerik told me. Himiko even offered me some magical protection. I turned it down and we continued our shopping trip and no one seemed to notice him around again. I didn't even notice him the first time, I wondered if that made me a bad person.

We got back to the castle and gave Moira the clothes, she was a little mixed about some of the things we bought but sort of thanked us and sent us away. We all went to dinner. It was a nice dinner which Wallace didn't attend. He spent so much time in the lab I didn't know what I would do. Luckily he said he'd meet me early and we could have a little fun today.

So after dinner I headed straight for my room, I was happy it had been a while since we did it. He was standing outside my door holding some roses. At first I thought it was a sweet gesture then I realized that it was not from him. "Someone left you these," he said.

"Okay and?" I said.

"Do you know who?" He asked me.

"No, Alec and Clerik and Himiko were all worried about some guy earlier, it's nothing Wallace, now come," I said and tried to pull him into our bedroom, it had been two weeks since we did it and I was dying for some more.

"I'll go find Alec and ask him," Wallace said and made the flowers wither as he walked away.

I walked into our room and changed and got in bed. I was so mad at Wallace for that, I just wanted to have a little fun. I started to fall asleep when the door opened. I sat up and looked at him, "Your back?" I asked him.

"I am," he said and got into bed with me. He put an arm over me and I moved away. "What's the matter, love?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that my boyfriend, no wait, my husband, went off to talk with my best friend about something that may or may not be happening. To me, which, I'm pretty sure a random guy cannot get into the castle. Look at all the stuff we have," I said to him and I grew angrier. "All I wanted to do was have a little fun with you! It's been like two weeks Wallace!"

"I'm sorry love, but you know your safety is the most important thing to me, we can still have some fun if you want?" He said.

"No I just want to go to sleep," I told him. And that's what I tried to do, the blankets didn't work and I got cold and I couldn't sleep. I rolled over facing Wallace and moved in nice and close so that I could feel his warmth.

"I knew you'd come and cuddle, you can't stay mad," he said and kissed my forehead. I shushed him. He laughed a little. "Goodnight honey," he said to me.

"Goodnight Wallace," I whispered and drifted off.

The next morning I woke and Wallace was gone, I got dressed and headed down for breakfast but Clerik and Wallace and Alec were inspecting a box that was on my throne with a ribbon tied around it. And Moira and Gale were off to the side whispering a conversation.

"Guys, it's just a book," I heard Clerik say.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"There is a box for you," Alec said.

"So why are you three opening it?" I asked them.

"It could have been trapped," Wallace said.

"Why would it be trapped?" I asked all three of them.

"Because someone could be after you Willow we have to keep you safe," Wallace told me and both Alec and Clerik nodded in agreement. I could hear Gale and Moira starting to yell at eachother.

"You guys don't have to be so protective, it's probably nothing guys," I told them exasperated. "And you two," I said, turning to Moira and Gale. "Quit your fighting, you are here representing my court, your outbursts ruin the image we are trying to create." I said scolding them.

I walked into the dinning room for breakfast. Today was Waffles and fruit. I loved these Waffles. I sat down with Wallace and Clerik and Alec while the others sat at their spots around the table. And I started to get my Waffles and I took the glass container of syrup and it started to flow into a shape on my waffles.

It was the letter 'I' and then a heart then the letter 'U' I screamed and pushed the plate on the floor. "Okay, Okay, maybe you're right, that was freaky," I told them and motioned for a servant to clean up the mess of shattered glass and syrup. And then explained to them what had happened.

Alec said we should go out and get me out of the castle. Wallace agreed and thought that it would draw my stalker out. But I don't think things went the way they really wanted today. We left the castle myself in disguise as usual. Wallace was actually coming with us. "We've finally got him out of the tower," I said pointing to Wallace, "We need to do something fun!"

"What do you want to do?" Alec asked me.

"Something fun," I told him again.

"Maybe poetry or art?" Austerius offered. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Come on Austerius? You went and got wasted with me and we had a lot of fun and you want to do Poetry this time?" I asked her.

"Willow do you have anything you like to do other than get drunk?" Alec asked. Wow how nice, insulting my drinking, I have more fun when I have alcohol in my system. And my system has been funny lately. I think I needed some alcohol.

We had this conversation as Pan, the half-elf duke from Glaktoya, the rest of them knew him better than I did, and he and Wallace messed around with their weird tophats and Alec joined arms. I hooked my arm through Austerius's and said "Let's get something to drink," I told her, I led her through the city and into a sort of shady tavern I knew had the strongest liquor.

I started to order something but Pan would not stop complaining about the Queen drinking, so much for cover thanks Pan. He turned around facing Wallace who no longer was standing there, "Where's the Wizard?" Pan asked.

"I don't know! This day was supposed to be fun because we got him to leave the tower!" I grumbled, "Nevermind let's just go back," I said. I took off towards the castle. Austeruis came running up to me.

"Look what I got!" She said. I took a look at the bottle.

"How did you get a hold of that?" I asked her.

"On the house!" She said excitedly. Well I guess all of Pan's complaining about the 'Queen' drinking got us free booze. I grabbed Austerius's room again and I took off running to the castle. We ran all the way up to my room. And slammed the door right before Alec got there.

He magically appeared through the door and we opened the bottle and started drinking though Alec only took a sip and then gave it back to us. Austerius and I were halfway through the bottle when Pan and Wallace came in Wallace unlocking the door. Pan did not stop his complaining till he paused and went. "Oh no, I forgot, I need to go, bye," he said and left. Austeruis had gone out the Window, I think she said get a snake.

She returned with a tiny garden snake which she was trying to tear in half, "I thought we could eat it," She said. Alec yelled and took the snake from her leaving the room. We had done so much since the morning the sun was starting to set now. Austerius took another drink and passed out.

Wallace once again stuck her in the bag of holding. I started to down the rest of the bottle. Something was weird with me lately and I couldn't figure out why so drinking to the bottom of the bottle was the best option right now. I passed out when the bottle emptied.

I woke up and saw Wallace moving about the dark room. "Wallace?" I asked. He nodded and came over and sat on the bed. I grabbed him and started to kiss him. "You gonna give me what I want tonight?" I asked him.

"Yes whatever you want," he said. Wallace leaned down kissing me.

"Lay down," he whispered "Are you sure you want this? You're quite drunk?" He asked me.

"I'm not that drunk. I slept most of it off. But fine. Deny me again!" He said frustratedly.

"I won't love," he told me, giving me another kiss.

"Then get over here and put it in me!" I told him. He did the opposite, he walked to the door and Window and made sure they were closed and locked. "Get over here!" I said again. Finally he did what I asked he came over to me he spread my legs and slid my underwear off under my dress. He parted his robes and he took it out "Hurry up!" I whined. He laughed as I pulled on his hair. "Put it in" I begged.

"Of course," he said and slid it into me with his hands on my waist. I put my legs around his hips and I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him and moaned into his mouth as he moved faster. I bit his bottom lip, I was finally getting what I wanted. Then there was a crash as my Window shattered.

"Oh my," Clerik said and turned facing the window, "Uh fix your clothes I won't look," He said looking out.

Wallace took it out of me and put it back in his pants closing the part in his robes. I slid my underwear back on and got up storming into the washroom. "Clerik get out!" I yelled at him.

"Just because you are screwing Wallace doesn't mean I can't come and keep you safe, you can do that any other night!" Clerik yelled back.

"Oh really? Any night I want? Because I tried last night and didn't get any and every other night he has been locked away in that Lab of his!" I yelled at both Clerik and Wallace. What the heck was wrong with me? Why was I upset about this?

I heard a whispered conversation between Wallace and Clerik "You can use a door every now and then Clerik," Wallace growled.

"You can screw her a different night. We need to keep her safe the gods have literally told me that right at sunrise he will appear next to her." Clerik said.

"And I can't keep her safe myself?" Wallace asked. "I have things set up, I will know if someone enters the room that shouldn't be, now get out Clerik," he said.

"I'll stay in the washroom tonight," Clerik said.

"No you won't!" I yelled at him. Opening the door.

"Get out Clerik," Wallace said again.

"Fine," Clerik was peeved. So was I and Wallace.

Once he was gone I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. When I opened my eyes he was standing right in front of me. "I'm sorry," Wallace said and he began kissing me again.

He picked me up and carried me to the bed and finished what he had started with me. Then. He did it a second time. It was cold in the room that night I fell asleep to the warmth of our bare bodies touching. 

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