Starwarhammer: Book 1 Arrival

By Shadow_trooper

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Star Wars the clone wars X Warhammer 40k More

Emperor Give me strength
Rhen Var
First Contact
The first calm
The First Storm
Battle on Raxus Prime
Thule and the Dark Reaper
[Side Story] Planet Fall
A Home World
The Spears of Diomedes
Muunalist Drop
Guard deployment
Attack on the factory
Senatorial Fear
Senators with the Sisters
Warp travel
[side story] base attack
QnA #1
Imperial Space battle
Preparing for war
Hunt for a traitor
Combat & Fear
Secret Project
The Sisters of the Divine Blades
[Side Story] Breaking the captives
The Super Weapon
Capturing the Ship
Imperial Senators
[TTS stylized] Acquisition
The Stand of the Rightous
[Side Story] The Green Tide
Q&A #2
Before the Battle
Coalition Fleet Battle
Operation: Thunder Strike
Republic attack
Operation: Honor March
The Emperor's Power
Crossroads of Destiny
[side story] Senate Review
The Imperium's Crusade
Call of the Twi'leks
Freedom of the People
Lion's Roar
Artifacts and Changes
Many Paths Ahead
Guard Command
Imperial Life
[Side Story] Rumors
[Side Story] Rogue Elements
Q&A #3
The Blades of Flame
Lions of Numidia
Hussars of Ice
The Mentors of the Imperium
The Arjent Hammer
Lords of Iron
The Spears of Diomedes
Paragon Shields
Riders Malevolent
[Side Story] Inquisitorial Dealings
Issues of Ideals
The long awaited meeting
Return to Coruscant
The Jedi Council
The Imperial Secession
The Sisters and Brides
World of 2 Suns
Interviews of Imperial Soldiers
[Side Story] The Black Ships Open
May the Fourth Special


2K 53 32
By Shadow_trooper

The droids watched, as on the far end of the system known as the republic sent in several ships. Several Jedi were with the ships, along with space marines, a small squad, with a Sargent of the Blades of Flames, a massive man in dark blue armor, covered by a red tabard. A sword sheathed on his hip, his hand resting on the hilt. With him were 4 marines. They all had no markings on their armor, with him being the only uniquely marked marine, having a red hand, and a red mark across it's face, crossing the eyes.

"Our war begins," General Daakman Barrek." said, having the fleet advance towards the world of Hypori.

-hours later-

"We need immediate evac from Hypori, Our forces are completely destroyed! Only a few of us left, a new droid General. He's unstoppable, general Grievous is hunting us. Can't hold out for long!" Daakman Barrek said, as he deflected blaster bolts.

Suddenly he was attacked, dropping his communicator, it was stepped on and stopped transmitting. Super battle droids marched and surrounded the downed Assault ship continually blasting it as they got closer and closer, before stopping. The survivors, scattered as they were, ran deeper into the crash site. Gathering in the main body of the crash.

The marines stayed inside, having gotten to the area first, and did an ammo check. The marines exchanged clips, as some loaded clips. They spoke with using only their radios. As everyone had gathered, the marines had to accept they were sheltering with the jedi.

"He is unstoppable." the creature known as K'kruhk said.

"Never have we been out manuvered by droids. His strategy is without flaw" Shaak ti said, panting.

"He is a machine. We do not have enough bullets to break through, our munitions and explosives would run dry before we broke through." the Sargeant, who everyone just referred to as "Red" said.

"This is the end, we're all doomed." Sha'a Gi said.

"Our predicament is Dire, but do not despair. Focus. We are Jedi." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

Suddenly, a voice rang out.


Everyone took positions, watching an approach. The marines prepared, loading full clips, and walking to a slit, crouching to watch an approach.

"You are surrounded, your army decimated, make peace with your force now, for this is your final hour. As for the astartes, make peace with what ever you pray to, for you shall not leave here alive. But know this, that I, general Grievous, am not without mercy I will grant you a warrior's death. Prepare." the voice said.

As the voice faded out, a new noise faded in, mechanical steps, it was a single creature, approaching, alone.

"That noise." Shaak Ti said.

"He is coming alone." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"We can't face him!" Sha'a Gi said, sweating.

"We must try." the tall headed alien said.

"It's close, but where?" Tarr Seirr said.

"It's all around us." Sha'a Gi said.

"Calm yourselves." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

The noise grew louder, as it the machine would turn the corner, that now every marine had their gun trained on.

"Steady." He said, sweat dripping from his body.

Sha'a Gi finally broke, screaming a battle cry and rushing out of the hull, chased by Ki-Adi-Mundi. As the human jedi left the doorway, he was crushed by a massive machine with a white cape. It rose from it's crouched position, and exposed it's body, as metal moved against metal, showing it's battle form, and leapt up, into the darkness once more.

The Jedi moved into the structure, guarding every approach they could see, all back to back. The marines scanned the interior, struggling to find the machine general. Suddenly, a marine fired up into the darkness, and the general dropped down, activating lightsabers and crashing into the ground. It swung it's plasma blades, and slashed down on the marine who fired cutting the marine half, including cutting off the hands, before the jedi moved in, to attack.

The Machine's movements were fast, dodging aimed bolter rounds with ease as it attacked the Jedi. It dodged the Jedi's power and jumped away into the rafters, before jumping down, creating a cloud of dust that only allowed the glow of blades be seen, and K'kruhk rushed in, before his blade vanished. The marine's helmets picked up the heat of the blades, before they vanished. The Marines fired into the dust, not finding a target, before  they stopped, and the marines grouped up, scanning walls, rafters, and debris, seeing heat spots all around them from exposed wires heating metal, metal heated by the light, and still active machines. 

The general slammed down, separating the marines up as he pushed them away with the force of the landing. As the marines turned to aim, they saw Grievous rushing into the debris surrounding them. Bolt rounds were fired into the debris before Sargent Red drew a plasma pistol, and it was fired, the ball of plasma slammed into the debris, melting it if not simply vaporizing the metal.

 Grievous rushed out and Tarr Seirr rushed forward, only to have his head grabbed by the claw like foot of the general and slammed into the ground, killing him instantly, then thrown, with the Jedi Aalya Secura into the rafters of the wreckage.

The general than rushed towards a set of marines, one who was changing magazines as his arm cut off before the clawed foot of Grievous punctured the abdomen and threw the marine, blood dripping from the wound, as he got up. Grevious would run in and with a thust of a lightsaber, had the brain pierced by the glowing blue. 

The other marine had drawn a knife, dodging the first strike and slashing up, knocking a lightsaber free from the general's hand, only for it to be grabbed by the bloody foot and the marine was sliced in half by a second blade. His body falling in two directions as the body struggled to keep itself alive, the right arm all but gone, as it went down to the hip, as the majority of the right side of the body was missing.

Shaak ti and Ki-Adi-Mundi charged the general, trying to strike him, only to have their attacks parried with ease. Ki-Adi was thrown away and Shaak ti stood alone, as Grievous focused down on her. She was thrown into a pillar that crumbled down onto her, leaving only a marine, Red and Ki-Adi left. Ki-Adi tried to pull his lightsaber back, only for it to be held by the foot of Grievous, who stood on one leg, wielding three blades.

Ki-Adi reached out and grabbed the blade from the belt of lightsabers on Grievous and pulled one to him. He stood defiant, as Red and the Marine prepared to fight the general. Red activated his power sword. Grievous leapt towards them, moving in complex ways, giving Ki-Adi and Red little time to parry and readjust, as the marine fired, only to miss repeatedly from the unpredicted movement of Grievous.

"Help is arriving soon." Red finally spoke.

As Ki-Adi's guard finally broke, Red moved in, his sword blocking the lightsabers, and pushing back. He spun his blade and prepared to fight. Grievous and Red barely moved, before rushing forward, the lightsabers meeting power field and the blade began to bend, but, unlike a lightsaber, the sword had weight, and continued to swing forward, and made Grievous step back, barely avoiding the swing. Red moved forward, swinging again, and hit the lightsaber again, before the blades suddenly burst and Grievous dodged the attack.

The cyborg general kicked the blade up and gripped the helmet of red, hoping to crush the head, before the marine disconnected his helmet and spat a green fluid, landing on the leg of the general, and burned the armor, and melted into the body. Grievous backed up and gripped a new set of lightsabers, and activated them. Red pulled his plasma pistol and fired, the general batting the plasma ball away, before Red changed forward, swinging his sword, only for Grievous to flip away and climb a wall. The general leapt at Ki-Adi-Mundi and prepared to strike the jedi down.

Suddenly, clones with blue and red markings appeared, and drew the attention of Grievous. They opened fire, making the general flee, dodging the blaster fire, as Red charged his plasma Pistol for a second attack. As Grievous ran, he climbed the walls and dropped down, landing on the last marine, cutting off the head of the marine and killing 4 clones. A gunship busted through a wall, shinning lights on the general, making the two stand off.

The Gunship opened fire, and Grievous ran, dodging the shots, before hitting an opening and had missiles fired at him. The Clones boarded the gun ships, as Red scanned the area, before firing his Plasma Pistol.

He stepped on the gunship, along with Ki-Adi and the last of the clones, before flying away. Only the 4 survived, Red, Ki-Adi, Aalya and Shaak Ti were left. As they flew away, a trail of explosives created a smoke screen for the gunship to use to escape.

Grievous watched, adding a lightsaber to his collection.

"Run Jedi, Run. You have only prolonged the inevitable" He said, before looking at the 4 dead marines. Their weapons, their armor, but most importantly, the bodies. The Bodies were to be examined. They would find what made the Space Marines so powerful, and then, then they could replicate it and use it against the Jedi.

The general would have smiled if he could. He would learn the secret to the unusual creatures in the armor. Grievous would walk over to one of the dead marines, reaching down, he would pick the bolter they had carried, before placing it on his belt, a new weapon, of a worthy foe. Grevious however, now had 2 people, he wished to defeat more than any other. 

The Jedi who was in the arena the day the war began, and the marine, with red markings. Their weapons would make a fine addition to his collection.

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