love me seriously | kim taehy...

By luhanwrites

30K 2.5K 1.4K

❝I'm a parasite now and you're the host. So wherever you go, I go.❞ In which Kim Taehyung aims to win the hea... More

정보 | love me seriously
01 | promise
02 | min estate
03 | sticky notes
04 | hot chocolate
05 | broken
06 | café shooky
07 | house elf
08 | spilled salt
09 | war of hormone
10 | crash landing on you
11 | a starry night
12 | the pomeranian
13 | van gogh-ing out
14 | the selca
15 | restroom trolls
16 | let go
17 | remedy
18 | parasite
19 | inner child
20 | pretty
21 | notice me senpai
22 | spring days
23 | girlfriend
24 | korea's ass
26 | hanahaki disease
27 | detention
28 | confrontations
29 | intentions
30 | the power of love
31 | dandelions
32 | dragons and dragonflies
33 | k. superior
34 | daddy taehyung
35 | a study in pink
36 | sakura kiss
37 | outhouse
38 | kim taehyung
39 | make it right
40 | blue and grey
41 | love maze
42 | special place
43 | truth
44 | rooftop

25 | tata

448 44 21
By luhanwrites


The Saturday's nowadays were always a drag for Sooyeong but it was still her favourite day of the week nonetheless. It was a day where she could escape the troubles of life by wasting away in her outhouse, studying, sharpening her cooking skills with the help of Seokjin or stealthily avoiding Suhjin and her monstrous daughter Ahro.

Not seeing those two made her day all the better. It was like a breakthrough of sunshine on a stormy day. Although that was true, there were still moments where she’d cross their paths and they’d undoubtedly say a few taunting remarks to tick her off.

But over the passed days, she learnt to pretend as if she was completely unphased by their comments in order to avoid anymore almost near death experiences or lectures of how much of a burden she was. Hence, she’d only stand stoically in front of Suhjin and hide the fear deep within the dark reaches of her soul whenever she was faced with Ahro.

Although the hate was difficult to soak in, she still had to adapt and continue with her day as if it were nothing because deep down she knew she wasn’t as they perceived her to be nor was she a burden.

In fact, no-one should ever have to hear that revolting, insipidus word. Ever. Because all life is precious (well except for paedophiles, rapists, and serial killers) and she had learnt that the hard way but luckily for her she had a very soft cushioning; Taehyung.

If he wasn’t there for her that day then Yun, the janitor, would have found her upper body garments in the trash and maybe an unlucky student would have stumbled across her splattered limp body on the school grounds.

She shivered, disturbed at the thought, and reactively sat upright on her single bed, oblivious to the fact that a few stray tears carelessly fell over her study material, which were scattered across half of her bed.

“What am I thinking…” She whined as she stubbed her forehead with the blunt end of her pencil. “Stop going off track and focus on the poem.”

She breathed in deeply and the feeling of fresh oxygen filled up her lungs which gradually created a balanced atmosphere within her mind and body.

“Okay, let’s recap where I had stopped…” Her eyes grated over her worksheet as well as her laptop screen.

So far she had completed her analysis on the third stanza which reflected adulthood and early old age. Those themes got her thinking about her wild thoughts relating to Taehyung back in English class on how she actually wanted to one day have kids with him if he happened to love her back that much. Then the next step would be growing old together which sounded so amazing.

The mere fact that someone could stick with you through thick and thin; joyful and ominous moments as Namjoon had stated, for the rest of their life just sends a high calibre of feels throughout a person.

That thought of being loved so much by another human just hit in an oddly-good-catastrophic way. It was enough to make someone feel wholesome and although Sooyeong didn’t believe in fairy tales, it didn’t stop her from believing in true love.

Even though her father remarried after her mother’s death, her parents to her were still good enough examples of true love because their love for each other was always immense and it showed in the little things they did for each other.

Moreover, the old man at seven eleven proved that love as well high school sweet hearts were possible and that love itself could last as long as you made it, but obviously with effort from your counterpart as well. Similarly as depicted in Taehyung’s art assessment where he wanted to validate that topic with the cute creation of Tata.

She smiled as she finished up the editing of the fourth stanza. The way Taehyung viewed the colour red was in total contrast to her own perception. To him it represented love (as it did to everyone else) but to her it was a symbol of pain and horrid memories, and she wondered if maybe Tata could possibly help aid or even change that anxiety she felt within.

Tata's hypertrophied head, which was obviously red yet full of love could give a fresh perspective on things for her because she didn’t want to be haunted anymore by something as silly as a colour that was so commonly loved. Even more so, her menstrual cycles were rather more traumatic than usual because of her dislike toward the colour.

She made up her mind and without a moments hesitation, she grabbed her smartphone and texted Taehyung. Asking him if he could send her a picture of the little cutie and if she could print it out but only if it was perfectly fine with him since it was an assessment of his.

As she waited for his response she continued with her analysis which took her to the concluding stanza. Her eyes had skimmed over that stanza for the nth time and it was a gruelling stanza to swallow especially since it was about the final phase in life; death.

Everytime she read that stanza, her suicide attempts, parents as well as Dansae crossed her mind in ugly flashes. But the way she interpreted it for the assessment itself wasn’t dark and depressing. Rather, it was just for the sake of doing it because she didn’t want to delve into yet another round of tears.

She finished up the last touches and added the document to her flash drive but just when she shut down her laptop, she got a message from Taehyung.

(태형이) Taehyungie:
Print away but single use only 😂💜

(당신) You:
Of course tae ah ㅋㅋ. I condemn plagiarism. And this is so cute 😭😭  his space ship looks like future trunks' time machine. 😂  #Hope

After she hit send she quickly grabbed her charging cable as well as her flash drive and she manoeuvred toward the exit. The destination she had in mind was the printer in her father’s study room.

As she raked across the lawn she pondered about Future Trunks (from the popular anime, Dragon Ball) and how he had brought the antidote for Goku's incurable disease. She honestly believed that maybe Tata could soon do the same for her within his own cute little spaceship which she just realised, reminded her of her space themed notebooks.

She smiled at the thought but swiftly shrugged them away once she was inside the main house. There she bulleted her way to her father’s study and did the necessities in regards to printing out her assessment as well as Tata.

At the sight of the printed out Tata, she uwued so hard and without further ado, she snatched up a pair of scissors from the work desk. But at the touch of the hand-held stationery, her heart felt as if it were stabbed multiple times because all she could think about was the icy touch of it against her bare back.

She shivered from the terrifying thoughts and quickly cut up the cute character into a good size square so that it would fit behind her smartphone. Although she loved A Starry Night and could have gotten a phone case of it like she did for Taehyung, she decided against it.

Having the same cover as him would be overly awkward, especially if his fan girls caught wind of it. They’d probably put two and two together and believe whatever they came up with. So instead, she ran with a transparent cover, which held a photo card-sized picture of her and her parents.

But as things stood, it was high tide for Tata to be included into the mix of things. Moreover, Taehyung was already on her lock screen which completed a holy trinity of some sort. She pondered if that was a little overboard, but her mind coaxed her into believing that he proposed such a spontaneous idea to probably get her to cheer up.

However, what made her insides turn into knots and fluster in unruliness was the plain fact that Taehyung would see her side profile everytime he attempted to unlock his smartphone or to simply check the time. She immediately panicked at the thought  of her crossing his mind at random times of the day.

“I hate that I love you for being so weird Taehyung.”

She pouted then slumped into her father’s leather office chair. Her feet dangled in the air while she stared up at the white popcorn ceiling.

“But I can’t deny that your quirks and sweet personality always seem to suture up the terrible things I feel within. Did I ever even thank you properly for saving me that day?”

She sighed.

“I should get him something to properly say thank you.”

She quickly got up from the leathery comfort, cleaned up the cut up pieces of papers then gathered her things and left.

• • •

“Ah Soobinie…” Sooyeong softly spoke through the receiver. “I won’t forget Beomgyu's birthday. You know how much you all mean to me. You five are like the little brothers I never had.”

While Sooyeong had been purchasing Taehyung’s gift, Soobin had called up just to check up on how she was doing but their conversation soon drifted on to Beomgyu.

“Aish, I know noona but it’s just that I know you got a lot on your mind and I thought of reminding you.”

Sooyeong smiled and leaned against the railing in front of her, “My almond-milk-loving friend, please don’t stress. I’ll be there and I already bought his gift! Also, is there anything I can help with? Like the décor or something?”

Soobin's soft laugh was heard, “No, we already prepped for everything. Hoseok hyung works wonders.”

Sooyeong chuckled, “He’s a miracle worker, tr-“

“Fancy seeing you here, choppy bangs.”

A familiar voice interrupted Sooyeong's conversation. She glanced over her shoulder and noticed Ahro standing there in a short black dress whilst carrying multiple gift bags that were much larger in size as compared to the one Sooyeong held.

“I’m sorry Soobin ah something just came up. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She quickly whispered before ending the call.

She then tucked her smartphone into the pocket of her ankle-length skirt and she fully faced Ahro. She felt a tad less afraid to face her since they were in a public space and kitchen utensils being flung in her direction or being subdued to the ground stood at zero probability.

“Who were you talking with? It certainly could not be your father – he’s dead and gone.” She crowed with bitterness intent to hurt.

Sooyeong felt her body go weak for a split second.

“Maybe this slut's been talking with Taehyung Oppa.” For the first time Sooyeong had noticed Nayeon's presence. It made her sick to her stomach but outwardly she held a stoic stance. “She has him wrapped around her finger like a damn packthread!”

“How right you are, Nayeon.” Ahro smirked. “Those videos of them together and that talk Taehyung had with you. It clearly shows whose controlling who.”

“Dansae had no right to video us or anyone for that matter.” Sooyeong spoke up, sternly but internally she felt intimidated. “And to clear up the clouds in your line of vision, there’s absolutely nothing going on between Taehyung and I. He’s just a kind soul.”

“Sooyeong, enough of your bullshit.” Nayeon stepped forward and Sooyeong knitted her eyebrows at her language. “That day. That day when I spoke to Taehyung I thought things were going to work out in my favour but instead my heart was torn out of my chest because of you!”

“I don’t exactly know what Taehyung told you that day but I can assure you that I’m not the one responsible for your heartbreak. You are.” She said. “If you do despicable, inhuman things in order to try and ignite a flame of fear within someone. It’s bound to backfire one way or the other.”

“You really are annoying Sooyeong.” Ahro crowed. “You’re honestly full of shit and you really don’t deserve anything this world has to offer especially Taehyung’s love.”

Sooyeong only listened to her hurtful words – the sutures in her heart created by Taehyung slowly let loose.

“That love belongs to me Sooyeong and I will attain it by whatever means necessary.” Nayeon declared. Despite Taehyung’s vague answers that day, she knew full well that he liked Sooyeong because his actions toward her on that same day proved it all. “Whatever happened that day in the restroom was just a scab off the surface. I can do a lot worse.”

“Nayeon.” Sooyeong's voice was soft and delicate. “I don’t want any trouble. I’ve been through enough these past few months. All I want is to get through senior year and to come to terms with my dad’s death. So fighting over things we have no control over such as feelings and emotions is a waste of time. It’s not up to us with whom we fall in love with.”

“Cut the crap Sooyeong, we’re not here to pity you-“

“I don’t want anyone’s pity Ahro.” Sooyeong interjected. “All I’m asking of you is to leave me out of your life, like we had initially agreed and just let Taehyung choose to be with whomever he likes, don’t force him. And your chances, Nayeon, were the same as any other girls that Taehyung has hung out with but after doing what you did, you only minimised that chance. So for the last time I’m not the problem.”

Nayeon’s jaw clenched, angrily. “You’re so full of yourself it’s unbelievable and think about it, you’re the one that has a minimal chance with him. He’s just doing all of this because he feels sorry for you and nothing more.”

“Yeah, so don’t even think of catching feelings.” Ahro added.

“And if that were to happen are you going to cut my hair even shorter than it already is? Or forcefully remove my skirt together with my blazer and shirt this time?”

“Don’t act cocky, you might just regret it.” Ahro hissed.

“I have a lot of regrets but none of them is being friends with Taehyung.” Sooyeong admitted and took a step forward to make a getaway. “And I don’t have time to waste on you both.”

But before she could walk away Ahro suddenly gripped onto her arm. Sooyeong was surprised at the sudden contact and she instinctively held tightly onto the gift bag, pulling it into her side.

“That’s exactly the issue. You should regret it.” She hissed in her ear and Sooyeong felt the shivers go down her spine. “Because of him things are going to be much more painful for you but… that is unless you stop spending time with him.”

Sooyeong's breath hitched.

“I’m sure it won’t be that difficult since he’s ghosted you all these months.” Ahro continued in a snarky tone.

Sooyeong just stood in silence, her heart pounced in her chest. Those two girls really wanted to suck up all of the happiness she had left. They were like mirror images of dementors; scavenging on her happy fragments. Although Jimin and Jungkook were her best of friends, Taehyung had suddenly become much closer to her than anyone of them due to their twist of fates so detaching from him again would be far too difficult.

“I-I…” Sooyeong started.


A gentle voice suddenly cut the tension between the two females and Sooyeong's gaze switched from the ground and fell over an all too familiar tall male.

Cha Eunwoo.

“Weren’t we supposed to meet a while back? I guess you got caught up with these girls.” Eunwoo's eyes landed over both Nayeon and Ahro with a gentle smile.

“Uh?” Sooyeong softly breathed, surprised at his words, then side stepped away from a confused Ahro.

“Oh Oppa?” Nayeon’s head spun, and her voice held confusion.

Ahro faced Eunwoo fully with a crowed expression, “So it was you who she was talking to on the phone just now? How nice, you two should really hang out more often.” The venom fell from her lips.

“Let’s go, Sooyeong.” He subtly pressured and that was when she caught wind of what was actually going on so she paced over to him in a heartbeat. Once she was by his side she felt her insides flood with a sense of relief; he became her salvation in this instance.

As they both walked away, Ahro couldn’t resist the urge to spit the hokum she spoke earlier. “Remember what we talked about! And I'll see you at home unnie.”

Sooyeong didn’t turn back, she just kept her pace but even if she did want too she knew Eunwoo wouldn’t let her because from her peripheral vision she could tell his gaze was set on her, carefully gauging her demeanour.

Eunwoo knew that Ahro was her stepsister because once when he had walked her home (back when her father was alive) he found Dansae and Ahro romanticising at the gate, which left him baffled but Sooyeong filled him in with the details.

“You want to explain what happened there just now?” Eunwoo's voice suddenly cut her from her thoughts.

“It’s nothing.”  She admitted and looked down.

“I know you like I know Jungkook, Sooyeong. And I know whenever you and Ahro cross paths it’s never for something good.” He stops in front of her but she only stares at the strings of his green hoodie. “For how long will you let her push you around like this? And what Dansae did to—”

“Eunwoo, it’s really nice of you to care this much but I don’t want you getting involved in things you don’t need to. Just focus on getting into a good university.” She smiled up at him. “Please, for my sake.”

Eunwoo stared at her and he could clearly see the pain hidden beneath that sweet smile of hers. He sighed, letting her get the better of him.

“How about some hot chocolate then?” He offered because he knew that would cheer her up but concurrently he wanted to subtly give her some sound advice.

“No, it’s fine.” She informed sheepishly. “You’ve probably got things to do.”

“Bringing MJ his lunch was the only thing I needed to do, so let’s go.” He sweetly informed before gently pulling her along by the sleeve of her sweater.

• • •

The scene had been set for these two ex-seatmates. Each of them donned a cup of hot chocolate in front of them as they sat opposite to each other in the warmth of *AstroBucks. That café has always been one of Eunwoo’s favourite destinations in the mall so when he took Sooyeong there she wasn’t surprised at all.

“Old habits die hard I see,” she chuckled softly as she looked around. It had been a while since she’d been there. “This was always the hotspot for us in middle school before Café Shooky turned up.”

“You still remember,” he laughed.

“Of course I do, you’ve always loved this place. Besides didn’t you meet Jungkook here.” Her eyes sparkled in reminisce.

“How could I forget, the waitress thought we were the same person.” He sipped his drink with a little smile.

“Well, you can’t really blame her. I’ve known you since middle school yet I still got confused throughout high school.” She pouted. “You know those carrots I spoke about, it made me realise that Jungkook has a lot rounder head than you.”

Eunwoo chuckled and his eyes disappeared behind his eyelids similarly as Jimin’s would. She went soft at the sight, he’d always been that adorable even in middle school where he took care of her just like earlier.

“You sensed my distress just now and helped out. Something’s really never change.” She suddenly admitted, whilst playing with the handle of the cup. “You’re still a good friend Eunwoo, thank you.”

Eunwoo gave her a little smile which held hidden feelings then a short silence afterwards. As they both sat, with Sooyeong trying to cool her hot chocolate, Eunwoo analysed her much smaller form. He found himself getting lost at the innocent sight of her. His eyes scanned her short hair and he noticed how it framed her delicate features, emphasising her prettiness but at the same time he contemplated on whether he should spill his thoughts based on her last sentence or not.

Alas, he ultimately did.

“Perhaps not as good as a friend as Taehyung is.”

She looked up, surprised at his statement.

“You two seem pretty close nowadays, just like before.”

Her eyebrows knitted, his mood seemed to have altered slightly. “I guess everyone’s noticed.”

“I’m glad.” He said. There was that smile again. “Because he’s quirky, he’ll keep you on your toes.”

She smiled because it was true but after what happened with Ahro and Nayeon just now, she wasn’t so sure of what to do.

“But what if people aren’t happy about it like you are?”

“You shouldn’t let negative things interfere with what you think is best for yourself and Ahro is one of them, she has a filthy mouth.” He leaned forward to get a better look at Sooyeong and their eyes met momentarily. “Don’t let her break you.”

Little did Eunwoo know, Ahro and Nayeon had already did so.

“It's kind of hard to not negate the negatives when you’ve already been weakened from everything, you know.” A soft look covered her face and sympathy crossed his.

“I know it’s tough losing a parent but you’re surrounded by people who care and who are willing to pick you up again.”

“I know and I really appreciate that,” she fiddled with the cup. “But don’t you ever feel like you’re going to hurt the ones you care about if you release too much of your thoughts to them?”

That question struck Eunwoo like a sword to the chest. One could say he related to that question on a spiritual level. He felt if the lingering thoughts of his were to be released, it would just complicate things even more than it seemed.

“Most of the time I do, trust me.” His voice had an underlying sadness to it, “but I’ve began to realise that if someone truly cares about you, they'd never put you in a position to hurt you nor overcomplicate a situation you’re in.”

A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Y'all, honestly Eunwoo was just supposed to make a cameo back in chapter 3 just as Sooyeong's seatmate. Gosh, let's  just see where it takes us ㅋㅋ. 👁️👅👁️


Author, Lu 💜

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