The Devil's Work || Yoonseok

By mygmarkie

108K 7.2K 4.6K

Yoongi was forced to go out to some stupid club with some friends and he ended up having more fun than they d... More

1: Please?
2: Sweetheart
3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο
4: Stay away from me
5: Ancient
6: A Day
7: Push Me Away
8: That Guy Was Right
9: That's Because You're All Mine
10: Good News
11: Fallen Angels
12: New Secretary
13: Relationships
14: Life is unfair, deal with it
15: I Used You
16: Someone's Got A Crush
17: Who'd You Dream About?
18 : Domestic
19: Friends With Benefits
20: Obey
21: Mistakes
22: There's This Guy
23: Both of You
24: Hoseok
25: Doll Face
26: Out of Commission
27: Out of Chances
28: Let Him Go
30: Spill
31 : A Distant Memory
32 : Unfair
33 : Give Me Some Space
34 : Part Of Popular Discussion
35 : Or What?
36 : Fiesty Today, Aren't We?
37 : I'm a Mess
38 : Lost Cause
39 : Apologies
40 : Aphrodite's Curse
41 : Anything For You
42 : I'm Trusting You
43: No More Than This
44: Desperate
45: I Hate You
46 : That'll Be Enough
47 : Too Much
48 : Whatever
49: Can't Get Enough
50 : Come Inside
Lol hi (authors note)

29: How Are You?

1.3K 113 32
By mygmarkie

"You're home late..." Namjoon muttered, Jin jumped as he turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,"

"It's fine. I was staying over time at the office." Jin said, "I didn't know you were coming over." He muttered, Namjoon shrugged standing to follow the older. "Your internet is better." He said, Jin nodded as he entered the kitchen, sighing as he looked at time. "Shit, I was supposed to cook tonight."

Jin set his hands on the counter, staring at nothing as he tried to get his mind together. Flinching a little when he felt Namjoon wrap his arms around his waists. "You look tired," Namjoon muttered, "What's up?"


"Mm," Namjoon hummed, resting his chin on Jin's shoulder. "Did he fuck up again?" Jin let out a dry laugh, "Tremendously. Yoongis not happy, and I'm in the middle of this shit. It's not fun."

"Why did you have to stay over?" Namjoon asked, Jin sighed, "Hoseok went to visit Taehyung after they had an argument. I'm pretty sure he went home after that. Yves and I stayed over to watch over the office. I can see why Hoseoks always stressed by the end of the day."

"You should rest, Jin."

"I know, I'm not pretty when I'm stressed," Jin sighed, smiling slightly, Namjoon rolled his eyes. "You're always pretty."

Jin hummed in acknowledgment. They stood in silence for awhile, Namjoon yawned as he hugged Jin tighter. "You should slow down. In the time that I've know you, you've been back and forth between Yoongi and Hoseok."

Jin smiled.

"Trust me, it's already hard enough to deal with Yoongi, and from what I can tell, Hoseok is a handful too. Dealing with both of them is a headache." Namjoon said, Jin nodded, its not unusual for him to be this quiet. But Namjoon could tell it was because he was so tired.

"Are you hungry?"

"No. I ate." Namjoon muttered, "Are you?" Jin shook his head, "Not really, I just wanted to cook. I could've used the leftovers for at least three days."

"Ah, smart."

"I know," Jin smiled, turning his head towards Namjoon, Namjoon gave him a dimpled smile as he kissed his cheek. "C'mon, let's go to bed."



It's two days later when Jimin finally asks Yoongi if he's talked to Hoseok. He had a feeling Hoseok would've just brushed off whatever's bothering him, but it doesn't hurt to check and see if he's talked about it.

"What's up with Hoseok?" Jimin asked, he didn't miss the way Yoongi scoffed. He didn't even look up from his phone as he spoke. "Nothing. Why?"

"Did you two get into another fight?" Jimin asked, Yoongi was silent and Jimin groaned, "C'mon, tell me, I'm aching for drama."

"You're aching to be nosey. Nothing happened. Pick a movie already." Yoongi muttered, Jimin was going to speak again when Namjoon and Jungkook entered the room with popcorn.

"Are you sure Jin couldn't come?" Jimin asked Namjoon, the older shook his head as Jungkook sat beside Jimin for cuddles. "He had to take care of something with Taehyung. Maybe we could've invited Hoseok, though." Namjoon muttered, all eyes turned to Yoongi and the smaller rolled his eyes.

"Seriously? This is a movie night between friends."

"Hoseok's our friend, right?" Jungkook asked, both Namjoon and Jimin nodded. "Of course he is, he may have been on my bad side once or twice. But he's a good man, isn't that right, Yoongi?" Jimin asked, Yoongi scoffed, "The movie. Start it."

"Great, you two got in a fight again." Jungkook said, Namjoon stared at Yoongi. "Even though you two literally made out last week." He said, Yoongi glared at him. Jimin stared at the smaller, Jungkook snatched the remote out of his hand to play the movie. Whining a little when Jimin stood from the couch. "Your room, now."


"We need to talk." Jimin said, both Namjoon and Jungkook looked between the two, waiting for one or the other either give in or start yelling. "We dont need to talk. You just wanna be nosey."

"Yoongi, you're in a bad mood and it's ruining our precious movie night—"

"Then have the movie night somewhere else. I didn't beg you guys to have it here. Hell, go to Hoseok's house to watch the movie. I don't care." Yoongi snapped, Jimin raised an eyebrow, eyes wide as he looked at the smaller. Both Namjoon and Jungkook gave eachother worried glances before they directed their attention to the movie. Acting like they weren't listening to the conversation happening right in front of them.

"Yoongi. Bedroom. Now." Jimin said, Namjoon shot Jungkook a questioning look when the younger visibly shivered at the tone in Jimin's voice. Yoongi groaned as he stood from his seat, walking into his bedroom with a pout set on his lips.

"What's wrong with you? You're really fucking cranky today...actually, you've been cranky for the past two days. What's up?" Jimin asked, his arms crossing over his chest, Yoongi avoided eye contact with him, pulling at the sleeves of his sweater. "'s just..some shit happened, and I'm kinda conflicted. But it's nothing."

"Min Yoongi, I am your best friend, the least you could do is tell me what's bothering you. You know I'm here for you."

"I know."

"Then what is it?" Jimin asked, Yoongi sighed as he sat on his bed, Jimin following behind him. "My exam is in two days."

"We've been known that, Yoongi."

"I'm just stressed out about that...and Hoseok." Yoongi muttered, Jimin nodded. He knew something was up, sadly enough, Whenever Yoongi is in a bad mood, Hoseok is he one who made him like that.

But Jimin wondered what he did to make Yoongi so...upset and easy to set off. He isn't usually like this, actually, it's extremely rare to see him like this. But Jimin could only guess this is what Yoongi gets for being tied to Hoseok. The Devil brings out the worse in you.

Jimin also wondered if this had anything to do with the situation at Taehyung's house the other dah. Hoseok looked so tired and sad, and he was crying when Jimin came down the stairs. Of course Jimin had comforted Hoseok, the two were close enough for him to do that much.

Jimin never brought it up to Yoongi. He thought it wasn't really his business to talk about Hoseoks problems if he didn't even bring them up with Yoongi. He went to Taehyung and not Yoongi for a reason. Jimin could respect that.

But he was also nosey as hell. He wanted to know what happened between the two to make both of them have reactions that are very rare to see.

"What happened between the two of you?" Jimin finally asked, Yoongi shrugged, bringing a hand up to run through his hair. "He fucked up...again. You remember Seojun? The guy we met at the mall the day after I got sick?"

Jimin only nodded.

"Hoseok hurt him, and I just got so angry at him because he hurt him for such selfish reasons." Yoongi said, frowning as he remembered the sight of finding Seojun, seeing how the curse affected him. "So I told him I wanted nothing more to do with him, that I was tired of all the shit he's done. And I left, went to check on Seojun. And I haven't talked to Hoseok since. I don't plan on it."

Jimin nodded, There's the possibility Hoseok was crying because Yoongi walked out on him. But that seems kinda out of character for him.

"Why's that stressing you out? You just said you cut him off." Jimin muttered, Yoongi sighed, "I'm just afraid he's gunna get all mad and hurt someone else, I just want him to calm the fuck down but he never does, he always find a bigger and better way to fuck it all up."

"Mm," Jimin hummed, he put a hand on top of Yoongi's and smiled. "Don't stress too much, okay? It'll all work out fine." He said, standing and moving towards the doorway. "Plus, you'll get grey hairs if you stress a lot. Not like you don't already have any."

Yoongi flipped him off.


"Min Yoongi, I have a request," Jin said, Yoongi groaned as he watched Jin walk towards his desk, papers in hand. "Please don't tell me—"

"No. You do not have to deliver these to Hoseok, asshole. But I was wondering if you could stay over a little late tonight." Jin said, Yoongi shot him a confused look, "...Why?"

"Hoseok has to leave early, business trip. And Yves is out for some family emergencies. Seojun's great and all," Jin lied, Seojun is not great. At all. "But I love you more," Jin cooed, trying to get on Yoongi's good side.

He watched as Yoongi mulled over it, the smaller opened his mouth to speak and Jin chose that time to interrupt. "It's not much. We just have to make sure everyone's gone home and put things where they're supposed to." Jin shrugged, Yoongis eyebrows furrowed.

"Isn't that what a security guard is for?"

"Listen." Jin said, putting a hand on Yoongi's desk and leaning in to whisper. "I'm not sure if Hoseok told you, but part of his powers is being able to feel other people's presence, he doesn't know who they are, but he can tell when they are around." He explained, "It's much easier for him to go floor to floor than relying on a guard who can easily miss someone sneaking in or staying put." Jin whispered, Yoongi rolled his eyes but nodded. He completely forgot that no one in the office except him and Seokjin know that Hoseok is the Devil and has powers. So of course the whispering is necessary.

"So..there's no security guards?"

"Oh, there are. We check around on the office floor and then we go to Hoseok's office to get his shit together for the next few days. Just some overtime, I'll make sure he gives you a bonus." Jin smiled, Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him. "Then what was the fucking point in telling me about the guard situation?"

"I like the sound of my own voice." Jin shrugged, "Are you in or not?" He asked, Yoongi sighed as he looked away from the taller, tapping his fingers against his cheek as his eyes scanned the office. Not finding who he was looking for, he turned back to Jin. "You know I have to study for my exam coming up."

"You're a smart man, Yoongi. You'll be fine." Jin said, Yoongi grunted, sighing again as he shook his head. "Alright, fine. I'll do it."

"Atta boy, I knew I could trust you, Yoongi."

"Yeah, yeah. Leave."

"I know you love me," Jin said, laughing when he saw Yoongi give him a look, heading down to Hoseok's office so he could deliver the papers he was given.

"How's everything?" Jin asked as he shut the office door. Hoseok huffed, his eyes staying on his desk. "Understandable," Jin muttered, he sat on the chair in front of the desk and sighed. "How are you?"

Hoseok glanced up at him, Jin didn't give him room to speak as he continued. "We haven't really talked since everything that happened the other day. So, how are you?" Jin asked, Hoseok sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, putting his pen down and leaning against his chair. "I'm fine,"


"Well, I'm sure I won't be the longer this goes on...not talking to him." Hoseok said, "But there's not much I can do. He'll just yell at me and ignore me again if I try to talk to him." He muttered, Jin nodded, his lips set in a pout as he listened to the smaller.

"Okay... that's understandable." Jin said, he placed the papers on Hoseok's desk, Hoseok didn't bother looking at them. "I talked to Jimin yesterday. I saw him while I went to visit Taehyung. He told me Yoongi was all stressed out about his exam, and on top of that stressed about you."

Hoseok grunted but didn't say anything, Jin continued. "He told me even after Yoongi explained why he was upset, he still didn't feel like he had to dislike you just because Yoongi does." Jin said, Hoseok stared at him, sitting up in his seat. "What're you saying?"

"You declined Jungkook's offer to go out for drinks the other day, Gguk was actually kinda sad, he wanted to see you more." Jin explained, Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, out of Yoongis friends, Jungkook had to be the last person Hoseok expected to be upset about not being able to see him. They aren't as close as he is with Jimin and Namjoon, so it was a surprise. "My point is, his friends don't hate you. Sure, you made their best friend upset, and sure Yoongi hates you right now."

Way to rub salt in the wound.

"But his friends don't. You don't have to isolate yourself from everyone connected to Yoongi. If you did, you wouldn't even be talking to me right now." Jin said, Hoseok huffed, "You want me to hang around Yoongi's friends?"

"They're great guys, they'll help you get your mind off of the shit that's happening. I'm sure Joon doesn't like drinking that much, but I know Jimin is a party animal and Jungkook would come right along if you ask him. You can't stay cooped up in your office or home. Go out. Have fun. And think of what to do with this whole situation at a later time. Just let go, Hoseok. You need it."

Hoseok was silent for awhile, looking at his phone while Jin spoke. He sighed as he clicked on Jungkook's contact. He's going to regret this.


<<Remember those drinks you wanted to go out for?

It took a minute for the younger to respond.

Yeah? >>

<<I'm in. We can go tomorrow night

!!!!! >>

<<But bring the other two, Jimin and Namjoon.

I think Namjoon is working tomorrow. But Jimin can come!>>


"Happy?" Hoseok asked, putting his phone down and looking at Jin. "Immensely," Jin smiled, standing from his seat with pride. "And don't bring down the mood, Debby Downer. Be fun and happy."



Later that night, Jin and Yoongi walk around the third floor, making sure everyone has gone home. "It feels so weird being here when no one else is," Yoongi muttered, Jin huffed as he looked around. "Now you know how I feel, Hoseok's little trips away from the office have gotten more and more consistent. Leaving me and Yves to do all of his work." Jin said, he decided to leave out the many times he's had to cover for Hoseok because the guy would fuck around with Yoongi and end up having to go home.

Like that day the other week, when they fucked around in his office.

Jin was so mad he thought of burning the goddamn building down. That'll teach him to stop leaving without letting anyone know first.

"Alright, let's do what we need to do and leave. I hate being here late at night." Jin sighed, pushing open the doors to Hoseok's office. He cut the lights on but it strangely didn't do much. It was still a bit hard to see. "And that is?"

"Get his shit ready for tomorrow. He has about two meetings and some shit to turn it. We pick up the shit he left for today and get him ready for tomorrow." Jin muttered, already walking over to the desk as he spoke, Yoongi followed behind, a confused look on his face. "He couldn't just do that for himself before he left?"

"Hoseok is an organized guy, but he's terrible with time management. I can't tell you how many times he's had to run to the meeting hall because he can't look at his watch every now and then." Jin said, he glanced at Yoongi before he looked back down at the desk.

"Plus, you're his main secretary. Act like it and help me out here." Jin smiled, Yoongi groaned as he walked over, grabbing whatever Jin handed him with a small pout. He must be tired.


"So?" Yoongi asked, deciding to be nosey and flip through all the papers he's been handed. "How are you?" Jin asked, the same question he asked Hoseok this morning. "Fine. Why?"

"You know what I mean."

Yoongi sighed, he turned to Jin with a disapproving look. "Can you please?" Jin shrugged as he met his eyes. "Please what? I just wanna know where your head is...rant a little. I'm here to listen, not judge."

Yoongi scoffed, "Yeah right."


"Fine, fine." Yoongi said, sighing as he looked away from the older. "I'm okay." He said, he didn't pay attention to the way Jin rolled his eyes. "I mean...I guess I am? I want to feel bad for cutting Hoseok off. He literally begged me to stay but...after all the shit he pulled? How could I?"

"He's constantly acting based off of his emotions and nothing else. And it ends up hurting us and our... "relationship" more than it does fix any of our problems." Yoongi muttered, Jin decided not to mention the fact that Yoongi called what they had between them a relationship. Whether he put it in quotations or not.

"And I'd hate to admit that I was actually getting feelings for him." Yoongi said, Jin didn't react, he knew Yoongi was falling for him, anyone could see it. "But every time I thought he was finished being an asshole he just...fucked up all over again. It fucking sucks." Yoongi pouted, as he talked, Jin had set everything up and was already grabbing the stack of papers needed for the meeting tomorrow. Yoongi followed him out of the office and they made their way towards the meeting hall.

"I dunno. I want to believe he's actually going to change from here on out...but he's fucked up so many times...I'm beginning to think it's impossible." Yoongi said, Jin hummed, he waited to see if Yoongi would continue and started to talk when he realized he wouldn't. "Do you still have feelings for him now?"

Yoongi thought about it, hard. He wanted to say no, that any feelings for Hoseok are lost. But something in him still gets happy and excited when be thinks of all the good moments he and Hoseok shared, and although all the bad outweighs the good in this situation, he still liked that feeling, he would have loved to see the good side of Hoseok more. But it was so hard to see through all the terrible things Hoseok has done to him and the people around him.

"I don't know. If there are feelings, it isn't a lot." Yoongi muttered, Jin nodded, checking behind him to make sure Yoongi was alright as they went down the stairs. "What about Seojun, got feelings for him?"

"Ah, really?"

"C'mon, answer the question."

Yoongi sighed, "I guess? Right now I can't really tell if I actually like him or if I just want him to fuck me. I think it's the latter but..." Yoongi trailed off, as they stopped on the last floor, finally walking towards the meeting hall. "But?"

"I feel butterflies when I see him, like I'm a fucking teenager with a crush all over again." Yoongi said, Jin hummed with acknowledgement. "And you don't want that?"

Yoongi shook his head. "I don't want a relationship with Seojun. He's a great guy and all but I just don't have he time nor the patience to be in a relationship right now, you know?" Jin had to contain his excitement, maybe Hoseok does have a chance in making sure Yoongi doesn't stay with Seojun, Yoongi hasn't completely fallen for him, not yet.

"I understand, I used to be the same way...well, until I met Joon." Jin smiled, Yoongi rolled his eyes as they worked together to set the papers in their places for the meeting that's so early tomorrow morning.

"Alright, we're finished, we should get going. I know I said it before, but this place really is giving me the creeps so late at night." Jin said, Yoongi once again rolled his eyes. "Yeah, alright. Just hurry up and get out the door."



Im actually so happy to finally have Hoseok interact with Jungkook and Jimin more 😫 I've been neglecting their friendship development for way too long.

Hope you enjoyed! 🖊💐


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