It's More of a "Hate, Hate" T...

By SupernaturallyLarry

373K 8.2K 1.9K

Alex Dimanni's life just went to hell. After losing her best friend in a car accident, she doesn't know what... More

Prologue: The Message
Chapter One: Finding Her
Chapter Two: Best Friends
Chapter Three: This is Going to Take Some Getting Used To
Chapter Four: You Bet They're My Friends
Chapter Five: Batman Stops the Attitude
Chapter Six: Getting Inside Your Head
Chapter Seven: Oh Yeah, and There's School
Chapter Eight: Who Needs a Lawsuit
Chapter Nine: What... Just Happened?
Chapter Ten: Do You Like It?
Chapter Eleven: Nerf Wars and More Heartache... The Usual
Chapter Twelve: Bonding and... Jealousy?
Chapter Thirteen: A Day Away
Chapter Fourteen: This May Be a Bad Idea
Chapter Fifteen: She's Here
Chapter Sixteen: Adventure Time
Chapter Seventeen: A Bit of "Love, Hate" Maybe?
Chapter Eighteen: Done...
Chapter Nineteen: This is Not What We Wanted
Chapter Twenty-One: One Hell of a Party
Chapter Twenty-Two: Gone
Chapter Twenty-Three: Boy Band Withdrawal
Chapter Twenty-Four: Too Little Too Late
Chapter Twenty-Five: Where Do I Begin?
Chapter Twenty-Six: Hello Mr. Boyfriend
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reunited and It Feels So Good
Epilogue: The Twitcam

Chapter Twenty: The Aftermath

10K 249 57
By SupernaturallyLarry

Alex’s POV

“I-Is everyone okay?” I stuttered out. Thankfully I was conscious and even though my head and stomach hurt, I don’t think I’m too badly injured. And judging from the breathing and noises everyone else was making they were okay too.

“I’m alright.” I heard Harry say from behind us.

“Ow.” Louis mumbled, but since he was speaking, he was okay.

“I’m okay.” Zayn sighed slowly.

“I-I’m okay…” Jules stuttered out.

“Good here.” Niall murmured after. It went silent and my heart sank in my chest. I turned in my seat to look at Liam. The windshield was cracked ant his side of the car was a bit messed up, but it could have definitely been worse.

But Liam still hadn’t spoken.

“Liam?” I asked, my voice sounding strangled. “Liam are you okay?” I asked again, reaching out my arm to go and touch him to see if he would respond but I stopped when he shifted.

“I’m fine.” He growled, opening his eyes to look at me. He had a cut on his head and he looked rattled and irritated, but not fatally injured. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“J-Just get out of the car so we can get ourselves together…” Zayn commanded with a sigh. We all obeyed, struggling with our seatbelts and doors, climbing out of the car and stumbling away. My ankle was once again hurting as it was the one that got knocked against the side of the door. I swear by the time I’m twenty I’m going have no feeling left in it.

“Oh my God, can one of you please just cut my damn ankle off my body?” I growled and walked over to the side and sat down, rubbing it gingerly. Zayn sent me a look of sympathy.

“You hurt it again?” he asked coming over and sitting next to me. He looked relatively unscathed, except for any bruises that may be unseen to me. I nodded.

“Not like we were just in a car accident or anything.” I growled. A look of anger immediately flashed in Zayn’s eyes.

“Let me see your arm.” He commanded, holding his hand out. I shot him a curious look, but then remembered the iron hard grip Liam had around it before we crashed. I bit my lip. I didn’t want to look.

“I-It’s fine Zayn’ there’s more important things to worry about.” I shrugged, pulling my sleeve down a bit more. He didn’t listen though, just shot his arm out and grabbed it, rolling up my sleeve and examining it. His entire face hardened and his eyes narrowed at the sight. I bit my lip and looked down. It wasn’t all that bad, but you could still see the clear hand print around it. I held back the tears.

Why was he doing this to me?

“God dammit Liam!” Zayn cursed standing up and spinning around, marching over to the brown haired boy standing off to the side. Liam’s gaze turned to Zayn and I could tell he wasn’t completely focused on the anger radiating from his friend. His mind was somewhere else. “I’m so done with you. You’ve turned into the biggest douche bag on the planet for absolutely no reason. You left a fucking mark on her arm for God’s sake and you just crashed the damn van in the process! Are you trying to kill us? Are you trying to ruin all of our lives?” Zayn shouted, getting in his face. Liam blinked a few times, slowly drawing out of his daze, before he pushed the older boy away from him.

“Back off. I didn’t try to get into an accident. It’s called an accident for a reason.” He snapped.

“But if you were paying attention to the road and not focusing on hurting my friend we would all be okay!” Jules yelled at him. She was standing off besides Niall who was examining her worriedly as she clutched her forehead that I’m assuming she banged in the accident.

“She’s right. You just keep on slipping downhill mate and now you’ve put us all in danger.” Harry said, his voice low and serious.

“Danger? Look at us; we’re standing here all bruised and cut up and he doesn’t even give two shits. Never mind the fact that Alex now has his hand print on her arm and he had her in hysterics before we even left! It’s far past danger. It’s real. It’s happened.” Louis ranted. I bit my lip hard.

“None of us did anything wrong and your just treating us all like we aren’t best mates anymore. Like you hate us and it’s a chore for you to be around us.” Niall stated firmly, anger clearly present in his voice. Normally he tried to stay out of these arguments and give Liam the benefit of the doubt. But now we’re all hurt. Jules is hurt.

Niall is going to go ape shit on his ass.

Normally I would have smirked at the thought, but I couldn’t. Not with the situation at hand.

“It was an accident! Holy fuck will you all just shut up! You don’t know anything!” Liam screamed in protest, obviously feeling outnumbered. You know, since he was.

“We know that you almost killed us! I told you I would have driven and your stubborn ass just wouldn’t have it would you?” Louis started yelling again.

“Stop it!” I shouted. Everyone froze and looked at me. I once again found myself holding back the tears. So help me God, Liam Payne, one day, you will regret all of this. I staggered to my feet and continued to speak. “Yelling and screaming at him will do nothing to help us. Obviously it’s been a rough night and yeah, it’s kind of ruined now… but please. There’s only one more day left you guys… don’t yell and scream at each other. This isn’t how I want this all to end.”

“How are you defending him A? You just said it yourself, he ruined the damn night! And after all he did to you!” Jules gasped, astonished.

“Screw him.” I said the words bitterly, not even glancing in his direction. I mentally slapped myself for the pain and regret that bubbled in my stomach at the words that came out of my mouth. I still loved him after all of this. Was I mentally ill? “That’s not the point. Let’s just get ourselves together. Is anyone hurt bad enough to go to the hospital?” I asked moving on. It grew silent for a bit.

“I think just a few icepacks and band-aids are all we need.” Harry mumbled. I nodded and took a breath before continuing. 

“Is the van still drivable?” I asked. Everyone exchanged a glance before Louis walked over to Liam and ripped the keys out of his hands. Liam didn’t even attempt to argue. His fingers just slipped off of them like he had lost feeling in his hand. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched Lou walk around to the driver’s side of the car and get in. I heard the engine rev a second after and start rather quickly. Nice to know that it really wasn’t all that bad. I mean, despite the dent on the front that makes it look like an elephant ran into it, it was okay.

Louis reappeared after a second. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a long breath. “We’re good. I mean, management’s going to kill us, since this is their van, but it still runs. Let’s just get home and forget this ever happened.” He finished before turning back around and climbing inside. We all followed and I took my seat up front again, feeling slightly relieve that Louis was now driving. I shot Liam a glance and saw a distant look in his eyes as he climbed into the very back and just stared out the window, not even bothering to buckle his seat belt. Which in light of recent events isn’t the smartest thing to ignore. I just let out a sigh and turned around to face forward as Louis pulled out onto the empty street. It’s a good thing this wasn’t a busy road. The shit that would happen if people noticed One Direction on the side of the street with a van up against the guard rail.

I felt a light touch on my hand and turned to face Louis, who shot me a look quickly before returning his gaze to the road. “You okay?” he asked quietly as to not let anyone else here him. I sighed and shrugged.

“Yes… no… maybe… I don’t know.” I gave the most indecisive answer in the world. Louis just tightened his grip around my hand a bit.

“I’m sorry Alex. I really am-” he started but I held my hand up for him to stop.

“I don’t want any more apologies. I’m done with them. I’ve heard at least a fifty a day ever since Maddi died and I’m done. They don’t change anything. Now please. Just focus on the road. I want to get home and not into another accident.” I said. He let out a breath and let go of my hand, returning it to the steering wheel as he continued to drive in silence.

We pulled into my driveway shortly after and we all climbed out of the van gingerly. It was late and I knew my mother wasn’t going to be happy about that. And I sure as hell know she’s not going to be happy about the accident.

“You ready for this lecture you’re about to get.” Jules asked, knowing how my mother got sometimes. I widened my eyes knowingly before taking a breath and opening the front door.

“Alex!” My mother immediately called from her home office. I bit my lip.

“Yeah Mom.” I answered. Here we go.

“Where the hell were you? I said be back by eleven, not a quarter to twelve!” she went on and I heard footsteps coming down the hall.

“Sorry… had a bit of a… uh, issue.” I started, unsure of what to say.

“What do you mean issue? And why are you all banged up?” She asked, coming closer to look me over. I felt my heart pick up. This isn’t going to be good. This is not going to be good. “Why are you all a bit banged up? What on Earth happened?”

“We uhh… got into a bit of an accident.” I said slowly rubbing my neck and leaning on Zayn now, my ankle starting to hurt. He wrapped an arm around me instinctively. Her eyes widened.

“A car accident?!” She screeched.

“Shh Mom. People are sleeping.” I hushed her quickly, but she just gave m a glare, saying she didn’t care. I sighed and nodded. “Yeah. A car accident. But we’re all fine. I promise.” I continued.

“You see, this is why I don’t like it when you go out with big groups of friends and having young people I don’t know that well drive.” She started to rant. I winced a bit at her tone. The boys are going to get their asses handed to them. I’m sorry guys. I’m so sorry for this.

“Mom, it was an accident. Shit happens. We’re okay.” I emphasized, trying to stop her before things got bad. All the guys and Jules stood still and silent. Not interrupting or wanting to get involved.

“No. Do you know how many people your age die because of accidents like these?” she asked, getting in my face a bit more. “All the time because of irresponsible idiot teenagers that don’t know what they’re doing.” She spat, glaring at Zayn and Harry next to me. My jaw dropped. Oh hell no.  I was about to defend them but she continued.

“People like Maddi.” She added on. I could feel my face fall and the blood rush out at the mention of my friend who had her life taken away from an accident like this. “Her and her family were killed by a drunken nineteen year old who shouldn’t have gotten behind the wheel. That’s what happens.”

I wanted so badly to speak up and think of something to say to convince my mother that it was a onetime thing and that we were all okay and going to be okay. But I couldn’t. In a way, she was right. That was the first accident Maddi had ever been in. The first… and the last.

“We weren’t drinking though Mrs. Dimanni, we would never do that.” Louis stated confidently. I silently thanked him for saying one of things I had wanted to, but it had no effect on my mother.

“I don’t care. Still young. Still irresponsible. Still got my daughter into an accident.” She said shaking her head. “I think it’d be best if you all left.” She added on after a second. My eyes widened and jaw dropped again. I saw the shock on everyone else’s faces too.

“W-What?! What do you mean leave? They are staying here! Where are they supposed to go?!” I shrieked.

“Be quiet Alex.” She snapped. “I don’t care where they go, I just don’t think that they should be here after what’s happened. You need time away from people like this.” She stated firmly.

“People like this?! Now you’re just being plain rude Mom! Stop blaming them!” I retorted.

“Who am I supposed to blame. One of them was driving! One of them caused the accident. If not all of them. You were all probably messing around and whoever was driving got distracted and the next thing you know you hit something.” She went on, crossing her arms.

“You weren’t there, you don’t know-” I started to yell back, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned and saw Zayn looking down at me with a sad glare. I paused before letting out the rest of the air, leaving words unsaid. I know what he was saying. There was no point.

“You guys can come stay the next two nights at my place…” Jules stated slowly. They all looked down at her and nodded.

“We’ll go get our things. We’re sorry for everything that’s happened tonight.” Harry spoke up, looking at both me and my mother. I just stared back at him, tears now sliding down my face again. With only one more full day left with them, everything was falling apart.

The six of them disappeared down the hall towards the guest room and I immediately turned to my mother and held out my arms.

“What the hell was that?! You were being rude and jumping to conclusions and-” I immediately went off, but she stopped.

“I don’t care. What I know is that they could have gotten you killed tonight Alex. All I’m concerned with is your safety and by hanging out with them I don’t think you’re safe.” She said.

“I’ve been with them all month Mom and nothing bad has happened.” I protested.

“Oh really? You got into a fight because of them in the first week. They lost you in a park last week and that one… uh… Liam, the one you liked before you met them? Yeah, he is constantly being rude and I can tell he is hurting you. You aren’t safe with them.” She restated. I narrowed my eyes.

“That has nothing to do with them. That’s all me. It’s my fault. All of it.” I said, meaning all of it. 

“No Alex. All they know is how to party and be famous and live the fast paced life in the eye of the camera. That’s not something you need to know.” She went on.

“That’s not like them and you know it! You even said they were down to Earth when you first met them! When have you seen them ‘party’ while they were here? When have they drank even one beer while they were here? Or bring one girl here that they weren’t in a committed relationship with?!” I asked wincing a bit at the thought of Danielle, but moving on anyway. “That’s. Not. Them.”

“I don’t care Alex. I want you to stay away from them for a while. They leave in two days. That will be good for you.” She said before leaving the room. I just stood there and stared after her, completely dumbfounded.

Fuck you Mom.

I walked over to the couch and collapsed on it, my head pounding now much worse than it was before. I hated this so much I can’t even describe it. A perfectly good month, down the drain.

I sat there, drowning myself in myself pity for about ten minutes before Jules led the others out of the other room, all of them holding their suitcases in their hands. I tried so hard not to cry. But I failed. 

While Liam immediately walked out the door, not stopping or making eye contact with any of us, the rest paused, putting everything down and looking up at me. I immediately ran over to the first boy closest to me and threw myself into his arms. This just happened to be Louis.

“I’m so sorry.” I cried, tears pouring out of my eyes. “I’m so so sorry.” I went in, sobbing into his shirt. He didn’t say anything for a moment, he just held me tight. He pulled away after a few seconds though and looked down into my eyes.

“None of this is your fault love. You didn’t cause the accident. You didn’t kick us out. Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine. We had fun before all of this yeah?” he asked, tears glistening in his eyes, but a positive smirk on his lips. This made me just want to break down more. He was going to cry because he was leaving. They all knew they weren’t coming back and who knows if I’ll even be able to get to Jules’s house to see them before they leave on Sunday?

I just hugged him again, tighter this time, not wanting to let go. He let out a breath and hugged back, rubbing my back slowly, before finally placing a kiss on the top of my head an releasing me. I turned to Niall, who was standing next to him and I immediately threw my arms around him.

“Nialler…” I breathed, leaning against his shoulder. He hugged me tightly, just as Lou had.

“Don’t worry love. We’ll see you tomorrow right? Before we leave?” he mumbled into my ear. I knew that if my mother was here she would have said no, but I wasn’t ending it like this. I don’t care what anyone says or does, I’m going to be at Jules house tomorrow night to spend their last night here with them. I will.

“Yeah.” I answered after a second. “I don’t care what my Mom says.” I said squeezing him a bit tighter and he mimicked my actions.

“Love you A.” he mumbled. I smirked.

“Love you too Niall.”

He let go of me and I didn’t wait to jump into Harry, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face into his chest. He hugged me tighter than normal and swung me around a bit.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Alex. Don’t worry. I love you no matter what happens. Best mates.” He reassured and I smirked a bit at his words.

“I love you too Haz. Thank you.” I mumbled before he let go. I turned to face the last boy standing in front of me and stopped, just looking at my best friend. Zayn let a small smile spread across his face before grabbing me and pulling me into him, hugging me the hardest out of all of them. I didn’t complain though. I knew I wasn’t going to be getting many more of these for a while.

“Saved the best for last.” I mumbled into him. I heard him chuckle a bit before he spoke.

“Of course.” He replied cockily. I rolled my eyes even if he couldn’t see me.

“I think we should be insulted.” I heard Louis’s sarcastic voice.

“Yeah, she just said saved the BEST for last. What about third? Zayn’s not the best. I am.” Harry added on.

“I’m a Leprechaun. I win.” Niall added in stupidly. We all laughed out loud at this and I let go of Zayn.

“Of course Nialler.” Jules just laughed at him. He gave a wide cheesy smirk, causing a few more chuckled to escape from us. I smiled a bit. Now this is what I needed. My happy care free jokers.

“Alright, guys just got the okay from my mother. Let’s get going. It’s already after midnight.” Jules said, sliding her phone in her pocket. Everyone’s faces dropped a bit and I let out a sigh before walking over to the front door and opening it.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you all.” I said to them as they approached. They nodded with sad smiles on their faces. Each of them kissed my head as the passed, causing a smile to grow each time. I love British boys and their cuteness. And then of course Niall, who’s just as cute.

Jules hugged me quickly as she passed.

“They’re mine for the night. I think I earned it after they’ve been staying here all month.” She joked, trying to lighten the mood and sticking my tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s not all fun and games. Sometimes they’re as bad as five new puppies. Be careful.” I warned. She giggled.

“I said they were puppies from the start.” She said, waving her hand dismissively. I shook my head playfully at her.

“Bye Jules.” I said as she walked out the door after them. “Bye boys!” I called to them as they put their things in the back of the van. They all waved and said goodbye back before I sighed and closed the front door, not wanting to drag this out.

I stood there for a second just staring at the empty room, thinking about how we should all be sitting in here tonight, laughing and talking like we did every weekend. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Stop Alex. It’s only a night. You’ll see them tomorrow. I thought to myself.

Yeah, but then they leave and you won’t see them for months, if not years.

My heart quickened in fear at the thought. I hated thinking about that and especially knowing it was true. I just shook my head slightly and walked away from the door.

“Alex? Are they gone?” My mom called. I clenched my fists a bit, still beyond mad at the woman.

“Yeah.” I growled before running up the steps to my room, not waiting to see what else she had to say. I immediately changed into my pajamas, just wanting to go to sleep and forget the past few hours.

I paused before pulling my shirt over my head, staring at the red hand mark on my arm. It had lightened a bit, but I could still see the outline. I gulped and bit my lip.

Why would he do that? Why has he gotten so horrible so fast? I mean never did he ever physically hurt me. What in the world did I ever do? Thoughts raced through my head. I shook it lightly again, trying to calm myself down and rid them from my mind.

I finished changing and turned on my t.v. before plopping down on to my bed. I was tired, but didn’t want to crawl underneath the covers quite yet. Wasn’t sure why, but I didn’t. I think it was just ‘cause I was too lazy. Oh well.

I reached for my phone sitting on my end table and picked it up, checking to see if I had any messages. I had a good fourteen texts. This should be good.

To: Alex

From: Nialler

Just got to Jules’s house. Miss your place though. C u tomorrow xxx


To: Alex

From: Hazza

Oh boy, Lou just said he was going to text you with an evil smirk on his face. Do I want to ask what he sent? ;) Love ya Alex

Harry xxxx


To: Alex

From: Louis is the Greatest






















I rolled my eyes at the mass amount of one word texts the boy had sent me, but opened the last text that wasn’t from him.

To: Alex

From: Zayn

Look? You can text or even call us if you want. Louis’s annoying you, we can all chat, it’s like we haven’t even left :)

I smiled and typed a response out to all of them.

To: Nialler, Hazza, Louis is the Greatest, Zayn

Love you all, no matter how annoying. Thanks for talking to me. Looks like we’re back to our late night conversations we had while you were all away huh?

I sent the message and they all replied with ‘yeahs’ and smiley faces afterwards. I smirked again at all of it. This may have sucked right now, but I will see them tomorrow, and they are still all my best friends. What else could I want?

Liam.  My brain answered.

Wow brain, way to ruin a good chapter ending question…

Late night update. How I missed these from over the summer :/ either way... here it is. I know I know it's mostly filler shiz... I was expecting this chapter to be the best, but I realized I had to cut it in half cause it would be wayyy too long if I didn't so here this is. Next chapter.... that's when shit gets real bro. I hope I write it as good as it sounds in my head... it's gonna be the best part (in my eyes)...

Oof, did I just give that away and now I'm leaving you in suspense for my amazingly awesome next chapter... woopsy daisy ;) Gotta love me.

Anyways I hope you all had a great Christmas. I know it's over or close to over in most places. Here is my late Christmas present to you. Read, love, comment, anticipate the next part ;) Thanks Chipmunks!!!






can't... stop.. coughing *cough cough*:P

It's late. Didn't proofread. Don't mind my errors.

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