My Dear Melancholy (Daveed Di...

By Subwaysurf45

21.9K 462 425

You live in New York, editing director for the New York Times. Living in a tiny house with your dog Clyde. A... More

Communist Manifesto
The Violin
House Arrest
Dog & Hospital
Whipped Coffee
Vital Information
Nice Again
Spa & Realizations
Only Imagine
About You
The Stars
Phone Calls
Do Not Resuscitate
The Act of Moving In
The Interview
The Garden
Rafael & Cops
The Good & the Bad
The Meeting
The Renovation
The Bookshelf
The Sneeze
The Final Touches
First Day
Poets Society

Phone Number

852 19 29
By Subwaysurf45

songs for this chapter;
this is the life - two door cinema club
undercover martyn - two door cinema club

It was the next day, you were still not yourself. People were still tugging at you for every little edit you needed to take a break but your life was so boring you would be doing nothing all day.

You started with violin first, it might get in Daveed's way of teaching but it was just something to ease you awake so you weren't thrusted into work.

Something about the violin really stuck, you could have given up on music but you didn't and kept moving with it.

The sun was shining and it was hot out, you decided for some loose shorts that definitely showed your ass when you turned too fats but who was looking? you also threw on a tank top and opted for no bra.

"Hey Siri," you paused, "play my summer playlist." You waited a beat and once your music began to play from your phone you slowly started to move, you grabbed hair brush from your bathroom and went back to your full length mirror.

"This is the life! This is the life! This is the life!" You sang and jumped around, your hair bounced and whipped around your care free dancing. Clyde decided to join by jumping and barking around you, "sing it Clyde!" You ran around you house with your phone blasting.

For those three minutes you completely forgot about all the stresses in your life, you forgot about the world slowly collapsing and ending. You forgot the feeling of living through history, that weird feeling that some of your reports could make it into a history text book that will be white washed like the rest of them. You forgot about your parents struggling and your struggles as well, the feeling of hopelessness knowing your lungs weren't your fault.

The song changed, "and she spoke words that would melt in your hands, and she spoke word of wisdom..." you kept the hairbrush as you carried on.

With your eyes closed you could finally block out the tunnel vision you had been going through, trying to get through this stupid pandemic. You had brushed by the summer sun until now and the wonders of different coloured flowers. You had brushed by the blossoming of a new neighbour, the connection with the walls built between you two.

You hoped Daveed felt a little giddy when a new letter appeared on your doorsteps, like a kid during the holidays. When your heart would leap at the little jokes and even though the jokes were awful that stupid smile still plagued your face, you'd feel like a school girl when you'd feel your face for a blush and there it was, crushing over a boy.

"I wonder if he left anything." You spoke to yourself, the door swing open and you saw a little container. After lifting it up you couldn't help but let out a little, "no he didn't."

Hey, I don't know what was happening last night but I hope you're better today , I can't have my ray of sunshine feeling blue.
Here are some cookies that I only baked from a box because I can't bake or cook for the life of me.
Ps. If you're ever feeling down, please call me
(A/n:Fake number)

"Why am I tearing up?" You sniffled, "god, he's so cute." You looked through your window but didn't see him, "why am I talking to myself?" You whispered and pulled out your phone.

XXX-XXX-XXXX: hey Daveed!

"No..." you whispered and deleted it.

XXX-XXX-XXXX: wassup

"Are you twelve?" Deleted.

XXX-XXX-XXXX: it's (y/n), I just got your note, really appreciated, I hope this is your number and you're not pranking me :/

"Do I send it?" Clyde just tilted his head to the side, "don't give me that look, asshole." Clyde whimpered, "oh, you're fine." You bent down and kissed him snout which fixed everything.

You closed your eyes and hit send, you knew he wasn't going to respond but you just watched your phone for a while.

You made some vegan yogurt and granola, you were really rethinking this whole vegan thing because there was dairy and meat on everything you ate so you always had to get the processed version.

It never tasted as good as you remember but it was still pretty good, there was always that weird feeling where you know this is soy and chemicals.

Daveed's POV

"Guys, I want to hear your poems." I smiled at my screen, "does anyone want to go first?" I asked as I flipped through my binder to get my mark book, no one said anything. "Huh," I looked at the profile pictures, "alright, so I'll mark everyone's at a zero." I said, there was a pause. "Okay, if no one is going we'll move into our next unit, welcome to-"

"Wait wait wait!" That was Jess, "I'll go."

"Perfect, would you look at that." I smirked and heard a giggle come from her, a couple people turned their cameras on. "Hello everyone, nice to see your faces." I waved, "you guys got really cool looking rooms, I see posters, plants- Stef, are those real plants?" I leaned into my computer.

"No, they're fake, I've tried to keep them alive but... Y'know.... it doesn't all ways workout." She laughed and others did to.

"Jess, you may begin."

"Hello, so we are only presenting one of the three and I've decided on 'can money buy happiness?'." She paused, "Can money buy happiness?  It can buy freedom to obtain the things that make you happy but If I was broke off my ass living on the street barley eating or showering if I was begging for some type of income if I was almost freezing to death in the winter i'd still have my brain i'd still have my creativity i'd still have my thoughts to me, that's pure happiness money can't buy that." Jess paused, "sorry about the swear word..." she seemed embarrassed.

"Don't apologize for art, my friend." I smiled and nodded, "I can't wait to read your rap- verse poem..."

"We've never actually hear you rap, who knows if you're good..." that was Samuel, he was always taking cheap shots when he can, it's funny.

"I'm good, better then you... that's everyone though..." I laughed at him covering his mouth in shock.

The class went a little wild but that's just how I wanted it, I hate teaching a brain dead class because it makes those three hours so much longer.

I wanted to be a rap star when I was a kid, I thought my raps and poems would save people but after auditioning and moving around I realized I would spent my whole life doing nothing but trying. I needed to just do, so I did.

Teaching had always been a fallback option because I was so set on my art, I knew I was never going to teach math or science because those weren't my strong suits. I never thought of things as 'black and white', I thought more 'thousand shades of grey', I liked the debate and I like hearing different points of view.

I always thought I'd be unhappy with teaching but after awhile I found out that this was my passion, trying to get kids ready for life and trying to make them follow their dream, it's safe to say I have no regrets. I tried to follow my dream but it didn't work out so I still write raps but I keep them for my friends.

Time had passed and it was finally the end on my class, this was the only one I was teaching and we got through all of them.

"We are ahead, the other class is still working on these so tomorrow's class will be pretty laid back, nothing much happening so if you have ideas to talk about or want to play any online games let me know, have a great day!" I waved and everyone slowly left the meet.

When I work I always keep my phone in another room because I find I will check it a lot and people can tell when you're not really listening.

I was shocked to say the least when I found a text, I quickly changed the name because just having (y/n) as a number wasn't doing her any justice.

Daveed: hey, just saw your text, I just got off my English class,  I hope you're doing better

Daveed changed XXX-XXX-XXXX to sunshine

Sunshine: awwwe that's so cuteeee!

Sunshine changed Daveed to moonlight

Moonlight: huh? What does that mean?

Sunshine: I'm sunshine and you're moonlight, opposites but we both co exist, it's poetic mr. English teacher.

Sunshine changed moonlight to diggy

Diggy: perrrrrrfect!

Sunshine: whatever.

Sunshine: how was your class.

Diggy: it was pretty good, a lot of poems and a lot of new ways to look at the world

Sunshine: you write poetry?

Diggy:... I write a style of poetry

Sunshine: what?

Diggy: I write a fast version of poetry

Sunshine: you write rap songs

Diggy: heighten verse

Sunshine: rap songs


Diggy: I read that wrong for a sec, anyways, yes... I have wrote a few rap songs.

Sunshine: nooooooo not a few, you've written a lot I can tell, you need to show me!

Diggy: fine.

Daveed sighed and grabbed his little book and took a couple pictures of his better raps and sent them over.

Sunshine: I don't know...

I felt my heart drop, was she really going to tell me she hates them.

Sunshine: I need the full experience, you need to rap to me.

I let out a laugh, "I really thought she was going hate me..." I muttered and thought.

Diggy: I'd need to rap to you live and face to face, and that isn't happening so it will never happen, also I'm shy.

Sunshine: I get it, just messing around, I hope one day you will tho

Diggy: definitely

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