Riverdale Imagines

By FicWaffle

38.5K 575 87

There isn't enough of these, so I'm contributing. REQUESTS CLOSED *I do not own the characters of Riverdale... More

Mr. Jones- FP Jones (1)
Mr. Jones- FP Jones (2)
Need a Ride? - Fangs Fogarty
Summer Lovin'- Reggie Mantle
Good For You- Betty Cooper
She's Real- Reggie Mantle
Mr. Jones**- FP Jones (3)
Intimidating**- Cheryl Blossom
Benefits**- Reggie Mantle
The Him Before Her- Chuck Clayton
Sweet On You- Sweet Pea
Good For You**- Betty Cooper (2)
Coach Carter, Except Young and With Boobs- Sweet Pea
Roofies and Cherry Pie**- FP Jones
Choices- Jughead Jones
Fake It Till You Make It- Sweet Pea
Professional Affairs**- Cheryl Blossom
Professional Affairs- Cheryl Blossom (2)
Professional Affairs- The Book
The Him Before Her**- Chuck Clayton (2)
Little Vixen**- FP Jones

Choices- Jughead Jones (2)

763 17 3
By FicWaffle

I was a bit angsty earlier, sorry. And if y'all didn't realize, I literally just write these and then post them on the spot. No editing or nothing. Which is why my uploads are so random. Sorry. Anyway, part two.


Word for word, Jughead could feel every bit of pain Y/N felt when Veronica and Betty sent her that message. Because she sent it back to him almost exactly the same. When he tried to reply, his message didn't go through. She blocked him. "I'm such a fucking idiot." He groaned, hitting his head against the wall, again.

"If you liked her so much, why did you even start dating Betty in the first place?" Archie asked him. He shrugged.

"She was here. And I sort of liked her too. I figured it would grow and I would get over Y/N. Y/N lives a thousand miles away for fucks sake. I thought Betty and I would work out better because it wasn't long distance."

"But you had something better and stronger with Y/N."

"I know."

"Yeah, you're an idiot."

"You're not helping."

"Let's go see her."

"You're joking now."

"No I'm not. I'm sure if we explain the situation to my dad, he'll let us use his truck." Archie was excited now, hopping to his feet.

"She doesn't want to see me, Archie. Just give it up. She blocked me. She doesn't want a damn thing to do with me anymore."

"She still does. You just gotta make her see it. Pack a bag, I'm going to go talk to my dad." Before Jughead could say no, Archie bolted out of his bedroom and down the stairs. Jughead sighed, begrudgingly throwing some clothes in his backpack. There was no fighting Archie once he was set on something. The redhead was back up the stairs within minutes. "He's on vacation, so he lent us the truck. We just gotta have it back within the next two weeks. Plenty of time to go get your girl, Jug."

"You make it sound like we're in some sort of romcom. We're going to get there and she's probably not even going to see me. If she does, she'll just reiterate how much she doesn't want me anymore and how much I hurt her, and then she'll slam her door in my face and it will all have been for nothing."

"Not for nothing. At least you can say you did everything you could to get her back."

"Are you quoting a movie or something?"

"No. You're just my best friend and I don't want you to miss out on someone who made you really happy. I'm not blind, Jughead."

Sending that message to Jughead made Y/N feel a little better. Only a little. But she started going to her classes again. Denny was just proud of his friend for getting out of bed. She had been so shattered for weeks. So his body vibrated with rage when there was a knock on his dorm room door and he opened it to see Jughead and a redhead. "You have some fucking nerve."

"Look, Denny-"

"No, you look. You're lucky she's in class right now. She's been in bed for WEEKS because of you, asshole. Y/N is finally coming around again and you're not going to show up here just to ruin all the progress she's made. Leave." Jughead sighed. He knew her roommate and best friend would be livid, but he didn't think it would be this bad.

"That's not my intention." Jughead defended. "I just want to fix this."

"There's nothing to be fixed anymore. You tossed her aside and left her to fix herself. You don't deserve her."

"I know I don't."

"Then leav-"

"Denny, it's okay." The soft voice behind them made the conversation go silent. Jughead spun around and there she was, finally in front of him. She was even more beautiful in person. But Jughead could still see the hurt in her glistening eyes. "Hey Archie."

"Hey Y/N." Archie gave her a warm smile.

"Y/N, you don't have to-"

"Denny, I said it's okay. I'm okay. Can you give us a minute?" She assured her friend. Denny sighed, pushing past Jughead through the doorway.

"Come on redhead. We'll go to the lounge." He grumbled. Archie followed behind him with a victorious smirk on his face. Y/N moved past Jughead and into her room, Jughead close behind. No one said anything for a moment.

"I can't believe I'm actually looking at you." Jughead whispered. She sat cross-legged on her bed, hands in her lap, looking anywhere but at him. "Y/N, I.."

"What do you want? Why are you here?" She snapped, finally looked at him. Tears rimmed her stunning eyes. He sat in her desk chair, not really wanting to get close and make her uncomfortable. She was thankful for that. If he got any closer, she figured she might start sobbing.

"You blocked me and I needed to make this right." He stated. She sighed, shaking her head.

"There's nothing for you to make right anymore." Her voice quivered with every syllable she spoke.

"I didn't know they sent you that message."

"It's not just the text, Jughead. How come you don't see that?" Y/N was crying now. Tears flowed down her cheeks in a steady rhythm as her breath hiccuped. "For months, MONTHS, we talked every minute of every day. And don't sit there and tell me life got in the way, because both of our lives were chaos long before you stopped replying to me.you threw me away like trash, like I meant NOTHING to you and you just moved on with your life when you got a girlfriend. It was like I didn't exist anymore. At any point, you could have just told me. You could have told me you'd be replying less, that you wanted to focus on her and other things, and I would have understood. Instead, you made me look like a goddamn pathetic fool. You let me continue to text you every day and continue to put effort into you and our friendship when it clearly didn't mean as much to you as it did me. I looked like a desperate girl trying too hard for someone who didn't give a shit about me or my feelings. I was so stupid for believing that maybe someday you'd love me too. Love me like I loved you. I'm such an idiot. So no, Jughead, I don't give a fuck that you didn't know about that text message because I was hurting long before that and you didn't care." Y/N's shoulders were shaking, chest heaving. Jughead didn't know what to do it say. He just wanted to pull her close and hold her until all the pain washed away, but he knew that was the last thing he could do in that moment.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel those things. I should have told you how I felt about you from the beginning because my feelings were there. They ARE still here. But I thought it wouldn't work because we lived so far apart. I thought it was impossible that a girl like you would ever feel that way about a guy like me. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you or make you cry. I fell in love with you and I'm so stupid for not telling you. Instead, I ran. I always run. And it's the biggest mistake I've ever made. Because you were my world and I turned my back on you because I didn't want to get hurt." Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Please, just give me one more chance. This can work. I know it can now. You just have to trust me. Let me make it up to you and show you how much you mean to me. I've never felt this way about anyone. And I can't leave thinking I didn't do everything I could to fix this and give you the world." Jughead was pleading now, moving to sit across from her on her bed. He took her hands in his hesitantly, running his thumbs lightly over her knuckles. The room was quiet, and Jughead felt like his world could fall apart at any second now.

"No, Jughead. I'm sorry, but I can't." Every word was like a stab to his chest. Y/N pulled her hands slowly out of his. "I was giving you that effort a long time ago, and it was never returned, so how am I supposed to trust that I'll get it now? I just can't. You're asking too much of me after what you've put me through."

"Then be my friend again." This was his last shot, and that was becoming very clear to him. "Be my friend again and let me earn your trust back. You can be as distant as you want, I don't care. Just let me try. Let me show you how sorry I am and how much you mean to me. If I can earn your trust back, then we can figure it out from there. I know I don't deserve it. But that's not going to stop me from trying." Y/N sighed, staring at the wall beside her. Her crying had calmed down. Only single tears slid from her eyes here and there. She wiped one away with the back of her hand, sniffling.

"Okay." Her voice was barely audible.


"This is your last chance, Jughead. We can be friends. But I swear to god if you hurt me aga-"

"I won't. I promise you I won't. I'm going to do everything I can to earn your trust back."

"It'll be awhile."

"I know. And I'm going to give you my all every day, like I should have been doing."

"Okay." She kept her hands in her lap, finally meeting his eyes. They held a glimmer of hope. And love. So much love. Y/N turned away before she began to cry again.

"Archie and I still have a few days before we have to head back to Riverdale. Can I see you again?" He questioned nervously. He let out a sigh of relief when she nodded.

"But can you go now? I'm tired and I just.."

"I understand. Will you unblock my number so I can get ahold of you?" She nodded again, grabbing her phone and unblocking him before she forgot. He smiled softly at her before leaving.

Jughead and Y/N saw each other a couple more times before he had to leave. Archie was there every time, as a buffer. Y/N wasn't ready to be alone with him. And after they left, Jughead kept to his word. He wasn't lying when he said he was going to give her his all. It was like things had gone back to the way they used to be. Granted, Y/N wasn't giving nearly as much effort as she used to. Not at first. She was warming up to him again. And eventually, she was back at that place where her heart beat quicker every time she got a text from him. Y/N knew he was still friends with his ex, simply because they shared the same friend group. It bothered her at first. Now she was at a point where she didn't care. That made her realize her heart did, in fact, trust him once again. And that scared her even more.

"What are you doing for Christmas?" Y/N asked him over FaceTime. She could see him doing some last minute homework assignment, but he glanced at the screen when she spoke.

"I'll probably go see my dad for a bit. Then the rest will be with Archie and his dad. Break is almost a month long for both of us."

"How would you feel if I came up for a while?" Her question made Jughead's heart skip a beat.

"You really want to?" He hoped this wasn't some kind of sick joke to get back at him. He'd spent the good part of a year trying to fix what they had.

"Yeah. I mean, if you want to see me?" A blush tinted her cheeks and she turned her head away from the camera.

"Yes, of course I want to see you. I'd love for you to come to Riverdale. This isn't a joke, is it? You aren't fucking with me right now?" She giggled at his reaction.

"No, JugJug. I'm not fucking with you. It's not a prank. I kind of, actually, already bought my ticket and booked my hotel room." She responded shyly. Jughead was grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat.

"So do you need me to pick you up from the airport?" Jughead was beyond excited. Y/N actually wanted to see him.

"No, it's okay. I got a rental car and I wanted to go to my hotel room first. But I'm heading your way in a couple days, as soon as break starts for me actually."

"I can't wait." They were both smiling now.

Eventually the day came and Jughead was pacing all around the Andrews house waiting for her call. He felt like he was going insane. "You're going to pace a hole in my floor." Fred chuckled. Jughead sighed, throwing himself on the couch.

"She hasn't called." His voice muffled by a couch cushion.

"She'll call." Archie assured him from where he sat on the floor with his guitar. He was going to spend the day with Veronica, but she and Jughead still weren't on the best of terms, and she definitely didn't want to sit around while Jughead whined about Y/N when Betty is her best friend.

"She hasn't."

"She will."

"But when?" Before Archie could respond, Jughead's phone shrilled throughout the living room. "Hello?"

"Hey JugJug." Her voice was like music to his ears. "I'm at my hotel now. You just wanna come over?"

"Yeah, sure. Just text me the details."

"Okay, see you soon." She hung up the phone, a text hitting Jughead's phone soon after.

"Come on kid, I'll give you a ride." Fred offered, picking up his keys.

"Thanks, Mr. Andrews. I'll see you later Archie." Jughead could barely keep himself contained.

"Later man. Good luck!" Archie shouted after him as he and his dad left the house. Soon after, Jughead stood nervously outside the door to her hotel room. He spent five minutes working up the courage to knock. When the door flung open, his breath caught in his throat. She was as beautiful as ever. A red sweater that hugged her just right, tight skinny jeans, Jughead was losing it.

"Hey Jughead." Y/N was sure her cheeks matched her sweater because of how he looked at her. Surprising him, she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. It didn't take Jughead long to wind his arms around her waist and hold the gorgeous girl against his chest. He could feel her warm breath on his neck. "I missed you." Y/N mumbled quietly into his skin.

"I missed you too."

"Also, I'm hungry." She giggled in his ear. Jughead laughed.

"We can go to Pop's."

"Sure, you drive." Y/N handed over the keys to her rental car, grabbing her coat. Pop's Diner was cute and she fell in love with it the moment she walked in. Jughead took her to a booth by the window, on the opposite side of the restaurant that Betty and Veronica were currently sat.

"I'm telling you, I had no clue they would be here right now." He assured her.

"What are you talking about?" Confusion was written all over Y/N's face.

"On the other side of the diner, the blonde girl, that's Betty. The other is Veronica." Jughead could see her visibly tense in front of him. "I'm really sorry, we can go somewhere else."

"No, it's okay. I'll have to face them eventually."

"What do you mean by that?" Jughead really hoped she meant what he thought she meant. She chose not to answer, only smiling at him. He found himself smiling too. "Are we... back on track?"

"I wanted to wait until I saw you to tell you." She put her hands in his and he gave them a squeeze. "When you told me you were still friends with her, I really didn't like it at first. It scared me. Hell, I'm still scared. But over time, I don't know, I just... got comfortable with it? And the more I thought about it, it made me realize that I got comfortable with it because I trust you. I do, Jughead. And I'm terrified, because you broke my heart. But now you've spent every day for almost a year fixing what you broke and I'm whole again, I'm there again."

"I don't know what to say." He had been holding out hope for so long, but he never actually thought she'd come to a place where she wanted to be with him again.

"Tell me you still want this, that you still want me." For a moment, Y/N thought he would say no.

"Of course I still want this. I still want you. After what I did, I just never really thought we'd get back to this point. It all seems like a dream. How am I supposed to believe I'm not going to wake up any second now?" Y/N leaned over the table, capturing his lips against hers. Softly, slowly. She sat back down with a smile brighter than a Christmas tree.

"Real enough for you, JugJug?" She giggled.

"You're incredible." He cupped her face and pulled her back across the table, kissing her until they were both breathless. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She moved around the table to sit beside him, smirking when she saw the two girls exit the diner at a rapid pace.

"I'd like that, a lot." Y/N kissed him, again and again and again and again.

"I can't believe you said yes."

"Best choice I ever made."


3012 words. And not sad this time.

Who should I do next? My mind is straight BUZZIN

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