Riverdale Imagines

By FicWaffle

38.5K 575 87

There isn't enough of these, so I'm contributing. REQUESTS CLOSED *I do not own the characters of Riverdale... More

Mr. Jones- FP Jones (1)
Mr. Jones- FP Jones (2)
Need a Ride? - Fangs Fogarty
Summer Lovin'- Reggie Mantle
Good For You- Betty Cooper
She's Real- Reggie Mantle
Mr. Jones**- FP Jones (3)
Intimidating**- Cheryl Blossom
Benefits**- Reggie Mantle
The Him Before Her- Chuck Clayton
Sweet On You- Sweet Pea
Good For You**- Betty Cooper (2)
Coach Carter, Except Young and With Boobs- Sweet Pea
Choices- Jughead Jones
Choices- Jughead Jones (2)
Fake It Till You Make It- Sweet Pea
Professional Affairs**- Cheryl Blossom
Professional Affairs- Cheryl Blossom (2)
Professional Affairs- The Book
The Him Before Her**- Chuck Clayton (2)
Little Vixen**- FP Jones

Roofies and Cherry Pie**- FP Jones

2K 29 12
By FicWaffle

Y'all, tell me who to write about. I have plenty of ideas, I can just never decide which character anymore lol
Also, thanks for 1k :)

Also, smut. Reader is legal age.


She walked in. Confidence in her stride, sway in her hips. She was laughing at something Jughead had said. Her lips curved, her head thrown back. She sat with Betty and Fangs next to the pool table, Jughead and Sweet Pea already beginning a game. "That's Y/N. She just moved here. She's a senior, nineteen, I think." Toni seemed to be reading his thoughts. FP looked at her and she just raised and eyebrow back at him, cleaning another glass behind the bar.

"I don't care about her age, I was just curious, never seen her before." He mumbled and took another swig of his beer.

"Sure, that's why you were staring." Toni said, exaggerating. That was a lie and Toni and FP both knew it. He was staring at her tan skin, the cute symbols tattooed on her fingers, the more elaborate lines on her arm and thigh and ribs. He wanted to get closer, see what the lines formed. Her high waisted shorts framed her hips just right, her white long sleeve crop top tight in all the right places. "That's the new Sheriff's daughter." That made him choke on his whiskey. Toni laughed.

"Hey Topaz!" As if on cue, the new focus of FP's attention sauntered up to the bar. He studied her over the rim of his glass. The tattooed symbols on her fingers were phases of the moon. Different cartoon characters covered her forearm, the rest hidden under her sleeve.

"What's up, L/N? What do you want to drink?" Toni asked her.

"Just a water." Toni nodded, pulling a water bottle out of the cooler underneath the counter and handing it to her. "Thanks babe." And like that, she was gone again, back to the pool table and her friends.  Y/N was smiling from ear to ear, and it lit up her whole face.

"Like I said, nineteen." Toni said in a sing song voice. FP groaned.

"Shut up, Toni." FP found himself looking in her direction throughout the night. And he had to stop himself from staring every time. Eventually, he was able to distract himself enough by making conversation with some of the older serpents in the corner of the bar, far enough away from the brown haired beauty kicking Sweet Pea's ass in pool.

"Dad!" Jughead ran over to his table. The worry in his eyes was indescribable. FP stood from the table just as quick. "Something is wrong with my friend." He followed his son outside, where Sweet Pea and Betty were crouched on the ground next to Y/N.

"What has she had to drink?" He asked the teens as he crouched in front of her. He cupped her cheeks gently in his hands, tilting her head to look in her eyes. They were no longer shining, empty and dull. It was like she couldn't look at any one thing.

"Only water." Sweet Pea said, gesturing to the half drank water bottle on the ground next to her. He closed the cap on it tightly before scooping her up and cradling her in his arms. She was so small. Her arms fell limply and her head lulled back.

"She was drugged." FP told them, rushing to his truck.

"Is she going to be okay?" Betty asked, fear in her voice.

"I'm taking her to the hospital." He laid her gently in the passenger seat and draping his leather jacket over her before running around to the other side and starting up his truck.

"Should we get her dad?"

"Yes, go." FP got to the hospital in what was probably record time. He told the nurses what happened as he sat next to her emergency room bed. He watched the doctors and nurses work, flushing her system and introducing more fluids.

"This is your fault!" A woman screamed at him as she approached the bed. "Your type of people-"

"Beth, stop." FP saw the sheriff approach behind her, his son and friends close behind. That must be her mother. "Why don't you go find a doctor?" She stormed off in a huff, the sheriff turning his attention back to FP. "Thank you, for bringing her here and for helping her in general. Do you know what happened?"

"She was at the Wyrm with my son and his friends." FP said, gesturing to the teens standing behind the Sheriff. "She was drugged at some point. She'd only been drinking water all night. You're more than welcome to come to the bar and watch the cameras, see if you can find anything. And they'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have, she was around them all night." FP grabbed the half drank water bottle out of her bag, handing it to him. The sheriff nodded, looking toward Y/N peacefully sleeping in the hospital bed. FP rose from his seat. "FP Jones, by the way." He held his hand out. The sheriff smiled slightly, shaking his hand.

"Daniel L/N, I know who you are. Thank you, for saving my daughter. And I'm sorry about my wife. She can be a bit-"

"Rude?" Sweet Pea muttered before he could stop himself. Sheriff L/N laughed before anyone could scold him.

"Yeah, sometimes kid. Speak of the devil and they shall come." He sighed as Y/N's mother entered the ER with an annoyed looking doctor. "You guys should go before she can take anything else out on you. I'm sure it's none of your faults. Could you still come to the station tomorrow to answer some questions?" They all agreed and left with FP.

Y/N woke up the next day in her own bed with a banging headache. She couldn't remember anything past getting a water bottle from Toni while she was eyeing the gorgeous older man sitting at the corner of the bar. "You're awake!" Her mother shrieked. She groaned, clutching her head.

"Mom, shut up. Owwww." Y/N whined as she curled into her pillow and comforter.

"Someone drugged you last night. I don't ever want you going back to that place, or hanging with those hoodlums ever again." She demanded.

"What? Mom, what are you talking about? And you can't keep me from seeing my friends, they didn't do anything wrong." Y/N defended.

"You heard me. And you're grounded for two weeks!" Her mom told her before slamming her door. Y/N groaned, staring up at her ceiling. For the next three days, she could hear her parents fighting downstairs. She caught bits and pieces. Someone named FP had taken her to the hospital, someone drugged her water bottle while she was in the bathroom, her dad still hadn't found who did it but her friends had nothing to do with it. She was grateful her father was on her side. She could never handle her mother without him.

"Hey sweetheart." He spoke softly, entering her bedroom and shutting the door behind him. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah, a bit. Mom's screaming doesn't really help though." Y/N sighed.

"Apparently you had an allergic reaction to the roofie put in your water. The doctor said it might be a while before you're back to yourself again. If FP hadn't gotten you to the hospital as fast as he did, doctor said your brain and organs could've suffered some serious damage." Her father explained. She remembered the name now. FP Jones, leader of the serpents, Jughead's dad. She eyed the leather jacket many sizes too big tossed over the chair in her room.

"Am I really grounded?" She wanted to return the jacket. And she knew her mom hadn't let any of her friends in the house to see her, so she couldn't give it to Jughead.

"No, of course not. But maybe just wait to leave until your mom leaves for her sister's house in an hour?"

"She's leaving?"

"Yeah. I don't know for how long, sweetheart. I'm sorry." He looked at her with sad eyes, stroking back her hair.

"It's okay, Dad. You don't have to act like we both didn't know this was going to happen eventually." He laughed at that, nodding in agreement.

"How did I get so lucky to have such a good daughter?"

"I don't know, but I am pretty great." They both shared in their laughter. In that moment, it was easy to ignore her mother slamming doors and drawers.

An hour later, her mom had left. Freshly showered and dressed in a tight grey sweater and skinny jeans, she grabbed FP's jacket and made her way to her car. Toni had told her where Jughead lived once, so she started there. She stepped up the old wooden porch and knocked three times. Quiet. When the door swung open, she almost jumped out of her shoes. Even more so when she saw the man who answered had been the same attractive one that was eyeing her all night at the bar. "Mr. Jones?" She asked him.

"You can call me FP. Glad to see you're okay. Jughead isn't here though." It took all the self control FP possessed not to look her up and down.

"I'm actually here to see you." He failed to hide his shocked expression. She giggled and his heart thumped.

"Come in then." He stepped aside and shut the door behind her as she entered the trailer.

"I brought your jacket back. Sorry it's been a few days. My mother grounded me." She laid it over the back of the couch before sitting at the kitchen table with him.

"You got grounded for getting drugged?" FP genuinely couldn't believe it. Y/N laughed.

"Yeah. She's uh.. pretty awful really. I'm sorry for the way she treated you, by the way. You didn't deserve that."

"It's alright," FP reassured her. "I'm used to that sort of thing being who I am."

"Still doesn't mean you deserve it. She left today, that's the only reason I'm here. Went to my aunt's. Don't think she'll be back either." Y/N laughed awkwardly. "And I don't know why I'm telling you all of this." FP chuckled.

"You don't seem too upset." Somewhere in her rambling, FP got up and made her a cup of coffee, setting it on the table in front of her before sitting back down across from her.

"You heard me when I said she grounded me for getting drugged, right?" She joked.

"Yeah, that's pretty bad."

"Not the worst of it. She could get pretty hands on." Y/N said quietly. She saw the look on FP's face and spoke before he could say anything. "But she's gone now, and I don't think my dad will let her back."

"Did he know?" He could feel the rage burning underneath his skin.

"No. Before we moved here, he worked a job where he travelled a lot. It always happened when he was away, and every time he came back he just seemed so happy and in love with my mom that I never said anything." FP relaxed slightly knowing her dad wasn't just letting her be abused. "My dad is a good dad. Being locked in my room the last few days, I was sort of forced to listen to their fighting. He spent the whole time defending me. And you, and Jughead, and the others that were there. Sucks he still can't find the guy who did it though." Suddenly FP couldn't make eye contact. He could only think about his currently very bruised and cut knuckles, and what he and a few of his guys had done the other night. FP knew the only reason Sheriff L/N couldn't find the guy was because he and the serpents got to him first.

"He'll probably find him soon."

"You really believe that?" FP looked at her and she raised her eyebrow, as if she knew he was lying.

"Who told you?"

"Your hands. And you when you stopped making eye contact after I mentioned him." Y/N's voice was soft.

"Don't tell me I didn't have to do that, because-"

"Thank you." She reached over, tracing the cuts on the knuckles of his right hand with the most gentle touch he'd ever felt. "You're you, and it's the sort of thing you do. And you were only defending me, so I have no right to say anything except 'thank you'."

"You don't have to thank me." He flipped his hand over, holding hers and giving it a squeeze. She smiled again. That killer smile.

"I should go. Who knows what sort of hell my mom and aunt are giving my dad right now." There's that laugh again. FP laughed, too. It was infectious. "See you around?"

"Of course." He flashed her a smile of his own, opening the front door for her. Y/N gave him one last look before getting in her car and pulling out of the trailer park. FP stood on his porch for a moment and instantly regretted it.

"Sure you don't care now?" Toni asked him as she was walking past his trailer. He flipped her off and shook his head before going back inside.

A week later, FP sat in a booth in Pop's. Jughead next to him, Fred and Archie in the seat across the table. Sheriff L/N entered, Y/N right behind him, both of them in a fit of laughter. She seemed brighter and happier than the first time he'd seen her. She caught his eye, shooting him another one of her smiles. Pop handed them a couple bags of food. When they turned to leave, Sheriff L/N gave him a look, one that said he knew exactly what he had done. He hoped and prayed he didn't come over and arrest him for assault. Instead, the sheriff only nodded before following Y/N out of the diner. When Fred had gotten up to pay their bill, he returned to the table with a confused look on his face. "The sheriff paid for our food. Why would he do that?"

"Because Mr. Jones saved Y/N's life." Archie jumped in. FP rolled his eyes.

"That's exaggerating it." He responded.

"No it's not. She's allergic to roofies apparently. Doctors told him that if you had brought her in any later, she could've suffered brain damage and organ failure or something. She still gets some pretty intense headaches because of it." Jughead told him. Y/N hadn't mentioned any of that.

"Well, it's good that she's okay now, at least." Fred stated.

FP hadn't seen Y/N much over the next few weeks. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't sad about it. Jughead keeps him updated without realizing it. Apparently she's been busy with exams before their Thanksgiving break. So he was shocked to find her on his dinghy doorstep once again one Fall afternoon. "Hey FP."

"Hey Y/N. Jughead isn't-"

"I know." She giggled. A smile graced his lips at the sound. He stepped aside, letting her through the doorway.

"What brings you here this time, then?" She sat facing him on the old sofa.

"Thanksgiving at my house." Y/N said tentatively. "It was my dad's idea. Jughead already agreed, but I think that's just because he's had my cooking before." She laughed. "But if Jughead is going to be there, you should be too. It's a day of giving thanks, after all. And I'm pretty thankful for you."

"Why didn't you tell me you could've died?" FP threw his arm across the back of the couch, angling himself to face her too. She simply shrugged her shoulders.

"I didn't, so I didn't think it was important to mention. But maybe now you understand why I kept thanking you so much. My dad, too." Y/N looked at her lap, a strand of her hair falling in her face. FP had to resist the urge to move it for her. "So, Thanksgiving at my house?" When she looked up at him, her eyes resembled a puppy's. FP groaned.

"How am I supposed to say no when that's how you're looking at me?" She bit her lip, trying to keep her pleading face and hold back her smirk. "You know you're doing it, too."

"Maybe." The smirk broke out then, and FP believed it might have been one of the sexiest things he'd ever seen. "So I'll take that as a yes?"

"Yes, I'll be there." He laughed. She smiled, jumping up from her seat. FP followed. "Just so you know, I'm a big fan of cherry pie."

"I'll make any pie you want, Mr. Jones." She said, glancing back at him with that goddamn smile. That did it for him. Without thinking, he cupped her cheeks and brought his lips to hers. He heard her hand slip from the doorknob and her bag hit the floor as she turned around completely and gripped his wrists, kissing him back firmly. He let his head rest against hers as he pulled away. Her hot breath still on his lips. "Was it the 'Mr. Jones' part?" She giggled, her eyes filled with playfulness. FP groaned, throwing his head back as he did so before crashing their lips together again, teeth clashing and tongues tangled. That time she moaned and his knees nearly gave out at the heavenly sound. Y/N's hands moved to his broad chest, his T-shirt balled in her small fists.

FP backed her against the door slowly. His large calloused hands moved down her curves to the back of her thighs, lifting her easily. Y/N hooked her ankles together behind him and slung her arms around his neck. She tilted her head back, letting him trail kisses and bites down her neck. "Please tell me you're not going to stop." She moaned out. FP smiled against the soft skin of her neck. He was doing his best not to leave a mark. At least, not one that anyone would be able to see.

"Not if you don't want me to." He pulled back slightly, looking her in the eye. Her eyes were hooded and dazed, probably what his looked like too, he figured.

"I really don't want you to stop." Y/N answered honestly. That was all FP needed to hear. With his grip on her thighs still firm, he carried her to the back of the trailer, being sure to reach back and lock his bedroom door behind him. She took the opportunity to leave a mark of her own right above the collar of his shirt. It was his turn to moan, turning and pushing her hard against the door. She pulled her sweater over her head. Her perfect breasts pushed up in a deep red bra. He cupped one, working his hand in all the right ways to earn more of her beautiful sounds. Y/N pushed his flannel off his shoulders. FP took the hint, using his body weight to hold her against the door as he let it fall off, tugging his shirt over his head right after. FP hadn't even noticed that she dropped her bra to the floor. When he looked back at her, he audibly groaned. Y/N smirked at him, cupping her breasts in her hands, letting him watched as she groped herself.

"For fucks sake." He pulled her away from the door and dropped her on the bed. FP made quick work of his jeans, Y/N doing the same. His heart drummed in his chest rapidly as he watched her drag her matching panties down her slender legs. FP kissed her deeply, moving to hover over her in the middle of the bed.

"Want you now." She rolled over on top of him. He looked up at the beauty above him, the girl straddling his hips. She sank down on him slowly and they both threw their heads back. She was unbelievably tight around him. "So big..." Y/N whimpered. She bounced faster and faster on his cock. FP held her hips, tight enough to leave bruises where his fingertips pushed into her skin. He began to thrust up into her, and her screams only fueled him to go harder quicker. Her breasts bounced, her hands pushed up into her hair.

"Come on, babygirl." He urged as one of his hands moved to grip her ass.

"A-almost..Fuck. Almost." Not much longer after that, she cried out as he slammed her down on him and held her there. Y/N's whole body shuddered and beads of sweat rolled down her skin. He shook, letting go inside her. Both of their chests heaved. Skin slicked with bruises and sweat. The air in the small room hot and heavy. She collapsed next to him, lying on her stomach, her legs shaking. Her head laid on her arms. FP was still trying to catch his breath. He couldn't remember the last time he had sex that incredible.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" He asked her when he could finally breathe again. The air in the room had finally calmed, slowly becoming cold.

"No." Her voice was muffled by her arm.

"Jughead won't be back tonight. Want to stay?"

"Mmkay." She hummed, moving under the heavy comforter. FP did the same, pulling her naked body into his. Y/N slid her leg across his as she curled perfectly into his side. He felt more content than he had in years. Running his fingers slowly through her hair, he listened to her breath even out as she fell asleep. He struggled to keep his own eyes open. "Thankful for you." Y/N mumbled, half asleep. FP chuckled.

"I'm thankful for you too."


3648 words. Shit.

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