The Gangleader Paction

By AverageClicheGirl42

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It's the middle of the night and it has finally come to your attention that you have mercilessly devoured the... More

Prelude: ➣ Boba with The Author
Synopsis: ➣ The Gangleader Paction
Chapter 1: ➣ You've Been Punk'd
Chapter 2: ➣ Bury You 6ft For Ab-DUCK-ting Me
Chapter 3: ➣ I Didn't Ask To Be A Part Of A Taylor Swift Song
Chapter 4: ➣ Doesn't He Have Anything Better To Do Than Kidnap Innocent Girls?
Chapter 5: ➣ Dead Duck! I'm A Dead Duck!
Chapter 6: ➣ When Voldemort Grows A Nose
Chapter 7: ➣ But He's My Sexy, Annoying, Uptight Gang Leader, Not Hers!
Chapter 8: ➣ I Don't Play Damsel In Distress
Chapter 9: ➣ Stupid Zoo Escaping Through My Stomach
Chapter 10: ➣ I Look Like A Walrus
Chapter 11: ➣ Xavier's Girlfriend
Chapter 12: ➣ Part-time Tycoon, Half-time Gang Leader, And Full-time Asshole
Chapter 13: ➣ They Just Can't Get My Nose Right
Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion
Chapter 15: ➣ Yes, The Duck Can Cook. Surprise I Know.
Chapter 16: ➣ Happy...I Mean, Gabriel The Cat
A/N: Hold Your Fire!!!
Chapter 17: ➣ From The Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Part Of My Heart
Chapter 18: ➣ Why Couldn't I Be Born Normal?
Chapter 19: ➣You've Got To Be Ducking Kidding Me
A/N - 13 Reasons Why...
Chapter 20: ➢Deformed Snapchat Filter
Chapter 21: ➣ Short Girl Problems
Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo
Chapter 23: ➢ Anna Oop-
Chapter 24: ➢ Evil Loathsome Little Cockroach
Chapter 25: ➢ Frequent Kidnapping Card
Chapter 26: ➢ Bippity Boppity Bitch
Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?
Chapter 29: ➢ Some Home Alone Shit
Chapter 30: ➢ It Can't Get Any Worse, Can it?
Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole
Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake
Chapter 33: ➣ Giving Fish CPR
Chapter 34: ➣ Looks Like Voldemort Finally Grew That Nose
Chapter 35: ➣ Daffy Duck PJs and Hello Kitty Band-Aids
Chapter 36: ➣ Xavier's Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 37: Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers

Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass

1.1K 59 29
By AverageClicheGirl42

Hello! I'm back! I usually write all my chapters at 1 am when I had absolutely nothing to do while my rabbit watches me laugh at my own jokes and my S/O is out cold on Facetime half listening to me ramble on about TGP.

As far as he's concerned, there is a sexy gang leader that prepubescent me invented called Xavier Dante, he hot like a mf, and adult me would date him in a heartbeat. Goodbye-

🐥 ---------------------🐥

I stared at my hands, nervously twiddling my thumbs as I sat in the backseat of the car Argent had sent to escort me to his event. I woke up this morning and completely forgot the party was today, so I loafed around all day until some muscular buff man turned up outside my door asking if I was ready to go.

I had about 10 minutes tops to throw on a random party dress I found deep in my closet and get in the car before the chauffeur got bored and used me as target practice.

The ticket lay beside me on the seat as I tried hard not to barf from the nervous energy building up in my stomach. I had no idea what was going to happen tonight and I really hoped for my sake that Xavier sorts his shit out on his own without me held at gunpoint for the zillionth time since I was kidnapped.

"We're here Miss Brooklynn," The man finally spoke, opening the car door for me. We had been driving for ages and the more we rode the more nauseous I was getting. 

I stepped out, gazing around to get an accurate view of my surrounding. There stood a marvelous dwelling in front of me, bigger than the Dante residence and shaped like a modern-day castle. Oh my god, is this where Argent lives?

My mouth fell open like a fish gasping for air as I turned back to the man assigned to escort me in shock. The only problem was, we were standing behind the mansion whilst all the bustling and commotion from the guests could be heard from the front side.

"Argent asked that I bring you to see him first," He informed me, clearing my confusion. I nodded as he led me down the footpath to the backdoor. Once I stepped inside, the warm air engulfed me and I was faced with the bright and dazzling light of the inside. 

This place was marvelous, it looked like something out of a Bridgerton Tea Party.

"This way please," the chauffeur dude called forth my attention, not letting me drink in the beautiful antique interior as he continued to walk down the corridor. My head snapped around in every direction like a child, catching sight of the painting and the antique ornaments put on display as I walked. 

"Miss Brooklynn," he ushered me, gesturing to the door at the end of the hallway. "Right through here,"

What is it with Argent and choosing the room that's the furthest away? Could he not choose the first door to his immediate left? Sheesh. For a fat man he sure can walk.

"Ah Miss Brooklynn!" Mr. Argent dude called me as soon as he witnessed my shriveled figure walking in through the door, followed by the chauffeur who shut the door behind us, "So glad you could make it!" I could still barely see his face. This guy really liked dimly lit rooms.

"Yeah haha, me too," I replied nervously, rubbing the back of my neck as I walked towards the seat that was set up for me in front of Argent. There weren't as many armed men today as there were the other day, but it was still feather quaking to be in here.

"Champagne?" Argent questioned, offering me a thin tall glass filled with light pink liquid. Oooh pretty. I nodded, taking the pretty colored drink into my grasp eagerly. Unfortunately, it doesn't taste as good as it looks.

Argent distracted himself, pouring himself a glass of the whiskey he so loved to drink while I pondered on my seat.

There were so many things I was confused about, so many questions I had left unanswered. I needed to find out, and if Xavier was in no position to tell me, maybe Argent had some insight that I could ask for.

"E-Excuse me," I called forth his attention, nervously swirling the drink in the glass, "Do you mind answering a few questions please?"

He laughed, "Of course,"

"Um- how do you know Xavier? He doesn't talk about you often," I questioned trying not to let the nervousness seep through my voice, "Or anyone for that matter," I muttered under my breath.

"Oh? That's a surprise, considering Xavier has been looking for me for a while now," Argent chuckled to himself. Looking for him? Wait. Xavier has been only looking for one person since I got kidnapped. Only one man.

No. He can't be.

"I take it you know what I'm talking about," Argent laughed at the color slowly draining from my face. I didn't speak. I couldn't. This was the guy Xavier was looking for. Argent was the he. I was sitting in the mansion of the guy Xavier Dante most wanted dead in this world.

Oh my god, I'm an idiot.

Argent continued, understanding I was at a loss for words to speak, "Dante was 14 the last time I saw him and he left me with a small parting gift," His voice darkened and I felt my stomach knot into a ball. "Would you like to see?"

I gulped but didn't say anything. Argent took that as a sign of acceptance before slowly straightening himself on the sofa he was sitting on. For the first time, his rugged face came into the light and I almost felt myself scream at the sight.

There was a huge, ugly scar running vertically down the side of his face. Beginning at his forehead down to the middle of his cheek, and right through his left eye. I could tell from the difference in color from his dark brown right eye to his almost white left eye that he could not see out of it.

14-year-old Xavier...did that?

It all started making sense. Argent was the man Xavier spent his whole life tracking down. He wanted Argent dead. The party he was talking about was this one. That means Argent was the person who...

"H-His parents," The words barely made it out of my mouth as I tried not to jump out the nearest window and hope that I fly. A big smirk painted itself on Argent's face as he nodded.

"I killed his parents," 

Oh my god.

"Why?" I whispered, trying to comprehend the situation. Argent killed Xavier's parents. The same murder that killed Gabriel's little sister, Anika. Words couldn't describe the punch in the gut I felt at the unfolding of the truth.

"You see, Miss Brooklynn. The Dante family had been a rich and powerful bloodline for centuries and they worked behind the scenes to rack in billions upon billions using whatever means necessary." Argent explained, lighting himself a cigar as he continued his blood-curdling storytime.

"James Dante, Xavier's grandfather, and I used to be in the same line of work, almost partners actually, but his successor, Xavier's father, didn't want anything to do with the family fortune and planned to sell the estate to keep their precious little boy from following the dirty ways of the family, and you see," He paused for a moment, an evil glint bubbling in his gaze, "I just couldn't let that happen,"

Xavier's parents didn't want him to be a gang leader. They wanted him to live a normal life, away from the family works. They died trying to keep Xavier away from it.

Argent blew out a puff of smoke from his cigar before continuing, "If the Dante family was without a successor, their fortunes and connections would be easy to tap into. But unfortunately, I was never able to kill that brat," Argent spat in annoyance, "I spent years trying to hunt him down, and thanks to you Miss Brooklynn, instead of me finding him, he came right to me,"

My eyes widened at the sentence. I was the bait. They were using me to bring Xavier here. No he'd never do that, he's smarter than that. I felt like something had my heart in a grip and my hands were getting clammy. 

He's going to kill Xavier.

Argent laughed dryly to himself before tracing the scar on his face with his free hand, "Can't believe the little bastard managed to get away, for a runt who doesn't even know how to fight." He grinned evilly to himself, staring at his window intently, "I heard he spent all these years in hiding, training himself as an assassin and built an entire team under the Dante name. Its going to be a lot harder to kill him this time, but ahh where's the fun in an easy kill like his parents," This guy is insane. Downright clinically insane!

He was going to kill Xavier. HE WAS GOING TO KILL XAVIER.

Before I could even stop myself, the panic got to me, "He doesn't even know I'm here!" I exclaimed half hoping Xavier actually did come just to get me out of this mess. But this time, I'd have to get myself out without putting anyone else in danger.

"Oh but, I personally sent out a message to him, letting him know that i was lucky enough to get the attendance of his girlfriend," Damn this bastard. Again, not his girlfriend. 

As much as I'd like to...

"He won't come!" I snapped back much to my surprise. He wouldn't fall for an obvious trap like that, would he? No! Argent was chasing his own tail, Xavier was smarter than that.

He was the leader of a team of skilled assassins. He wouldn't come. It was such an obvious trap for any normal person, even though I was clinically thick feathered.

Argent chuckled in evil amusement before tapping the used up cigar bits into the ashtray. One of his associates came around, whispering something into his ear and I was too far away from him to hear it. I was panicking, my whole body was sweating and I felt like I just might hurl my microwavable mac and cheese right onto Argent's polished floor.

Argents expression lit up devilishly upon the words his little minion had uttered and I felt my stomach pit further. His eyes snapped to mine before he flashed me a sadistic grin and I felt myself gulp.

"He's here," 

My mouth parted and I felt as if someone had punched me in the gut. Oh my god, that ducking idiot Xavier Dante! I was at a loss for words and instead just watched Argent flick his cigar into the ashtray before hefting himself up. He smirked at me with a scoff and I just stared at my clammy hands. 

Either I was a total fricken dumbass for not realising who he was, or Xavier was a bigger idiot for coming here when Argent expected him.

I could hear Argents footsteps thunder as he began walking out of the room, "See to it that she doesn't leave this room," He told the men in the room. I didn't look at anyone. I couldn't. I had literally lead Xavier into a fricken trap. 

Why would he even come here? His whole life he's been hunting this man down, knowing he could get killed in the process and yet he was here, in the most obvious place to get himself murdered. Stupid Xavier Dante!

The door slammed behind Argent as I heard the sound of his heavy footsteps diminished. I was ducked. Xavier was even more ducked. He was going to die today! My feathers were completely ruffled knowing I had gotten him into this mess in the first place.

The anxiety and sheer panic was gushing through me as I sat on the seat I was rooted to, sweat trinkling down my forehead. Argent murdered Xavier's entire family, for what? Some fortune? The guy was filthy rich as it is, why would he need the Dante estate as well?! 

One thing was for sure, as long as there was still breath in Xavier, Argent couldn't win. Apparently not for long now that my stupid feathery ass had brought him right to an early grave.

My heart started hammering in my ears and I felt the pit in my stomach get deeper. 

Oh my god. Please be okay.

My thoughts wandered frantically to the information that had just been revealed to me a few moments ago. Xavier wasn't suppose to be a gang leader. His parents wanted a normal life for him, they wanted him to be a normal boy. They were willing to sell their entire fortune and house for Xavier, which ultimately got them killed.

Their dream sought to an end, and now their only hope of Xavier even living was coming to an end. I was panicking and i was panicking hard. I couldn't even leave the room to try an even warn him because there were 2 gunmen standing at the door watching my every move.

Oh dear ducking god, please please let Xavier be okay. 

I prayed hard to whatever god was even listening. I just needed Xavier to be okay, I just needed him to make it out alive. If he dies, god knows he will wait for me at the gates of hell just to strangle me.

Amid my frantic praying and hysterics, my eyes widened. I remembered. I remembered clearly. How did I even forget in the first place? It all made sense now.

I just remembered...

Xavier knew.

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