The Crow

Por phonywriter

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{Mature Content; viewer discretion is advised!} All characters that are not mine, rightfully belong to the au... Más

{Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings}
Chapter 1. Red
Chapter 2. Games
Chapter 3. Best Friend
Chapter 4. Secrets
Chapter 5. Letters
Chapter 6. Legilimency
Chapter 7. Jealousy
Chapter 8. Cries
Chapter 9. Perfection
Chapter 10. A Broken Piano
Chapter 11. New Beginnings
Chapter 12. Answers
Chapter 13. Silence I
Chapter 14. Silence II
Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy
Chapter 16. Live to Love
Chapter 17. Repetition
Chapter 18. Last Forever
Chapter 19. Summer
Chapter 20. Undeniable
Chapter 21. Change
Chapter 22. Bird
Chapter 24. Party II
Chapter 25. Distraught
Chapter 26. Amortenia
Chapter 27. Blinded
Chapter 28. Fiery
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Burning
Chapter 31. The Journal
Chapter 32. I'm Yours
Chapter 33. Second Love
Chapter 34. Party Crasher
Chapter 35. Deathly Burdens I
Chapter 36. Deathly Burdens II
Chapter 37. Drained
Specialty Chapter 1. Harry Potter
Specialty Chapter 2. Draco Malfoy
Chapter 38. To Stoke A Fire
Chapter 39. Compromise
Chapter 40. Lost and Found
Chapter 45. Forgotten

Chapter 23. Party I

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Por phonywriter

This chapter contains mature content such as substance use. Material is explained further, see information in "Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings."

Neveah Crow

"Neveah-" A voice rattled my head as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Neveah, wake up. Class is over."

Groggily I forced open my eyes to see Hermione standing over me. I realized I had fallen asleep during Professor Flitwicks review on charms. The lack of sleep had caught up to me nearly four days into the school year. Usually pushing through a boring class was easy enough, though more recently I could barely get out of bed.

"Quickly, let's go." Hermione tugged on my sleeve as I grabbed my bag. "You're lucky I covered for you. I'm sure Flitwick grew suspicious the more I shouted answers before he could call your name!"

"Thanks 'Mione." I stumbled out the door while rubbing my head. "Don't know what's gotten into me, just really tired I guess."

"Clearly, which I don't understand since you're in bed all day. I'm only saying this because I worry about you, Neveah." Hermione urged. "You just don't seem like yourself. If this is about Drac-"

"Stop. Just stop Hermione." I froze in place just outside the doors to the Great Hall. Students moved past us for lunch. "I'm fine, alright? He has nothing to do with it, so just drop it."

"I'm only trying to help, Nev."

"Yes, I know." I scratched my neck, growing uncomfortable. "Look, I'm sorry for being so snappy. I'm trying, I really am trying to be myself."

Hermione reached for a tight hug, pulling me close. It was nice to feel some sort of comfort, even for a moment. Afterwards, we made our way inside to the boys.

Sitting down across Harry and Ron, we overheard their bitter conversation.

"You're passing Slughorn's class with an O, I don't understand why you can't just help me out!" Ron insisted, nudging Harry while he picked at his food. "Maybe, maybe you can put in a good word for me? For your best mate?"

Harry chuckled at Ron's eagerness. Ron has had a strong need to have all Outstanding grades this year. It was clear he needed some sort of achievement, as if he has something to prove.

"Hermione, there you are!" Ron smiled, "think you can convince Harry for me?"

"Not a chance, Weasley." She replied as we took our seats.

"It's not that difficult Ron, just try your best and you'll do fine." I added.

"Easy for you to say. You barely try in class and always pass with perfect grades." He scoffed.

"I was planning to offer my help, but something changed my mind." I smiled sarcastically.

Ron quickly panicked while Hermione, Harry and I all ignored him for his reaction. Eventually we moved on but they never failed to put on a laughable show.

"Pass me the bread rolls, will ya?" Ron asked with a mouth full of food.

Lifting my head from the table I passed not one, but three bread rolls to Ron. He very happily set them on his plate as he continued to munch away.

"Aren't you going to eat, Nev?" Hermione questioned.

"Not hungry," I assured, placing my head back on the table.

"You haven't eaten lunch for the past two days Neveah, can't you just eat something? Anything really." Her face went worried.

I grabbed a bread roll off Ron's plate which he quickly complained about. I took a dramatic bite while looking at Hermione. It was best to do as she said rather than deal with her consistency. She sarcastically thanked me before Seamus rushed to our table.

"How's it going ladies?" His hands slammed on the table between Hermione and I, standing right above us. "Alright then." He stifled after no reply. "The houses all agreed to throw a big party tonight in the room of Requirement. Figured it would help bring the spirits up for everyone this year. Only the upperclassmen are allowed so it'll be a real banger."

"A party? Won't we get caught?" Hermione scoffed. "I think a party is hardly a good enough reason to use the room of Requirement."

"Prefects already took care of that, easy access for tonight." Seamus insisted. "Professors won't know a thing, place is covered with enchantments. So you guys in or not?"

"I'm in." I responded quickly as the others stayed quiet.

"Well, if Neveah's going then I suppose I can spare an hour." Hermione said nervously.

The boys agreed as well, seeing we'd both be attending. I figured it would be a wonderful distraction, and a well needed one.

"Perfect, party starts at 11pm sharp." Seamus began walking away excitedly, "don't let anyone follow you!"


Hermione and I rummaged through our dressers, looking for a suitable outfit. To my surprise, Hermione was pulling clothes left and right. It was quite obvious she wanted to impress.

"What about this one?" Hermione asked while looking in the mirror.

"It's as beautiful as the last twenty-seven dresses Hermione." I insisted while laying out more options for myself.

"No, no this isn't the one." Her face was plastered with worry as she rushed to her drawer.

"'Mione, listen to me." I walked over, "you look absolutely perfect. It doesn't matter what you wear, Ron's eyes will surely be on you."

Hermione turned a bright shade of pink at my last sentence. "Y-you really think so?" She smiled with a giddy attitude.

"No doubt. I mean, look at you! You're quite easy on the eyes, I might take you for myself at this point." My encouragement was no short of a lie. Hermione's dress was something she would never wear, making it almost too perfect. She admired herself, realizing how the dress fit at her hips.

"You know what, you're right." She said confidently. She now made her attention back to me, realizing I hadn't even gotten dressed. "Oh Merlin, I completely took your time away. Let me help!"

Hermione rushed over to my bed where clothes scattered across the sheets. She tossed aside most of the plain and modest outfits, leaving more scandalous options.

"Now this will bring the boys to their knees." Hermione's eyes went wide as she pulled up a black mini dress, one I never thought wearing. "You have to try this on, for me?" She smirked.

Rolling my eyes I took the dress and began changing in the room. I made my way into the mirror to see what I had to work with. The lacy cut out on my stomach cinched my waist to an hourglass. The fabric stuck to my skin like a glove. I realized how my chest was pushed up just enough to be noticeable.

"Bloody hell..." Hermione whispered.

"No kidding." I was just as surprised. I hadn't seen myself pampered in months. It was a well needed confidence booster.

Hermione and I were working on the finishing touches when we heard a soft knock at the door. Hermione went to open it, letting Ron and Harry inside. Both were dressed for a good time with their button up tops and styled hair.

Once their heads finally left their feet, they realized the effort we had put in. Immediately their jaws dropped, scratching their chins to play it off.

"Let me get my robe and we'll head out." I interrupted their thoughts casually.

We all threw our robes on, along with our hoods to hide our faces. Before leaving the room, Ron spoke out.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Ron asked Hermione. "Don't you think... it's a little revealing?"

"Unbelievable." She scoffed, followed by her leaving the room first.

"What did I do this time?" Ron wined while following her out, leaving me and Harry in the room alone.

"He's quite clueless isn't he?" I chuckled, breaking the silence.

"Honestly, how thick can he get?" He shook his head. "You look wonderful by the way."

"Thanks Harry," I blushed. "Not bad yourself."

"Let's not leave the others waiting." He gave a half smile before leaving the room.

Waiting in the common room was Neville, Ginny, Dean, Parvati, and a few others who decided to leave together. All anxiously covered in their robes and hoods we made a discrete group seem noticeable.

Together, we snuck out through the door, following one another like a train. With every turn we peaked around the corner, Dean taking the lead. We dodged every teacher and kept quiet until we finally reached the room of Requirement.

As we entered, we were immediately swarmed by flashing lights and raving music. Students from every house pressed closely together, swaying to the music.

By now Dean had grabbed Ginny's hand, pulling her into the mix with a large smile. Harry's eyes followed them as they left. Neville made his way to a table where Luna sat. A fairly long line stretched through the room.

"I was hoping you'd come." A deep voice startled me from the back.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I questioned.

"Unfortunately not, though I do know you." He stuck his hand out with a smirk. I politely accepted. "Adrian Pucey."

"Adrian, nice to meet you." I smiled softly, eyeing him to get a better view.

"Let me get that for you." He gestured to my robe, helping me remove it. He hooked it on a rack where everyone else's lied. "Wow."

His eyes wandered my body, not bothered to hide his excitement. He continued to give me a compliment, not breaking eye contact.

Harry and Ron coughed loudly, interrupting our conversation. Hermione still clung to my side.

"Scram, Pucey." Ron scoffed.

"Now, now, no need to get angry there Red." He smirked, putting his hands up defensively. "Just making small talk with this beautiful young lady here." He winked at me.

"See you on the dance floor Adrian." I teased, eyeing Harry and Ron as I walked towards the snack table. "Come on 'Mione."

"Neveah, that was Adrian Pucey. A Slytherin. He's bad luck, you shouldn't be talking to him." She insisted, following behind me.

"I'm here to have fun 'Mione, not to find the boy of my dreams." I chuckled, finding my way to the alcohol. "You should too! Have fun, Hermione." I smiled eagerly, passing her a drink I poured.

"Fun, right." She let out a nervous reply, followed by a sip of her drink. "Bloody hell, what is that?"

She coughed, wiping her mouth.

"Punch? I think." I took a drink. "Along with several versions of alcohol." I made a nasty face at the flavor.

"Ah, Seamus isn't much of a planner is he?" Ginny popped out from behind me. "Found the good stuff hidden under the tables, try this instead."

She passed a whole bottle of alcohol. The glass was wrapped in fancy designs and engraved lettering. Unscrewing the lid, the smell of Vodka charged at my senses. The burning sensation caused me to flinch before I even took a drink.

"Eighty percent." Ginny smirked.

"Eighty? That's enough to kill us!" Hermione cried.

After a quick debate I took a long swig, leaving a quarter of the bottle empty. Immediately, I felt heat wave through my body. The intoxicating feeling overwhelmed me. I felt my body relax into the atmosphere.

"Would you rather drink the punch?" I pushed the bottle towards her, her face contemplating her decision.

"Oh screw it." She quickly took the bottle, flinching as it hit her throat.

"Atta girl!" Ginny hopped, patting her on the back.

I smiled proudly, taking Hermione's hand. As I giddily dragged her onto the dance floor I felt the mood change. The music pounded over our heads, the heat pouring off everyone's bodies.

Hermione stood awkwardly as I tried to get her more comfortable. I did my best to have her relax but it was no use.

"I know what will help, stay here." I laughed, turning to the other side of the room.

Cutting the line, I made my way to Luna and Neville's table. She passed out small red bags while Neville organized galleons into a bag.

"Who would've known." I chuckled. "Business is going well, I see?" I crouched down between Luna and Neville's chair.

"Oh yes, quite popular tonight." She said softly. "We already passed our goal, over two-hundred galleons."

"T-Two-hundred?" My mouth fell open. "Bloody hell Luna you're incredible."

"Why thank you love." She held out a small bag in the palm of her hand. "Care for some?"

"On the house for you Neveah." Neville peaked his head to face me, a smile plastered on his face.

"I love you both." I took the bag from her hand, placing a kiss on her cheek. Turning over to Neville's side, I planted a soft kiss on his cheek as well. He quickly turned pink as I made my way back to Hermione.

"Where'd you go?" Hermione ran her hand through her hair, anxiously touching her neck.

"Got something to help you relax." Taking the pre-rolled concoction out of the bag and lit it with my wand."Open your mouth." She hesitantly obeyed.

I let the joint settle on my lips, letting the smoke fill my lungs. After a few seconds I gently blew the smoke into Hermione's mouth, letting her warm up to the effects with a shotgun.

"How'd that feel?" I laughed at her reaction, taking another hit. "Definitely stronger than the last one we had."

"It's quite nice actually..." she smiled.

"Here, try the real thing" I gently held the bud between my fingers, placing it between Hermione's lips.

Hermione held on strong for the first moment, before falling into a fit of coughs. We quickly laughed it off, as she began growing comfortable.

Far off behind Hermione, sat Ron and Harry on an old couch. I giddily hopped over, noticing their bore faces.

"You need this more than we do." I giggled, passing Harry what was left of the bud. "Try to enjoy yourselves."

With that, Hermione and I made our way back to the dance floor. This time it felt more alive. 'Mione immediately relaxed into the atmosphere. Throwing her hair behind her shoulders as she danced.

Everyone blurred into a rage of color. People and objects flashed at me as I moved my hips. The herb had taken its full effect as a relieving dizziness flashed through my body. Hot bodies pressed against each other, causing me to grow warm.

I slowly lost track of time, unaware how long I'd been dancing. I looked around to see Hermione dancing closely with Ginny. Dean took the hint and watched as they swayed together.

On the opposite side of the room was Harry, standing on top of a stack of tables. It was clear they took my advice to enjoy themselves.

"Ch-CHEERS!" Harry bellowed while wobbling on the table. I watched as Ron attempted to climb aboard while Harry did his best to pull him up, spilling his drink all over him.

I returned my focus to the music around me. I was carefree and lost in thought. I suddenly felt a strong pair of hands wrap around my hips.

"Think you promised me a dance." A deep raspy voice pressed at my ear, forcing itself through the pulsing music.

"Adriannn..." I hummed. Turning around, I braced myself on his chest, giving a warm smile, "I don't remember promising anything."

"Could you spare just one?" He begged, "I brought drinks." He lifted up a half full bottle, just like the one I first drank.

"Ah, since you're oh so kind... I suppose I can favor you just this once." I reached for the bottle, but he pulled it away playfully.

"Open." He lifted my chin with his hand, rubbing his thumb along my lips.

I smirked before opening my mouth wide. He suddenly tilted my head back aggressively. He began pouring alcohol into my mouth, a lustful look in his eyes.

The vodka burned at my throat. My body was hot and red as he towered over me. Hues of blue and green flashed over his features as he lifted the bottle back up. As I swallowed he wiped away what was left on my lips with his thumb.

Feeling the liquor spill through my body I turned my back to him. Closing my eyes, I began feeling myself. I ran my hands across my hair and body seductively. Adrian's hands slowly crept over my waist, following my every move.

As I forced my eyes open I found a direct path in front of me, leading to the boy I refused to look at. Draco Malfoy.

He sat on a couch, Pansy at his lap. Slytherin girls surrounded him, along with his followers. His eyes locked directly on mine. It was clear he had been watching the whole scene play out. Taking a sip of his drink, he drilled into my skull. He ignored Pansy and the other girls' need for attention.

Knowing he was watching I wrapped one hand in Adrian's hair. Pulling him closer, he took the hint, placing kisses on my neck. I rolled my eyes back to emphasize the pleasure. A smirk plastered on my face as I returned my gaze to Draco.

His expression quickly changed from stone cold to a flash of anger. He visibly bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes screaming rage.

I smiled softly, knowing I got exactly what I wanted. Removing my attention from Draco I turned around to face Adrian. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him mere centimeters from my lips.

Chills of electricity sparked through my body. Adrian quickly closed the gap between us, clashing his lips with mine. His tongue parted my lips aggressively, our tongues forced together. We rocked back and forth as we threw ourselves deeper.

It was hot and heavy. Much messier than a usual kiss due to everything in our systems. It was enough to fulfill my eagerness, for now. One hand tightened in my hair while the other trailed down my back.

Suddenly it all stopped. I felt a tight grip on my arm, pulling me away from Adrian's lips. Looking at Pucey, he was just as confused. That was until I turned around.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Draco seethed, his face twitching with anger.

Ahhhh sorry for the cliffhanger...

{17. Aug. 21}

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