The Mafia's Muse

By strawb3rryluv

207K 7.4K 3.7K

๐—˜๐˜‚๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ- ๐—ข๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜€. ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฐ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ... More

Author's Note
1. A Job
2. Birthday Gift
3. I Own You
4. She's Regular
5. The Vaughn's
6. Set Back
7. Avery's Emory
8. Your Uniform
9. Breaking In
10. The Club
11. That Window
12. Welcome Back
13. A Problem
14. A Spy
15. White Only
16. Snipped Wings
17. The Girl
18. Her Screams
19. Desperate Attempt๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ
20. With Him
21. Day Off
22. The Pain
24. Middle Name
25. The Lies
26. Drowning Eyes
27. How Lame
28. Worst Enemy
29. Hamburger Helper
30. Spinning Rim
31. Blind Rage
32. A Father
33. Veggie Noodles
34. Milez High
35. Now Him

23. Completely Shattered

4.4K 197 81
By strawb3rryluv


It felt weird leaving Euterpe all alone yesterday night after the day we had. Not to mention the fact that it was her woman time of the month. What if she gets sick? What if she's in pain? What if she needs something? Sure we have never been around a woman this much or at all really but we're not completely useless. If she needed something we could help her or be there for her. Well, we probably couldn't do some things for her but that doesn't mean we can't try. Just because she doesn't ask for help, that doesn't mean she doesn't need it.

"Did we really have to miss another day of school? Do you know how many people are going to ask questions, it's troublesome. If we did not have to keep up this stupid jock role then it would be so much better. If some asks me if I have a ball one more time, I'm going to eviscerate them." Axton grumbled irritated.

I nodded drinking my coffee and turned my head to the window. I just want to go home already, we spent all night looking over shipments and it was tiring, to say the least. The last time we didn't supervise the shipments, a third of them got lost and it took two weeks to get them back. Rydge was absolutely livid and spent those two weeks snapping at everyone. It was something that he didn't do often but just him doing it, in general, was not a pretty sight. The rest of us spent our time in our offices and only saw him when requested.

Although she didn't know it, Euterpe changed a lot in just the two and a half weeks that she has been here. I mean sure, Thorn checked up on the twins and I with Castriel every few times but it wasn't constant. We didn't sit down and have breakfast or lunch, not even dinner together every day. When our father left us Rydge wanted to make sure that we have a sense of normalcy but it didn't last long. He got busy, Castriel got busy, Thorn tried to distract us whenever he could, and after that, it was just nothing. We had family dinners once and month and the only thing we talked about was work but then... she came. Euterpe came and soon it was every meal together unless at school. It was checking up on someone other than ourselves every three days.

It was, it is... refreshing.

Especially when she looks at us and she doesn't look at us like they do. She doesn't look at us like the name we got from people, we don't look like demons to her. Yet, I'm sure it is only because she has seen her own demons. She is nowhere as innocent as she is trying to seem but she is not as bad as us. Her father, her name, her looks, it is all part of something bigger. Euterpe is not stupid, she knew what her father did for a living but what about us? If she does know... then I'm glad, I'm glad that she still won't look at us with fear and disgust. The most I've seen from her was loss and confusion, a bit of anger but nothing else. I'm not sure if I could take it if she looked at us with fear. Even if we knew she'd leave soon, she was our blood, our sister, and we protect our own. Always.

"You don't complain when the girls show up in your jersey number." Castriel gave him a look.

Axton squinted at the floor, "That's because I'm very attractive, they should show up in my number. I mean, imagine if they showed up in Braxton's number?! Absolutely revolting." He gagged.

Thorn smirked, "Dude! IDENTICAL! What do you not get about the identical in identical twins?! The literal only difference is the shade of our eyes! You are so fucking full of yourself!" Braxton hit his head on the window exasperated.

"It's true Axton, you look the same. Maybe they got it all wrong and meant to show up in Braxton's number but couldn't tell you two apart." Thorn chuckled quietly at Axton's face.

He looked so offended, "You're joking. You're just joking. I will die before people mix me up with him of all people!" He pointed at Braxton.

"Axton, you're identical twins. I'm not sure how many times everyone has to say it until you understand. Maybe we should take you to the doctor? Can you see okay?" Castriel asked from the front seat.

"Cass, come on." Axton groaned.

I flicked his head, "I think he needs a doctor, he couldn't see that coming." I grinned ignoring his overdramatic ouch.

"Has anyone checked their phones?" Thorn asked.

Axton huffed, "No. Rydge confiscated mine because I was playing a game. Outrageous." He pouted.

"Quiet," Rydge commanded listening to his phone.

That shut everyone up until there was a loud rumble making me slowly turn to Axton.

"Did you just- fart?" I asked bewildered.

He nodded, "It was too quiet." And that got him a hit from Braxton, "What the fuck." I coughed opening the window.

"I'm not sorry." He waved the air to Braxton who covered his nose and his eyes shut in pain.

"My God," Thorn opened his window as well.

Castriel turned his head slightly, "You are disgusting Axton. What the hell did you eat for it to smell like that?!" He hissed before going back to driving.

"Cass, I got- gass..." He gave him a serious face, "Pffttt..." Axton cackled.

Castriel sighed heavily, "You know, I'm driving and I know exactly how to crash that only you'll get hurt. If you want we can test it." He narrowed his eyes in the mirror.

Axton frowned, "I'm in the middle." He spoke slowly, almost confused.

"Then that should really say something." Castriel grinned.

"Save me," I muttered to the wind with my head practically out the window.

Axton nudged me, "I know you don't mean that little brother. You'd be so sad without your favorite big brother." He flexed his arm.

I scoffed, "Okay, one, you are not my favorite brother Axton. Two, if it ever happened I would but sad but I could manage without Thorn. Three, you tell him I said that, I will end you." I hissed threateningly.

"Aww, Othello." Thorn cooed, "I'm your favorite?" I sighed, "You know Thorn, eavesdropping is very bad. If you do it too much then it will become a bad habit. So you shouldn't do it." I mocked the way he would scold us as kids.

He gave me a deadpan stare, "You are literally three feet from me Othello. I'm sure Castriel heard you, and I don't speak like that!" He pouted turning to the window.

"What is with this family!" Braxton sighed.

I scoffed, "You act so superior, I hope you know that you're not."

"Shut up, you're the youngest. You don't understand it at all."

I sighed not even bothering to mention Euterpe right now because he would throw a fit. It is always the same with him but he won't let anyone help, just like her. I should punch him.

I turned and squinted at him, damn it.

He's too far.

"Finally, I can sleep." Axton freaking giggled.

I just want a normal brother, please.

Jensen opened the door for us and I sighed hearing Axton run to his room.

"Axton! We need to- Crap. Never mind then." Thorn sighed as well.

"Axton, get back here." Rydge narrowed his eyes at his back.

Axton sighed and turned back while crossing his arms with a huff.

I took off my coat, "Jensen, I haven't heard from Euterpe. I assume she is well?" Rydge asked taking his coat off as well.

Jensen looked confused, "I'm sorry, Master Rydge, did you not get my messages?" He took the coats from us.

Everyone paused, "What messages?" Rydge asked calmly.

"The young Miss was rushed to the hospital last night."

I... What?

Thorn gasped, "Why? What's wrong? Where is she? What hospital?" He took out his phone.

Jensen frowned, "I left messages on your phone but maybe they were missed. Miss Euterpe's friends barged in not even an hour after you left and went straight for her room. Mr. Miles rushed down with her in his arms and she was in much pain, crying as well. Mr. August explained that she called and they were taking her to the hospital to get checked. They believed it was a repeat incident, something about a blood blockage? I believed the hospital would call you as well seeing as you're her guardian but I guess I was wrong. However, there is no need to find the hospital. They returned early this morning and have been asleep since. I'm very sorry Master Rydge." He apologized with a guilty face after explaining.

Please... be okay.

"She was crying?" Castriel frowned.

Jensen nodded, "Mr. Miles had to carry her because from the looks of it, she was unable to walk on her own. I'm not sure what happened since she was sleeping when they arrived." He looked at the clock, "Speaking of arrivals, would you like me to have lunch prepared? Something for the miss?" He asked gently.

Rydge blinked, "Yes, have some soup prepared for Euterpe. The rest of us will eat whatever Milton will whip up, thank you, Jensen." He nodded distractedly.

Footsteps came in our direction, "Hey Jensen do you guys have-" August stopped looking at us with wide eyes, "Oh, what a surprise seeing you guys here. I really like your shirt, by the way, it's like a nice green and I hate green." He looked at Thorn's shirt, "I am just gonna... bye!" He shouted running away.


"My name is not August! Wrong person! I think he went the other way!" He yelled still running up the stairs.

Axton cackled, "You know we can see you right? You need to do more cardio." He grinned at the sight.

August was at the top of the stairs bent over the railing trying to catch his breath. He was panting and held up a finger signaling us to wait.

"And I-" pant, "Think," pant, "I need- more skittles before," pant, "I die." He pouted.

"It was like... ten steps." Braxton blinked.

August huffed standing up straight, "You sir, are a very blind idiot if you say that. This is a grand fucking staircase! Ten steps my ass!" He threw his hands up stomping away.

"Let's go." I ran up after him.

We got to her room and since the door was open we kind of just walked in. Euterpe was asleep with Miles holding her and August was hiding under the blankets.

"Oh- um... bye!" Miles threw another blanket over his own head.

What- is with these two?

"What happened?" Rydge demanded.

Thorn walked over to Euterpe and lightly felt her forehead making her nose scrunch up. That looks kind of cute. He moved some of her hair before snatching the blankets off of Miles.

Miles chuckled nervously, "Hi?" He coughed.

"What. Happened?" Rydge repeated.

Miles cringed, "It- she called us crying so we rushed over here. We took her to the hospital they did a CAT scan and it was a... false alarm. Dr. Lisa was the one to treat her last time and she did it again this time. She said it was just pain from not being on it for so long. Euterpe is just tired from not sleeping all night, she will be okay." He pursed his lips.

"That was good!" August whispered, "A good explanation I mean!" He coughed under the blanket still.

I looked at her face, "Are you sure she's okay? It sounded like she was in a lot of pain. What are you not telling us?" I rambled still watching her.

August poked his head out, "She was in pain, very bad pain until the morphine hit. She is okay now. It has just been a long night." He sighed looking down.

That's when I finally looked at both of them closely, it looked like they haven't slept in days. They had small but dark eye bags and their hair was messy.

"Okay. You can stay with her till she wakes up, lunch is in about an hour if she's up by then. We are going to freshen up." Rydge spoke emotionlessly.

I frowned but followed him and the others out because of the look he gave us. The whole way down to his office, I had a weird feeling.

"Thorn, I need you to check her hospital records while I get on the phone with this Dr. Lisa. Castriel, I need you to check if there has been any prescriptions prescribed for her." Rydge sat down at his desk.

I frowned standing by his window, what was is that thing that's always stuck in my head.

You either say how you feel, and fuck it up or say nothing, and let it fuck you up instead.

"Something is wrong, I'm worried." I blurted out.

Rydge froze for a split second, "I know." Was all he said.

After a few minutes of typing, Thorn grunted, "Sorry Rydge, but I can't find anything. All her medical records are officially gone." He looked up worriedly.

His eyebrows furrowed, "Absolutely nothing?" He questioned.

"Nothing at all. Wait- I think I found... ugh." He huffed, "This is her old one, nothing has been updated. Either the hospital messed up or someone doesn't want anyone to find out about yesterday." He squinted at the screen.

"I have nothing on my end either. No prescriptions which is weird, I'd assume they'd at least get her so ibuprofen but nothing is changed. The last thing on here was the birth control but we already took care of that." Castriel shut his laptop.

Rydge hummed looking at the laptop Thorn gave him before grabbing his phone. I saw him dial a number and he put it on speaker pushing the laptop away from him.

"Hello, DellWeed Private Hospital, this is Holly speaking. Can I help you?"

Private hospital?

"Hello, I'm looking for a Dr. Lisa, her last name was not provided. She treated a Euterpe Sage last night, I'm her legal guardian and I would like to do a quick follow up with her." Rydge spoke with his no-nonsense tone.

The lady hummed, "Doctor... Lisa... Yes! I have her right here, luckily she is in her office. Can you confirm a few things before I transfer you?"

"Of course," he responded.

Rydge answered a few questions about Euterpe before she finally transferred him. I sighed in relief, maybe we can get some answers.

"Dr. Lisa speaking,"

"Hello Doctor, I would like to ask you a few questions about Euterpe Sage's visit last night. My name is Rydge Vaughn and I'm her current guardian right now. Last night I was not home and was only notified this morning of her visit and since she's sleeping I'd like to know what happened. Did she or did she not have another blood blockage that required a second emergency surgery?" He demanded glaring at the phone.

"Euterpe..." she repeated, "Um," she cleared her throat, "I assure you Mr. Vaughn that Euterpe's condition is perfectly normal after last night's events. Euterpe did not have a blood blockage so there was no surgery. It was merely a false alarm. She was thoroughly examined and the most worrying matter was the bruises over her body. We were aware of the party incident so the most trying thing for her right now will probably getting out of bed. Overall she will be okay." She explained with the sound of rustling papers in the background.

Rydge glared harder, "You're not telling me something and I don't appreciate that Doctor." He gritted out irked.

"I apologize Mr. Vaughn but I don't have much time on my hands. I have many patients to see, so have a great day. I hope Euterpe feels better soon." She rushed before hanging up.

"What the hell?!" Axton hissed.

I sighed rubbing my head, "Maybe we can ask her when she wakes. It's been a long night and morning for us all. I'm taking a shower." I muttered walking out.

"Is it because you smell?"

I just want normal brothers!!!!!

"Is she up?" I asked moving a wet strand of hair from my face.

"I believe so," Castriel nodded.

I sighed sitting down at my spot and leaned back with my eyes closed. About two minutes later I heard quiet footsteps making my eyes pop open. Miles and August were blocking the view of Euterpe making me a bit annoyed but I waited patiently. When they parted to sit down I finally got a look at her but not good enough. She kept her head down and her movements were so little it worried me. She quickly took her spot next to me but before I could say anything someone else did.

"What's up?!" Axton asked loudly.

I will seriously pay whatever amount of money I have to, just... take him.

August hummed, "The ceiling. Honestly, I thought you were smarter than that." He shook his head disapprovingly.

"Why you-"

"Axton," Castriel reprimanded with narrowed eyes.

While they started fighting I turned to Euterpe, "Hi, you feeling okay?" I whispered.

She looked up at me and when her hair parted to see her face I almost choked. She looked completely shattered, she looked so fucking sad and I don't even know why. She looked so dejected and numb, yet, she nodded anyways.

"Euterpe, what's wrong?" I asked anxiously which caught everyone's attention.

"Fine. Just tired." She signed looking down.

"Euterpe, we talked to the doctor and she said you should be fine. However... she didn't tell us everything we wanted to hear. Want to explain the full truth?" He questioned slowly.

Her hands went up, "I- It was just a false alarm. I am fine and there is nothing to worry about anymore. I will let you know if that changes." She signed.

I would believe her but I couldn't, not when her hands were shaking like leaves. Miles reached out to grab her hands quickly before it could get worse.


"I think it's time for lunch!" August interrupted.

I hesitated, "Euterpe, is something else going on? You can tell us, you can tell me." I whispered.

She shook her head, "Are you okay to eat? We would like you to stick to your diet but not if it hurts you. It would be best to know your limits." Castriel tilted his head at her.

She shook her head, "She might not be able to eat right now but maybe dinner." Miles clarified.

"Okay, that is perfectly fine." Thorn smiled gently.

Everyone started eating but my focus was on Euterpe who was slightly shaking. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, I lifted my hand to eat when another grabbed mine. My eyes snapped to my hand left hand to see Euterpe's gripping mine. It felt weird... because it felt perfectly right. A small smile graced my lips and I squeezed her hand gently assuring her that I'd be there for her.

Maybe I was wrong, maybe she wasn't completely shattered. In this moment, I just knew that I'd do whatever I could to prevent that fate for her. I would do whatever I could to make her happy, to keep her safe. I would do whatever I needed to with no limitations whatsoever. As her brother, I will do my best to make sure that she will never be hurt again. It may be slightly impossible but I can try, and I won't give up easily.

I gave her hand another squeeze, she is my sister, and I will be there for her.



Hey cuties, I miss you guys. I don't have much to say but be careful out there. If you still live in places that regulate masks then please wear them. The numbers aren't as high but are still going up every day. Please keep yourself as safe as you can. Can someone recommend some new songs, I need to get into some more new music. Old music hits different tho but let me know! Love you, and see you soon!

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