Stay with me

By iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story

1.5K 78 27
By iliqblack

- Plagiarism? An identical necklace? - Defne asked perplexedly. - But how? Тhis is my sketch!

- Which was stolen from you and passed off as theirs! - Omer moved from the first shock and boiled with anger.

- Who stole it? Defne whispered helplessly.

- We'll find who! - Omer declared resolutely and, taking her hand above the elbow, led her to the exit from the office. - Now we need to make screenshots of the Sapphire database and send them to the exhibition gallery. The registration date of the sketch will be proof. Turkish gold has provided printouts of its database. Their sketch was registered on March 10.

- We have all the sketches entered into the database, - hurrying after her husband, Defne said excitedly. "Mirai registers them the same day I finish working on them. And I completed the Starry Night on the sixteenth of February.

"Don't worry! We will now make a screen and send it to the gallery," Omer reassured her. - And then we'll deal with the thieves. - In the corridor, he called Nazlican and ordered: - Tell Koray and Zubeyir let them immediately go to Sapphire. To Mirai's office.

Frightened by the steely tone of the boss, the girl hurried to carry out his order.

She, Kartal, Iplikci, Koray, and Mert gathered in Mirai's office. The boy was at his mother's when the alarmed Omer and Defne entered. He wanted to leave, but Omer motioned for him to stay. Sitting Defne into a chair, he looked at the staff and briefly outlined the situation.

"Evidence must be provided by five o'clock in the evening," he concluded.

Kartal's face darkened, Koray loudly called on the heads of the vile thieves to be punished from heaven, and Mirai immediately opened the database. She found the necessary sketch and, looking at the monitor, turned pale as a sheet.

"There is no date here," she whispered in a trembling voice and looked at Defne in confusion. "But this cannot be. I remember well how Laila brought the sketch and gave it to Mrs. Laura, and she gave it to me and asked me to register it. I registered by all the rules. The date was!

She burst into tears. Kartal took her hand and ordered:

- Do not cry! Remember, maybe you accidentally deleted it afterward?

Mirai shook her head and replied:

- No. I have no right to do this. Only...

- I.

The voice was low but had the effect of a bomb exploding. All heads, as if on command, turned to Zubeyir, who entered the office. He stood with his head down, drooping and unhappy. Omer approached him and barked:

- Look at me! - The programmer raised his face distorted with shame. - Why did you do that?

"Laila asked me," he whispered resignedly.

- Laila? - asked Omer and pressed his hand to his forehead with force. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, and the whole picture was stunning by its abomination.

- Oh, you ferret stinking of eggs!!! - cried Koray. - Covered the scum, and even participated in her heinous crimes? It's not enough to tear you apart! Omyush!!! Koray jabbed Omer in the chest. - And I said that this ugly Laila tried to cripple the skinny girl! You didn't believe it! You believed this Judas! - His finger poked Zubeyir's forehead and he shrank.

- Wait, Koray! - Omer was no less angry, but he was thinking soberly. - We'll find out that too. But now the main thing is the sketch. Ahtem and Laura are waiting for screenshots of the database with the date. Zubeyir! - He barked at the programmer. - Can you return the date?

The man shook his head and replied:

- No. The last server update allows editing throughout the day. If you try to enter a number now, today's date will appear.

Omer looked inquiringly at Mert and he nodded in the affirmative:

- It is so.

- It turns out, - Defne whispered with white lips, - we will not be able to prove our case? Will Sapphire's reputation be destroyed? Is everything we've built going to be destroyed?

Omer squatted down in front of her and took her hands cold as ice in his hands. Looking into unhappy eyes, he said:

- Don't you dare to despair! We'll find a way out.

He stood up and looked at the others. On Koray, Kartal, Mirai, Mert. And only Zubeyir did not deign to look. Like he's an empty space. However, it was so.

- What ideas are there? - He asked the staff.

"Mrs. Defne sent the sketch to you by mail," Mirai said quietly. - It is necessary to look at the incoming letters in your e-mail and outgoing from Mrs. Defne. Her e-mail is linked to all gadgets.

Defne grabbed the phone, but Zubeyir's trembling voice stopped her:

- It's not there. I have deleted the letter from the mail of Mr. Omer and Defne.

She stared in disbelief at the guy she considered a friend and bitterly thought - is there a limit to human meanness? Is it so easy to destroy the work and dreams of dozens of people? And for what?

- Did Laila ask you about that too? - Omer asked through clenched teeth.

- Yes, - answered Zubeyir. - I thought I loved her...

- This is not an excuse for meanness, - said Kartal, and Koray again unleashed curses on the head of the programmer ferret and the witch Laila.

- If I understand correctly, Defne sent the sketch to Mr. Omer from the home laptop? - said Mert, who was silent throughout the conversation.

"Yes," Defne replied.

- So, in the laptop, there should be a saved scan copy of the sketch, - suggested the boy.

- There is! - confirmed Defne. - I looked through the files yesterday and saw it.

"Here's the proof," said Mert judiciously. - Each file has a save date.

- Your smart head! - Defne jumped up from the chair and rolled like a ball to Mert. Pulling his head to her, she kissed the swirling crown of his head and thanked him with feeling:

- Thank you!

"For nothing," he smiled embarrassedly. - You would have guessed when you calmed down. But on the screen of the file folder, where the save date is visible, the sketch itself is not visible, and if you open the sketch, the date is not visible. To provide evidence, you need to take the laptop to Ankara.

Defne looked at Omer in dismay. Who will take it to Ankara? Kartal and Mirai are needed in Sapphire. Iz and Tranba are preoccupied with their huge problems. Koray, seeing Laila in the gallery, can make such a scandal with hair-pulling that everyone will be disgraced. Both Sapphire and Passionis.

These were the exact thoughts that roamed Omer's mind. He didn't want to go. He didn't want to leave Defne alone, but there was no choice.

"Darling," he turned to her. - It's only for a day. I'll be back tomorrow morning. "She nodded in agreement with his decision. He pressed his hand to her cheek for a moment and turned to the others.

"Mrs. Mirai," he began giving orders in a clear, confident voice: "Book me a ticket for the noon flight to Ankara. Koray, call Neriman and order your car to be brought in immediately. Sukru has a day off today. She will take Defne and me home, and then me to the airport. You stay in Passionis for a boss. And yet, - Omer looked at him seriously and asked in a trembling voice: - Look after Defne tonight. You must. Her family is not in the city.

- I won't take my eyes off her, - he promised.

Omer approached Zubeyir. He looked at him with a long, contemptuous look, and then ordered:

- Go home. On Monday, at nine in the morning, you will come to my office and tell Sinan and me in detail all this vile story. Then we will decide what to do with you.

He silently nodded and walked out the door. Koray lowered his hand with the phone clutched in it and reported:

- The car is at the entrance.

- Ticket booked. Flight at 12-45, - reported Mirai and looked at her watch. - It's ten now. Less than three hours left.

- Thank you, - Omer thanked them and turned to his wife: - Shall we go?

She nodded affirmatively. But before leaving, Omer approached Mert and shook his hand.

- Thank you, brother! Think about how you will organize the work of the software department in Passionis and Sapphire. From today on, the position is yours. But the university goes without saying. Think about how to work without compromising your studies.

Mirai quietly gasped, but Omer just nodded to her encouragingly and, taking Defne by the hand, walked out of the office with her.


Deniz opened the door of his Porsche and took Iz in his arms. She was as light as a feather. And very sad. An hour ago, at the hospital, she was examined for amniotic fluid. When a long needle pierced her belly, Deniz, who was standing next to her and holding her hand, almost fainted. But she didn't even flinch.

The housekeeper opened the door and waited on the porch. He carried his wife into the house and climbed the stairs to their bedroom. Putting her on the bed, he instructed the housekeeper to make tea and toast with cheese and then took out her silk pajamas from the closet.

- Come on, you will change to be comfortable.

She nodded in agreement and resignedly allowed him to help her change.

"It's only seventy-two hours," Deniz said encouraging her. "In three days you will be able to get out of bed and live a normal life.

"I'm ready to lie all nine months if only he will be healthy," she whispered.

"He's healthy," Deniz said firmly. - In ten days we will be confirmed.

"These will be the longest ten days in my life," Iz whispered with sadness.

"And in mine," Deniz mentally agreed with her.


Neriman, burning with curiosity, tried to find out from her nephew and Defne what a commotion had happened in the company, but Omer looked at her with such a look that the woman wisely shut up and concentrated on the road. But she kept her ear open.

Omer called Sinan on the way. Without letting go of Defne's hand and mechanically stroking her wrist, he briefly and clearly outlined the situation.

The partner was shocked.

- Zubeyir? He asked, dumbfounded. - The good-natured Zyubeir, God's dandelion, covered the criminal, changed the information, deleted the letters, lied, and got out? Omer, where is the world heading?

- Where it rolled, there it rolls, - Omer brought him to his senses rudely. - Scoundrels and traitors were and will be. It is a pity that we did not see these qualities in Zubeyir earlier. But it's not fatal. We will have it as a lesson. Listen to me, I arrive in Ankara at about two o'clock. I'll be at the hotel by four o'clock. You are still silent about the laptop and evidence. Let Chatay and this Laila snake consider themselves victors and not twitch. Let's strike them unexpectedly. Contact the local police, file a report, and have them ready after five in the evening to make an arrest. We will not be ceremonial with Turkish gold. Theft, forgery, plagiarism, and deliberate actions to destroy the company's reputation are evident. Let them be held accountable for all their illegal affairs.

Finishing the conversation, Omer put the phone in his pocket and turned Defne's face to him. Looking into her eyes, he promised:

- We will destroy them! Do you believe me?

Without a moment's hesitation she replied:

- I believe you.

Omer got out of the car near the house and helped Defne out. When the front door closed behind them, Neriman grabbed the phone and called Koray. He spoke in detail about the incident. The woman groaned, gasped, and was indignant at how such scoundrels walk the earth.

"Only Nero, the information is con-fi-den-ti-al," Koray warned her syllabically. - If you talk about it, Omyush will tear us apart!

- Well, what are you saying, my life! - sang Neriman. - Don't you know me? I am silent like a grave!

- I know, my soul! I know! - Кoray assured her in a sweet voice and immediately poured on her a sobering shower: - You stay at work today. Take me to the skinny one tonight. I'll stay with her. The girl was left completely alone, - the tone became plaintively tearful. - The girl has no one except Korish. She and I will eat baklava, gossip, and laugh! Wow, how well I came up with it! - His voice became ecstatic again.

Listening to him, Neriman felt hurt. Interrupting the flow of words, she sarcastically asked her dearest friend and obnoxious boss:

- Didn't it occur to you to invite me to your company?

- Are you out of your mind! - Cried Koray. - You will upset the skinny girl, she will complain to her husband. Do you want Omyush to kick us both out of work later?

- But where did you get the idea that I'm going to upset her? - Neriman was indignant.

- Ay, I know you! You will upset her, sure enough! So, don't ask for it. Give me a lift to Omyush's house and drive home. I'll stay with the skinny one at night. I'll sleep on the sofa in the living room. You can't leave the girl alone. Ay, you chatted me up! I still have a lot to do! I'm in charge of Passionis today! Phew! I foremost! See you, my soul! Nazlycan!!!

The call ended, and Neriman threw the phone on the seat. Well, how can this be? Even Korish doesn't want to take her into his social circle. And she, Neriman, is so good, kind. An angel, not a woman. The angel narrowed her eyes, which appeared devilish sparks. But Black Mamba, daddy Hulusi does not know what troubles his beloved grandson and his wife got into. She needs to visit him tonight and tell him all the news.

Omer and Defne checked the sketch on the laptop. Turning it off, Omer neatly packed it into a bag-case, put the necessary documents there, put his passport and payment card in the inner pocket of his jacket, took a deep breath, and turned to his wife. She stood before him so defenseless and touchingly pregnant. Infinitely loved and dear. Anxiety for her tore at his heart. How he did not want to go and leave her alone, even for one day. It seemed to him that without him, without his protection and care, something bad was bound to happen to her. Scolding himself for such thoughts, Omer hugged his wife and kissed her.

"Don't worry," he asked. - Everything will be fine. I'll be back in the morning and we'll drive to the sea. Tomorrow is your birthday. I have not forgotten. I promise to make it the happiest and most beautiful.

She smiled through her tears and promised:

- I won't. I'll be patient, and I'll wait for you and the promised surprises.

- My clever girl, - Omer kissed her on the forehead and, kneeling, spoke with to the round, protruding tummy forward: - Daddy's bead, be a good girl and take care of mom.

Emine responded with an energetic thump as usual, and Omer felt relief in his heart. Everything will be fine. He will solve all the problems, return, and they will go to the sea to celebrate Defne's birthday. Only the two of them!

"Three of us!" he corrected himself.

Defne escorted him to the car, waved her hand, and the white jeep drove Omer Iplikci to the airport.

On the ring road, where traffic was quieter, Neriman looked at her nephew in the rearview mirror. He looked cold, collected, and focused. Typical Omer Iplikci in those periods of life when Defne is not with him. With a sigh, Neriman nevertheless admitted that this girl influences Omer well. He is happy next to her.

"Defne already has such a big belly," she spoke carefully to her nephew. - And it sank low. She will give birth soon.

"Two weeks before the birth," Omer replied abruptly, and the fingers of his right hand nervously drummed a drumbeat on his knee. - That's what the doctor says.

"I'm certainly not a doctor," Neriman said. - But I think childbirth is much closer.

Omer silently turned to the window. The fingers stopped beating out and squeezed the knee with force.

Near the airport, leaving the car, Omer abruptly said to his aunt:

- I'll arrive tomorrow at seven o'clock. First flight. Kindly meet me. Sukru is gone and won't be back until Monday.

- Of course, my olive! - She was delighted, but Omer frowned at such familiarity and swiftly headed for the sliding doors.

Looking after him, Neriman clucked her tongue condemningly and delivered a verdict:

- Iceberg! Ice waterfall! Only near Defne melts.


Hussein Chatay mentally celebrated the victory. Five hours of the allotted time passed, and Sapphire still did not provide proof for the gallery founders. So Iplikci doesn't have them. It takes fifteen minutes to capture a screen and send it by e-mail. And if they didn't, then their affairs are bad. Laila managed to twist the programmer, and he did everything in such a way that there is no evidence.

Ahtem Minibaev entered the exhibition hall. His beautiful wife was walking beside him. Chatay appraisingly examined the young woman and cynically thought that the jeweler must have an impressive male bone since the beautiful, high-born countess had married him, a plebeian emigrant. Burning envy caused a surge of anger. Chatay knew that he was a weak lover and suffered from this mentally all his adult life. And he mortally hated men, about whom women were crazy. Maiming their lives and destroying their business was a perverse, incomparable pleasure for him. And now it will be double. At once, two male specimens will fall into his net and lose their firms. Chatay knew that the wave that he skillfully raised in the media would not spare Passionis.

Grinning with a self-satisfied, triumphant grin, he went to Ahtem and his countess-wife. Stopping a couple of steps, sarcastically asked:

- And what about the evidence? Does it take that long to make a regular database screen?

Laura, worried that her husband would break loose and attack the bastard, warningly took his hand. But Ahtem reassuringly shook her fingers and answered Chatay with icy calm:

- Until five in the evening there are three more hours.

- Do you think that in three hours what you need will materialize out of thin air? - The owner of the Turkish gold derisively asked. "Then you're even more of an idiot than I thought."

He provoked Ahtem. He provoked rudely and harshly. He wanted him to break loose and attack him with fists. This would be another perfect picture for a scandal. But Ahtem remained unperturbed. He just looked with contempt.

"Mr. Chatay," Laura spoke up, and the subtle irony of her voice made Hussein clench his teeth. - Instead of provoking competitors into a fight, you would better follow the design of your company stands. The background your staff chose for the stolen necklace makes it a pale, expressionless replica of Sapphire's Starry Night. And believe me, everyone who has eyes sees it. "Taking her husband by the arm, she raised her eyes to him and, smiling a serene smile, offered: "Dear, let's have a coffee?"

Ahtem, who was looking at her with mute admiration, covered her hand with his and answered:

- With pleasure. It smells bad in here. If we stay indoors, we risk getting poisoned by the fumes of the poison.

Having measured Chatay with a mocking glance, Ahtem took his wife out into the street without haste. There, taking her hands and turning her towards him, he exhaled with admiration:

- You're incredible! Where do so much intelligence, endurance, and dignity come from, Mrs. Laura?

- I take an example from you - she softly answered and from the love shining in her eyes, Ahtem's heartbeat sweetly. He kissed his wife on the forehead and took her to a cafe opposite the exhibition center. They had two hours before the start of the fight and both wanted to devote it to each other.

Chatay was seething with anger. These proud people, even when losing, keep their faces, and do not show emotions. And he wanted to see their panic, nervousness, humiliation. He wanted to feel like a winner. Well, nothing, less than three hours left until five in the evening. And then his victory will be complete. He will again feel his superiority over sexy beauties and then demonstrate it at night by sleeping with Laila. In a couple of days, she will no longer be needed. But before throwing her out on the street, Chatay was going to have enough of her body. And hint about this to his wife. Maybe this will make her pay attention to her husband at least for a moment. From the first minute of their acquaintance, Chatay had a manic, painful attraction to Hazal. He was addicted to her like a drug. But she perceived him as an empty space and the only feelings she had for him was irritation and contempt. It angered and tormented. But today everything will change! He will trample two strong males. Hazal will stop seeing him as a weakling and worthless man. His heartbeat feverishly at the thought. Restraining impatience, he took his phone out of his pocket and called Cengiz, a TV news gossip reporter.

- Are you all ready? He asked abruptly. After listening to the answer, he told him: - You are acting according to the plan. There are no obstacles. At seven o'clock, you start a live report from the door of the exhibition gallery, and then you go inside and shoot a sensation as Sapphire is kicked out in shame from the famous exhibition Diamond Stars. Don't call me again today. Get ready!


Omer left the airport building and looked around, looking for a taxi. He was traveling light, and then waiting for his luggage did not delay him. After passing through the landing corridor, he immediately went to the exit from the terminal.

Several yellow taxis were parked in the parking lot. Taking the first one that came across, he dictated the address to the driver and, sitting in the back seat, called Defne. His wife answered in an excited but cheerful voice and assured him that everything was fine with her and that she and the Bead felt fine. Let Omer not worry, but be calm and collected. And utterly defeat the scoundrels who appropriated someone else's. He smiled and replied that he loved her more than life.

Sinan and Ahtem were waiting for him outside the hotel. Going up to Karakaya's room, where Seda and Laura were waiting for them, Omer turned on his laptop, showed the partners the sketch, as well as the documents sent by Mirai, and briefly outlined a plan of action. Together they discussed the details and every step that they will take today.

- To battle? - Fiercely flashing eyes, asked Ahtem.

- To battle! - Omer answered firmly.

At 4:45 pm, Sapphire's delegation entered the administration office through the back door of the exhibition gallery. They were waiting for them there. All the founders of the exhibition were seated around the table. Hussein Chatay and Laila stood aside. The first's eyes burned with feverish impatience, the second was jubilant. Her vengeance was accomplished. In a few minutes, she will wipe her feet on the proud Omer Iplikci, his faithful holy wife and noble Countess Laura. Will show them what Laila is worth! And then she will drag Hussein Chatay into bed and drive him crazy with her body and ability to please men. Let no matter how puffed up his wife, her threats to Laila are meaningless. She will achieve it by any means!

Omer took the laptop out of his bag and placed it on the table. Having switched on and hammered in the password, he opened the necessary folder and turned it to the founders of the exhibition.

- Good evening, gentlemen! He greeted and pointed at the screen. - Before you is the personal laptop of the designer of Sapphire, as well as its co-owner Defne Iplikci, the author of the sketch for the Starry Night necklace. There is a scanned copy of the sketch with the date of saving in the folder, - he took out a rolled sheet of Whatman paper from the case and unfolded it. - And here is the original sketch itself with the date and signature of Defne Iplikci.

The owner of the gallery, Mr. Karaoglu, looked at the sketches, then at the dates, pushed the laptop to the others and said:

- February sixteenth. There is no doubt about it. The sketch belongs to Sapphire.

- This is a lie! - Shouted a dumbfounded Chatay. "Sapphire had seven hours to fabricate evidence. Why didn't they provide them immediately?

"Because," Omer replied in a voice that sounded metal, "the evidence had to be delivered from Istanbul to Ankara. - He turned to the founders and addressed them: - Let me open the mail on the laptop.

Karaoglu nodded with restraint, and Omer quickly ran his fingers over the keys and showed the others the document:

- This is an approved application for stones for the collection, and among them are Star Sapphires for the Starry Night necklace. As you can see, it is dated February 16th. And the next document is confirmation from the Diamond Company of the submitted application. Date - February 17.

The founders carefully studied the documents and Karaoglu confirmed:

- I have no doubts about the authenticity of the documents. The Sapphire sketch is undoubtedly genuine.

"Besides," Omer spoke again, "we have a statement by the programmer of Passionis and Sapphire, in which he says that he helped Laila Taroglu. She then worked as my assistant, and now she is an employee of Turkish gold. At her request, he deleted the registration date of the sketch from the Sapphire database. As you can see, there is collusion and theft.

Laila realized that she had lost, and there was no chance of winning. Mentally sending curses on Iplikci's heads, she began to retreat sideways to the door. No one paid attention to her. Everyone was busy with the laptop and documents. Pressing the doorknob, she opened the door slightly and slipped into the gap that had formed. Let the boss unravel everything himself, and she needs to quickly get her legs out of here.

Chatay stood as if knocked down. He had not expected such agility from Iplikci. Waking up from prostration, he screamed hysterically:

- Lying! Planned action against Turkish gold! We'll go to the police!

Ahtem approached him. Without hiding a satisfied smile, he said:

- We already did it. The police will be here any minute. Chatay, are you such an idiot as to seriously assume that we will leave the crime against our firm unpunished? All evidence will be forwarded to the police and prosecutor's office, as well as to the press. Serious media, not the yellow editions you fed. So that even your father-in-law won't help you this time. - Ahtem triumphantly smiled and reminded: - But I warned you - don't touch Sapphire! It's too tough for you!

Chatay gritted his teeth, looked around everyone with a hatred look, and then rushed to the door with a jerk. But Ahtem expected this. Putting his foot up, tripped him and he threw him to the floor, twisted his arms, and tied them with a belt from a dress, which Laura handed him. He did not forget to give her a grateful smile, and by the collar, he raised Chatay to his feet. Pushing him into a chair, Ahtem turned to the founders of the exhibition, frozen in amazement, and said fervently, almost cheerfully:

- I hope no one else has any doubts? For six years, this bastard has bullied the entire jewelry sector in Turkey. Honest firms went bankrupt. You knew about it, but you were silent.

"We had no evidence," Mr. Karaoglu said in his defense, lowering his eyes guiltily.

"Now you have," Sinan said fairly.

"Yes," the man agreed. - Now we have and the Association of Jewelers, of which I am the head, will take the incident seriously.

The atmosphere in the office sparkled with tension. The founders of the exhibition looked alarmed, the owners of Sapphire - the people who had a difficult battle and won it. Chatay poured curses and threatened to raze everyone to the ground, but no one listened to him. Serious people ignore empty threats.

- And where is Lаila? - Looking around the room, asked Seda.

Everyone, as if on command, including the tied Chatay, threw up their heads and began to rummage around the office with their eyes. But the impudent girl was nowhere to be found.

- She ran away, - Ahtem stated the fact.

"Let her run," Omer said ironically. - She will not run far. She still has to pay for her crimes.

The police entered the office. Half an hour later, the guards took out the handcuffed Hussein Chatay from the back door of the exhibition gallery, put him in a police car, and took him to the police station. The gallery owner ordered the Turkish Gold delegation to immediately pack their collection and leave the exhibition.

The Sapphire owners, who watched Chatay being taken away, breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged strong handshakes.

- Phew! Sinan exclaimed. - You can exhale! Until the last minute, I was worried. Well? Maybe we can celebrate? There is a gorgeous restaurant nearby. French cuisine. Three Michelin stars. We deserve it!

- We deserve it! - Omer agreed and ordered: - Lead us! I had no crumb in my mouth since morning.

On the way to the restaurant, he called Defne and said that everything was fine. The evidence is accepted and Sapphire is above suspicion. But more details later.

"We're going to have supper with the whole company," he explained. - I'm dying, I want to eat.

"My dear," Defne screamed anxiously. - You haven't eaten anything?! Hungry?! Faster to the restaurant! Bye Bye! Call later.

In Istanbul, in her father's luxurious house, Hazal sat at the festive table and looked forward to seven o'clock in the evening and the program, which would once again crush her worst enemy - childhood friend Mirai. Will level her to the ground and possibly send her to prison. And her bastard children will end up in the orphanage. A worthy place for the offspring of the witch.

Hazal surreptitiously surveyed those at the table. Here were Mirai's father and ex-husband, who, moreover, was none other than her brother. A brother who fell in love with a witch and adored her until she, Hazal, opened his eyes. In a few minutes they will all publicly witness another crime of Mirai and again find themselves disgraced. Allah! She, Hazal, will have a triumph and a lot of perverted pleasure!

"Father," she said in a honeyed voice to the gray-haired man at the head of the table. - Now will start reporting from the famous jewelry exhibition, in which our firm Turkish Gold is also taking part. Let's pause for a few minutes and watch it.

- With pleasure! - He said loudly. - I am proud of the achievements of my children! Zeyneb! - He called the servant and ordered: - Turn on the TV on channel D!

The servant complied with the order and silently left the crowded room. On a large, half-wall, flat screen, a title for the secular news appeared, and a minute later the face of its permanent host Cengiz, smiling maliciously, appeared.

Kartal and Mirai awaited the start of the reportаgе at Mirai's apartment. Mert was sitting here, too, looking at the screen with interest. They already knew that everything was in order and Sapphire was acquitted. Laura announced this by phone a few minutes ago. But still, a bit of anxiety was spinning in their heads and did not allow them to relax.

Familiar music played and three pairs of eyes stuck to the screen.

Mr. Hulusi looked in surprise at his daughter-in-law, who modestly looked down at the threshold of his house. He did not expect her at all and did not burn with the desire to see her.

- Neriman? What are you doing here? He asked her.

- Daddy Hulusi, I have something to tell you. Sapphire is in trouble. Omer flew to Ankara, and Defne is home alone. And she has such a big belly, she is about to give birth," Neriman jabbered away. Hulusi stopped her with a gesture and invited her into the house.

- Tell me, - ordered, when both sat down in armchairs.

Neriman quickly told out everything that she knew.

Hulusi frowned and mentally looked for ways to help his grandson and daughter-in-law Defne.

The TV was on in the room, but neither the old man nor the woman paid any attention to it until a phrase was heard about a reportage from an exhibition of jewelry in Ankara. Hearing it both, as if on command, turned their heads to the blue screen.

- Skinny, well, what are you doing there ?! Koray shouted capriciously. He was sitting on the sofa in a graceful pose of an artistic sea calf and looked at the TV screen. - It's already starting !!! - Defne, in a loose home dress and with a plate of cookies in her hands, entered the living room and carefully, holding her big belly, sank on the sofa. Koray immediately snatched the plate from her hands and exclaimed enthusiastically: "Ah, my life! What did you bring? Sweet biscuits! Oh, how I love it! I would eat and eat!

- Hush, Koray! Defne shushed him and stared at the TV screen.

In an expensive French restaurant, a company of five was sitting at a long table. The spouses Minibaev, Karakaya, and Omer Iplikci. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and lively discussed the day. Laughter sounded at the table now and then. Sapphire had escaped much of the trouble, and its executives were now feeling a little drunk with euphoria. Sinan looked at his watch and exclaimed:

- Oy! Seven o'clock! The reportage will begin now!

He called the waiter with a snap of his fingers and asked to turn on the TV on channel D. The boy complied with the request, and all five stared at the screen. The notorious presenter Cengiz, whom everyone remembered for provocative questions at the press conference for the opening of Sapphire, stood against the background of the facade of the exhibition gallery and briskly broadcast to the camera:

- Good evening, dear viewers! I am reporting from our capital, beautiful Ankara! The Diamond Stars jewelry exhibition will open here tomorrow. "The camera went off to the side, showing the exhibition poster in a classic style. "The best jewelry houses in Turkey will present their chic works on it," the camera returned to Cengiz's malicious face. "We'll go inside a bit later and can show you some glittering jewels. And now a sensation! The reporter's eyes lit up with vengeful anticipation.

- As we learned, a scandal broke out at the exhibition, which had not yet opened. Two firms, one - the well-known and respected Turkish gold, and the second - the recently opened Sapphire presented the same necklaces at the exhibition. There is no need to explain to you, dear viewers, what this means. Theft and plagiarism. And the directors of the company Sapphire Omer and Defne Iplikci did these disgusting things. It was Defne Iplikci who sent her assistant Mirai Astarkhan to the Turkish Gold office three months ago to meet with Hazal Chatay, the creative director of the firm. As we learned, Mirai Astarkhan and Hazal Chatay are childhood friends and, of course, Mrs. Hazal did not expect such meanness from a loved one. A sketch of the necklace lay on the table in Mrs. Hazal's office. She noticed its loss only after Mirai Astarkhan left, but she hoped that this was a mistake and her childhood friend was not involved in the theft. As you can see, the hopes were empty. We have an exclusive video of CCTV, - the picture on the screen changed to black and white footage, in which a slim, black-haired woman enters and then leaves it.

- Mirai? Laura whispered, dumbfounded. - But why?

No one answered her. Everybody was staring at the screen without looking up. Cengiz's voice was broadcasting hysterically:

- As you can see, Mirai Astarkhan enters Hazal Chatay's office empty-handed and leaves with a package. Which, as we now know, contains a sketch of the Starry Night necklace!

The CCTV footage disappeared from the screen and Cengiz, seething with righteous anger, reappeared on it.

- Disgusting, gentlemen! Disgusting and dirty! But Allah is the judge of all. And now, as promised, we will go inside and show you footage from the exhibition opening tomorrow.

Cengiz entered the building. The camera followed him. Pictures of expensive interior decoration of the gallery and stands with jewelry appeared on the screen.

- Oy! - Cengiz exclaimed. - What luck. We met Mr. Karaoglu himself, the owner of the exhibition gallery. Now we will ask him to comment on the plagiarism scandal, - the frowning face of the owner of the exhibition gallery appeared on the screen, and the reporter turned to him: - Mr. Karaoglu, how would you comment on the criminal actions of the Sapphire firm and their theft of a sketch from the Turkish Gold firm?

A surprised expression appeared on the noble face of Karaoglu, and he hastened to stop the flow of Cengiz's words:

- Wait! Your information is completely untrue. Yes, there is a scandal. As well as stealing. But the thieves, in this case, are the Turkish Gold firm, and the Sapphire firm is the injured party.

- But the evidence ..., - bleated confused Cengiz.

"The evidence has no doubts," Karaoglu cut him off sharply. "And they prove the guilt of Hussein Chatay and his subordinate Laila Taroglu. Hussein Chatay is arrested and his company is ordered to leave the exhibition immediately. We offer our deepest apologies to Sapphire and, separately, to its designer Defne Iplikci. And so that no one has any doubts about the talent and genius of Mrs. Defne, we allow you to show all of Turkey her amazing work - the Starry Night necklace.

Sapphires appeared on the screen. They were spread in an intricate pattern over the cream satin and stars shone on their surface.

The five at the table in the expensive French restaurant froze in mute amazement.

"Allah is Almighty," Sinan whispered. - What was that? We were buried and then raised on a pedestal?

"And this is dirty journalism in action," Omer replied angrily. - But now it becomes clear why Hussein Chatay met with the yellow press journalists. It is a pity that the private detective did not find out more information, and we could not nip this attack on Sapphire in the bud. "Omer turned pale and pressed his hand to his head." - Lord! He whispered with white lips. - Defne saw it all...

Koray and Defne looked at each other with eyes wide with shock. Titles flashed on the screen, and the boring melody of the intro next show sounded in the room, but they did not see or hear it.

Koray, holding a plate of untouched biscuits in his hands, asked dumbfounded:

- Skinny, is that the cow Laila stole your sketch, sold it to competitors, and they accused you and the blue-eyed Mirai? And then you were acquitted? And cow Laila is going to jail now? Skinny! This is a blockbuster! Yoo-hoo-hoo!!! - Laughing happily, he remembered about the cookies and put three pieces into his mouth at once.

"I don't know," Defne whispered. She was not just shocked. The last half hour has worn out her nervous system and turned her mind over. She realized with horror how mean and low some people can be, and how noble and selfless others.

Defne got up from the sofa and turned off the TV. And then her gaze darted around the room.

- What are you looking for? Koray asked her with a full mouth.

"The phone," she answered. - I need to call Omer.

Before she could finish the sentence, she felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen and hot moisture flowed down her legs. She lowered her head and stared in horror at the puddle spreading at her feet.

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