The official Yandere's X work...

By adventurefan2020

508K 5.2K 3.7K

(FINISHED FOR GOOD!) This one-shot book will feature workers of all kinds who go on mini adventures of their... More

More info about the book.
The rule guide for requesting.
Yandere child twin brothers x male babysitter reader
Yandere Schnee Family(Willow, Winter, and Weiss) x Male Faunus butler.
A Christmas one-shot special!
Yandere slime girl x male science assistant reader.
Yandere male child clones x mother scientist reader.
Yandere Mipha x female cook reader
Yandere rich family x male teenage pizza delivery reader.
Valentines Day special one-shot!
Yandere High School DXD x male Nighttime Janitor reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x male orphan child reader.
Yandere Twin sisters x maid reader
Yandere female flight attendant x male child reader.
Yandere Party girl x Party DJ reader
Yandere Crunchy-roll Hime x female graphic designer.
Yandere Civilians x male soldier reader.
Yandere class x male teacher reader.
Yandere male patient x male doctor reader.
Yandere ????'s x male chef reader.
Yandere Balalaika x male bartender reader.
Yandere female robot x male engineer reader.
Yandere Customer x male Barista reader.
Yandere Femboys x male security guard.
Yandere Female Idols x female assistant reader.
Yandere depressed male teenager x male family friend reader.
Yandere Goddess x male Priest reader.
Yandere female Anthro animal girls x male zoo Janitor reader.
Yandere Charlie x male hotel worker.
Yandere Princess x pet dragon reader.
Yandere female bullies x male class president reader.
Yandere Remnants of despair x male police reader x Yandere Junko and Mukuro.
Yandere family (wife, son, and 2 daughters) x male janitor reader.
Yandere O.R.C. x Male Manga/Hentai store owner reader.
Labor day shorts.
Yandere mall thief x male mall cop reader.
Yandere Honkai Impact 3 x male butler reader.
Yandere Liberty Buchanan x male Ranger reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x female swimmer reader.
Yandere Female wolf x Female Park Ranger reader.
Yandere Warriors of Hope x male babysitter reader.
Thanksgiving Special!
Yandere Female bank robbers x male banker reader.
Christmas special!
Christmas special #2
Yandere Cinder and Emerald x male Reporter reader.
Yandere male teen x male reader. (Part II)
Yandere Doll x Male doll maker reader.
Yandere Fem FNAF x male security guard reader.
Yandere female teacher x female student reader
Yandere female soldiers x male general reader.
Valentine's day 2022 Special!
Announcement from me!
Yandere class x male teacher reader. (Part II)
Yandere Apple white x female teacher assistant reader.
Yandere Customers x female waitress reader.
Yandere male fan x male youtuber reader.
Yandere female game character x male game designer reader.
Easter Special
Yandere Husband x Wife reader x Yandere Daughter.
Yandere supernatural girls x male paranormal investigator reader.
Yandere Fem private eye x male citizen reader.
Yandere Abigail x male farmer reader.
Special 2022: Yandere Actress x male cameraman reader
Yandere Mermaids x male fisherman reader.
Yandere King x male Servant reader.
2022 Thanksgiving Special!
2022 Christmas Special!
Yandere female actress x child reader.
Finished for good

Yandere Danganronpa 2 girls x Male teacher reader.

8K 73 25
By adventurefan2020

Requested by Daddy-Sasageyo

(Y/N's POV)

I was walking to the headmaster's as he summoned me to discuss something about the recent executions that has been happening lately. Like I know this school is infamous for this kind of thing and this whole despair thing but the fact that almost half of my class has been "gone" is very frightening to say the least. Well, I made to his front door and I knocked once and the door clicked meaning its unlocked. I went inside and the bear himself in his chair.

Monokuma- Why hello Mr.Y/N, please....have a seat.

I never really got use to his Half color look thing but I ignored that and did as I was told and took a seat in those black comfy chairs and waited for him to start the talking.

Monokuma- Now you and I know that there has increasing rates of the murders and executions here in Hope Peak Academy and you know I would normally not be worried about it but this time...I'm actually concerned about this. Now, I want to hear something from you, have been anyone acting strange in your classroom Mr.Y/N?

Y/N- Well, the only students I can think of is the girls in my class: Chiaki Nanami, Akane Owari,  Sonia Nevermind, Hiyoko Saionji, Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumiki, Ibuki Mioda, and Peko Pekoyama. But the thing is those girls are very good students and never once give any trouble at all. 

Monokuma- I see and how do they behave than anyone else?

Y/N- Like they always arrive to my class 10-15 minutes early, talk to me like we were very close friends or something, give me little gifts like snacks or something. But the most strangest I ever observed is that when I'm talking or helping any one of the other students, they always give them and me a super scary death glare and most of all, if anyone were to cause me trouble no matter how small or big, they go missing the next day and then later found and you do your thing. 

Monokuma- I see. Well, I may think that those particular girls are the reason why this is happening.

Y/N- Do you think so sir?

Monokuma- Mostly likely so but of course I can't do any punishment time for them as no video evidence or even living witnesses are present to do so. Sooo...I want you to be the one to record evidence to see if my theory is true or not. Here take this.

Monokuma- Its already on and all you have to do is put it some place where no one will suspect a thing and its already recording so everything you see and hear will be in their hooked up to my computer screens. So get out there and solve this murder mystery and once we catch the culprits, when its execution time I'll save you a spot on the front row seats. Till then, bye bye Mr.Y/N.

Then he turned back to his screens and I walked out of the office and closed the door behind me thinking about all this. Like, how am I suppose to do this huge task and I can't even see an execution without covering my eyes. But if I want this to stop then I have to do this, so I put the camera in one of my button slips on my shirt and since I'm wearing a black shirt it actually blends in so well. So I continued my way to the next class I'm teaching and let's see if anything happens today. Pray to god that this won't ended up me getting murdered. 


All day everything went all right for the most part besides the whispers that the students from the other sections of the school are making about me but I ignore them since I gotta still keep focus on the mission at hand. I went to the teachers lounge to take a break and when I got inside, there was a snack crate set down in the coffee table and had a note on top of it. I read the note and it read:

"Dear Y/N, I know that these few days have been extremely stressful and you may have been feeling a bit of despair but rest assured that all of these deaths and executions are necessary to you becoming ours. We have been your admiring students since your first year here and you make this school a little more lively and so we want to repay you by taking you out of this hellhole and living together with me and the others. Well, I would love to write more but time counts when the plan is almost complete. See you later Y/N, we girls can't wait till we can have you to ourselves, till then bye bye.~"

- P.S- Hope you love the snack crate we got you, please enjoy.~ ❤️

Ok this is getting creepy already. I cant believe I got a letter like this before and I was thinking that: could they actually be the ones behind this all this time? I got the camera and scanned the letter which I assume Monokuma is reading at this minute. I sat down in a chair and opened the crate and ate some of the chips and chocolate that had inside and it was pretty good. But the whole time I was in the lounge, I kept thinking on what the letter said about some kind of plan that was in store for me and whoever these people are. 

Y/N's mind- I really want to get the hell out of this place sooner or later. 

(Another time skip here)

I was cleaning my classroom and was about to report to the bear about what I found but as soon I packed my bags, I heard some creepy sounding music playing in the speakers.

But then all the power in the school shut off and everything was pitch black and I was having an internal panic attack. But then the lights in my classroom went back on but the rest of school was as dark as the midnight sky. I looked both sides of the hallways and the lights to the left side of the hallway went on and where Monokuma's office is and I had the feeling of following the light to see what is in store. I followed very slowly and my heart was beating so fast its like I ran 15 marathons and my nerves was tinkling so much its like having multiple shocks to my body. After reaching the destination, I opened the office door and I was in shock to see that the office has been completely destroyed and wrecked from top to bottom but still no Monokuma. But then the one light that wasn't destroyed turned on and it showed a present wrapped in a red silk ribbon and I walked to it and it had a small note card that said: "The demon has been slayed."

Y/N- What the hell?

I opened it and I was about to throw up from what was probably the most gruesome thing I ever saw. It was Monokuma's head all bloody and skin ripped off. I was quickly backing out of the room but felt a body pressed close to me and I heard multiple insane sounding giggles. 

????- Did you like our gift Y/N?~

I ran back inside the office and was sweating to oblivion. I turned around and I couldn't believe my very eyes. It seems like Monokuma was right all along. 

Chiaki- Why hello Y/NNNNNN.~  I hope you like the new trophy we got for you. It was like doing a really fun sidequest where the reward for completing it was you.~

Then they all went inside the office basically blocking the only exit I had since there were no vents or windows in this room, I was trapped with them. 

Akane- It was exhausting as well doing all of that waiting to kill him but like they say: those who wait will get the best treasure and that treasure is you.~

Sonia- Indeed the best treasure of them all and the most pleasant part of this is that no one and I mean no one else will have you but us.~

Hiyoko- That bear's scream while he was being killed was like music to my ears that I danced to the beat and rhythm of it.~

Mahiru- I wanted to take pictures of the whole thing but then I decided not too because it wouldn't fit with my thousands of photos I have of you and all of us together.~

Mikan- I-i-i was the one who like did the non-bloody murders like giving the students overdoses of c-certain drugs and ummm...I didn't like getting all bloody since I wanted to be clean for you when you always needed medicine for your troubles and such. P-Please let me heal all of your wounds all the time, just call my very name and I will come to you faster than you can blink.

Ibuki- Ibuki has wrote lots of songs that features Y/N and Ibuki is proud of what she did and even more proud of having that dream of being with Y/N is now complete. Ibuki is now happy with what is coming next.~

Peko- As I thrusted my sword into that demon's heart and sliced his head clean off, I made a blood oath that from this day forward: My sword, my fighting skills, and my life belongs to you Y/N. I will protect you and the rest from all dangers even if I have to die from it to do so. 

I stood there in utter horror and other feelings I wasn't sure what it was but all I know is that I need to get out of here.

Y/N- S-s-s-so you were the killers all this time?

All- Yes we were.~

Sonia- And remember when we said we were gonna take you from this horrible academy? Well, we meant it all the way and as much as we don't want to cause you pain....we have no choice in the matter. Akane, Peko...hold him down.

Then the two girls ran to me and grabbed me form behind and had grips of steel cause no matter how hard I tried to struggle my way out of here I couldn't. Then Mikan had a needle in her hand which I knew was a sleeping drug and I was really trying to get out but it was no use sadly.

Mikan- Please h-hold still Y/N. *Sniffle* I'm sorry I'm sorry, please forgive me for this, I promise I wont do this again!

Then she inserted the drug into my neck and I felt my legs getting weaker to stand and so I fell down and I tried crawling but I felt all drowsy and my eyes started to close and all I saw was darkness and I passed out cold.

(No POV) 

Y/N was now asleep on the floor, the girls won their victory and now was about to leave this school and will never return.

Sonia- Well excellent work girls. Now we move on to step three and that is going back to my home country Novoselic where I bought a manor for all of us to live in. But first, someone must carry Y/N.

Akane- I'll do it. Come here Y/N, I got you right my my arms. 

Hiyoko- He can't answer back you know

Akane- I know that but....its nice to voice it out. 

Ibuki- Ibuki cant wait till she can sing her songs to Y/N and he can cheer me on with his wonderful voice. 

Mahiru- I can't wait till I have a huge photo album of pictures of us and Y/N being happy and together by yours truly.

Chiaki- I wonder what type of video games he likes, I bet he likes all of them! Oh I cant wait till we can play some good old fashioned Mario party and such!

Sonia- Well, everything you wish can come true if we hurry up and leave this place. 

The other girls- Right!

And so, they walked out of the Hope's Peak Academy gates with Y/N and didn't looked back for a second than they got inside of Sonia's car and they drove off to the airports to their new home. Y/N would spend the rest of his life living with his lovely yet psychotic former students who never let him go and would always be there for him. After all, you gave them all hope.

Chiaki/Akane/Sonia/Hiyoko/Mahiru/Mikan/Ibuki/ Peko- We love you Y/N for giving us that special hope and we wont ever lose that.~

(The End)

So I think the person who made this request to me may not be active here anymore so I want to say sorry for not doing it before. And I hope this was good to read and hope you like it also. To my other followers out there, thanks for reading this! Till next time, this is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you in the next update.

See ya'll later!👋......

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