The Mafia's Muse

By strawb3rryluv

207K 7.3K 3.7K

๐—˜๐˜‚๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ- ๐—ข๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜€. ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฐ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ... More

Author's Note
1. A Job
2. Birthday Gift
3. I Own You
4. She's Regular
5. The Vaughn's
6. Set Back
7. Avery's Emory
8. Your Uniform
9. Breaking In
10. The Club
11. That Window
12. Welcome Back
13. A Problem
14. A Spy
15. White Only
16. Snipped Wings
17. The Girl
18. Her Screams
19. Desperate Attempt๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ
20. With Him
21. Day Off
23. Completely Shattered
24. Middle Name
25. The Lies
26. Drowning Eyes
27. How Lame
28. Worst Enemy
29. Hamburger Helper
30. Spinning Rim
31. Blind Rage
32. A Father
33. Veggie Noodles
34. Milez High
35. Now Him

22. The Pain

4.4K 208 138
By strawb3rryluv


My face scrunched in pain for the third time this evening and I hated it. Earlier when we got back and I took off I knew something was up. I rushed to the bathroom only to figure out I started my freaking period. I hate being in my period because of all the pain I get. Thankfully I don't have to deal with it often but right now it sucks. Sometimes I feel like I am going to die from the pain because that is how bad it is. Although this time feels different, it feels worse than the regular pain. If the pain gets worse I might be having a repeat blood blockage. And if that's the case then I'm going to be pissed, I hate going to the hospitals.

"Hey," A knock came from the door, "Are you okay? It seems like you were hurting really bad earlier, is it the bruises? Your ribs?" Axton asked curiously.

A puff of air escaped my lips, "No, it's fine. I am just going to relax the rest of the day though." I signed sitting on the bed.

He tilted his head, "Euterpe what's going on?" His tone worried.

"I told you guys when I get my period the pain is really bad. Well, I just started today." I rolled my eyes explaining it slowly.

His mouth made an 'O' before he turned red, "Oh, I- um- I'm sorry... is there anything I can do? Anything you need? I heard girls like chocolate? Hot water bottles? Tea?" He literally squeaked listing stuff.

That's cute.

"I am fine Axton. I just need a nap or something." I waved him off.

He hummed, "Well I actually came to tell you that we have somewhere to be. A last-minute meeting for the company and we all have to attend. We probably won't be back tonight but Jensen will still have dinner prepared for you. The older three will be back tomorrow morning but the rest of us are going straight to school before coming home. Do you think you will be okay? Anything you need before we go? I can make sure you get whatever it is." He spoke thoughtfully.

I waved him off again, "I will be fine. If I need anything I will ask Jensen or the boys. Go and do work stuff. And yes, I have everyone's number if something is wrong. Rydge is the first person to call before the rest of you guys. I know the drill, you can go." I huffed laying down.

He chuckled, "Alright, I will let Jensen know you will most likely be eating in here. Get some rest. I will check on you as soon as I get back but expect Thorn to barrel through these doors tomorrow morning. I- oh! Rydge also wanted me to remind you about the office rules. Just be careful, kay?" He snapped his fingers.

I nodded and he nodded back closing the door making me sigh in relief. I honestly do not understand what is wrong with me. I closed my eyes and started humming softly to myself.

"The bridge gets longer
As we go farther
The distance is deadly
But we continue readily,

The only problem
Is our family
So now our loved ones
Are our number ones

If only there was a wish
To turn the bond of blood rich

But the bridge gets longer
As we go farther..."

I sighed playing with the blankets and I kept moving around to find a comfortable position. Maybe if I hit my head on the wall then I'll knock myself out. Jesus Euterpe what is wrong with you? Just hit your head on the nightstand, the wall is too far.

My stomach felt like fire and there was nausea quickly building in my throat. I took a few deep breaths but nothing I did helped the sensation. My fingers threw the blanket off and I shot up to the bathroom. I barely made it on time to throw up in the toilet making my head hurt. A sigh escaped my lips as I pushed myself up and towards the sink. I rinsed my mouth and washed it so I wouldn't taste whatever I just threw up. Once I was done I washed my face before looking into the mirror.

My eyes always were so dull, I never remembered a time when I looked at them and there was a spark of happiness, anything. And... it scares me sometimes, the emptiness I see in my eyes. I wished I had eyes that even looked like Rydge's, not totally blank, no matter how hard the Vaughn's try to deny it, they will always have good in their lives. They might be trained to hide it but mine is... all natural.

A sharp pain traveled through my abdomen and I fell to the floor hissing in pain.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

When I go to hell or whatever I'm totally kicking the ass of whoever thought periods were needed. Who in their right mind went, 'Oh, hey! Women should have a monthly time where blood flows out of the vagina to show they are ready for childbirth and womanhood! And while you're at it make sure they get pains and cravings so it evens it out. Hmm, what the heck, throw some emotions in there while you're at it. It won't be a big deal!' WELL, IT WAS!

Lucifer, I'm dying.

The pain was getting worse making me taking as many deep breaths as I could. A whimper pushed past my lips and I curled into a tight ball. I might have to go to the hospital again.

Deep breathe Euterpe, just take a deep breath. I whimpered again and I knew it would just get worse. I pushed myself up and bit and dragged myself to the nightstand where my phone was. Tears started rolling down my face as I grabbed the phone and I quickly dialed the boys.

I leaned against the bed, "Hey, babe!" Miles greeted as soon as he answered.

My mouth opened but only a sob could be heard, "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong babe? Why are you crying?! Was it one of those idiots?" He rambled quickly.

"Strawberry is crying?"

Another sob, "Euterpe, what's wrong?" August sounded worried.

"I-" sniffle, "Hospital. Period. Pain." I barely choked out crying again.

There were curses, "It's okay, shit. It's okay strawberry, we are leaving right now. Is anyone with you? They can probably get you there faster..." There was stumbling over the phone.

"Meeting," I cried, "Gone until tomorrow..." My eyes suddenly shut from the pain.

A loud crash sounded through, "Okay, that's okay. I want you to rest okay? Do worry, we are coming just hang on. Keep the phone on and we will be there soon. Don't worry, August is going to call Doctor Lisa. She will be ready, it's okay. Hang on, it will be okay babe." Milo coaxed.

I slumped down on the floor and curled into another ball trying to distract myself. Milo and Aug kept trying to reassure me but I couldn't keep my attention on them. My mind was focused on the pain that just wouldn't stop. After what felt like forever I heard rushed footsteps and the door banged open.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm going to pick you up okay? It's just me and August okay? We are here." Milo cooed caressing my hair, "I am going to pick you up. August will meet us in the car, he will get some stuff for you just in case. It's okay." He whispered shifting me into his arms.

I whimpered, "I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeated guiltily, "August will talk to Jensen, it's okay." He kissed my head.

He rushed us downstairs and immediately went for the car outside. He sat us in the back and rubbed my back as I sobbed in pain. A few minutes later August jumped into the driver's seat and the car jolted forward. The tears were still running down my cheeks making my vision blurry.

"It will be okay strawberry, Dr. Lisa already knows we are coming." August turned to us for a second.

I whimpered burying my head into Milo's shoulder as much as I could. Even if it didn't work in getting rid of the pain I just needed to be near him.

"I know, It's okay," Milo kissed my head again.

"Tired," I muttered.

Milo frowned, "Okay, just rest. August how much longer?" He asked quietly.

"About another ten minutes." He sighed.

My eyes shut and I did what I could to ignore the pain, I just needed to sleep.

"Rest Euterpe,"

It hurts...


"Babe, wake up."

I whimpered at the movement, "Sorry, but we got to get you on the chair." Milo whispered.

I blinked looking around and Milo set me in a wheelchair. I noticed we were at the emergency room and leaned back into the chair. A nurse pushed me forward while the boys were behind us until we saw Dr. Lisa by a door.

"Hey boys, you can wait in my office. Just like last time, it might be a while." She smiled sadly at me.

August nodded before kissing my head, "We will be nearby if you need anything. I love you." He sighed before backing away with a conflicted face.

"Love you, you'll be okay." Milo kissed my cheek.

Dr. Lisa nodded at them, "Alright Euterpe," she spoke as we went through the doors, "We are going to get you a room and get everything we need just in case there has been changes. Do you know if you are still anemic?" She looked up from my file.

I shook my head, "Okay, so blood work will be done as well. How badly are you currently hurting?" She asked opening a door for us.

I held up seven fingers.

"And your period is still irregular?"

I nodded grabbing the nurse's hand as she helped me sit on the bed.

"Alright, we will get you some morphine right away. We have to set up now, is there anything we need to know?" She questioned quietly with sad eyes.

I nodded and lifted my shirt to show the bruises, I heard the nurse gasp but Dr. Lisa just gave me a sad smile. She always knew what was happening at home but she couldn't do much with Nolan killing the social workers that came over.

Once I was in a gown and all the wires were hooked up the pain got worse making me whimper. Her head snapped to me and the nurse immediately moved to get the morphine.

"Have you had intercourse recently?"

I shook my head no.

"Not even a bit of foreplay?"

I shook my head again.

"Any smoking, drinking, etcetera?"

I whimpered shaking my head once again.

"Has the pain gone up?"

I nodded quickly.

"She will be back right now, when exactly did your period start?"

"Today," I signed.

She nodded as the nurse walked in and went start for my IV, "It is just morphine, is that a problem?" The nurse asked cautiously.

I shook my head and she nodded doing whatever she needed to. Dr. Lisa walked out of the room and the nurse left a few minutes later. It hurt to move so I did my best to stay still as much as I could.

Why did I always have to go through so much pain? It feels like one day it is going to be too much and I will have to give up. The pain is one thing on its own but what will happen when all of it just piles onto each other. What happens when it will be too much to handle that I finally break? It is not only about the physical but the emotional pain as well. I guess we can only tell in time, hopefully, I am wrong about what I think, hopefully, the turnout will be different.

Dr. Lisa and the nurse came back in, "Okay, so our nurse here will take a blood sample so we can see if you're still anemic. After that, you know the drill but it will be backwards today. You will get your CAT scan first then an ultrasound since all the rooms are taken. Although with the CAT scan we probably won't have to do it. If you have another blood blockage like last time we need to get you in emergency surgery ASAP." She frowned.

I nodded and the nurse took the blood before getting help to wheel me out. I kept my eyes closed because of all the lights and it hurt my head looking at them. We finally entered a dark room and they helped me onto the table bed thing. What's it called again?

"Okay, Miss. Sage, we are going to need you to stay as still as possible. You've done this before so it won't take long as long as you cooperate. We will speak through here if something happens." A male nurse tapped a speaker.

My body started moving into the machine making me shut my eyes yet again at the light. Jesus, by the time I'm out of here I'm going to have light sensitivity.

"I need you to stay still, we are starting in three, two, and one." The male nurse's voice boomed.

The machine made a lot of noise making me internally cringe, this was too much.

Just think about something else.

Hmm, I wonder if Jensen called the Vaughn's. It would be hilarious if they didn't even know until they made it back.

And Welcome Back To!
The Vaughn's Idiotic Life
Brought to you by Euterpe, no one related to them at all, just an innocent bystander.

Season 1, Episode 25: Hospital or Home?

"I can't believe they wanted a second meeting! I mean sure school is not really needed but we missed a whole other day! Do you know how many makeup assignments we will have?!" Axton groaned walking through the door.

Braxton scoffed, "You act like they'll give us seven research papers." He rolled his eyes.

A hand clamped over his mouth, "Shhh! Don't jinx it! Are you freaking crazy!" He shook his head perplexed.

"Axton, it was only a day. I'm sure they will understand the importance of the absence." Rydge pinched his nose.

Othello nodded, "Besides, even with your childish attitude you are very smart. You could finish as soon as you got it." He waved him off.

"That's not the point!" He pouted with crossed arms.

Castriel grumbled under his breath as they walked to the dining room. He sat down and banged his head on the table lightly.

"Hey Jensen, where is Euterpe? Has she eaten lunch yet?" Thorn asked sitting down.

Jensen frowned confused, "Miss Euterpe was rushed to the hospital last night. I'm sure they provided her with food." He spoke thoughtfully.

Everyone nodded, "That is good. She needs her food, she is too skinny you know?" Thorn pointed out.

"Yeah, do you think she likes cheesecake?" Axton asked no one in particular.

Castriel shook his head, "She shouldn't be eaten junk like that yet, she needs to stick to her diet." He glared at Axton.

"Party pooper... I remember a time when you would sneak us brownies at night."

"Castriel!" Thorn gasped.

"Yeah! Well, you're not seven anymore and just for that, I'll never do it again!" Castriel hissed.

Axton snorted, "The last time you did it I was eleven! Besides I can sneak my own deserts." He smirked smugly.

Rydge sighed, "Let's just eat, we still have much to do today."

*Twenty minutes later*

Thorn choking on a potato, "EUTERPE IS IN THE HOSPITAL?!" He screeched.

"Oh shit!" The twins paled.

"Fuck! Move!" Othello shouted running out.



A scoff, "YEAH?!"

"Uh- yeah?"

"Oh- yeah... I STILL BLAME YOU."


"Because... fuck you that's why."


Jensen stood there confused, "Did you not know Master Rydge?" He asked confused.

"Curse everyone! No! Rydge move it!" Castriel barked running after everyone.

"What happened?" Rydge demanded.

Jensen frowned, "Miss Euterpe was in pain and her friends showed up to take her to the hospital. I did not know until they barged in. I assumed they or at least the hospital would contact her guardian." He explained cautiously.

"Those two brainless-"

The machine stopped breaking me out of my inner thoughts and sighed lightly. At least the morphine was starting to kick in already. Suddenly I was on my old bed again and loving through the halls fairly quickly. I was pushed into a room with Dr. Lisa and she waved walking to a machine.

"Results might take a few minutes and I have time so let's see if we can get a closer look. It's just like last time." She reassured calmly.

I winced as she applied more pressure and she muttered a quiet apology. Her eyebrows furrowed looking at the screen while her hand kept moving. She hit a button before stopping and cleaning the small patch of gel off my stomach. I watched her sit down on her chair and she sighed looking at me.

"Euterpe, when was the last time you were physically harmed. When did you receive those injuries?" She pointed to my black and blue stomach.

I frowned back at her, "Last week, almost six or seven days..." I signed thoughtfully.

I didn't want to remember.

She nodded, "And when it happened... was there a time when you were hit with a lot of force? More than usual. There is heavy damage in your system Euterpe, it is not like last time." Her eyes held pity.

What? Is she going to tell me I don't have bones anymore? I know it's impossible but sheesh, I have two drama queen best friends. I don't have to explain myself. When we twelve I lightly stepped on an ant pile by accident and August freaked. He ran to the water hose and sprayed me for a good two minutes. Milo was not impressed but did laugh at my grumpy face the whole time.

"Yeah, mainly kicks. I was thorn into a wall as well but I didn't think much of it." I shrugged.

"The bruising is the worst I've seen. It is like you never heal before it bruises again. We need to talk about why you are having pains."

Fuck me, dude.

My eyes stayed on the wall, I felt nothing and I hated it. The door opened behind me since my back was to the door but I didn't care who it was. Everyone was fuzzy and I just wanted to feel.

"Hey strawberry," August knelt in front of me, "Dr. Lisa told us you could leave in a few hours. Do you want to tell us what happened? She didn't give us the details..." he moved a strand of hair out of my face.

I just blinked at him, "Why are they releasing you so early? Last time they wouldn't let you leave for days." Milo spoke up crouching next to Aug.

I sniffed, "Babe?" Milo frowned worriedly.

For some reason that broke me and I went into a sobbing fit startling them. My hand shook as I handed them the folded up print. August took it confused and his eyes went wide as he finally took a look at the inside.

"M-miscarriage." I choked out.

Tears ran down their faces, "Y-you were p-pregnant?" Milo stammered.

I nodded sobbing, "Dr. Lisa said if- if the pregnancy went on, I- I would h-have had a cryptic p-pregnancy."

Milo sucked in a breath, "I- I was about to be four months." I bawled, "B-because the night of the p-party... I didn't want his baby. Nolan hurt me for years b-but it was still my baby! I- I didn't know! I would have- it's my fault!" I wailed.

"God no Euterpe!" August grabbed my hand, "It was not your fault. You know whose fault it was and he will pay for it. We will get through this okay? I'm so so sorry." His tears ran like a waterfall.

"I want to go! I can't be here!" My face was bruised into his shoulder, "I- can't." My voice cracked.

He nodded, "Okay, it's o-okay." His voice cracked as well, "We will leave as soon as we can. It's okay, I'm sorry strawberry I'm sorry." He sniffled loudly.

"I- I'm going to talk to Lisa." Milo coughed wiping his face.

He walked out quietly, "It hurts! It hurts Aug!"

He nodded shakily, "I know, I know it does."

Fuck the pain.


Hey cuties, I hehe know this is the middle of the night for some of y'all so sorry but also I'm sorry to the others. I'm going to have y'all bawling at breakfast, sorry sorry sorry. I forgot to post this earlier so here I am at 1 in the morning with a massive headache. I'm probably going to crash after this but it's okay. I hope you are all doing good! I miss you, and see you soon!

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