Pretend You're Mine

By goldenpup45

34.5K 1K 129

Rhian Ramos. The girl who has it all. Brains, beauty, luxuries... you name it. She is respected by all becaus... More

Author's Note
01 : The Two Rivals
02 : Partners
03 : Childhood Friend
04 : Mistake
05 : Guilt
06 : Change in Attitude
07 : Reconcile
08 : Unfair
09 : Proposal
10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?
11 : Invitation
12 : Get Together with Friends
13 : Meeting of the Two Groups
14 : Surprises
15 : Unsure
16 : Moving In
17 : Interrogation
18 : Official
19 : Books and Banters
20. Horseback Riding
21 : Mr. Ramos' Tasks
22 : Lunch with the Ventura's
23 : Feelings?
24 : Attention
25 : Wedding Plans
26 : Waffle For Your Thoughts
27 : Opening Up
28 : Glaiza's Birthday
29 : Role Playing Game
30 : Chilling
31 : The Kiss
32 : Thoughts are Swimming
33 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 1)
34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)
35 : Already Safe
36 : Confession
37 : Confuse
38 : Misunderstanding
39 : Spy
40 : Jealous
41 : Distracting Thoughts
42 : Half Feelings
44 : I Love You
45 : Goodbye
46 : Marriage-Free
47 : Acceptance
48 : Tease
49 : Bliss
50 : Lifetime
Author's Note

43 : Sudden Changes

496 20 7
By goldenpup45

Concentrated eyes followed the folded bills of money as the person holding it continued swiftly sliding it to count. Mid-counting, Glaiza slightly jump in surprise when she heard another loud cheers from her boyfriend and his friends by Ben's living room playing video games.

Earlier today, she was persuaded by Ben to come over to his house to just netflix and chill. It was good for 30 minutes, warm and comfortable even. But then, unexpected guests, or in this case, Ben's homies, visited him. Her boyfriend was ecstatic to see them, to the point that she was immediately ignored and felt out of place as they talk among themselves. But Glaiza understands though, she knows that they haven't seen each other for a while.

That is why, she's currently inside Ben's room counting her earned money for both her father and sister's expenses. Right now, she had enough to pay for Chloe's tuition, and later she would eventually pay for it. But she's still no closer in having finances for her father. The hospital had reminded her about her father's hospitalization and had already gave a deadline for her payment which is only one week from now. She made a mental note that later this afternoon, she'll also scout for a potential job, whatever it may be.

Her thoughts were distracted by a vibration from her pocket, signalling a text message. She pull out her phone and instantly a smile graced her face upon seeing that it was from Rhian. But her reaction turn into one of a curious look as she read her message. Without much thought, she collected her things and walk out of the room, finding her boyfriend and his friends' gaze fixed on the tv screen, which are now watching what seems to be a basketball match. Walking towards Ben, she was about to open her mouth to speak when he grab her arm, resulting to drop herself on the lap of her boyfriend.

"Hey baby, glad to see you finally step outside of my room." Ben whispered, by her nape, sliding his arms around her waist. "Hmm, you smell so good."

Glaiza could smell the alcohol on his breath before his mouth made contact with her bare shoulder, as she's wearing an off-shoulder outfit. She froze when she felt his tongue trailed up to her neck and his hands starting to slide up and down her waist and hips.


"You're so lucky, dude." One of Ben's friends commented as he chug on his bottle. "You got yourself a sexy girlfriend."

"Yeah, so, so, sexy." The other guy muttered.

The both of them took another sip of their beer and raked their lustful eyes on the short-haired girl.

"Ben, I-I need to go. There's something Rhian h-have to d-discuss with me." Glaiza stuttered, as she tried to pry away Ben's hands on hers, but the guy only gripped her tighter.

"To hell with her, you're staying with me." Ben mumbled, his sloppy kisses trailing her cheeks before roughly turning Glaiza to face him and giving her a forceful kiss. When his hands went to her chest and groped her bosom, Glaiza instantly felt repulsed.

With all the strength she could muster, she pushed herself away, standing up and almost went towards the door, when Ben's two friends stood across from her.

"Leaving so soon?" The slightly stout guy says.

"Yeah, why don't you stay with us for a while? I promise we'll have fun." The other guy slurred before the two walk unsteadily towards Glaiza. The frieghtened girl had no choice but to walk backwards.

Just as she was about to hit the table behind her, another guy appeared behind the two guys and wrapped his bulky hands on their shoulders, pulling them to him.

"Why don't you leave the poor girl alone and continue our game? Let's have a re-match, and maybe then you losers could eventually defeat me." The sober guy says. The two guys immediately start ranting about being called loser and boasting that they'll definitely win this time.

During this, the sober man gaze at Glaiza and mouthed 'Go', tilting his head towards the door. The short-haired girl gave a thankful nod before sprinting outside Ben's house, brisk-walking towards the direction of the Ramos' residence and wanting to be as far as possible from her boyfriend's house.

Its as if she could still feel Ben's firm hands lustfully roam her upper body, his rough kiss claiming her lips resulting to their teeth bumping, and the two guys' gazes filled with malice as if already undressing her through their minds. It was all disgusting. Glaiza felt nothing but disgusted. She want to be mad but thought to herself that they were just drunk. Drunkenness results to people doing stupid things. The short-haired girl reassured herself that their actions was just because of the alcohol in their systems and that they're good people.

Although reassured, she still couldn't stop her heart from going abnormally fast, knowing that deep down she still feel uncomfortable and uneasy. When she had already went inside the house and towards the room, she took a deep breath before opening the door, finding the rich girl situated on the bed. Upon hearing the door opening, Rhian gaze up and her eyes instantly light up at the sight of Glaiza. However, her smile turn to a frown when she saw Glaiza's forced smile before walking towards the girl.

"G, what's wrong?" Rhian asked, immediately holding her hands. Upon feeling her shaky hands, the rich girl's eyes widened in worry. "Your hands are shaking. Did something happened?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Ben and I were arm wrestling earlier... so yeah. That explains my shaky hands." Glaiza chukled nervously, averting her gaze away from Rhian's narrowed eyes.

Rhian look at her for a moment, hesitating on whether or not to convince Glaiza to tell her the truth. She didn't believe her lie one bit, and she knows that something happened during her stay with Ben. Deciding on the latter, the rich girl gently pulled the girl closer to her, wrapping her arms around her for a hug.

"I know you're lying, but don't worry, I won't force you to tell me anything that you feel uncomfortable to share. Just know that its all going to be okay and that I'm always gonna be here for you. As long as I'm here, you're going to be okay, G." Rhian muttered.

Glaiza melted both at her gesture and her words, hugging her back just as tight. Feeling the girl this close to her as she whisper reassuring words at her was enough to bring peace and ease in Glaiza's mind. Pulling back shortly, the short-haired girl cupped the girl's cheek, bringing their lips together for a kiss. Glaiza chuckled when, as soon as they pull away, a blush tinted Rhian's cheeks.

"Alright, that's enough about me. There's something you want to tell me?" Glaiza reminded, to which Rhian's eyes lit up in realization.

"Oh right! Here, why don't you sit down while I get it." Rhian gently push the girl to sit down on the bed before she rummage through her nightstand.

"Get what?" Glaiza asks as she crane her neck to see what the rich girl is looking for.

"This." Rhian replied before giving her the flyer Chynna had made. Upon assessing the poster, Glaiza look back at Rhian with a raised eyebrow.

"A talent show? What's this have to with me?" Glaiza questioned, to which Rhian rolled her eyes.

"Its a good thing you're cute, or I would've smack your head for your cluelessness." Rhian sighed. "You're going to perform there, silly."

"I have work, Rhi." Glaiza hand thr flyer back to Rhian. "You know I have a deadline to catch up on. Father's medical expenses are due next week, and I'm no closer in achieving even half of it. So I don't have time for that."

"Well, what if I say that there's consolation prizes for the winners? All of it in cash, the amount depends on what you're winning place is." Rhian's lips quirk upwards when she saw Glaiza's eyes beam up.

"Really?! Well, if that's the case, I'm in. When is that, again? Shoot, I guess I got to practice ahead of time. What song should I play? Ballad? R&B? Pop? Country? Oh wait, can I play 2 songs? If I can, should I only have 1 genre of music? But maybe the audience would find it boring. Well, not unless if I play some popular songs. Or is it only 1 song allowed? But then, I wouldn't-"

Rhian chuckled, covering Glaiza's mouth with her hand to stop her blabbering. "You're really adorable when you're rambling, you know."

"Sorry, I'm just excited." Glaiza smiled sheepishly when Rhian pulled her hand away.

Rhian smiled warmly. "The talent show is this friday and you can sing how many songs you want, as long as it does not exceed 6 minutes, because that is the time limit agreed upon."

Glaiza slowly nodded, before she stood up and get her guitar. She gave a couple strums, before a thoughful look appeared on her face. "Well, there are a couple songs I have in mind, but I'm not sure if its good enough for the talent show." She glance at Rhian and gave a small smile. "Can I practice with you? It would be lovely to know your opinion and suggestions about my performance. That is... if you're not busy with anything."

Rhian's eyes lit up at the thought of hearing the girl sing again. "Sure! I'd love to help you."

Glaiza smiled gratefully before the two sat comfortably on the bed, facing each other. Strumming the guitar, the short-haired girl began singing the first verse of the song War by Ben&Ben.

For the next hour, Rhian leaned by the bed's headboard smiling, as she listened to the girl sing various songs of various genres. Occasionally, the rich girl would nod her head to the beat or lip-sync to the song. Giggles would sometimes erupt within Glaiza when Rhian would give butterfly kisses all over her face, accompanied with flattering compliments, whenever she finishes a song.


Rhian and Glaiza's practice sessions went on for four days, and each time, the four corners of their room were always filled with peaceful melody of Glaiza's voice, frequent compliments, a couple of playful banters here and there, and the usual heart-fluttering kisses shared by the two.

But as much as she just want to chill with Rhian in their room 24/7, she still have a dilemma to solve. Continuing to have extra shifts at Tito Miguel's cafe had help her acquire more than half of the total payment for her father's medical expenses. A couple of cash left and she'll be able to pay her debt, which she hopefully will be if she ever win in the talent show.

During her work hours at the cafe, Benjamin was always there. He mentioned that one of his friends told him about both his and his other homies' actions towards the short-haired girl when they were drunk that day. He apologized countless times to which Glaiza hesitantly forgave him, her reassuring side overpowered her frightened side. Along with her boyfriend's constant visits to her workplace, Glaiza notices some changes with Ben within the four days.

It started when the day after her 1st practice session with Rhian. The rich girl surprises her when Glaiza saw her all freshened and dressed up early in the morning, to which Rhian replied that she wanted to accompany her to the cafe and stay there for a while. She's curious to see how the short-haired girl works there, since she haven't had the chance to visit her at her workplace. Glaiza's already warmed heart had only increased and accompanied with a fluttering feeling in her stomach, when, as they're walking towards their destination, Rhian silently intertwined their hands together and slightly sway it between their bodies.

As promised, throughout the morning, Rhian stayed in the cafe, watching Glaiza work. Although sometimes, she would have small chats with Glaiza's co-workers during their quick breaks, to which the short-haired girl would join in once in a while. Everytime Glaiza caught Rhian staring at her amidst her working, the latter would always shot her a sweet smile, to which Glaiza's heart would skip a beat before she smiles back just as dashing as hers.

Their stolen moments however, were cut short, when Benjamin suddenly entered the cafe. Without a care, he greeted Glaiza with a kiss behind the counter accompanied by a manly grin, before mentioning his usual breakfast order. Giving him a smile, Glaiza nodded before Ben went to look for a seat. Glaiza gulped when she saw that Ben notices where Rhian was situated and went to share the same table as her.

Timingly, just as she had finish preparing her boyfriend's breakfast meal, her break was approaching. After placing her apron on the rack, she approached their table and was about to sit next to Rhian, when she instantly realized her action, before sitting next to Ben. Throughout the conversation, Ben actively questioned about Rhian and Jason's soon marriage and the preparations about it. To be honest, it had totally slip off Rhian's mind about the upcoming marriage, that it took her a full 20 seconds before she responded with a lie to Ben's questions. Moreover, Ben had also mentioned, or rather boasted, about how great his relationship is with Glaiza. He gives out a summary of how they became friends to lovers, all the while, displaying affection to Glaiza.

The short-haired girl didn't know how to react or respond to Benjamin's firm grip on her waist that rubs her side up and down, or when his hand squeeze her thigh and caress it. Or when he would occasionally make indirectly green jokes about her and stole her kisses. Glaiza felt slightly uncomfortable with Ben's public display of affection. Not only because these are more showy and bold than Ben's usual minimal PDA, but also because Rhian is in front of them. She could hint the uneasiness in the rich girl's eyes despite the happy facade she's wearing.

Since then, same thing happened for four days. Both Rhian and Ben would visit her at her workplace. And each time Rhian would talk to her, Benjamin always butted in, answering her questions and not giving Glaiza a chance to speak. One time, when Rhian was sharing anecdotes that only Glaiza can relate, Ben wrap his arm around her shoulder and give kisses on Glaiza's side profile. When his kisses went down to her neck, nibbling on it, the short-haired girl nervously chuckled, gently pushing Ben back, her gaze darting to her boyfriend then at Rhian.

She caught the way Rhian's jaw clench and gave out a forced smile before she stood up, making up an excuse that she's needed somewhere. Instantly, Glaiza also stood up and before the girl could turn around and walk out, the short-haired girl wrap one arm around her neck for a hug, the other hand subtly intertwining with Rhian's fingers and giving it a slight squeeze.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Glaiza whispered, before she sneakily place a quick kiss just below Rhian's ear.

The former pulled away from the hug, and before Rhian could respond, Benjamin's manly arm snaked around Glaiza's waist, pulling her possesively closer to him, giving Rhian a pointed look. Rhian divert her eyes from Ben to Glaiza, and inwardly smile when the short-haired girl's gaze was still fixed on hers, ignoring her boyfriend's mini kisses on her temple. She gave a slight a nod before she walk out of the cafe.


Four days had passed, and today is the day of the talent show. Glaiza was currently sitting on the bed, a frown graced her face as she mentally read for the fourth time the text sent to her by Ben. Her boyfriend had just informed her that he and his friends are on their way to a resort owned by one of his friends and planned on staying there for the weekend. He end his text with an apology that he wouldn't be able to watch her perform.

Various emotions began to consume within her. It angered her that he didn't inform her about it beforehand and decided to just drop the bomb on the day of her performance, without bothering to think what she would feel. It hurt her because, not only did he break his promise of accompanying her to the talent show, but also the fact that he would rather spend his Friday with his friends rather than supporting his girlfriend, despite the majority of time during the four days spent lounging on his couch playing video games and watching sports with his friends. Not to mention that his text was somewhat cold, not even bothering to wish her a good luck for her performance or some sort of support. She was also frustrated, not because of Ben, but for herself, at the fact that instead of calling him to yell and curse him for his selfish deed, she just sent him a text that its fine and that they have a great weekend.

Groaning about her stupidity, she toss her phone aside and lay back on the bed, one arm draped across her face. The obvious changes of Ben's actions were starting to bother Glaiza. From the way he completely ignores her whenever he's with friends to how expressive and bold his affections are whenever they're in public, most especially when Rhian's around. Its like he's both really distant and extremely close to her. She'd be lying if she says that she's completely comfortable with his sudden changes. Sometimes, she would just find herself getting uneasy, worried, and afraid to his change in demeanor. And because of these, Glaiza couldn't help but doubt if she had made the right decision in entering a relationship with him.

Just as that thought cross her mind, she quickly shake her head, labelling it as preposterous. She shouldn't be having doubts about her boyfriend. Sure, the said noticeable changes were something she couldn't ignore, but maybe that's just how relationship progress. You get comfortable with each other, to the point that the actions you deem okay, is also acceptable to your partner because you trust them that they're also comfortable around you.

Well... for Ben at least. I could only assume that, that is Ben's mindset and probably the only explanation as to why he's acting the way he is.

If that's the case, what if... the other partner isn't comfortable about it? And that, lets just say, that the said partner is me, whose getting uncomfortable with how her lover is acting strangely these past few days. Should I confront Ben about it? But if I would, what would I even say? Hey Ben, can you not hang out with your friends and instead pay attention to me, but also stop touching and kissing me when we're in public 'cause for an unknown reason its making me uncomfortable? Yeah... no. That's confusing and really ridiculous. I'm sure with time I'll eventually get used to him that way... Maybe.

Glaiza was pulled out of her train of thoughts when she heard their bedroom door open, revealing Rhian. The rich girl slightly crease her forehead as she sat beside her.

"Why aren't you dressed up yet? The talent show begins an hour and a half." Rhian says.

Glaiza sat up and lay her head on the girl's shoulder. "Ben just sent me a text saying that he couldn't come to watch me perform. And it really sucks... He promised me he'd go. "

Rhian didn't know what to say, but wrap her arm around her, drawing random patterns on her shoulder to comfort her. Shortly after listening to the short-haired girl giving out long breaths, she decided to speak up.

"If its any consolation, I'll take a video of you performing so that when Ben gets back, you can show it to him. That way he'll still be able to see you perform...And hey, even though he's not here, there's still people who'd cheer and support you at the talent show. Your dad, Chloe, our friends, and me... You'll see, I'll be cheering your name so loud I'll probably end up with a malfunctioned voicebox in my throat... Oh! And I even forced Chynna to help me work out the biggest banner I could possibly make, so you watch out for it, 'cause I'll be waving it like this..." Rhian began swaying both her fist up in a funny manner, while cheering Glaiza's name loudly and repeatedly until her voice cracked, earning a laugh from the short-haired girl.

"Okay, okay, you've successfully console me." Glaiza huffed out a chuckle.

Rhian smiled before she stood up, holding both Glaiza's hands, gently tugging on it. "I'm glad... Now get your ass up and get dress. We don't want to be late for the talent show."

Glaiza let Rhian pull her up, until she's inches away from her face. She lace their fingers together, pulling Rhian closer, their foreheads pressed. With a smirk, she slide her face sidewards.

"Care to help me change my clothes?" Glaiza whispers on her ear, purposely brushing her lips to Rhian's earlobe, earning a gasp from the rich girl. "I'd really... really appreciate it if you do."

Glaiza gave a side glance at Rhian and the reaction she got triggered another chuckle from the short-haired girl. She gave a quick kiss on Rhian's cheek before pulling away.

"I'm just messing with you, Rhi. Jesus, you're face looks a tomato from how red it is!" Glaiza laughs.

Rhian's face could almost feel her cheeks warming up to its extent. "D-Don't mess with me like t-that! And for the record, my f-face isn't r-red!" She denied, gently slapping Glaiza's shoulder.

"Right..." Glaiza says with a smug look on her face. "So is that a yes or a no?"

Rhian groaned, picking Glaiza's outfit on the bed, shoving it on Glaiza's hands and pushed her towards the bathroom. "Shut up, and go in there."

Glaiza's laugh resonated the bathroom, giving a playful wink at Rhian before she close the door. She shook her head in amusement at the thought of the rich girl never failing to make her smile and laugh.

And its giving her the feels and making her giddy in the inside everytime.

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