screw you - fred weasley

De stories000007

63.3K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... Mai multe

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty six.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•

(thirty two.)

516 16 1
De stories000007

Tw: Eating Disorder
THE holidays had just finished and everyone was tired from holidays, Ellie was particularly exhausted.
She realized what was happening but she didn't know why she couldn't eat. She only threw up her food once. However some days it would get very tempting for her. She wanted to keep it to herself. It was her problem. No one had to know.
Ellie walked in the great hall and saw Brandon writing something quickly on a piece of parchment.
"Brandon, what are you doing?" Ellie queried.
Brandon looked up at her and quickly crumbled up the parchment.
"Nothing!" He shot, then threw the parchment behind him.
"Coward." Ellie muttered.
"Hey!" Brandon shot.
Ellie quickly grabbed the parchment and opened it, the ink was mixed up and it was hard to tell what he wrote.
"I'm not even going to ask." Ellie spoke, and then sat down and started to read.
"How can you read stuff at seven thirty in the morning?" Brandon asked.
"Well Brandon it's a school day and I happen to be reading my essay for potions." Ellie explained.
Brandon scoffed at her.
"Reading is pointless when it's about school." He .
"Oh just shut up." Ellie shot.
Brandon rolled his eyes at her.
"Okay fine at least I'm not a nerd." Brandon muttered, she quickly glared at him. Brandon didn't notice and just grabbed a grape.
He looked over at the Gryffindor table and looked at something but Ellie didn't notice until Jane sat next to her.
"What's your brother looking at?" She asked.
"Huh, no idea." Ellie advised, and put away her assignment. "Brandon." Ellie spoke.
"Yeah." He replied.
"What are you looking at?" Ellie asked. Brandon just looked back at Ellie.
"Nothing." He spoke.
"That's the biggest lie you ever told but I'm too tired for you to tell me the truth." Ellie replied.
Brandon just gave her a smile.
"Sometimes you aren't annoying." He admitted.
"Wow you truly are the best brother." Ellie replied sarcastically.
() () ()
"THAT doesn't even make sense." Fred exclaimed, as he was currently fighting with Oliver Wood about quidditch practice.
"Of course it makes sense." Oliver protested. "Do you really want to lose again?" He queried.
"No, but I do think you're going crazy." Fred muttered.
George chuckled at Fred's remark.
"Oliver don't you think that you're over exaggerating?" George queried.
"I am not!" Oliver shot.
Fred sighed for a second.
"Percy!" He yelled out.
Percy quickly ran towards him.
"What happened?" He questioned.
"Oliver is kind of quidditch crazy right now." Fred exclaimed.
Percy looked at Oliver and glared at him.
"What did I tell you about overworking my brothers for quidditch!" Percy shot.
"That I shouldn't." Oliver muttered.
"Good job." Percy spoke.
"Awe Percy is that your way of telling us you care?" Fred teased.
"Yeah I bet you really care about us." George added.
"Zip it." He shot.
Fred just smiled at him.
"He does love us right?" George queried.
"I think so." Fred replied.
Ginny walked to the table and looked at Fred.
"I couldn't find a pin but I did find a chain." Ginny told Fred, and handed him the chain.
"What am I supposed to do with a chain?" He asked.
"You act like I know." Ginny shot. "Deal with it." She added, and walked away.
Fred scoffed and put the chain in his pockets.
"Why do you need that?" George asked.
"Oh I'm just working on a project." Fred replied.
"Oh okay." George replied.
Fred glanced over at Lee who was looking at the Ravenclaw table.
"Lee!" Fred shot.
Lee jumped and quickly looked at Fred.
"Hi." Lee spoke.
"What were you looking at?" Fred asked.
"Nothing I guess I just zoned out." Lee explained.
Fred nodded and looked at George.
"I'll see you later." Fred advised.
"Where are you going?" George asked.
"No where you won't even notice I'm gone." Fred exclaimed.
Then he ran outside and headed to the benches. Where he would meet Ellie. Which is the reason he was there. To meet Ellie.
He sat down and quickly put the hummingbird pendant on the necklace chain.
Then he saw Ellie.
"Hey." She greeted him.
"Hey." He responded.
"Why did you want to meet me?" She asked.
"Well I found something of yours, well a piece so I made it even better." Fred explained. Then he handed her the necklace.
Ellie smiled at him.
"Oh wow, where did you find it?" Ellie asked him.
"Do you not like it? I mean if you don't I understand-." Fred rambled, but Ellie cut him off.
"No it's nice I like it." Ellie told him.
"Really? I mean it's not the best but I thought you would want it and I couldn't find the pin." Fred exclaimed.
"Thanks Freddie." Ellie teased.
"Don't call me that." He shot.
"Again like I've said before you called me pigtails." Ellie replied.
"Fine." He replied.
She smiled at him.
"I should probably go." Ellie advised.
Fred looked at her.
"Wait!" He said, then he grabbed the necklace and put it on her.
"Bye Elle." He spoke.
She smiled as she looked up at him.
"Bye Freddie." She teased, Fred rolled his eyes in a playful way and Ellie left.
Then he saw her leave and started heading to his own class. He smiled thinking of the smile that was on her face when she saw the necklace.
() () ()
"COME on I don't deserve detention because of that." Cedric spoke.
"Cedric, you accidentally dropped a toad on his foot." Ellie advised.
"Well next time I see Professor Flitwick I'll apologize." Cedric huffed.
Ellie just raised her eyebrow at him.
Cedric looked at her for a moment.
"Where did you get that necklace?" He asked her.
"Oh um a friend." She replied, Cedric nodded and then started his charms work.
"Do you think if I hand in my work early then I won't have to do detention?" Cedric queried.
"Don't be stupid." Ellie shot.
Cedric just rolled his eyes and grabbed his stuff.
"I have to go ask Professor Flitwick then. I'll see you later Ellie." Cedric exclaimed, then he patted her back and left.
Ellie just sat there for a moment and then George Weasley sat down next to her.
"George what are you doing?" Ellie asked.
"Saving you." George shot, then pointed towards Theodore Nott who went to sit at an empty table. "I don't care what Fred said, that guys a creep." George ranted.
"Well thanks for saving me, I suppose." Ellie replied.
George looked over and gave Theo a glare.
"Really?" Ellie queried.
"What, like I said I really don't care what Fred says about him supposedly being a decent guy. I don't trust him." George shot.
"I'm not saying anything." Ellie said, and got back to her book. George just stared at her with a look.
"I know we aren't necessarily best mates but I'm telling you I don't have a good feeling about this guy." George advised, and looked serious. Which shocked her.
"What do you want me to say to that?" Ellie asked.
"Nothing, I just think he's bad. I mean especially since I know he fancies you." George rambled, then looked at her.
"What does him fancying me have to do with this?" She asked.
"Nothing! It's just-." Then he stopped talking and Fred walked over.
"Hey thought I'd save you from my brother." Fred told her, then looked at George.
Ellie just smiled at him.
George looked at the two and he got up.
"Well I guess it's obvious Fred wants me gone." George shot. "See you Smith." He added. Then he left.
"Sorry if my brother was bothering you." Fred apologized, and then leaned in his chair.
Ellie gave him a look, judging his posture.
"It's fine." She replied. Fred looked at her and smirked.
"You are so judging me for the way I'm sitting aren't you?" Fred queried, the smirk still on his face.
"Possibly." Ellie replied, with a small smile.
"Hey so I've been meaning to ask you something." Fred advised.
"What I was saying when I was judging you?" Ellie teased.
"No. Do you want to go to a Gryffindor party?" Fred asked.
"I think we both know the answer to that." Ellie spoke.
"Come on. I'll let you bring friends. Plus I heard your siblings are going to be there. Even Diggory is going." Fred exclaimed.
"Fine. Even Slytherins?" Ellie queried.
"Only the two. What were their names again Daphne and Blaise?" Fred questioned.
"That would be them." Ellie replied.
Fred quickly got up.
"Let's go." He spoke.
"What?" Ellie asked.
"How long have you been in here? It's time for dinner." He reminded her.
"Oh, I guess I lost track of time." She replied softly.
He smiled at her and they headed to the great hall.
"So the party's tomorrow at seven thought I'd give you a heads up." Fred spoke.
"I'd have to leave early. I want to catch up on some reading." Ellie explained.
"You have the weekend just for that." He replied.
She glared at him for a moment.
"Fine. I'll stay for a little bit." She advised.
"Great! Come by at 6:30 though, I mean if you want to find a seat." Fred told her.
"I'll make sure to do that." She replied.
Then the two parted ways, and Ellie sat down.
() () ()
"LUNA I don't think that'd be possible." Blaise told the second year.
Ellie was watching the two talk about something when Daphne poked her.
"So me and Blaise will be the only Slytherins at the party?" She asked.
"Probably, Jake Baker may come by though." Ellie explained.
They were in the Ravenclaw common room waiting for Brandon and Rosie.
"We should get going." Ellie spoke.
"What about your other friends?" Blaise asked.
"Oh their going with Cedric Diggory and my siblings are going to leave soon." Ellie explained. Then turned to Luna. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Ellie asked.
"I'll be fine thank you." Luna said, then pulled a blanket over herself. "Besides I've always wanted to be in the common room alone." She added.
She smiled at Luna and the three headed to the Gryffindor common room.
"Do you know the password?" Daphne asked. Blaise smirked for a moment.
He muttered something and the portrait swung open. Ellie looked at him.
"I overheard first years saying it earlier." He advised.
Then the three walked in and saw that the Gryffindor common room was crowded.
Ellie saw Cedric and Chase and they walked up to the three.
"Hey!" Cedric greeted. Chase followed quickly.
"I just talked to a girl!" Chase shot, excitedly.
"Really? Was she invisible?" Daphne queried.
Chase glared at her and Cedric chuckled.
"I wouldn't say he talked to one. More like he stuttered a lot." Cedric explained.
Daphne chuckled and Chase blushed.
"I still talked to one." Chase muttered.
Cedric chuckled and ruffled Chase's hair.
"Where's Jane?" Ellie asked.
"I don't know. I think she ran off somewhere." Chase advised.
Percy Weasley quickly stormed over.
"Third years?" He questioned.
Ellie nodded.
He pursed his lips for a moment.
"Okay, well I hope you know your curfew." He spoke, then stormed off.
"He has issues." Blaise whispered.
Ellie chuckled at him.
"This common room seems very cozy." Daphne said.
"Well not everyone has a dungeon as a common room." Ellie told her.
Daphne rolled her eyes at her.
"You suck." She muttered.
"Thank you." Ellie replied.
Blaise looked around and whispered something into Daphne's ear.
Daphne looked at Ellie.
"Could you get me some punch?" Daphne asked.
"Get it yourself." Ellie shot.
"Please Ellie." Daphne begged.
Ellie sighed for a moment.
"Fine. I'll be right back." Ellie spoke.
Then she walked over to a table with food.
"There's no punch." Ellie muttered.
"Elle." Fred Weasley called out.
Ellie looked over at Fred and smiled.
"Hey." Ellie spoke.
"I didn't think you'd come." Fred advised.
Ellie smiled at him.
"Well I guess I decided to come after all." She replied.
Then the two stared at each other keeping eye contact.
"So um, there's no punch right. Daphne was just being weird right?" Ellie queried.
Fred chuckled.
"There's none. Well there was but apparently Percy caught seventh years spiking it." Fred explained.
"Of course." Ellie spoke.
Fred smiled at her.
"Well there's food here if you want any." Fred advised.
Ellie looked over at the food and she felt overwhelmed. Just by looking at it.
"No I think I'm good." She told him.
He smiled at her.
"Oh I saw your brother, he came but he left quickly he seemed upset." Fred told her.
"Thanks. I'll check on him later." Ellie spoke.
Fred looked at her again.
"Are you okay? You look kind of pale?" Fred asked.
"Oh I'm just tired." Ellie replied.
Fred smiled at her.
"You should probably be getting more sleep. You're always tired." He told her.
"Yeah probably." She replied.
She felt weird almost as if she wanted him to notice. Even though she didn't want anyone to know.
"I think I'm going to find Brandon." Ellie told him.
"Do you want help?" Fred asked her.
"No, I'm good. However that means that I should probably leave." Ellie spoke with a smile.
Fred playfully rolled her eyes.
"Go. Find your brother. It was a shocker that you even came in the first place." Fred said, giving her a genuine smile.
"Bye Freddie." She spoke. Giving him back the genuine smile.
"Bye Elle." He replied.
Ellie quickly started to head to the door but Cedric stopped her.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asked.
"To go find Brandon. Have you seen him?" Ellie asked.
"No sorry I haven't but I'll let you know okay." Cedric advised.
Ellie nodded and quickly left.
She ran to the Ravenclaw common room.
The portrait looked at her.
"You look stressed." The portrait spoke.
"Yes I am." Ellie replied.
He looked around and smiled at her and swung the portrait open.
"It'll be our little secret." He whispered.
Ellie smiled and quickly walked in.
She saw Luna and Brandon sitting down. Brandon looked like he was crying and Luna was comforting him.
"Brandon." Ellie said.
Brandon looked up at Ellie.
"Hi." He muttered.
"I'll let you two talk. I still have your offer for the tea I can give you." Luna spoke softly.
"It's ok Luna I'm fine." Brandon replied.
Luna nodded and quickly left.
Ellie sat down next to Brandon.
"What's wrong?" Ellie asked.
Brandon looked at her for a second.
"I'm in love with Lee." He admitted.
Ellie smiled at him.
"Okay. What's wrong?" Ellie queried.
"I doubt he'd feel the same." Brandon spoke. Ellie looked at him. "I don't even think he likes boys! Ellie, I'm pretty sure he's straight and if I tell him it'll definitely weird him out." He explained.
Ellie gave him a look.
"Well what if someone found out if he liked boys. Would you tell him?" Ellie asked.
"No. I don't want it to ruin my friendship with him." Brandon explained.
Ellie just smiled and hugged him.
"It'll be okay." Ellie assured.
Brandon smiled at her.
Ellie sat there for a moment.
She sat there until Brandon fell asleep and then Rosie walked in looking distressed.
Ellie stood up and walked over to her.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Not here." Rosie exclaimed, then she brought Ellie to the dorms.
"Rosie what happened?" Ellie questioned. Concerned for Rosie.
Rosie sighed and Ellie could tell she was holding back tears.
"Jake and I broke up." She said.
() () ()
"WHAT! That is bloody insane." Fred shot, leaving the divination room.
"I mean we are going to talk more about soulmates soon. Maybe we could end up finding out who our soulmates are." George exclaimed.
"Just stop with the rubbish." Fred spoke.
"Okay fine." George muttered.
Lee walked towards them.
"Hey Lee." Fred spoke.
"Hi." Lee said softly.
"What's up with you?" George queried.
"Just tired." Lee quickly spoke.
Fred scoffed.
"What is it with people not sleeping enough?" Fred questioned.
Lee left and George hit Fred's head.
"Ow! What was that for?" He asked.
"You're so oblivious." George scoffed, and he quickly left.
"What did I do?" Fred muttered.
() () ()
"STOP being a coward Chase." Jane shot.
"I'm not being a coward. I'm being practical. There's no way you would be able to do that." Chase exclaimed.
"Ellie help me out here." Jane said.
"I can't because he's right. There is no way you would be able to be Snape's favorite. He only likes Slytherins." Ellie told her.
"I suppose your right." Jane sighed.
Ellie chuckled and the three walked to the quidditch field.
"Why are you even bringing me? I mean I hate quidditch." Ellie spoke.
"Cedric wanted you guys to come." Chase answered.
Ellie and Jane sat down while they watched the Hufflepuff team practice.
"Ellie." Jane said.
"Yeah." Ellie replied.
"Do you think soulmates are real?" Jane asked.
"I don't know. Why are you asking?" Ellie queried.
"Well today in divination I got my tea leaves read. It said I already found mine." Jane exclaimed.
"You know I don't really believe in divination." Ellie told her.
"Yeah but soulmates aren't mostly divination speaking." Jane spoke with a smirk.
Ellie chuckled.
"Well I do think soulmates are real but even if they are I'm not going to wait for someone. I want them to come to me." Ellie explained.
Jane looked at her.
"Aren't you just scared you won't find them?" Jane asked.
"Well I don't really mind if I don't find them. I just want to live my life." Ellie explained.

a/n: if you are going through the same thing ellie is going through, seek help IMMEDIATELY.
also sorry i haven't updated i had writers block

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