For What It's Worth

By frankiekate

253K 6.4K 2.2K

Escaping a toxic relationship, Isabelle Dunn endeavors to find herself a new life. Some how, she finds hersel... More

For What It's Worth
Chapter One : New Beginnings
Chapter Two : When It Rains, It Pours
Chapter Three : Split Ends
Chapter Four: We Are Not Friends
Chapter Five : Square One
Chapter Six : Dreamcatcher
Chapter Seven : What Goes Around
Chapter Eight : Kiss Me Quick
Chapter Nine : Good Friends
Chapter Ten : Sisters, Secrets and Stargazing
Chapter Eleven : Fantasy
Chapter Twelve : Hopelessly Devoted
Chapter Thirteen : Sweet Suffocation
Chapter Fourteen : It Comes In Waves
Chapter Fifteen : Quick Fix
Chapter Sixteen : Baby Steps
Chapter Seventeen : Deep Dive
Chapter Eighteen : Temptation
Chapter Nineteen : Tequila
Chapter Twenty : Safe
Chapter Twenty One : Toxic
Chapter Twenty Two : Mom's The Word
Chapter Twenty Three : Strike
Chapter Twenty Four: Feelings Taking Flight
Chapter Twenty Six : Skeletons In The Closet
Chapter Twenty Seven : She Used To Be Mine
Chapter Twenty Eight : Falling
Chapter Twenty Nine : Intoxicated
Chapter Thirty : Birthday Suit
Chapter Thirty One : The Calm Before
Chapter Thirty Two : Code Blue
Chapter Thirty Three : All While I'm Asleep
Chapter Thirty Four : Ghost
Chapter Thirty Five : Escape Room
Chapter Thirty Six : Achingly
Chapter Thirty Seven : Lovesick
Chapter Thirty Eight : Yours And Mine
Chapter Thirty Nine : The Storm
Chapter Forty : Thin Ice
Chapter Forty One : Nightmare Before Christmas
Chapter Forty Two : Ammunition
Chapter Forty Three : Always
Chapter Forty Four : Everything

Chapter Twenty Five: I Do

5K 133 28
By frankiekate

i do


I wake up at my 12oclock alarm and the first on my mind is food. My stomach is growling, starving hungry. Instantly, I order room service for breakfast. While I wait for that to arrive, I set out everything I need to get ready. I scoff down my eggs, bacon and bread before jumping into the shower. By the time I'm out and dry it's 12:45. I start changing into my white shirt and grey pants when there's a knock at the door.

"Are you ready yet?" As soon as I open it Mom busts through.

"Good morning to you too." I return. She's wearing a dark red dress that fronts across her shoulders, showing off her tanned, freckled skin of her collarbones. Her blonde highlighted hair has been straightened past her shoulders.

"Thomas, you are notorious for being late." She puts her hands on her hips. "Get your suit on so I can have a look." She orders. I do as I'm told, fitting myself into the grey jacket that matches my pants. I pull it around in the mirror, looking at myself.

"With or without a tie?" I grab it off the side, holding up at my collar. Mom screws her face up, thinking as I take it away and put it back again.

"Without." She nods. I spin around to face her and she adjusts my lapel. "All grown up." She sighs and then places her hand on my cheek.

"Are you okay?" She puts on a smile but the twinkle is missing from her eyes.

"Yeah." She replies confidently but even then I don't fully believe her. "Come on then."

I help Mom downstairs in her high heels until we get to the hall that's been decorated. Rows of white chairs fill up on two sides of the room. Golden fairy lights and fake green vines swinging across the ceiling. The alter has white mesh cloths hanging behind it, potted plants on the side. The place looks absolutely stunning despite it being packed with lots of people we don't know or don't like. Even though it's unspoken between us, we both steer clear of Casey's family.

"Oh. I got you a date today so you don't have to be alone during the party." Mom explains, patting my shoulder.

"Seriously?" I grumble. "Mom, why would you do that? I don't need a date."

"Darling, just meet her. She's really nice. You'll sit next to her during the meal and then you can have a few dances later on."

"I don't dance." I grumble. We stop beside the row where we're going to be sitting. "Where's Amanda?"

"She's on her way, I think." I observe the room, spotting Dad chatting to Pete who is his best friend. It will be the second time Pete's been my Dad's first man. Dad, in his smart black tux, looks over and notices myself and Mom. I watch him as he says something to Pete and he strides over.

"Sherri. Hi." He approaches us and she politely kisses his cheek.

"Hi darling. How are you?"

"I'm well. How are you?" Dad rubs his hands together.

"I'm doing great, thank you." She answers. This exchange is so unbelievably awkward you could cut the tension with a knife. A few uneasy eyes settle of the conversation from the other side of the hall.

"My boy. Don't you look all grown up." He turns to me with a grin.

"Right, that's what I said." He pats my shoulder and I give him a short smile.

"I need to go and check in with a few other people but I'm glad you could both make it." He goes to move away but he stops himself before turning back. "Sherri, you look wonderful." He adds.

"I know." She returns. I bite down to stop myself from smugly smiling at her comment.

"See you later." I usher him away and thankfully he goes.

"Ah there's Amanda." Sherri gestures.

I look over my shoulder, seeing Amanda walking up the isle with Rex on her hip. Her light brown waves fall over one side of her head. They're both matching in navy colored clothing. She spots us and points out to show Rex who begins waving wildly. I wave back but my grin soon fades. As she gains on us, she moves over which opens the view up behind them.

I falter and look on past Rex, where a girl in a long grey dress with a floral design is making her own way up the aisle. Her dark hair is tied back into a low bun with loose strands falling purposefully over her pretty face.

I instantly light up when her beautiful brown eyes find me.

"There's your date." Mom whispers from my side. My cheeks hurt with the amount I'm grinning.

"Hi guys. I'll be right back." I say to Rex and Amanda as they join us. They step aside to let me pass and I start advancing towards Isabelle who is still smiling. I feel like running over so I don't have to wait for the several seconds to pass until I can hold her.

"Oh my god." I hug her tightly, embracing into her vanilla scent. "What are you doing here?" I lay my hands on both of her cheeks.

"Your Mom flew me out. I got here yesterday afternoon." She beams.

"So when I called you...?" I trail off.

"I was already here." The both of us laugh.

"Oh my god." I stroke my thumb over her soft glowing skin. Her eyes are framed with natural brown shimmers and long eyelashes. "You look beautiful." She smiles up at me and I lean down to give her a kiss.

"You look great." She strokes over my suit. Her hands on my body feel incredible.

There's no words to describe how much I've been craving her kisses and her touch on me even though it's been just over twenty four hours since I last saw her. I take her hand in mine and we regroup back with the others who have been staring at us the whole time.

"I can't believe you did this without me knowing." I shake my head at all of them.

"Well it was a surprise." Amanda smiles.

"Consider me very surprised." I pull her into my side. "Look how handsome you look Rex, just like you're Uncle." I tickle underneath his chin and he wriggles around. We notice everyone beginning to fill into their seats so we sit down.

Amanda, Rex and Sherri sit in front while myself and Isabelle sit directly behind them. Music starts playing as the men at the front take their places.

"I can't believe you're here." I whisper, taking her hand into my lap.

"Are you pleased?" I lean over and give her another short kiss. I would give absolutely anything to kiss her exactly the way I want to right now but we're not in the right place for that.

"Yeah. I'm over the moon." I beam.

The music swells and people stand as the doors as the back of the room open and Casey enters. She walks up the aisle with her father, in a long white dress and a veil that covers her face. She looks nice but is nothing compared to the photos of Mom on her wedding day. Eventually, Casey reaches Dad at the alter who is gleaming at her. They take each other's hands and the ceremony begins. Isabelle leans forward and lowers her voice until it's almost inaudible.

"We still don't like her right?"

"Right." Amanda responds and Isabelle leans back in her seat, watching the rest.

During their vows, Dad talks about how much he adores Casey and how excited he is for the rest of their journey together. Isabelle drops her head on my shoulder and I gently squeeze her hand as we listen.



We filter through into a different room for the meal. There are two long tables set up in front of the head table. All three of them are set up with flowers, candles, cutlery and white cloths that hang over the edges. Everything looks so fancy and I have never felt like I've fitted in less. I'm definitely not used to this kind of lavish luxury.

Thomas tucks my chair in before he sits on the one beside me. The others all fill in and I look forward to see who ever Thomas has launched into conversation with. It's Elliot.

"Hey. You're Thomas' girlfriend, right?" The girl next to Elliot leans over the table to ask me. She's dazzles me with a white flash of a smile. Her olive skin is complimented in her dark green strapped dress.

"Erm, we aren't boyfriend or girlfriend. But I'm Isabelle." I introduce myself, awkwardly.

"Oh sorry. I'm Lexie, Elliot's girlfriend. He obviously got ahead of himself when he was telling me about you."

"Good things I hope." I chuckle.

"Yes of course!" She exclaims.

"So how did you two meet?" I question, gesturing to her and Elliot.

"It's a funny story actually. I went on a double date with my friend. She was dating Elliot and I was supposed to be dating his friend but it was instant between us, there were fireworks across the table. We felt awful for the other two but it was amazing."

"Wow. That's crazy." I laugh with my hand over my mouth. We're interrupted by the sound of glass being rung.

"Hello everyone." Thomas' father clears his throat standing up. "I would like to quickly thank everyone for coming and making today a truly special day. A few words will be spoken between meals but as of now – let's eat."

He sits down and on cue, staff bring in trays of food and begin serving it out onto the tables. Thomas shuffles up close to me as everyone bursts into conversation. Throughout the meal, I feel his stare falling on me to watch as I tell stories or listen to everyone else. I narrow my eyes at him when I catch him out and he smiles. Lifting my fork, I offer him a mouthful of my dish which he gladly takes.

During the speeches between the main course and dessert, we twist our bodies around to watch and I lean myself back into his body. He rubs his hand on my leg underneath the table. He's not stopped smiling at me since we were reunited.

He looks so handsome in his suit and seems happy despite his initial dread towards this day. The fact that his Mom invited me out today and his reaction to me arriving, has really solidified my feelings for him now.

The thought is quite daunting.

I push it to the side as an obnoxiously large cake gets brought out. It has four tiers, each decorated with little pink flowers and ribbons. The top has tiny figures of Thomas' Dad and his now wife.

"Stupid cake." Thomas mutters to himself and I shake my head at him. They cut into it and everyone claps before slices are handed out and we get to try it. He twists a bit of it on a fork before popping it into his mouth as I do the same.

"Stupid cake tastes nice, huh?" I tease, bumping my shoulder into him. He lets out a light chuckle and continues to eat his slice even though he's trying his hardest not to like it.

"I cannot wait for the party tonight." Amanda wriggles around excitedly. "It'll be so good just to be able to have some fun."

"I agree." Sherri smiles. "I'm glad we're all here. Together." Thomas lifts his glass of champagne, as does everyone.

"Together." We all cheers. He takes a sip of his drink, giving me a little wink.


The group of us take a quick walk around the grounds while the sun is setting, to burn off our meal, killing time before the after party properly starts. We play a few games of hide and seek with Rex where we all count and he hides behind the trunk of the nearest tree and we spend a minute pretending we can't see him.

I love seeing Thomas with Rex. Their interaction is adorable and it only makes him more attractive which at this point should be impossible.


We walk hand in hand back inside the venue, finding our way back through the building until we reach the large hall that's been decorated to the max.

There are round white clothed tables dotted around the edge of the room. The dance floor is filled with white and purple spotlights floating around. There's a long balcony, packed with bouquets of white and pink flowers, that's overlooking the room. People are mingling stood up and sat around a few tables. Staff are circling underneath a pair of grand chandeliers, holding trays of glasses of champagne and different nibbles. There's a miniature orchestra in the corner of the room, playing mellow background music.

"Wow." I whisper in amazement. The place looks phenomenal, it's like something you'd see in a movie. Sherri offers to take Rex to the restroom so Amanda can get herself something to drink.

Elliot and Lexie lead the way over to a free table for us all to sit around but on the way myself and Thomas get halted at the sight of Thomas' Dad and Casey swerving into our path.

"Ah, Tommy. I've been meaning to catch you." His Dad's eyes light up. He is a handsome man for his age which makes a lot of sense for Amanda and Thomas' gene pool.

His wife, Casey, is a young brunette, probably around thirty years old, who has a long face that's been carved out and highlighted with a bit of makeup. She's looks a little tense, linking an arm around Thomas's Dad, still trying to have a pleasant smile of her face.

She seems nice enough, I would say sensible but I don't think I could say that about a woman who went after a married man.

"I thought maybe we could have a little chat about my business plan if you've got a free minute." He proposes.

"No. I don't." Thomas responds, firmly. "I don't think you should be talking about business on your wedding day."

"Right. Yes. You're probably right." His Dad returns with an awkward laugh. It's like he has no idea how to talk to Thomas which I guess is spot on because Thomas is being a literal brick wall. "So son-." His grip on my hand tightens out of instant anger. "Who is this?" He gestures to me, the couple both looking at me for the first time in this conversation.

"This is Isabelle." Thomas voice drops into a smoother, more gentle tone.

"Hi Isabelle, it's nice to meet you." He offers me his hand which I politely take. "I'm Thomas' Dad, Asher."

"I figured, being it your wedding and all." Luckily Casey and Asher find that amusing enough to give me a chuckle. "It was a lovely ceremony."

"Thank you." Casey twinkles at me, wrapping herself further around Asher's arm.

"Enjoying the night, Tom?" Asher looks back up to him.

"I was." He returns sharply. There's a moment of silence, where his frosty words ice over.

This is so fucking awkward.

No one knows where to look or what to say. We stand face to face with one another for a few more moments before Casey speaks.

"Oh babe. I've just seen Monica. We should check in about the photos." She tugs at his arm, urging him away.

"Sorry guys. We'll see you later." With a little wave, the pair of them disappear.

"Thank god for that." He murmurs before slumping back in a seat around our chosen table. His face is stern and moody. I quietly place myself beside him, unsure what to say to make him feel better.

If I ask him if he's alright he'll tell me he's fine, which he isn't. And there's no point trying to talk about why he's pissed off because the answer is obvious. Sherri, Amanda and Rex return and we all spend the next hour, eating, drinking and watching everyone else mingling and dancing. We all take turns in entertaining Rex who is playing with a toy car along the table.

My eyes often skate over to Thomas who looks more and more miserable being here by the minute. I sigh, cupping my face in my hand with my elbow propped on the edge of the chair.

When it's time for the couple's first dance, Thomas mumbles and grumbles to himself. Even Sherri seems to be enjoying herself more then him, though she has gotten through a few glasses of champagne already. Asher and Casey slowly spin around in the middle of the dance floor to a soft, romantic song that's being performed by a live band and singers. They hold each other fondly but everyone glances away when they share a brief kiss.

Eventually, the song changes and other couples start to fill in the space. I gather my dress in my hands as I move to stand in front of a miserable Thomas who has his arms crossed, shielding his chest.

"Thomas King. It's time to dance." I offer my hand out to him.

"I don't dance." He looks at my hand, almost repulsed. He still manages to look hot with his dark brows furrowed and his jawline sharpened.

"You do tonight." I put my foot down. "Finish that champagne and dance with me." He shakes his head. "Come onnnn?"

"No." He fires back inflexibly. I wait for a moment, my cheeks sucked in, waiting to see if he'll change his mind.

"Fine." I give up. "Want to dance Rex?"

"Great idea!" Amanda passes him off to me, taking another glug of her drink happily. I smile, taking him to an open space.

He stands at my feet and we wriggle around, being stupid and silly together. I sing the words to him and we jump up and down to the music. I take his tiny hands in mine, twisting around and shuffling my feet.

"Now we've got a few songs for all the lovers out there. The floor is yours tonight." Someone down the microphone says.

The music slows and I scoop Rex up, placing him on my hip. I rotate in a small circle as he clings onto me warmly. I rest my cheek on his golden head, closing my eyes and basking in the moment. He nuzzles himself into me, beginning to get tired.

We're interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I spin around to see Thomas and Amanda stood behind us.

"May I cut in?" He tickles underneath Rex's chin, handing him over to Amanda who wraps him up in her arms and starts slow dancing with him. Thomas straightens in front of me and I cock my head to the side.

"I thought you don't dance." I raise my eyebrows.

"This is hardly dancing." He puts his hands on my waist and tugs me forward until I'm flush against him. "And you are the only expectation." I smile, running my hands over the material of his shirt before looping them around his shoulders. "I'm so glad you're here."

"So am I." I lift my toes a little to give him a long, slow peck. His fingers dig into my sides, holding me there. I feel his hand start travelling down to get a handful of my ass but I yank it back up.

"All your family are here." I hush.

"I don't care." He whispers, brushing his nose against mine. We both chuckle and then I rest my head into the rich scent of his chest.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." I shut my eyes, concentrating on us holding onto each other as we sway around in a slow circle. My fingers swirl into the hair just above the back of his neck as he draws me in even tighter.

My eyes are opened with an unexpected flash. I wince, peeling them open to see Sherri holding her phone up with her knees bent down, taking a photo of us.

"Sorry guys. It was too adorable not to." Thomas' laugh vibrates against me and I smile at her. She leaves us alone and I draw back, looking up at his handsome face.

"I don't think I've ever told you how much I like you in a suit." I compliment him. He smirks.

"What about not in a suit? What about in nothing?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You really can be insufferable sometimes." I joke and he angles his head back with a laugh. He takes my hand and spins it around my head for me to follow. He catches me back in his arms and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"How about we get another drink?" He extends me his hand and I take it, satisfied with the dance he's reluctantly but kindly given me.

Soon we're sat back at the table with Amanda, Rex, Elliot and Lexie. Sherri has been going off, chatting to old friends she used to have when she was with Asher. We've all had a few more drinks since our dance.

Rex is falling asleep, his eyes opening and closing. His head keeps dropping forwards which only wakes him up again. We sit around watching, cracking up every time it happens.

"Right, looks like it's time to get you to bed muffin." Amanda strokes his head. "Goodnight everyone." We wave her off. Elliot and Lexie are both drunkenly giggling about something on the other side of the table so I scoot myself around to look at Thomas.

He's undone a few of his shirt buttons, his jacket hanging open. The fading purple spotlights carve out his face, his green eyes gazing around the room. His hair is styled back off of his face. His cheekbones are strong, his skin smooth and flawless in the dim lights.

He looks so fucking good right now.

I move my chair closer to him until I'm basically between his open legs. My hands land on his thighs and I lean forwards to kiss him.

"What was that for?" He questions.

"You're so hot." I answer, keeping my voice low and smooth.

"Are you drunk?" He quizzes, looking surprised. I'm not drunk. I'm a little tipsy but not tipsy enough to not know what I'm saying or doing.

"No." I shake my head. He narrows his eyes at me. "You want to get out of here?" I bite down on my lip. He raises his eyebrows and then laughs. I search his eyes and his face drops, realising I'm being serious.

"Yeah. Yes. I do." He nods profusely. He hops up, taking my hand. "Night guys."

"Night!" Elliot and Lexie say.

We rush out of the hall, heading to the nearest elevator. I feel like I'm a teenage school girl again, racing around and up to no good. As soon as we step inside the confined space, we're instantly on each other.

He presses me up against the walls, lifting my hands up above my head. Our mouths are desperately attached to one another's. I hitch my leg up around his hips, letting him have me however he wants me.

The doors ding open on his floor and we flood out past people who are waiting on the other side. He takes my hand, laughing down the hall. He swipes his card and the door creaks open.

We fumble through into the room carelessly, our lips melding together in a frantic heat. I remove his suit jacket, flicking my shoes off at the same time. He falls back on the end of the bed, kicking his pants off. I slide my dress down and he runs his large hands along my slight curves, admiring my body.

"So beautiful." He whispers as he plants kisses between my bare chest and down my stomach. I straddle myself over his lap, pushing him down against the mattress.

I take off his white shirt, replacing each button with a kiss along is torso. With all his strength, he swaps us around, playfully chucking me further up the bed. I lay back in the pillows as he crawls over my body.

His lips find mine again, the faint taste of champagne lingering on his tongue. I hold his face in my hands, kissing him back.

"Let me feel you" I sigh, between his mouth.

"I'm right here." He dips his face down into the crook of my neck. I tingle underneath his lips.

"I want to feel you. All of you." He moves his head back, surprised. He caresses the side of my face, both of us gazing at each other, our eyes clouded with lust.

There's nothing I want more than this.

For a fleeting, frantic moment, I crash my mouth against his, my hand bringing the back of his head down. His hands hold onto me anywhere he can as I twist the locks of his hair in between my fingers. My thighs are tightly pressed together, containing the excitement that's coursing through me.

He begins to slither down me, hooking the band of my thong, toying it down my legs. He licks, kisses and nibbles his way back up my body. He moves along my inner thigh, his fingers teasing me there. His mouth joins in and my back arches. I hold him there, writhing in the feeling of his against me.

Need is a serious, screaming demand in my stomach.

Desperately, he sits up, leaving me cold as he reaches into his wallet to find a condom. He rolls it on while I adjust myself in between the pillows. He falls over me, forehead to forehead.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders, staring up at him. We both let out a set of playful giggles, nervous and excited and dying with anticipation. He lets out a tense breath.

"I want you so badly." He utters, his jaw flexing.

"I'm yours." I return, so unbelievably turned on. I've never been more ready, never been more desperate for anything in my life.

A breathy moan escapes my mouth. His first thrust is so agonizingly slow, it's torture. He knows exactly what he's doing to me and he loves it, a knowing smirk etched on his face. He's taking as much pleasure in it as I'm feeling which should be physically impossible.

I catch him, biting his bottom lip. My fingers harden into his back, urging him to go deeper and faster. He pins my wrists to the bed, sliding his hands between mine.

"You feel so fucking good." He speaks between kisses on my neck.

I try to move to touch him but he keeps my hands firmly where they are. Our bodies fit together like they were always meant to be. He continues his cruel tease, only giving a shallow, relentless, excruciating taste of the pleasure my whole body is begging for.

Gradually and on his own terms, he increases his speed despite my impatience. I feel like I'm being swallowed by a burning hot tornado, his hunger matching mine. A blazing fire is sparking in the pit of my stomach.

I moan out as he rolls his hips into me, so hard and big that I feel full. I grip his back that's slick with sweat, feeling every muscle work as he steadily picks up his pace. Each thrust becomes almost more pleasure than I can bear.

Sweet, scorching desperation drives us faster, stronger, deeper as the only thing we want is each other. I'm lost in every single sense.

"Holy shit, Is." He groans. I reach down, touching myself as he grows against me. I hum, the ache in my chest killing me.

It drives him mad. It drives me mad. Both of us are driven to complete and utter madness. My head is spinning and my lungs are tight. He lowers his head down into the boiling skin of my shoulder.

The bed posts are slamming against the walls. I'm sighing his name, uncontrollably moaning, neither of us caring that people next door or outside might hear us.

They could fucking listen for all I care.

I squeeze my eyes shut. He ties my trembling legs around his waist as he thrusts deeper than imaginable. I cry out, clinging onto him until everything around me explodes into a burst of light.

He muffles me with a series of kisses and when I expect him to finish, he keeps going until it happens again and again and again.


My exhausted eyes peel open at the sound of my alarm. I quickly turn it off, sitting my naked body up. I glance over at Thomas who is fast asleep on his front with his arms bent around his head. The sheets cover his hips and downwards, exposing his bare, tanned back to me.

My whole body aches from last night, but it's not a painful ache, it's a tired one. I stretch my limbs out, with a long yawn.

Looking at him now peacefully sleeping, I'm glad I've finally given in. It's was the best decision that came at the most perfect time. I've never felt so good or certain about anything in my life before. I know that now, sleeping in the same bed next to him will never be the same again.

The line has been well and truly crossed. And thank god it has now.

I have an early flight and I don't want to wake him because he needs the rest. I watch over him fondly before sliding myself out of bed, silently changing and organizing myself a car. I stop at the door to take one last look at him before heading downstairs.

I stand in the elevator, my head resting against the walls, my eyes heavy. I step out to see busy staff members setting up breakfast. On my way out, I run into Asher who stops me.

"Ah Tommy's friend. Isabelle, isn't it?" He shifts his weight, giving me a overly friendly smile.

"Yeah it is." I nod, adjusting my bag over my shoulder.

"Is everything okay? Doing a runner on him?" He chuckles and my face remains still.

"Yes, everything is fine, I've got a flight to catch." I explain.

"You're not staying?" He turns his mouth down, wide-eyed.

"I'm afraid not, no." I smile, politely.

"That's a shame, though that might be for the best." He pats my shoulder. I shrug him off with a frown.

"Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow, feeling myself grow increasingly annoyed by his tone.

"Well, Casey and I were both thinking that it looked like you were finding it hard to... fit in here, with the rest of us." I would say I'm shocked at what he's saying but from what I've heard about what he's like, I'm not surprised. "It probably works out for the best this way. But I'd like to thank you for coming and I can see you make Tommy very happy."

"It's Thomas." I snap. "He doesn't like being called Tommy." I'm already sick of listening to this man that I don't hold back. "As a father, you'd think you'd know that, not that you've been much of one."

"You know nothing abou-." The kindness in his grey eyes empties and is replaced with a sharpness.

"I know enough." I straighten up. "And before you insult me again, I'd like to congratulate you on your marriage. I hope it lasts." I don't give him a single chance to say anything to me again, striding off outside.

I'm met with the cold air of the crisp morning, waving at the car that's here to collect me. I duck into the back of the car, looking out the window at the building.

We pull off and I let out a sigh, leaving Thomas behind.


- Frankie Kate

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